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This paper reexamines buffer stocks and precautionary savings in the presence of loss aversion. We assume that agents are disappointment averse, as in Gul [Econometrica, 59 (1991) 667–686]. We show that the concavity of the marginal utility continues to determine precautionary saving, but its effect is of a second order magnitude (proportional to the square of the coefficient of variation) compared to the first order effect (proportional to the coefficient of variation) induced by loss aversion. We show that a stabilization fund that is rather small when agents are maximizing the conventional expected utility, turns out to be rather large with loss aversion.  相似文献   

Benartzi and Thaler [The Quarterly Journal of Economics 110 (1995) 73–92] offer a quasi-rational explanation for the equity premium puzzle. We reconsider their methodology and, making a simple modification to it, find that their analysis is not robust.  相似文献   

Stock market participation differs a lot across countries. Cultural dimensions could be a potential factor for that. We show that indeed uncertainty avoidance (UAI) is linked to rates of stock market participation across countries. We can show even more that uncertainty avoidance has an indirect effect through loss aversion on stock market participation. The country level effects are confirmed on the individual level using data from a recent large-scale international survey, but on individual level there is also a strong effect of UAI on stock market participation after controlling for loss aversion. These results are robust after controlling for ambiguity aversion, and economic and demographic variables. Finally, we find that UAI is related to negative attitudes about stock markets in general.  相似文献   

Myopic loss aversion was suggested by Benartzi and Thaler (1995) as an explanation for the equity premium puzzle. Its main prediction is that loss averse investors, who evaluate their investment performance too frequently and therefore often observe small losses on their stock portfolios, would invest too little in equity. We investigate the link between myopic loss aversion and actual investment decisions of individual investors, using survey data. Our results are consistent with the predictions of Benartzi and Thaler. Higher myopic loss aversion is associated with lower stock investment as a share of total assets. Investors tend to evaluate their stock portfolio performance too often, which contributes to the prevalence of myopic loss aversion. The effect of myopia is most apparent when investors both evaluate their portfolios frequently and trade stocks regularly.  相似文献   

The paper examines the management of traders in financial markets from the perspectives of agency and prospect theory. Using interview data from a sample of traders and managers in four investment banks, the paper argues that managers focus on avoiding losses rather than making gains. This focus emerges from the characteristics of managers and the nature of their role. The implications for agency and prospect theory, together with the policy issues for managers, are discussed.  相似文献   


Most modern financial markets use a continuous double auction mechanism to store and match orders and facilitate trading. In this paper we develop a microscopic dynamical statistical model for the continuous double auction under the assumption of IID random order flow, and analyse it using simulation, dimensional analysis, and theoretical tools based on mean field approximations. The model makes testable predictions for basic properties of markets, such as price volatility, the depth of stored supply and demand versus price, the bid–ask spread, the price impact function, and the time and probability of filling orders. These predictions are based on properties of order flow and the limit order book, such as share volume of market and limit orders, cancellations, typical order size, and tick size. Because these quantities can all be measured directly there are no free parameters. We show that the order size, which can be cast as a non-dimensional granularity parameter, is in most cases a more significant determinant of market behaviour than tick size. We also provide an explanation for the observed highly concave nature of the price impact function. On a broader level, this work suggests how stochastic models based on zero intelligence agents may be useful to probe the structure of market institutions. Like the model of perfect rationality, a stochastic zero intelligence model can be used to make strong predictions based on a compact set of assumptions, even if these assumptions are not fully believable.  相似文献   

We use the portfolio selection model presented in He and Zhou [Manage. Sci., 2011, 57, 315–331] and the NYSE equity and US treasury bond returns for the period 1926–1990 to revisit Benartzi and Thaler’s myopic loss aversion theory. Through an extensive empirical study, we find that in addition to the agent’s loss aversion and evaluation period, his reference point also has a significant effect on optimal asset allocation. We demonstrate that the agent’s optimal allocation to equities is consistent with market observation when he has reasonable values of degree of loss aversion, evaluation period and reference point. We also find that the optimal allocation to equities is sensitive to these parameters. We then examine the implications of money illusion for asset allocation. Finally, we extend the model to a dynamic setting.  相似文献   

