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激励视野下公立医院财政拨款方法的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王莹 《财贸经济》2007,(12):34-39
财政拨款方法直接关系到公立医院的行为决策,方法的设计和选择需要充分考虑其对医院的驱动作用.本文旨在从激励角度对公立医院财政拨款方法进行比较分析,在借鉴国际经验的基础上,探讨我国公立医院财政拨款方法的改革方向和路径.  相似文献   

本文立足于中国转轨经济中的信贷市场,强调制度性因素对银行贷款决策和资产选择行为的影响,通过建立一个银行资产选择模型,将这些制度性因素的影响内生化,利用广义的边际分析,分析了在不确定性条件下,中国商业银行贷款变动的原因以及由此导致的结构性信贷配给机制,并且指出,在中国以银行间接金融为主导的金融市场上,银行决策者在不确定性条件下根据自身的偏好和效用函数而作出的相对独立的贷款决策和资产选择行为,不仅可能导致货币政策失效,还可能对经济运行和经济增长的质量产生独立的影响.  相似文献   

Differences in problem framing and understanding are unavoidable in multi-actor decision-making processes, deeming ambiguous problem definitions and actions. The presence of ambiguity may have diverse implications. On the one hand, a diversity in frames can enhance the co-production of knowledge offering opportunities for innovative solutions. On the other hand, the presence of ambiguity can be a source of discrepancies or conflict in a group, hampering the implementation and/or reducing the effectiveness of environmental policy. This work demonstrates that neglecting ambiguity in problem framing leads decision-actors to simplify the interaction space by ignoring the role of some of the other decision-actors and/or making wrong assumptions about their mental models. Moreover, they act as if the system is as simple as the decision-actors presume it to be. To demonstrate these hypotheses, a Causal Loop Diagram method was implemented to investigate the policy resistance mechanisms hampering the implementation of sustainable groundwater abstraction policy in the Apulia Region (Southern Italy).  相似文献   

Amazon面临的八大选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A research method is developed to effectively identify associations that significantly influence the perceived fit of brand extensions. Contrary to extant brand extension studies that mainly focus on the fit of associations, the current study considers the ambiguity of associations. The proposed measure of association ambiguity, defined as the level of uncertainty based on the perceived conflict of a particular association in a brand extension indicated by the similarity and intensity level of perceived association distance to the parent brand and extension category, was tested and validated using several brand extension cases. Identifying an association's level of ambiguity and the magnitude of its impact on the perceived fit will allow advertisers to adjust their advertising messages and increase consumer receptiveness toward brand extensions. Implications for advertising practitioners and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Collective Intelligence   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

审计免疫系统说,拓宽了审计理论研究和实践发展。农村集体经济审计的研究和实践仍相对滞后和薄弱。本文基于审计免疫系统的角度,认为免疫系统的运行机制由三个因子构成,分别是认知、防御和强化;试图从审计需求、审计执行力度、审计效用、审计职能等几个方面来剖析农村审计的发展困境,并提出相应的化解对策。  相似文献   

在人的一生中,能有出色的决策技能是非常必要的. 我居住在哪里最合适?我应当买怎样的房子?现在是否该换工作或去读研究生?我应该聘用谁来为我工作?在企业经营中采取何种商业战略?这些问题如何选择才能给决策者带来成功,乃至幸福,在很大程度上都取决于所做的决定.作出明智的选择,是一项与每个人--企业家、医生、律师、教师、学生、父母、青年、老人--息息相关的基本生存技能.正是我们作出的决策影响和决定了我们的职业发展和个人生活质量.遗憾的是几乎没有多少人知道决策技能的真髓,因此往往面临选择时迟疑不决甚至胆怯害怕,以致坐失良机.  相似文献   

Although weakness in the U.S. economy is an important factor in current federal budget deficits, even robust growth will leave unsustainable deficits unless there are major changes in federal policies. Moreover, deficits cannot be eliminated by reversion to past tax and spending policies. This paper explores the causes and magnitudes of the projected deficits and the choices that must be faced for the federal budget to regain a sustainable path.  相似文献   

What sort of jobs? What sort of companies? What sort of capitalism? What sort of society? What sort of education? What sort of life? Starting with mundane statistics of GDP growth and job creation, this article moves on to explore the relationship between business and some of the major issues of human life. It is based on a speech to London Business School Alumni.  相似文献   

The annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co- operation (APEC) forum in Hawaii will have something more concrete to focus on than the usual bromides about extending free trade in the region. Barack Obama, the host, will use the occasion to laud progress in  相似文献   

作为五四反传统战斗中的主将,鲁迅曾激烈地抨击过一大批传统文人。他对宋玉评价的背景和原因,他们文体特征背后所体现的审美特征,他们的文本中对秋的描写所蕴含的浓重的悲感和苍凉,表现了鲁迅与传统文化复杂的联系。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种有效识别消费者的感知契合度并对其产生显著负面影响的关键性联想的新方法。与现有品牌延伸研究主要关注延伸产品与母品牌联想之间的契合度不同,本文考察了这两方面联想之间的模糊性。在确定了特定联想的模糊度及其对感知契合度的影响之后,企业可以识别出关键性联想,从而可以有针对性地进行产品定位或广告策划,使消费者更加容易接受品牌延伸产品。  相似文献   

农村集体土地建设租赁房在当前社会发展中有着与其他形式住房不可比拟的优势,但是在建设过程中仍面临着许多无法逃避的问题和风险,例如法律风险、市场风险、社会风险、财务风险等问题。本文从相关理论研究入手,综合运用各种数据收集和分析,对农村集体土地建租赁房的风险及其防范进行了相关的阐述,力求为其提供借鉴,增强预防和控制风险的能力,尽量规避风险或降低风险损失程度。  相似文献   

The success of the lean production system in Japan has led other companies to attempt to adopt it. Yet lean production system initiatives have seen a low success rate. This study draws on the theory of causal ambiguity and its role in the transfer of knowledge to argue that causal ambiguity can impede interfirm transfer of knowledge during lean production system implementation. The authors argue that causal ambiguity undermines motivation during lean production system implementation. Several variables are proposed as moderating the relationship. The findings of a survey are presented here.  相似文献   

By structuring choices wisely, governments can get people to make better choices without limiting their freedom.  相似文献   

试论在华跨国公司进入模式的独资倾向及我国的对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自20世纪90年代以来,在华跨国公司进入模式表现出明显的“独资倾向”,这对我国经济有着双重的影响,我国政府和企业应正确认识这一现象,并采取适当、有效的措施加以应对。  相似文献   

We develop a framework for understanding how lack of clarity in business press coverage of corporate social responsibility functions as a mediated and emergent form of strategic ambiguity. Many stakeholders expect CSR to exhibit clarity, consistency, and discursive closure. But stakeholders also expect CSR to conform to varying degrees of both formal and substantive rationality. These diverse expectations conflict with each other and change over time. A content analysis of press coverage in Denmark suggests that the business media reflect and amplify the ambiguity generated by these shifting demands. We propose that this very public lack of discursive closure provides strategic advantages to CSR stakeholders by rendering the concept of CSR adaptable, resilient, and meaningful to diverse interests. From this perspective, strategic ambiguity emerges from a relational and mediated process, not from the direct intentions of individual stakeholders. Our framework suggests that CSR is best understood not as a clear or consistent agenda, but rather as a forum for sensemaking, diversity of opinion, and debate over the conflicting social norms and expectations attached to corporate activity.  相似文献   

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