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This article examines the link between local government fragmentation, or “Tiebout choice,” and segregation between black and white residents. As suggested by Tiebout [Tiebout, C., 1956. A pure theory of local public expenditures. Journal of Political Economy 64, 416–424.], fragmented local governance structures may encourage households to vote with their feet and sort into communities based on their willingness to pay for local public services. This outcome has been well documented. The nuance explored here is that, if the demand for local public services varies by race or if households have preferences for neighbors with specific racial characteristics, local government fragmentation may foster an increase in residential segregation by race across neighborhoods and jurisdictions. Results from metropolitan-level regressions suggest that increased Tiebout choice is associated with increases in black–white residential segregation within US metropolitan areas. Comparable results are obtained from household-level estimates, where the black racial composition of a household's census tract of residence is regressed on household-level controls and racially stratified measures of Tiebout choice. Results from both approaches suggest that a 10% increase in Tiebout choice would increase neighborhood segregation by no more than 1%, while segregation across jurisdictions would increase by between 4% and 7%.  相似文献   

城市新区发展中的一个重要问题是产城融合。在中国城市新区建设中,产业发展与城市发展不能有机融合的现象非常突出,造成社会资源的极大浪费、社会服务的基础薄弱和城市主体功能不强、职住分离严重、进入行业难以达到预期等一系列问题。中国城市新区的产城融合也积累了一些有代表性的成功模式,比如工业园区转型模式、卧城转型模式、平地造城模式等。其他地区的城市新区建设可以借鉴这些模式,制定合理的产业发展战略,实施正确的社会化规划,实现新区各部分的有机成长,构建体系化的新区服务网络来促进产城融合。  相似文献   

回顾了商品房预售制度的起源及其在我国的发展,随后从理论层面分析了现房市场价格失效的原因及期房市场对现房市场价格稳定效应的作用机理.最后,结合其它国家和地区期房政策的实践经验,从调整和完善期房市场功能的角度,提出了弱化直接融资功能、发展间接融资功能、保护营销功能、发挥价格稳定功能等政策建议.  相似文献   

Orthogonal main-effect plans for two and three factors in small blocks are obtained from the dual of adjusted orthogonal row-column designs. The method for constructing efficient plans is presented, and a relationship between the average efficiency factors of the row-column design and the corresponding main effects is given for the two-factor case. Orthogonal Main Effect.  相似文献   

This study explores the influence of power distance in a relatively high power distance culture (Turkish) and a relatively low power distance culture (British) from the viewpoint of the expressions used by subordinates when communicating with their superiors in situations of service crises and recovery. The findings suggest that in Turkey subordinates use much more mitigated and indirect expressions when faced with service crises which may lead delays in the identification and solving of customer problems. This, in turn, is believed to cause a failure in the formation of customer loyalty and an increase in the customer switching behaviour.  相似文献   

Empirical research characterizing transportation markets in developing countries is scarce. By analyzing contracts between the World Food Programme and private carriers, we identify the determinants of transportation tariffs in Ethiopia and quantify their relative importance. The econometric models devised from our unique dataset provide insights for shippers to improve procurement processes, for carriers to develop competitive business models and for government authorities to define effective investments and policies. Results indicate that the number of carriers on a given lane significantly reduces transportation tariffs and that policies stimulating competition may be as important as road infrastructure investments in Ethiopia's development strategy.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the relationship between governance and learning in clusters and networks. In particular, we see these two key elements as interdependent, suggesting that, under particular circumstances, such interdependence may drive clusters and networks towards a dynamic development trajectory. A pure ‘governance perspective’ makes the development of any locality dependent on the system of powers which exists within the locality or across the global value chain. In parallel, a pure ‘competence-based approach’ focuses mainly on the capabilities of actors to learn and undertake activities. In contrast, we open the prospects for an interdependent relation that may change the actual competences of actors as well as the governance settings and dynamics in networks and clusters. When supported by public policies, the learning process may have the potential to modify the governance environment. Simultaneously, the learning process is intrinsically influenced by economic power, which may seriously affect the development prospects of clusters and networks. This is why an intertwined consideration of both aspects is necessary to promote specific approaches to learning and to design appropriate policies. In this paper we offer two preliminary case studies to clarify some of these dynamics: the first taken from the computers cluster in Costa Rica and the second from an Italian bio-pharmaceutical firm and its production network. The first case study refers to the software cluster that was created from scratch in Costa Rica thanks to an enlightened government policy in coordination with new local enterprises and an important foreign direct investor; while the second reflects on the ability of an individual company to create a network of relationships with large transnational companies in order to acquire new competences without falling into a subordinate position with respect to its larger partners.  相似文献   

