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This paper analyzes the incidence of various tax changes using the intertemporal optimizing framework developed by Brock and Turnovsky. The model contains a reasonably complete specification of the corporate sector, in which firms have the choice of financial structure. It also allows for a range of government financial policies, although only one is considered in detail. Both the short-run and the long-run effects of changes in the personal income, capital gains, and corporate profit tax rates are analyzed. It is shown that the effects of tax changes (a) vary between the short and long run; (b) the effects of tax changes depend critically upon the financial structure adopted by forms; and (c) may also depend upon government financial policy.  相似文献   

Inflation distorts an economy through many channels. This paper highlights the interaction between inflation and capital gains tax and their distortions to a small open economy through the financial market. This research captures several observations. First, capital formation or investment is an important channel for consumption smoothing over the life cycles. Second, capital gains are taxed only when the gains are realized. Third, inflation introduces an upward bias in the calculation of tax base. Thus, a capital gains tax in the presence of inflation can have a significant welfare effect even though its contribution to the government revenue is relatively small. The quantitative analysis shows that high inflation alone can lower social welfare. This problem becomes more severe when capital gains tax is introduced in an inflationary economy. The implicit inflation tax can be more hazardous to the economy than the explicit counterpart.  相似文献   

This paper derives the shadow prices of labour and capital to be used in the public sector in a situation of unemployment. The setting considered is that of a three-good, two-period general equilibrium model. Then shadow prices are compared to their corresponding market prices and shown to closely depend on own and cross-elasticities of supply and demand for labour and investment. In the first part, a rigid wage rate is the sole source of distortion; then, a tax on capital income is introduced so that our formula for the social rate of discount can be contrasted with that of Harberger, Sandmo and Drèze.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on the evolution of the major macroeconomic variables of classical political economy and the contrast with their orthodox counterparts in the quest to identify the causes of the current crisis in the Greek economy. Our analysis shows that declining profitability past a certain point leads to a stagnant mass of real net profits that discourage investment and increase unemployment. More specifically, for the period 1970–2007 for which we have detailed data, we identify the so-called silent depression of the 1970s and early 1980s, the new golden age of accumulation during which the capitalization of the production process led to a rapidly growing productivity and with stagnant or slowly rising real wages increased the rate of surplus value to new heights. As a consequence, the rate of profit from the mid-1980s onwards displayed a mildly rising trend and remained at a much lower level than that of the early 1970s. The rate of profit starts to fall after 2007, the year of the onset of the (world) economic crisis, and this continues up to 2014. Our econometric analysis based on an ARDL model further shows that the incremental rate of return, a variable derived from, and therefore strictly related to the average rate of profit, constitutes a by far more concrete measure of profitability and, in combination with the real interest rate, shapes the process of capital accumulation.  相似文献   

It is widely held popular belief that the more progressive the tax system, the greater the disincentive to work effort. This paper seeks to examine the popular belief, and in particular to find circumstances when it may be false. The main conclusion of the paper is that the conditions under which the popular belief is false are stricter than those suggested by previous authors.  相似文献   

The labour supply of Danish married couples is estimated on a longitudinal sample of about 3000 Danish couples observed over the period 1980–86. The influence of the progressive tax system and the effect of the unemployment insurance system are evaluated. The definition of unemployment in labour-supply functions is discussed, and two separate models are estimated where unemployment is considered either completely voluntary or completely involuntary. The wage elasticity and the supply effects of tax reduction are estimated to be positive, but numerically small for both men and women.  相似文献   

This paper sketches a formal model of an economy producing traded and non-traded goods in which two classes of individuals are differentiated, each owning different endowments of capital and labor and allocating different proportions of their income to the consumption of each commudity. The effects of emigration on prices, income distribution and the real income of each class is then examined.  相似文献   

This article addresses a link between the size of the shadow economy and the corporate labour share of income in the European Union. Fixed individual and time effects models suggest that there is a negative link between these two indicators. The coefficients are statistically significant if we control for other variables related to labour markets, such as unemployment rates or strictness of employment protection (regular contracts). Depending on the exact model specification, our estimates suggest that an increase in the shadow economy by 1% of GDP results in a 0.5–1% decline in the labour share of income in the corporate sector.  相似文献   

I take a new look at the long-run implications of taxation through the lens of modern Schumpeterian growth theory. I focus on the latest vintage of models that sterilize the scale effect through a process of product proliferation that fragments the aggregate market into submarkets whose size does not increase with the size of the workforce. I show that the following interventions raise welfare: (a) granting full expensibility of R&D to incorporated firms; (b) eliminating the corporate income tax and/or the capital gains tax; (c) reducing taxes on labor and/or consumption. What makes these results remarkable is that in all three cases the endogenous increase in the tax on dividends necessary to balance the budget has a positive effect on growth. A general implication of my analysis is that corporate taxation plays a special role in Schumpeterian economies and provides novel insights on how to design welfare-enhancing tax reforms.  相似文献   

