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The Zambian Government encourages crop production in the Gwembe Valley without taking into consideration the risks involved. These risks mainly originate from the stochastic nature of rainfall. This paper, therefore, identifies optimal cropping patterns in the Gwembe Valley by using Target MOTAD Model. The results of the Target MOTAD Model indicate an optimal cropping pattern of growing sorghum, rice and soyabeans. This is different from the existing cropping pattern of sorghum, sunflower, cotton and maize. The overall policy implication of adopting the cropping pattern obtained from the model solution is that some resources allocated to the production of current crops have to be reallocated to the production of new crops. Moreover, since people in the Gwembe Valley are used to growing of cotton, sunflower and maize, the adoption of the suggested new crops will entail the education of the people (through extension services) in the crop husbandry of these crops.  相似文献   

This paper applies MOTAD and CRP models to the farm set-aside decision and presents a framework for analysis which examines the influence of risk on the land-idling decision. The results suggest that set-aside payment at a rate of £180-£200 per hectare would be attractive only at relatively high levels of risk aversion on an East Anglian specialist cereal farm and with moderate risk aversion on a Northumberland mixed farm. However, at identical levels of risk aversion, the area set aside was greater on the East Anglian farm. A survey to ascertain farmers' risk: income weightings is suggested as a useful adjunct to this work.  相似文献   

农户农业生产的风险反应:以浙江为例的MOTAD模型分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以浙江王家村和大泖村的“典型农户”为例,基于MOTAD模型方法,对农户农业生产中的风险反应进行了实证分析。结果显示,目前,浙江农户在农业生产中对经营风险呈现出相当明显的反应,但不同的经营规模、种植制度、农业收入比重的农户对农业风险的反应程度具有一定的差异。农户的风险偏好不仅影响其生产项目的选择,而且也影响其生产规模。如果农户持风险偏好态度,在生产决策中将更倾向于选择高风险、高收益的生产项目。在风险水平较高的情况下,农户在农业生产中的资本投入优先于劳动力投入。对风险水平较低的生产项目,农户实行多样化经营策略,这样做虽然可以弱化农业经营风险,但也会导致收入降低。在综合考虑生产资源和风险因素的情况下,现有农户的农业生产结构具有进一步调整和优化的空间。  相似文献   

本文利用国际国内最新数据,根据世界银行收入分类法、联合国发展规划署人类发展指数法,钱纳里等人对工业化进程分析法,对兵团所处发展阶段做了分析,并与全国和新疆进行了比较。兵团经济处于下中等收入经济体水平和中上等人类发展水平,2011年将进入上中等收入经济体水平。从人均收入水平看,兵团2003年进入工业化初期阶段,2008年首次进入工业化中期阶段。从产业结构看,兵团尚处于初级产品生产阶段;从就业结构看,1985年以前兵团处于工业化前期,1990年以后进入了工业化初期阶段。总体上,从发展阶段看,显示出由工业化初期向工业化中期过渡的特征。  相似文献   

This study distinguishes two nonseparable agricultural household models for a self-employed farm household. One assumes heterogeneity of farm and nonfarm labor and a competitive market for nonfarm labor. The other assumes homogeneity of the two types of labor and a restricted market for nonfarm labor. We compare demand systems that are derived from them, which have different dependent variables and different numbers of equations. We apply a Cox-type test to compare these complicated nonnested systems. Results show clearly that the former is better for Japanese rice-farming households. Comparison of price elasticities for those models verifies the importance of that test.  相似文献   

苏浙两省农民收入增长方式的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过对苏浙两省农民收入差距和增长方式的分析比较 ,认为浙江领先的优势主要在于民营经济发展快。江苏要更快增加农民收入 ,需要进一步解放思想 ,改善发展环境 ,增强农民创业意识 ,培训农民 ,进一步调整农业产业结构。  相似文献   

This research segments male and female food shoppers based on store and product attribute evaluations, enjoyment, planning, and shopping responsibility. A rich profile for each segment is developed from a sample of 580 primary food shoppers. Gender comparisons are operationalized and these developed food shopper typologies are contrasted against earlier works. Factor analysis, cluster analysis, and ANOVA were employed to develop specific segments of shoppers. This is the first study to identify specific groups of male food shoppers and contrast these to traditional female shoppers and earlier typographical works. The research provides the basis for further cross-cultural, cross-contextual comparative studies.  相似文献   

A Comparison of Conjoint Analysis Response Formats   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A split-sample design is used to evaluate the convergent validity of three response formats used in conjoint analysis experiments. We investigate whether recoding rating data to rankings and choose-one formats, and recoding ranking data to choose one, result in structural models and welfare estimates that are statistically indistinguishable from estimates based on ranking or choose-one questions. Our results indicate that convergent validity of ratings, ranks, and choose one is not established. In addition, we find that people frequently use "ties" in responses to rating questions, and that the option not to choose any of the alternatives ("opt-out") affects some preference estimates.  相似文献   

