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影响中国农户采用节水灌溉技术行为的因素分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文从影响农户采用节水灌溉技术的因素分析入手,运用二项Logit模型,探讨激励农户采用节水灌溉技术的因素。分析结果表明:提高农民文化水平、加大节水宣传教育力度、扩大经营规模、培育用水者协会等民间组织、实行定额用水并给予农户剩余水权的处分权、提高’节水灌溉财政投入决策过程中的公众参与程度、加大财政扶持,都能促进农户采用节水灌溉技术。  相似文献   

粮食主产区农户节水灌溉采用意愿分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑龙江垦区已形成科学农业节水体系,但广大市县节水灌溉率非常低,大多采用传统漫灌方式.该文依据黑龙江省364个市县农户的调查数据,运用logit模型对农户采用节水灌溉技术意愿的影响因素进行分析,结果表明:种植业收入所占比重、政府扶持、耕地面积、年龄等因素具有正相关作用.最后提出构建节水灌溉技术推广的投融资体制、加大政府补贴力度、构建农户农业用水激励机制、扩大农户的耕地规模等政策建议.  相似文献   

本文在新疆焉耆盆地农户灌溉行为选择实地调研的基础上,运用Logit模型,分析研究了影响干旱区农户灌溉行为选择的因素.实证分析结果表明:提高干旱区少数民族农户的科技文化水平、加强对农户节水灌溉技术培训力度、发展适度规模经营、集中统一种植、加大政府对节水灌溉技术推广应用的资金扶持力度等对于推进干旱区农户积极采取节水灌溉技术有显著影响.  相似文献   

发展节水灌溉是提高水资源利用效率、维护农业生态环境和实现农业可持续发展的必然选择。本文分析了中国农业节水灌溉技术应用现状,运用山西省的实地调查资料对村节水灌溉技术应用状况和影响农户节水灌溉技术采用的因素进行了实证研究。结果表明:①村经济发展水平对节水灌溉技术采用有直接的影响;②在水资源供给量和节水灌溉技术资金投入有限的条件下,应优先考虑对经济作物采用先进的节水灌溉技术;③粮食作物一般采用水利用率较低的传统技术,而经济作物一般采用水利用率较高的现代技术;水资源短缺程度会影响农户灌溉技术的选择;水价和是否有政府扶持对经济作物灌溉技术选择有显著的影响,而这两个因素对粮食作物灌溉技术选择几乎没有影响。  相似文献   

本文利用山东省蒙阴县的农户调查资料,运用二元Logit模型对农户节水灌溉技术选择行为的影响因素进行了实证分析。研究表明,农户对节水灌溉技术的认知程度、家庭收入来源及其中农业收入所占比重、耕地面积、有效灌溉面积、政府对节水灌溉技术的宣传力度、农户对节水灌溉政策的满意度、农户对节水灌溉技术投资方式的满意度以及水价认知,都是影响农户节水灌溉技术选择行为的重要因素。  相似文献   

[目的]节水灌溉技术采用率低下是制约干旱半干旱地区农业发展的瓶颈,农户作为技术采用的微观主体,如何激励农户采用节水灌溉技术、提高技术采用率是有关实践研究待解决的问题,以往研究大多关注社会因素对技术采用的影响,心理层面即感知影响方面的研究不足。[方法]文章以甘肃省张掖的547份农户调查问卷为例,根据农业技术采用特点对已有技术接受模型(TAM)进行调整与扩展,运用二元Probit回归模型实证分析了内在感知对农户节水灌溉技术采用的影响。[结果]感知有用性、感知易用性是农户对节水灌溉技术认知的内在约束,节水效果、经验交流对农户采用膜下滴灌技术产生显著的正向影响;增产效果、技术有用性对农户采用低压管灌技术产生显著的正向影响;感知社会规范是农户个体社会网络的认知,亲朋使用、邻里使用感知均对农户采用不同节水灌溉技术产生显著的正向影响。农户对节水灌溉技术的采用除受这些因素影响以外,还受到户主性别、年龄、教育、家庭人口总数、健康的影响。[结论]推行技术补贴制度,加大农技推广服务,充分发挥集体行动影响力对提高节水灌溉技术的认知和采用具有重要作用。  相似文献   