An equivalence relationship between cores and Pareto optimal allocations of a public goods economy where the public goods are to be provided through a proportional income tax is presented. For this purpose, the definition of the core is modified by allowing coalitions to tax their complements at any given rate. Also, a certain rule which specifies the rate is introduced.  相似文献   

This paper deals with family labour supply under nonlinear income taxation in a life-cycle consistent framework. A major purpose of the paper is, therefore, to bring together previous research on how to model joint supply decisions, life-cycle consistency and piecewise linear taxation, and then perform an econometric application using Swedish cross-section data. The paper starts by constructing an intertemporal model of household behaviour, which is used to derive optimal hours of work for the husband and the wife, respectively. Then, given the appropriate theoretical framework, the model is specified in a way suitable for econometric analysis. Regarding the estimation results, we find that both male and female labour supply are sensitive not only to changes in the own marginal wage rate and the virtual nonlabour income, but also to changes in the marginal wage rate of the spouse. The latter means that cross-wage effects are important when it comes to interpret the consequences of income taxation.  相似文献   

In this paper, the long-run incidence of a tax on pure rent is analyzed in an OLG two-sector small open economy, in which one sector produces a capital good and one sector a consumer good. Contrary to what is obtained in a one-sector closed economy, a land rent tax does not necessarily foster nonhumam wealth accumulation and capital formation. The accommodating scheme for the government budget plays a crucial role for the effects of pure rent taxation. A rent tax stimulates nonhuman wealth if distortionary taxes on wealth or on income from nonland inputs are alleviated. The mechanism spurring capital formation is brought into action, instead, only when the rent tax is matched by a fall in capital taxation or, if the capital sector is capital intensive, by an increase in government spending on the capital good.  相似文献   

Whether labour bears full burden of household level income and consumption taxes ultimately depends on the degree of substitutability among different types of labour in production. We find more variation in incidence patterns across households with less than perfectly substitutable heterogeneous labour than with perfectly substitutable homogeneous labour in production. This finding is based on results obtained from homogeneous and heterogeneous labour general equilibrium tax models calibrated to decile level income and consumption distribution data of UK households for the year 1994. We use labour supply elasticities implied by the substitution elasticity in households' utility functions and derive labour demand elasticities from the substitution elasticity in the production function. First version received: March 1998/Final version received: April 1999  相似文献   

According to Kim and Lee (1997), property taxes as opposed to capital gain taxes and taxes on rent endanger dynamic efficiency. The present paper shows that the choice of the tax base is immaterial. What counts is whether the taxes eliminate the after-tax rent. Empirical evidence suggests that this is not the case.  相似文献   

A 10-dimensional vector space is defined which is in accordance with a model of wage setting and demand for labour specified in a bargaining framework. Structural restrictions identifying the long-run relations of interest are specified. Restrictions which characterize wage-seting and labour demand schedules are imposed and tested, first separately and then jointly. The FIML procedure proposed in Johansen and Juselius (1990) is applied. Generally, restrictions satisfying the condition for formal identification pass the tests at a fairly high signficance level. The plausibility of resulting cointegrating relations applies not only to the signs but also to the magnitudes of the coefficients. The relations show up almost identically in partial and joint analysis. They do not appear to be sensitive to the choice between four or three cointegrating relations in the system. Finally, the relations are hardly influenced at all by alterative conjectures concerning endogeneity of various tax rates. The results indicate that there has been a considerable degree of real wage resistance in action in Finland.  相似文献   

Does unrestricted control on the movement of capital increase capital mobility? Theoretically, the answer is yes. This paper uses the Feldstein–Horioka savings–investment methodology to examine the impact of financial openness on the degree of capital mobility in 104 countries. Our estimates suggest that financial openness has increased capital mobility in developing countries, while its effect is statistically insignificant in OECD countries. This also implies that a developing country with more financial openness can have more access to external capital markets for borrowings. Foreign aid also appears to supplement domestic savings for investment in developing countries. In line with the previous findings, our study also confirms that capital is more mobile for developing countries.  相似文献   

We develop a very simple aggregate demand analysis of a small open economy that suffers from secular demand stagnation. It looks like the conventional Keynesian cross analysis but considers dynamically optimizing behavior of households and firms, international capital movement, and the current account adjustment. We find that parameter changes that improve the current account yield an appreciation pressure on the home currency and decrease demand for the home commodity and labor. Consequently, they worsen deflation and decrease consumption and income. This result is quite opposite to that under full employment. For example, an exogenous rise in the price of the home commodity decreases employment, consumption and income. If a country owns greater foreign assets, it suffers from less employment, consumption and income.  相似文献   

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