作为贵州省第一家,也是目前唯一的水电上市公司,贵州黔源电力股份有限公司的资本市场形象,从某种程度上代表着贵州省水电企业的发展状况。西电东送第一股、深市询价第一股、股改中小板等众多题材与光环的背后,本质还是公司的竞争力和后续发展能力。文章通过以黔源电力为例,对贵州水电企业的竞争优劣势进行客观分析,为水电企业的发展提供一些有借鉴意义的思路。  相似文献   

BSC在我国企业绩效考核管理中的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平衡计分卡(BSC)是企业绩效考核管理的一种新的方法手段。文章在充分分析、研究平衡计分卡(BSC)理论的基础上,介绍了运用平衡计分卡(BSC)进行绩效考核管理的基本步骤,并基于对我国企业应用平衡计分卡(BSC)进行绩效管理存在的一些问题进行分析,提出了改善性建议和意见,以及给予我国已经实施和将要实施平衡计分卡(BSC)企业一定的启示。  相似文献   

We propose a novel method and algorithm for the analysis and clustering of mixed-type data using a hierarchical approach based on Forward Search. In our procedure, the identification of groups is based on the identification of similar trajectories and then linked to very intuitive two-dimensional maps. The proposed algorithm can use different measures for the calculation of distance in the case of mixed-type data, such as Gower’s metric and Related metric scaling. A key feature of our algorithm is its ability to discard redundant information from a given set of variables. The practical usefulness of the algorithm is illustrated through two applications of high relevance for empirical economic research. The first one focuses on comparing different indicators of environmental policy stringency in different countries. The second one applies our procedure to identify clusters of countries based on information regarding their institutional characteristics.  相似文献   

Mediation as a theory testing approach has witnessed considerable adoption among Operations Management (OM) researchers. Although mediation-testing methods have evolved tremendously in the past decade, their dissemination in the OM field has not seen parallel growth. These advanced techniques facilitate the testing of existing and complex hypotheses in a more precise manner. With the intent of critically evaluating existing and alternative methods for conducting mediation analysis needed to support sophisticated empirical research, this paper first reviews OM studies that tested for mediation in the past eleven years (2002–2012) from top-tier OM journals. Four commonly used mediation approaches were identified. Based on principles of good theory building, type of mediation model, and properties of empirical data, we evaluate the existing methodologies and make recommendations on how to improve the rigor of OM mediation testing. Using published OM studies in top journals as examples, we then illustrate the relevance and advantages of these recommendations, as well as their ease of use. Furthermore, we empirically show that more robust and insightful results can be achieved by adopting these techniques, which in turn have the promise of leading to better theory building and testing in the field of operations management.  相似文献   


Economic growth has different impacts on gender gaps. In recent decades the growing participation of women in the labour market has reduced the gender employment gap, however a notable gender pay gap still persists standing at around 15% on average in the European Union. In this context, this paper evaluates the impact of economic growth patterns on the evolution of gender employment and pay gaps. First, sectorial feminization, direct discrimination, and structural change factors are identified and evaluated as ways to explain changes observed in the gender pay gap. Second, we explore the influence of demand, technology, and intensity factors on the evolution of employment combining gender, skill, sectorial, and temporal perspectives. As a case study, we examine Spanish economic growth from 1980 to 2007 and the influences on the size, composition (by skill), and distribution (by sector) of female and male employment, as well as the consequences for gender gaps. Our results show that structural change contributed to reduce the gender employment gap in Spain; while the evolution of the gender pay gap is less conclusive, following a sort of inverted U-shape. This paper shows the suitability and potential of the multisectorial input–output framework to analyse structural and technological changes and their impacts on the gender employment and pay gaps.  相似文献   