以长期淹水为主的传统灌溉方式是造成我国农业用水效率低下的主要原因,发展节水农业的关键是在农户层面有效普及节水灌溉技术。本文主要以安徽省稻农为例分析了南方地区农户节水灌溉技术采用行为及其影响因素。结果表明,农户节水灌溉技术采用行为主要是受灌溉模式、风险认知以及部分耕地特征和农户特征等因素的共同影响。通常,使用合作灌溉模式、耕地位置靠近渠尾、家庭富裕、受教育程度高的农户采用节水灌溉技术的程度较高,而耕地质量差、认为农业旱灾风险大的农户采用节水灌溉技术的程度则较低。  相似文献   

目的 社会化服务组织是农户获取农业信息的重要信息渠道。方法 文章基于河北省775份小麦—玉米种植户调查数据,运用二元Logit模型分析社会化服务对农户节水灌溉技术采纳行为的影响,探讨信息获取在二者之间是否发挥中介作用,进一步揭示不同井深区农户之间的差异。结果 (1)社会化服务显著促进了农户采纳节水灌溉技术,信息获取在社会化服务对农户节水灌溉技术采纳行为的影响中发挥部分中介作用。(2)社会化服务对不同井深区农户节水灌溉技术采纳行为的影响存在显著差异。社会化服务对深井区农户节水灌溉技术采纳行为的促进作用大于浅井区农户,信息获取仅在社会化服务对浅井区农户采纳节水灌溉技术的影响中发挥部分中介作用。(3)外部环境中的技术补贴、政府宣传、技术培训和家庭经营特征中的参加农业合作组织和耕地经营面积等均显著促进了农户采纳节水灌溉技术。结论 政府应鼓励社会化服务组织参与农业节水项目的实施和推广,支持社会化服务组织在农业灌溉浅井区举办各种形式的节水灌溉宣传活动,加强节水灌溉技术补贴和培训,提高农户组织化程度以扩大耕地经营规模。  相似文献   

山西省是我国水资源相对贫乏的省份。农业节水灌溉技术可以提高灌溉水的利用效率,获取最佳的经济、社会和生态效益。通过分析山西省农业灌溉的现状及研究典型县市农户采用节水灌溉技术的影响因素,提出山西省节水灌溉技术发展的有效措施,进一步提高农业水资源综合利用率,提高单位灌溉水量的产出效益,降低农业生产成本,为现代农业发展提供思路。  相似文献   

基于农户受偿意愿的节水灌溉补贴标准研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源日趋匮乏客观上要求我国发展节水农业,而能否在农户层面普及节水灌溉技术是发展节水农业的关键。节水灌溉技术的成本超出我国农户的理性支付能力,因而需要合理的补贴予以激励。本文旨在探讨社会福利最大化条件下有效激励农户采纳节水灌溉技术的最低补贴标准。构建不确定状态下政府对节水灌溉技术的支付意愿函数和农户对节水灌溉技术的受偿意愿函数,求解符合帕累托改进的节水灌溉补贴标准取值区间;以关中灌区大棚蔬菜种植户调查数据为例,运用希克斯等效变差模型测定满足样本农户受偿意愿的最低补贴标准。研究认为,符合帕累托改进的补贴标准应不小于农户采纳节水灌溉技术的成本支出;政府应健全农户权益保障机制,制定有效的节水灌溉技术补贴政策,引导金融支持节水灌溉技术推广,规范节水灌溉设备供给。  相似文献   

