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Although Judith Butler's body of work is complex, many of her arguments have the potential to help us understand and generate new leadership realities. How Butler conceptualizes the concepts of intelligibility, performativity, discourse, and social change all have implications for the practice of leadership. The use of a critical leadership approach permits the exploration of parallels between her writings and two contemporary approaches to leadership: the Social Change Model of Leadership and adaptive leadership. Through the application of Butler's work to contemporary leadership discourse, the potential to render a broader range of subjects intelligible as leaders and to catalyze social change is explored.  相似文献   

责任型领导,作为领导力研究领域的一个新兴概念,将关注焦点从传统的领导-下属二元关系拓展至组织内外各利益相关者,有助于应对来自社会各界的挑战,是对传统领导理论的新发展和新超越.文章介绍了责任型领导的概念、测量维度、前因与后果,深入探究了责任型领导的作用机制,总结出责任型领导能通过社会交换、社会学习、信息加工和社会资本等中介机制对个体、组织产生积极影响.最后,文章对未来研究作了展望.  相似文献   

谦卑于组织领导中的作用受到了学者们的广泛关注。本文通过对21家企业378名下属的调查问卷探讨了谦卑的领导与领导有效性之间的关系,并探讨了任务导向和关系导向的变革型领导在谦卑与领导有效性之间的中介作用。多元回归结果表明,谦卑能够有效预测变革型领导以及领导有效性,其中,关系导向和任务导向的变革型领导分别在谦卑与领导有效性中起到完全中介和不完全中介作用。  相似文献   

平台型领导:一种新的领导类型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以人本主义为思想基础,强调对下属的尊重和完整系统的认识,提出了平台型领导的概念.首先,文章从理论与实践结合的基础上论述平台型领导的内涵,即强调事业发展、把事业的平台做大、为自己和下属提供更广阔的事业空间、搭建更大的展示才华的平台,进而提出了平台型领导的四项主要内容:关注领导者和下属的成长、打造并不断扩大事业平台、塑造相互促进的互动关系和互动过程的动态优化.最后,本文将平台型领导与现有领导研究中的几个重要领导类型进行对比分析,明确了这一领导类型的独特性.  相似文献   

Bolman and Deal (1984, 1991) have developed four perspectives, or frames, for understanding organizations and leadership: structural, human resource, political, and symbolic. This paper reports two studies that operationalize that model. The first study uses critical incidents written by managers to assess how many and which frames they use. Most incidents show the use of one or two frames; very few contain all four. In every population, the structural frame was used frequently while the symbolic frame was rarely evident. Across different populations, the use of the human resource and political frames varied substantially. The second study used survey instruments to assess managers' frame orientations. Regression analyses show that their orientations, as perceived by colleagues, are differentially related to perceived effectiveness as manager and leader. Managerial effectiveness is related to an emphasis on rationality and organizational structure. Leadership effectiveness is linked to symbols and culture. For men and women in comparable positions, gender is unrelated to leadership orientations or to their effectiveness as managers or leaders.  相似文献   

The article explores the past, present, and projected future of agricultural leadership education. Beginning with roots in youth leadership development and grounded in land‐grant universities, agricultural leadership education has undergone a shift from working primarily with rural youth to a new focus on also educating undergraduate and graduate students to empower community members and create change. The renewed focus has encouraged recent growth and in the last 10 years, the profession has added three leadership majors, six leadership minors, seven leadership focus areas, seven undergraduate leadership programs, and four graduate leadership programs. Research exploring the student impact of agricultural leadership education revealed that nationwide a total of 7,904 students are exposed to 208 agricultural leadership education courses. As the discipline continues to mature, recommendations are made for continued program development. Discussion highlights prior research examining potential courses to include types of experiences, program objectives, and career connectedness relating to agricultural leadership education. Programs have ample opportunity for future growth and recommendations are made to continue the development of innovative leadership opportunities and consistent pedagogical practices across institutions.  相似文献   

Forty years ago, the questions most discussed among those who cared about leadership were “is leadership possible among those who don't have titles and positions?”; “what are the characteristics possessed by effective leaders?”; and “how do we find the people who are the best leaders and help them prepare for positions that will allow them to have an impact?” After many conversations, conferences, research studies, and books, the terrain has shifted among scholars. Now the conversations focus on questions such as “If leadership is a shared responsibility among members of groups, how can the full leadership potential of all be cultivated?”; “What role do collaborators play in empowering positive leadership and defending against those who misuse it?”; and “How can organizations cultivate cultures that support and encourage visionary leadership dedicated to benefitting all?” The shift in the questions that leadership educators now explore, coupled with the breadth and variety of the initiatives dedicated to nurturing it, demonstrate that leadership can be taught. More importantly, the practice of leadership demonstrates that many can pursue leadership and that they must if the opportunities of the 21st century are to be fulfilled. The conversations and the needs for leadership have both shifted and it is now incumbent on those who value leadership most to agree to unifying perspectives that can draw us together in common purpose. From your vantage point, what are the crucial conversations, next steps, and/or thoughts for consideration as we enter the second decade of the 21st century?  相似文献   