This study develops an optimal insurance contract endogenously and determines the optimal coverage levels with respect to deductible insurance, upper-limit insurance, and proportional coinsurance, and, by assuming that the insured has an S-shaped loss aversion utility, the insured would retain the enormous losses entirely. The representative optimal insurance form is the truncated deductible insurance, where the insured retains all losses once losses exceed a critical level and adopts a particular deductible otherwise. Additionally, the effects of the optimal coverage levels are also examined with respect to benchmark wealth and loss aversion coefficient. Moreover, the efficiencies among various insurances are compared via numerical analysis by assuming that the loss obeys a uniform or log-normal distribution. In addition to optimal insurance, deductible insurance is the most efficient if the benchmark wealth is small and upper-limit insurance if large. In the case of a uniform distribution that has an upper bound, deductible insurance and optimal insurance coincide if benchmark wealth is small. Conversely, deductible insurance is never optimal for an unbounded loss such as a log-normal distribution.  相似文献   

In 1995, Benartzi and Thaler introduced the concept myopic loss aversion to explain the equity premium puzzle. They provided empirical evidence to support their arguments. Recently, Durand et al. criticized this empirical analysis. They propose an approach which not only rejects the significance of the earlier findings but also suggests a reversal of the original findings. In contrast to their approach, we implement a bootstrap approach and find results in line with the results of Benartzi and Thaler. We further show that the significance of the effect strongly depends on somewhat arbitrary assumptions about the length of data history.  相似文献   

This article studies the impact of heterogeneous loss averse investors on asset prices. In very good states loss averse investors become gradually less risk averse as wealth rises above their reference point, pushing up equity prices. When wealth drops below the reference point the investors become risk seeking and demand for stocks increases drastically, eventually leading to a forced sell-off and stock market bust in bad states. Heterogeneity in reference points and initial wealth of the loss averse investors does not change the salient features of the equilibrium price process, such as a relatively high equity premium, high volatility and counter-cyclical changes in the equity premium.  相似文献   

Extant research has documented various sources of informational advantages enjoyed by company insiders including firm size, analyst following, dividend payout policy, book-to-market ratio, and the presence or absence of R&D investments. Surprisingly, despite this large body of work, virtually no research has investigated the contribution of advertising investments to information asymmetry. This omission is particularly glaring since: (a) advertising investments constitute a significant fraction of many firms' ongoing expenditures, and (b) the received literature provides strong theoretical arguments relating advertising investments and information asymmetry. Accordingly, the primary objective in this study is to empirically address this gap. Using advertising and insider transaction data at over 12,000 firms from 1986 to 2011, we find that insider gains are significantly greater at firms characterized by advertising investments. Specifically, a zero cost portfolio that is long on firms with net insider purchases and advertising investments, and short on firms with net insider purchases and devoid of advertising investments, garners annual abnormal returns of 5.5%. In addition, we find that investors' reaction to news of insider purchasing is significantly more pronounced at firms characterized by advertising investments — investors rationally recognize the greater information content associated with insider purchases at these firms.  相似文献   

We consider the economy in which an agent faces, in addition to market risk, an additive independent background risk in consumption. In contrast to the Lucas (Econometrica 46:1429–1445, 1978) complete consumption insurance model, under plausible assumptions about the unconditional mean and variance of the agent’s subjective distribution of background risk the model with the additive independent background risk fits the historical average excess return on the US stock market with the coefficient of relative risk aversion (RRA) below five for the subsets of households designated as assetholders. The greater the size and/or the lower the expected value of background risk, the lower (compared to the Lucas (Econometrica 46:1429–1445, 1978) model) the value of the RRA coefficient needed for the model with background risk to match the historical average equity premium. Allowing for an extremely unlike large decrease in the agent’s consumption considerably decreases the required coefficient of RRA. It is concluded that the presence of the additive independent background risk in the consumption of assetholders can account for nearly 60 % of the historical average equity premium, hence rationalizing the equity premium puzzle of Mehra and Prescott (J Monet Econ 15:145–162, 1985). With RRA below five, the model with background risk is consistent with the historical average real interest rate if the agent has the subjective time discount factor lower than, but close to, 1. The findings are robust to the assumed type of background risk, the proxy for the market portfolio, and the threshold value in the definition of assetholders.  相似文献   

We present closed-form results for the out-of-sample forecasts under the joint presence of asymmetric loss and non-normality, extending the results of Granger [1969. Operations Research Quarterly 20, 199–207; 1999. Spanish Economic Review 1, 161–173] and Christoffersen and Diebold [1997. Econometric Theory 13, 808–817]. We consider the LinEx and Double LinEx loss functions and non-normal distributions in the form of the Gram–Charlier class. We show how the preference asymmetries interact with the distribution asymmetries to determine optimal forecasts which contain the optimal predictors under symmetry and normality as special cases. We also examine the implications of our results for the development of forecast rationality tests, extending the work of Batchelor and Peel [1998. Economics Letters 61, 49–54]. Our results are relevant for the design of efficient investment and risk management policies.  相似文献   