The overall goal of our article is to better understand which matters for water savings, farmer income and poverty in China's irrigation systems: incentives to managers or participation of farmers. To pursue this goal, the article has three objectives. First, we track the evolution of water management reform, examining the practice of providing incentives to managers, and increasing the participation of farmers. Second, we identify the impact of water management reform on crop water use. Specifically, we want to measure whether or not incentives to managers and farmer participation in water management institutions affect the performance of the irrigation system. Because we also are interested in the potential results of water management reform, the article explores how changes in incentives and farmer participation affect farmer income and poverty. Based on a random sample of 51 villages and 189 farmers in four large irrigation districts in Ningxia and Henan provinces, both in China's Yellow River Basin, our results show that the two major forms of water management reform, water users' associations (WUAs) and contracting, have begun to systematically replace traditional forms of collective management. Our analysis demonstrates, however, that it is not the nominal implementation of the reform that matters, but rather it is the creation of new management institutions that offer water managers monetary incentives that lead to water savings. In contrast to the original design of China's reform policies, participation of farmers has not played a role in saving water. Importantly, given China's concerns about national food production and poverty alleviation, the reductions in water, at least in our sample sites, do not lead to reductions in income and do not increase the incidence of poverty.  相似文献   

本文基于黄河灌溉区农户微观调查数据和制度能力三层次分析框架,利用双栏模型分析了知识性资源、关系性资源和动员能力三层次制度能力因素对农户合作供给农田灌溉系统行为的影响。研究表明,黄河灌溉区农户以投资方式合作供给农田灌溉系统的支付意愿水平为每年每户77.6~232.4元,以投工方式合作供给农田灌溉系统的支付意愿水平为每年每户1.8~4.6天;知识性资源、关系性资源和动员能力三层次因素对黄河灌溉区农户合作供给农田灌溉系统的意愿具有显著影响,其中,村庄的灌溉规则执行情况、村委会或水利协会对农户使用灌溉设备的支持力度、对农户参与灌溉系统供给的尊重程度和组织农户学习有关灌溉技术的强度因素显著影响农户投资灌溉系统的合作意愿程度;村庄灌溉设施供给规则、村委会或水利协会对农户使用灌溉设备的支持力度、联户促进灌溉有关的集体行动能力、为灌溉系统供给争取财政补贴的能力、组织农户学习有关农田灌溉技术的强度和农户获取灌溉信息的容易程度因素显著影响农户投工农田灌溉系统的合作意愿程度。  相似文献   

This study reviews 40 years of irrigation development in China including the transformation of the institutional and incentive structures in irrigation management. After rural reforms in the 1970s, irrigation investments slowed until the late 1990s. In North China, farmers became major investors in groundwater irrigation, leading to property rights’ transfer of tube wells from collective to private ownership. Despite positive effects in cropping patterns, farmer income and development of groundwater markets, privatisation has accelerated groundwater table deterioration. Since the middle of 1990s, Water User Associations have replaced village collective management of surface irrigation. This approach was adopted by most provinces by early 2001 with mixed results; only institutions with water‐saving incentives realised efficient irrigation. The Government is reforming water price policies to provide water‐saving incentives to farmers while not hurting their income. While China has focused on water rights and markets, and despite regulations and pilot projects, full implementation of water rights has been slow. Research reveals greater policy scope for expanding irrigation technologies that generate real water saving to rural areas. Given pressure associated with water scarcity and concern for food security, further effective reforms in irrigation and policy incentives are expected. The Government has also initiated some pilot projects to resolve increasing water scarcity problems through adjusting agricultural production activities.  相似文献   

Crop management research is increasingly involving farmers in evaluating new technologies, identifying adoption constraints and opportunities for improving farm performance to produce more sustainable impact. ICRISAT and its partners worked with farmers in Malawi and Zimbabwe during the 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 seasons to evaluate a range of ‘best bet’ soil fertility and water management technologies and evaluate the impact of farmer participatory research. Although there was some variation in methods implemented at different sites, the study found that there is a basis for a comparison of methods. Community entry and participatory approaches that engage farmers in decision making throughout the research-development-diffusion-innovation process have higher setup costs compared to traditional ‘top-down’ approaches. But they improve efficiency, both in technology development and in building farmers' capacity for experimentation and collective learning. This results in the development of more relevant technologies, joint learning among farmers, researchers and extensionists and better impact. To make farmer participatory research projects more sustainable and introduce them on a wide scale, the study recommends that public and NGO investments be targeted to building district and village-level innovation clusters.  相似文献   