Three care delivery settings are compared in this study: office-based care, home-care, and mixed-care, i.e., office-based care combined with home-care, in solo, small, medium, and large primary care practices. The objective of this paper is to identify which of these settings better achieves the secondary goals of the so-called quadruple aim, i.e., reducing costs, improving the patient experience, and improving the physician experience. A multi-objective integer programming formulation is developed to capture the elements of strategic health care planning. The formulation considers the minimization of four objective functions: the total cost of care workers, the total number of care workers, the total rejected demand and unsatisfied preferred care location, and the total panel size of the providers. Instead of computing the entire Pareto frontier, we used the Nash bargaining solution to determine a single Pareto optimal solution for the problem. The approach was tested using real world instances, which can be adjusted to any specific primary care practice. The numerical results show that none of the settings provides the smallest values in all objective functions. The choice of a setting for a primary care practice depends on the secondary goals that the practice desires to emphasize, and, in most cases, it is independent of the type of practice size. For the analyzed instances, a calculated overall score for each setting determined that, on average, the settings based on home-care strengthen the achievement of the secondary goals of the quadruple aim more so than in comparison to the office-based physician settings.  相似文献   

Over the last half century there has been a great deal of interest in the role of personality in teams. In this article we review the theoretical and empirical research on this topic to summarize what we have learned and also to provide a foundation for future research necessary for application of this knowledge to human resource management decisions. We describe research that emphasizes both team- and individual-levels of analysis and theory, and we discuss recent efforts that attempt to bridge these two levels. We conclude by identifying several issues that should take precedence in research in order to advance our understanding of the role of personality in teams.  相似文献   

In recent years, natural resource depletion, rapid population growth, and increasing urbanization have all reached new heights. All of these ecological problems that exceed the planet's absorbing capacity, have begun to imperil both human life and nature itself. Rural settlement plans aim to optimize the use of natural resources. Agricultural lands are used for non-agricultural purposes as a result of proper placement planning of rural settlements. The suitability of land for a specific purpose is determined via suitability analysis. Therefore, it is extremely important to use technological innovations in the selection of rural settlement areas in addition to considering the technical, economic, and social factors in determining the most suitable locations. With the advancement of computer technology, Geographical Information System (GIS) has become an important tool for more effective use of rural areas. In this study, the most suitable rural settlement area was determined by using GIS in Erzincan Province. Technical, social, cultural, and economic criteria were developed for the selection of the location. Alternative locations were analyzed using the GIS, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and the Analytical Hierarchy Process method based on the criteria and site data. The most suitable areas for rural settlements were chosen as the Merkez, Tercan, Kemaliye, and Kemah districts in Erzincan Province. Çağlayan town in the Merkez district has been determined as the most suitable region for an eco-village and a cost calculation and 3D eco-village design were carried out in Çağlayan.  相似文献   

文章阐述了新建衡茶吉铁路云阳山隧道断层破碎带初支大变形的原因以及施工处理方案,可为今后类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   

贵州省水城县顺场中学滑坡于2007年列为中央财政补助的特大型地质灾害治理项目,文章通过对滑坡治理工程中多排抗滑桩运用和受力进行分析、计算,为水城县顺场中学滑坡治理工程提出合理有效的方案奠定基础,同时也为类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   


Personal initiative is an important behavior relevant to future workplaces that will require significant self-reliance. In research on self-initiated expatriates (SIE), it is assumed that those who move to another country and a new job show ‘initiative’ and yet it has received insufficient attention in empirical publications. We highlight the degree to which personal initiative shown by SIEs is context-dependent and conclude that it is untenable to attribute to all SIEs a homogeneous work behavior in terms of personal initiative. To improve the fast-growing SIE research, we incorporate a theory of personal initiative and advocate for, and give suggestions on how to measure initiative. We also, offer an initial model of how personal initiative will improve SIE outcomes. By offering specific guidance for future research, we seek to enhance the meaningfulness of future studies and thus increase their utility for organizations and policymakers alike. We conclude by expressing the importance of this conceptualization in practice.  相似文献   

Balanced development of regions requires the fair distribution of facilities and services. Hence, it is necessary to find and estimate the development degree of regions for policy makers. This paper presents an integrated Common Weight Data Envelopment Analysis (CWDEA) – Principal Component Analysis (PCA) model to find out the development degree of provinces in Iran. First, 131 suitable indicators are selected and then, the indicators are classified in fourteen different classes. In classical DEA model, each Decision Making Unit (DMU) is free to set its weights to reach the efficient frontier. In this paper, to restrict flexibility in indicator weights, development degree of provinces in each class is calculated using CWDEA model. Since, the proposed CWDEA model is not capable of fully ranking of provinces with all indicators, hence, the development degrees generated by CWDEA model are considered as indicators of PCA and the final ranks are obtained using PCA model. The results of proposed CWDEA-PCA model show that Yazd, Semnan and Bushehr are top three provinces in Iran.  相似文献   

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