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钢筋混凝土立筒仓安全储粮技术管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对新建钢筋混凝土立筒仓安全储粮历时5a的试验研究,在粮食入仓、常规管理、粮情检查及隐患处理、机械通风、熏蒸杀虫和防护剂施用、例仓、筒仓安全保证等方面,从技术管理的角度,进行了系统总结。  相似文献   

Communication, and its key role in facilitating teamworking and knowledge management, is at the heart of research designed to understand the best approaches to managing teamwork and integration across functions and business partners. This understanding is necessary to improve the development of new products and services, and improve marketing efficiency. The research framework of Mohr and Nevin (1990) provides an interesting model, relating aspects of channel communication with channel performance, to achieve such improvements. Our model and hypotheses utilises Mohr and Nevin's unique framework as our starting point in examining the impact of communication strategy in intraorganisational cross-functional teams upon their team outcomes. We tested our model by collecting data from 42 organisational teams (237 respondents) and found that the model Mohr and Nevin proposed transfers well to the intra-organisational context. Our main finding supported the relationship between team communication behaviours and team performance. In addition, we found significant differences in this relationship depending upon the nature of the offer created by the industry (tangible good or intangible service) examined.  相似文献   


The article focuses on the relational contextual variables (i.e., relationship commitment, trust, and relative power) of conflict resolution strategies (problem-solving, compromising, legalism, and forcing). The hypotheses are tested with two samples of managers-Mainland Chinese and Asians (e.g., Japan, Korean Hong Kong, and Taiwan), who are involved in joint ventures operating in China. The findings have important implications for theory development in relationship marketing and for managing international strategic alliances.  相似文献   

Existing research on supply chain relationships suggests that one of the underlying tensions between supply chain partners is that of opposing perspectives and goals in the customer?supplier relationship. In today's business world with requirements in constant flux, suppliers are often asked to accommodate “special” requests made by their customers, not part of the contractual agreement. Suppliers frequently fill requests to protect the relationship with the customer, even if they fall outside of what they consider their role as a supplier. Issues of supplier role conflict emerge when customers and suppliers have different views of what the supplier's role should entail. There is little research examining the potential for supplier role conflict in supply chains. Specifically, this research draws on literature from multiple disciplines to consider supplier role conflict that may stem from accommodation and the impact of this role conflict and supplier accommodation on the supply chain relationship and future accommodation behavior. Hypotheses are tested using two scenario‐based experiments. Results suggest that supplier adaptation and flexibility both have positive relational effects. If suppliers perceive accommodation requests as outside of their contracted role, supplier role conflict can have detrimental effects on the supplier's relationship perceptions and their willingness for future accommodation.  相似文献   

In interdependent social groups, microfinance traps occur when conflicts arise between borrowers’ affective ties related to family needs and instrumental ties related to obligations toward their loan group. Thus, the social capital that facilitates microfinancing can lead to conflicting obligations toward business needs and economic obligations toward family. Building on an inductive field study among female entrepreneurs in Tanzania, we conceptualize microfinance traps. By using relational contract theory to interpret the qualitative data, we argue that microfinance traps can be reduced by balancing role integrity, preserving norms and reciprocity, and harmonizing the social matrix toward the family and loan group.  相似文献   

高大立筒仓环流熏蒸生产性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用环流熏蒸系统对仓内大麦进行环流熏蒸时,借助立筒仓内通风笼,并按2:98的比例通入CO2。试验结果证实,pH3的扩散均匀,杀虫效果较为理想。  相似文献   

This article investigates the effectiveness of bathroom print ads. Using liquor as the product domain, field study data (n = 146) indicate a high level of ad (60%) and product category (80%) recall. Contrary to the literature and the researchers’ hypothesis, respondents had a significantly higher level of recall for copy dominant than for visual dominant ads. Hypotheses suggesting that color advertisements would outperform non-color advertisements and interactions between ages and visual-based versus copy-based stimuli and gender and visual-based versus copy-based stimuli were not supported by the data. The implications for practitioners of the effectiveness of copy rich ads and suggested directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了国外对粮食钢板筒仓稳定性研究的相关基础资料,并将我国《粮食钢板筒仓设计规范》(GB50322-2001)中筒仓稳定方法和欧洲筒仓设计规范的筒仓稳定设计方法进行了计算比较.提出了粮食钢板筒仓稳定设计计算时应注意偏心荷载影响,仓壁折算厚度计算、计算参数取值等问题.  相似文献   

Drawing on the dynamic self‐regulatory processing model of narcissism, we hypothesize that in teams planning a business, task conflict relates positively to business planning performance and that this link is reinforced by the team's narcissism. By integrating aspects of human capital theory, this brighter side of narcissism is amplified where the narcissism is aligned with entrepreneurial capability and the team members' belief in their entrepreneurial capability. The findings of the moderated moderation analysis examining 66 teams of entrepreneurship students support the study's assumptions and provide meaningful implications for social psychology and personality researchers in entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

利益相关者网络视角的研究更加贴近现实的管理实践,但现有的网络视角的研究过分地强调了网络的结构属性,这使得网络中结点间互动关系中丰富的结构与行为要素无法进入分析视野。因此,必需将注重网络结构分析所抽象掉的那些关系要素重新还原到网络中去;将关系性质、关系强度、关系中的权力结构等关系要素,与总体网络分析中的网络密度、网络成员的中心性等重要的结构变量相匹配,并发现一些整体结构分析无法获得的结论。  相似文献   