推进灌溉管理体制改革 促进农民增收   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国现有1.2亿hm2的耕地,其中可灌溉耕地面积为5600万hm2,可灌溉耕地生产的粮食和经济作物,分别占全部总产量的75%和90%,农业灌溉的发展对于较高粮食综合生产能力和增加农民收入具有积极的作用。但我国的灌溉用水管理体制存在着产权模糊,政府管理成本高,投资渠道单一,价格形成机制不顺,浪费严重等缺陷,针对于此,提出了加快灌溉行政管理体制改革,发展灌溉领域的公私合作,完善水价形成和水费征管机制,大力发展农民用水协会等建议。  相似文献   

Irrigation water productivity in Cambodian rice systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Knowledge of the marginal productivity of water is crucial for decisions about its allocation between uses, which is particularly important in the context of increasing competition for water. Using primary, plot‐level panel data, this article estimates the marginal productivity of water from supplementary irrigation in lowland rice systems in Cambodia, taking into account farmer and plot heterogeneity as well as self‐selection of supplementary irrigation. Our estimates indicate a range of elasticities for rice output with respect to water inputs of between 0.057 and 0.069 for wet season production, substantially lower than previous estimates based on either aggregate or trial data. We discuss the policy implications of these results, in particular with respect to the utility of demand management policies and the challenges they pose to the decentralization of water management to Farmer Water Users Groups.  相似文献   

We propose a theoretical framework to analyze the conditions under which a farmer facing production uncertainty (due to a possible water shortage) and incomplete information will adopt a more efficient irrigation technology. A reduced form of this model is empirically estimated using a sample of 265 farms located in Crete, Greece. The empirical results suggest that farmers choose to adopt the new technology in order to hedge against production risk. In addition, we show that the farmer's human capital also plays a significant role in the decision to adopt modern, more efficient irrigation equipment.  相似文献   

Income differences attributed to differential access to water in irrigation systems are common. Prior studies of farm‐level water use in developing areas have typically been limited to using number of irrigations as a proxy for water use. We develop a volumetric measure in Sri Lanka's Kirindi Oya Irrigation System through recent farmer recall and use it in production function estimation and welfare analysis. Findings indicate substantial differences in water use by farms across seasons and across subareas of the irrigation district. Alternative plans for allocating additional water among seasons and subareas to elevate net rice revenues are examined. The recommended plan predicts higher net returns from rice and greater equality in the distribution of household income than would be generated if the additional water were allocated based on the current allocation criteria. Concurrent application of fertilizer at recommended levels would further increase net revenues and reduce income inequality.  相似文献   

甘肃石羊河流域民勤绿洲水资源可持续利用对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
民勤绿洲位于甘肃河西走廊石羊河流域的末端,近年来由于对水资源的过度利用导致生态恶化。该文从人口变迁、产业结构、农业生产活动等方面分析了原因,提出了以提高水效率为目标,调整产业结构,发展风力发电和用水较少的高科技工业、农产品加工项目;变革农作制度,大力推广设施农业、膜下滴灌、垄沟灌溉等节水农业技术,实现绿洲水资源可持续利用的对策。  相似文献   

针对内蒙古自治区特别是黄河流域水资源供给侧存在水资源匮乏,供需矛盾突出;用水效率低,政府投入不足;受传统体制机制制约等问题,分析存在问题的原因,提出补足灌区基础设施薄弱短板,调整用水结构促进经济发展,发挥市场在资源配置中调节作用,落实最严格水资源管理制度等措施。  相似文献   

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