随着知识经济的到来,知识管理成为学术界和企业界都在关注的重要议题之一。知识领导是符合知识经济时代需要的一种崭新领导模式,它将领导思想结合知识管理,其目的是促进组织知识发展。文章系统梳理了国内外近十几年知识领导研究文献,从知识领导的研究起源出发,对知识领导内涵、结构以及其与知识管理的关系等一系列研究成果进行了总结归纳和评述,并提出了未来知识领导研究的方向。  相似文献   


Even though the issue of global business leadership has been intensively debated, few attempts have been made to investigate it from the perspective of international executives. This study is designed to address the issue of the national environments of Japan, Germany, and the U.S. and the prospect of global leadership for each nation. Seventy-four top Saudi Arabian firms participated. The results indicate that Japan is perceived to offer the most conducive business environment for effective global competition. In addition, participants believe that Japan and Germany will surpass the U.S. economically and technologically in the near future.  相似文献   

The present study relies on theories of authentic and relational leadership, as well as the identity orientation model, to study leadership involvement in volunteer organizations. We propose that self‐expression and social cohesion—the opportunity organizational membership provides people to express who they are and to develop social relationships—are related to organizational identification and leadership involvement. We posit that self‐expression and social cohesion satisfy personal and relational identification motives and increase organizational identification—a form of identification with a collective—which in turn affect leadership involvement. The hypotheses are tested using structural equations modeling using a sample of 210 professional association members, a nonwork sample that reduces the influence of extrinsic rewards on leadership involvement.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between middle managers' transformational leadership and the performance of frontline employees who are two levels below the middle managers. We identified two pathways through which this cross‐level influence occurs and tested two moderators operating on these two pathways. The first pathway is a direct effect from middle managers to employees, bypassing the influence of employees' immediate supervisor (the bypass effect). We further hypothesized that the bypass effect is moderated by the employees' collectivistic value. The second pathway is a cascading of leadership behaviours from middle managers to first‐line supervisors, whose transformational leadership then enhances employees' performance (the cascading effect). We further hypothesized that this cascading effect is moderated by the supervisors' power distance value. These hypotheses were tested with a sample of 491 frontline employees, 98 frontline supervisors, and 30 middle managers in three organizations in China. The three‐level hierarchical linear modelling results supported the four hypotheses.  相似文献   

本文从特质观、行为观和权变观三个视角对健康促进型领导的特点进行梳理,提出健康促进型领导的内涵包括健康观念、健康知觉和健康行为三个维度.通过对493名企业员工进行调研,得出如下结论:健康观念、健康知觉和健康行为是三个对于“下属健康关心”和“下属自我健康关心”具有区分效度的结构维度;下属健康关心与工作特征、工作环境和工作氛围显著正相关,下属自我健康关心与过度承诺显著负相关;在下属健康关心对员工健康状况起作用的过程中,下属自我健康关心起到了中介作用.基于研究结论,提出了领导者需要从健康观念、知觉和行为三个方面实践组织健康管理,承担下属健康关心责任,通过“仪式性”活动推进企业健康组织的建立.  相似文献   

Sustainable development is nowadays a high priority for firms all over the world. Consequently, numerous firms have increased their social responsibility initiatives, reinforcing the credibility and trust of their stakeholders. However, prior research about the relevance of sustainability leadership for the European investment community is scarce. In this context, the aim of this study is to examine whether sustainability leadership – proxied by membership of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe – is value relevant for investors on the 10 major European stock markets over the 2001–2013 period. Our overall results reveal that there exist significant differences across markets. These findings are relevant especially for investors, but also for the managers of listed firms, market regulators and policymakers. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

An enigma lies at the heart of this article. In December 2006, the mayor of Saint‐Étienne, Michel Thiollière, was elected as the fifth best mayor in the world by the internet site City Mayors. Yet no publicity was made locally around this award. Taking this anecdote as a starting point, this article deals with the motivations that can lead a city mayor to become involved in urban international relationships' policy (city twinning, participation in cities networks, study trips, etc.). On the one hand these activities provide resources for building up political legitimacy and for electoral control, and on the other they provide resources for policy solutions to urban problems in the public realm. Nevertheless, in a context of transformation of the process of legitimization of urban elected officials, the second kind of resources seems to be the most sought after in mayoral involvement in international activities.  相似文献   

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