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2008年5月8日,中国登山队员成功登顶珠峰,将奥运圣火带到了世界屋脊。作为奥运圣火珠峰登顶传递的第一棒火炬手,藏族女队员吉吉在这一刻成为全世界最美丽的女性。  相似文献   

北京奥运会火炬接力期间,奥林匹克圣火将首次登上世界之巅——珠穆朗玛峰,这是2008年奥运火炬接力的最大亮点,创造了奥林匹克历史上的巅峰之作,也是奥林匹克精神最高境界的体现。  相似文献   

"在奥运项目上,联想是花了不少钱,尤其中标火炬设计后,就赞助全球火炬接力计划高管们迅速达成共识,这与联想国际化目标完全契合。"在三亚跑倒  相似文献   

可口可乐巧妙地实现了“受众参与体验,品牌蔓延扩散”的目的,使奥运精神、品牌内涵和消费者连成了统一的整体。  相似文献   

二00八年,是我们中华民族悲喜交加的一年!我们圆了百年的奥运梦想,奥运赛场上频频升起的五星红旗,让全世界的中国人扬眉吐气;我们的神舟七号顺利升天,航天员出舱完成太空行走,聚集了全世界的目光;同样我们遭遇了百年一遇的南方雪灾和汶川地震,让世界再次见证了中华民族万众一心、众志成城的强大凝聚力和百折不挠的民族精神。  相似文献   

在“十一五”的开局之年,国家电啊公司发布了我国企业首份真正意义上的社会责任报告,在直接推动中国企业社会贾任深入发展的同时,也开创了中国企业社会责任报告的新纪元。  相似文献   

World leaders must be congratulated for successfully coming together to combat the biggest global economic crisis in generations. Six months after leaders from the world's leading economies joined hands at the G20 meeting in London, the global economy is slowly but certainly emerging from the slump, led by the resurgent economies of Asia.  相似文献   

Anatonalsurveyshowedthatthemoneyofcitizensin14largecitieswereinvestedincars,houses,finishingofhouses,education,travel,overseasstudy,businessandspeculationofstocks.Thestatisticswasjointlymadeby14investigationagenciesthrougha"conveyofcitizens'life"inBeijing,Dalian,Shanghai,Nanjing,Guangzhou,ChengduandXi'an.Theowningrateofvariouscarsbycitizensisalready7.8%,whilein2000,exceptthemedium-sizedpassengercapthepurchasingintenhonrateofothecarsisincreasing.Thenumberofcarspurchasedbyindividualswillbeone…  相似文献   

We use the DATAMATION index of the top 50 domestic IT companies (1975–1995) to track persistence and change at the top of the sector. The trends that we uncover are increasing instability, rejuvenation (declining average age of entrants coupled with increasing average age of quitters), democratization (diminishing revenue inequality at the top) and growing supply‐side intertwining of sub‐sectors and industries within IT due to diversification by long‐term survivors.  相似文献   

3月18日下午,由新疆广汇液化天然气发展有限责任公司再次购买的100辆世界顶级梅赛德斯-奔驰重型卡车在深圳隆重举行“广汇奔驰通四海 绿色能源贯神州”万里征程启动仪式。顾名思义,“溯源之旅”就是一次探索能源源头的旅行,这意味着100辆奔驰Actros2640重型卡车将从春意盎然的深圳出发,一路北上贯穿两湖地区直抵中原,并从郑州开始漫漫西行之路,途经古老的丝绸之路,穿越黄土高坡、浩瀚的戈壁滩,历经长途跋涉,最终抵达新疆广汇液化天然气生产基地——新疆吐鲁番地区鄯善县。“溯源之旅”的启动,标志着一条流动的贯穿东西的陆上绿色能源动脉正在形成。  相似文献   

This article examines why some entrepreneurial firms succeed while others do not. The focal explanation is top management teams, including several studies that address when and how top management teams are likely to influence entrepreneurial firm performance. There are several insights. First, large and diverse teams with a history of working together are more likely to succeed. This effect is particularly large when they launch in growth markets. Second, teams are effective in making strategic decisions when they are fast, highly conflictual, and still get along. Third, they are also effective when they rely on “simple rules” heuristics to perform significant activities like new product development and internationalization that nonetheless happens often. A further insight is that these “simple rules” can become the strategy of their firms. Fourth, more effective teams continuously organize the structures of their firms at the “edge of chaos”. Overall, top management teams emerge as central to the success (or lack thereof) of entrepreneurial firms.  相似文献   

In recent years,Starbucks International Coffee Co.,Ltd.(Starbucks)has been expanding investments in China.Promoted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade(CCPIT),Starbucks held a signing ceremony on March 13 for the Starbucks China Coffee Innovation Park project in Kunshan,Jiangsu Province.It is reported that the project is by far the largest strategic productive investment by Starbucks outside of the United States.  相似文献   

本文利用中国连锁经营协会从“九五”期末2000年到2005年发布的我国连锁百强企业统计资料,从规模与份额、上位企业扩张模式、业态分布、内外资连锁企业的竞争、连锁百强核心竞争力状况等五个方面分析了“十五”期间我国连锁百强企业的发展态势,在此基础上,提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

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