This paper considers two alternative approaches to stabilizing an economy with firm-specific productivity disturbances. The first uses wage contracts tying wages in each firm to these disturbances as well as the price level. The second uses a taxation scheme together with a wage indexation rule tying wages to prices alone. Both these schemes are viable as long as the firm-specific disturbance is known to all agents. If the firm alone observes the productivity disturbance, under either scheme it has an incentive to misrepresent current conditions. However, a combination of these two schemes is both welfare maximizing and incentive compatible.  相似文献   

Households' reported willingness to take financial risk is compared to the riskiness of their portfolios, measured as risky assets to wealth. Overall, their portfolio allocations are reliable indicators of attitudes toward risk, demonstrating an understanding of their relative level of risk taking. Multivariate regression analysis using multiply imputed data from the 1989 Survey of Consumer Finances indicates that households generally exhibit decreasing relative risk aversion. Further, investment in risky assets is significantly related to socioeconomic factors, attitude toward risk taking, desire to leave an estate and expectations about the adequacy of Social Security and pension income.  相似文献   

Recent research shows that mood and attention may affect investors’ choices. In this paper we examine whether companies can create such mood and attention effects through advertising. We choose a natural experiment by investigating price reactions and trading activity for firms employing TV commercials in 19 Super Bowl broadcasts over the 1969–2001 period. We find significant positive abnormal returns for firms which are readily identifiable from the ad contents, which is consistent with the presence of mood and attention effects. For recognisable companies with the number of ads greater than the sample mean, the event is followed by an average abnormal one day return of 45 basis points. The effect appears to persist in the short term with the 20‐day post‐event cumulative abnormal returns for such firms averaging 2%. We find significant abnormal net buying activity for small trades in shares of recognised Super Bowl advertisers indicating that small investors tend to be the ones most attracted by the increased publicity.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to develop conditions for global multivariate comparative risk aversion in the presence of uninsurable, or background, risks, and thus generalize Kihlstrom and Mirman [1974] and Karni [1979,1989]. We analyze von Neumann-Morgenstern (VNM) utility functionsas well as smooth preference functionals which are nonlinear in distribution but locally linear in probabilities. In each case we provide an economic application which illustrates how our theorems can be used. We analyze a risk sharing, a portfolio choice, and a labor supply problem for VNM utility functions, and the optimal allocation of effort to risky technologies in the presence of a random supply (or quality) of a public good for nonlinear preference functionals. We consider thecase where the random variables are mean-independent as well as the case where they are independent. In the labor supply application for VNM utility functions, we show that if the two risks are independent, the comparative statics effect of greater risk aversion on labor supply in the presence of a background non-wage income risk is determined by a monotonic relationship between labor supply and the wage rate under certainty. That is, we extend the applicability of the Diamond-Stiglitz [1974]-Kihlstrom-Mirman [1974]single-crossing property to the case where an independent background risk is present.  相似文献   

目前,在金融计算领域,核心计算机系统大多使用运行OS/390操作系统的IBM系列大型机,而OS/390环境下最重要的子系统便是JES(JobEntrySubsystem,作业登录子系统),系统中所有作业的调度、输入输出信息等均是通过JES进行管理的。JES的优点是效率高、灵活性强,缺点则是过于专业化。因此,使JES实现可编程化,就成为所有需要进行JES操作的应用核心问题。从传统上讲,这需要使用汇编语言编写JESExit等方式去改变JES的运作,同时提供相应的应用程序编程接口(API,ApplicationProgrammingInterface)。但这种做法不仅工程浩大,同时还由于涉…  相似文献   

Drawing upon the seminal study of Ang, Bekaert, and Liu [2005. “Why Stock May Disappoint?” Journal of Financial Economics 76 (3): 471–508], we incorporate disappointment aversion (DA, that is, aversion to outcomes that are worse than prior expectations) within a simple theoretical portfolio-choice model. Based on the results of this model, we then empirically address the portfolio allocation problem of an investor who chooses between a risky and a risk-free asset using international data from 19 countries. Our findings strongly support the view that DA leads investors to reduce their exposure to the stock market (i.e. DA significantly depresses the portfolio weights on equities in all cases considered). Overall, our study shows that in addition to risk aversion, DA plays an important role in explaining the equity premium puzzle around the world.  相似文献   

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