I present a review of the top management teams (TMTs) of the largest public corporations in the U.S. and Scandinavia (one thousand in total) to identify corporations that have a TMT position with “corporate social responsibility” (CSR) or a “CSR synonym” like sustainability or citizenship explicitly included in the position title. Through this I present three key findings. First, I establish that a number of CSR TMT positions exist and I list all identified corporations and associated position titles. Second, I show that Scandinavian corporations are significantly more likely than U.S. corporations to have such CSR TMT positions. This finding serves as evidence that the U.S. may have been surpassed by a subset of Europe, i.e., Scandinavia, in at least one relevant measure of explicit CSR, whereby this study may serve witness to a noteworthy juncture post Matten and Moon’s (Academy of Management Review, 33(2):404–424, 2008) “Implicit & Explicit CSR” article. And third, I show that corporations with a CSR TMT position are three times more likely to be included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) than corporations with none. A range of further research opportunities stemming from these findings include exploring whether explicit attention to CSR by the corporation is indicative of a longer term trend that has to do with attention to responsible business and whether a move away from the expression ‘CSR’ toward the expression ‘sustainability’ is underway and what this may entail.  相似文献   

In light of the many corporate scandals, social and ethical commitment of society has increased considerably, which puts pressure on companies to communicate information related to corporate social responsibility (CSR). The reasons underlying the decision by management teams to engage in ethical communication are scarcely focussed on. Thus, grounded on legitimacy and stakeholder theory, this study analyses the views management teams in large listed companies have on communication of CSR. The focus is on aspects on interest, motives/reasons, users and problems related to corporate communication of CSR information. A questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews confirm that there is a distinct trend shift towards more focus on CSR in corporate communication. Whilst this trend shift started as a reactive approach initiated by the many corporate scandals, the trend shift is now argued to be of a proactive nature focussed at preventing legitimacy concerns to arise. These findings are significant and interesting, implying that we are witnessing a transit period between two legitimacy strategies. Furthermore, the findings suggest that the way respondents argue when it comes to CSR activities coincides with consequentialism or utilitarianism, i.e. companies engage in CSR activities to avoid negative impacts instead of being driven by a will to make a social betterment or acting in accordance with what is fundamentally believed to be right to do. This provides new input to the ongoing debate about business ethics. The findings should alert national and international policy makers to the need both to increase the vigilance and capacity of the regulatory and judicial systems in the CSR context and to increase institutional pressure to enhance CSR adoption and CSR communication. Furthermore, stakeholders need to be careful in assuming that CSR communication is an evidence of a CSR commitment influencing corporate behaviour and increasing business ethics.  相似文献   

An Asynchronous Learning Network (ALN) is a Computer-Mediated Communication System designed to support "anytime/anywhere" interaction among students and between students and instructors. A field experiment compared groups and individuals solving an ethical case scenario, with and without an ALN, to determine the separate and joint effects of communication medium and teamwork. Dependent variables include quality and length of the reports, and subjective perceptions of learning and satisfaction. The results indicate that that an ALN enhances the quantity and quality of the solutions to an ethical case scenario. The combination of teamwork with ALN-support increases the students' perception of learning. Although the perception of collaborative learning was similar between ALN-supported and unsupported groups, participants in computer-mediated groups reported lower perceptions of discussion quality than participants in manual groups.  相似文献   

中国企业营销渠道冲突与管理战略研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
营销渠道冲突已成为中国企业渠道关系中的一种普遍现象。营销渠道冲突的表现各异 ,其危害也不可低估。因此 ,本文针对我国企业营销渠道冲突问题及其症结 ,提出了解决渠道冲突问题的基本管理战略思路。  相似文献   

实行校院两级管理是高校管理体制改革的需要,在校院两级管理体制下实现教务管理的知识化、科学化、效率化是高校教学管理的关键。对构建和谐的高校教务管理队伍、促进高校教学管理有着重要意义。文章从高校教务管理队伍素质结构、管理方式与师生意向的和谐、管理能力与教学结构的和谐、对构建校院两级管理体制下的教务管理队伍的作用等方面进行了阐述.  相似文献   

Providing consumers with information that can lead to more energy-efficient choices can help reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions while reducing costs to consumers. A natural field experiment is conducted in collaboration with an electrical retailer to test strategies for influencing sales of household appliances. The experiment involves two product categories, fridge-freezers and tumble driers. Information on lifetime energy cost of appliances is provided through a label and training of sales staff. For fridge-freezers, the authors find no significant effects. For tumble driers, the combined treatment and training treatment reduce average energy use of tumble driers sold by 4.9% and 3.4%, respectively. The effect is strongest initially, over 12% on average for the first 3 months for the combined treatment but declines over time. The effect is significant at the 5% level for the combined treatment while not significant for sales staff training.  相似文献   

Relational governance affects manufacturers’ ability to adapt flexibly to uncertainty in manufacturer–supplier relationships. Enhancing manufacturer–supplier relationships requires considering supplier willingness and opinions on the relational governance of their focal manufacturer and the effect of relational governance on relational exchange performance. After reviewing the related literature, I identified the antecedents of relational governance affecting suppliers’ relationships with their focal manufacturers and explored the effect of relational governance on relational exchange performance, taking relationship value and relationship norms as the intervening constructs. Data were collected from 241 usable questionnaires that had been completed by suppliers for all Taiwanese automobile manufacturers. The hypotheses were tested with respondent data by using a structural equation model. The results indicated that relational governance directly and positively relates to relationship value and relationship norms, relationship value and relationship norms directly and positively relate to relational exchange performance, and customer focus and competitive priorities directly and positively relate to relational governance.  相似文献   

通过对隔热型与非隔热型浅圆仓气密性测定,以压力测定法测定在两种仓型内压力从500Pa降低到250Pa的压力半衰期。结果表明,隔热型浅圆仓的气密性均超过非隔热型仓房6秒以上。  相似文献   

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