能贯彻新机制关键要把握好先、接、跟的内涵.整装勘查的难点在于各方面利益关系链的协调和衔接.应当立专题规划新格局的蓝图,至少是:市场环境良好,法规体系健全;公商地质工作的主客体定位清晰准确,有效运行;保障体系健全,分工明确,各方面的利益协调有法可依,落到实处;有效解决历史遗留问题;矿业权市场、矿业资本市场体系建立健全等.贯彻新机制,实现358目标,矿业权管理配置是关键.以往我们对资源的重要性、战略性的认识不科学、不全面,至少还要考虑发展前景、可否替代以及纳入国际市场加以平衡等问题.地勘单位要在市场竞争中立得住,须加强自身建设,解决质量、人才、科技创新等瓶颈问题.  相似文献   

Van Kooten identifies what he considers four "major problems" with our paper. The first has to do in part with the discrepancy between WTP and WTAC. He suggests we misinterpreted Gordon and Knetsch with the sentence, "Economic theory suggests that these two values are estimates of consumer surplus and should be similar" which was taken out of context by Van Kooten. Our reference to Gordon and Knetsch followed the sentence, "Some have stated that this difference is due to an income effect but even this factor fails to provide for the vast difference in these measures (Gordon and Knetsch)." The message in the paragraph (p. 402–403) containing these two sentences is the following: In theory the two measures differ slightly because of differences in income or wealth effects. Yet large empirical differences have been observed and cannot be supported solely on the basis of income and wealth effects. We therefore must take strong exception to Van Kooten's statement that "… it is best to attribute most of the difference between WTP and WTAC to the income effect (Bockstael and McConnel 1 1980, p. 61)." One can find in the literature statements such as the following: "Further, the magnitude of the value at issue should rule out the income or wealth effect as being an adequate explanation of the observed variation between the two measures" (Knetsch and Sinden 1984; see also Bishop et al., 1984).  相似文献   

Rice has been identified as an important food security crop in Ghana. However, there is a production deficit and new technologies to reduce the deficit are not widely adopted. Although poor adoption by farmers’ is often linked to constraints such as access to information, farmers’ perceptions of the technologies are also important. We apply an advanced discrete choice experiment to evaluate farmers’ preferences for rice production practices. Specifically, we generate willingness to pay (WTP) estimates using willingness to pay space (WS) and compare these with values from the indirect or preference space (PS) method. Our modelling also accounts for the effects on WTP estimates of farmers’ stated attribute importance (SAI) information. Empirical results from WS and PS models reveal that on average, farmers value higher yields and are negatively affected by higher risk of crop failure and labour requirements. Comparing the performance of the two models, we find the WS model provides a superior fit to our data and reduces the likelihood of producing implausible WTP estimates. Further, SAI inclusion did not produce much variation in our WTP estimates.  相似文献   

农村土地“三权分置”政策目标实现的经济法路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:明确农村土地"三权分置"改革的政策目标,探究政策目标实现的国家(政府)干预的路径和方式。研究方法:运用政策文本分析法结合制度演进的进化博弈理论,归纳"三权分置"政策的目标;运用法经济学分析方法结合国家干预理论,分析国家(政府)干预的路径和方式。研究结果:农村土地"三权分置"改革政策目标具有阶段性、层次性和系统性特点。研究结论:国家(政府)应当以经济法干预理念,适时调整激励手段、激励策略、激励力度和激励方向,逐步实现"三权分置"的政策目标。  相似文献   

干飞 《中国国土资源经济》2012,25(7):28-30,41,55
在国外的矿业租税制度中,权利金是矿产资源生产权利的主要表现形式,在矿业税制的制定与实施中融入矿产资源勘查开采激励制度。我国矿业租税制度在演化过程中出现了异化,表现在资源税与地租理论的解释不符,矿产资源补偿费经济利益关系体现不到位,矿业权价格严重异化。推动资源税费制度改革,要理顺经济关系,同时协调推进资源税费制度改革。加快推进矿产资源补偿费制度改革,明确矿业权价款和使用费性质以及改革价款和使用费制度,建立资源超额租金税制度。  相似文献   

单纯的成本目标管理是以产品为核心,不能充分发挥人在生产过程中的主导作用.因此,必须建立以人本为核心的责任和成本双重体系.在成本方面形成时间和空间的全员、全过程控制.在责任方面做到自我控制,自我管理,逐步形成完善的管理机制.  相似文献   

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