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This paper analyses industrial policy in an open economy hosting an agglomeration consisting of vertically linked upstream and downstream firms. We show that optimal policy towards upstream and downstream industries may typically differ radically in this setting as compared to the case of a closed economy. Internationalisation in terms of international mobility of firms as well as reduced trade costs is found to have significant impact on policy design. We find that in addition to technology and demand characteristics, degree of mobility and level of trade cost are key determinants of tax and subsidy levels.  相似文献   

Based on previous research in the literature of spatial economics and agglomeration, this study proposes that a firm's geographic distance to its rivals may have two opposite effects on prices which depend on the strength of local demand. In periods of high demand, the competition effect of proximity is relatively smaller than the benefits of being geographically close, which results in a positive net effect of proximity on prices. To the contrary, in periods of low demand, the negative competitive effect of proximity will be greater than the positive effect; therefore, the net effect of proximity on prices is negative. The results for a sample of 1838 hotels support the two contrary consequences. These findings contribute to increase our knowledge of the relation between geographical distance and prices in service industries in which competition is local and demand fluctuates over time.  相似文献   

Firms in geographic regions with industry clustering have been hypothesized to possess performance advantages due to superior access to knowledge spillovers. Yet, no prior studies have directly examined the relationship between a firm's location within a cluster, knowledge spillovers and firm performance. In this study, we examine whether technological spillovers explain the performance of new ventures in cluster regions. We find that ventures located within geographic clusters absorb more knowledge from the local environment and have higher growth and innovation performance, but contrary to conventional wisdom, technological spillovers are not the contributing cause of higher performance observed for these firms.  相似文献   

Firm growth in industrial clusters of the United Kingdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines how firm growth is influenced by the strength of the industrial cluster in which the firm is located. It presents econometric estimates of firm growth for 56 two-digit industries in the UK. In about half of these industries, there is a positive and statistically significant association between firm growth and own-sector employment. Significant associations between firm growth and other-sector employment are less common, but where these arise they are generally negative. We find that a weak rule of thumb applies in most industries: own-sector effects are positive or insignificant, while other-sector effects are negative or insignificant. Cluster effects are strongest in manufacturing, manufacturing-related, and infrastructure, but weaker in services.
Catherine BeaudryEmail:

Existing studies examining how geography affects firm outcomes primarily consider how clusters affect performance. We examine how regional geographic signature—industry clusters, regional economic diversity, region size, and regional innovativeness—affects firm value and systematic and unsystematic risk using a sample of publicly traded American bank holding companies. After controlling for endogeneity of clusters, we find that locating in large and innovative regions enhances firm value, while locating in clusters and diversifying into many regions reduces value. Clusters reduce systematic risk and increase unsystematic risk, while economic diversity and innovativeness increase systematic risk. Thus, geographic locales exert multifaceted influences on value and risk, and we need to consider more than industry clusters and geographic diversification when considering geographic influence. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article presents a framework for understanding new patterns of innovation and commercialization that are most easily observed in Clusters of Innovation (COI) and in the global connections established among them. We define COI as environments that favor the creation and development of high potential entrepreneurial ventures. COI are characterized by heightened mobility of resources (principally people, capital, and information—including intellectual property); increased velocity of business development; and a culture of mobility that leads to an affinity for collaboration, development of durable relationships, and the formation of Networks of Clusters of Innovation (NCOI). These networks are distinct sets of relationships. When the connections progress to the point of mutual dependence and business integration among participating enterprises, such covalent bonds form tightly interrelated business communities, or Super-Clusters of Innovation (Super-COI). In this article, we analyze the characteristics of COI and the nature of the relationships that arise between them to form NCOI and Super-COI. Further, we present an integrated model to better understand the global innovation system.  相似文献   

This paper examines co-operative marketing strategies among clustered-based firms in the most important wine producing and exporting countries in the ‘new world’. The research examines the development of active inter-firm marketing co-operation undertaken by firms to achieve competitive positioning in international markets. The results of a survey of managers located in Argentina, Australia, Chile and New Zealand are presented. The empirical contribution comes from the unique comparative data from regional clusters in four countries which are seen internationally as innovative producers and marketers, all strongly export-oriented, but at different stages of economic development and positioning in the global marketplace. In addition, this study makes a significant contribution to agglomeration theory by confirming the importance of sharing marketing knowledge to build sustainable competitive advantage in international markets. The theoretical contribution builds understanding of international marketing strategies within the Southern Hemisphere group of emerging countries and offers new insights on international marketing practices for emerging firms from both the developed economies in the Pacific Ocean region and Latin American emerging economies.  相似文献   

在回顾国内外相关研究的基础上,构建知识转移的影响因素模型。然后,基于知识密集型的环同济设计产业集群的调研数据对上述理论模型进行实证研究。研究结果显示:企业间亲密的关系和企业浓厚的学习文化对知识密集型服务业企业之间的知识转移有重要的促进作用;企业较强的吸收能力、企业间较近的组织距离对产业集群内知识密集型服务业企业之间的知识转移有较大促进作用;知识的模糊性对知识密集型服务业集群内企业之间的知识转移有阻碍作用;中等的知识距离比较远的知识距离更有利于产业集群内知识密集型服务业企业之间的知识转移。  相似文献   

Despite increased global market competition, Japan remains a leading producer of metal-cutting machinery. Exporting plays an important role in firm-level strategies, an approach that has occurred with much success in many of Japan's capital goods sectors. This article examines the dynamics of exporting within Japan's machine-tool sector in the context of recent industry changes and in terms of evolving product make-up. Evidence from a recent series of interviews mainly conducted in 2006 suggests that firms use a variety of strategies to succeed in export markets, with an emphasis on increased precision and service. These strategies continue to keep many Japanese producers in prominent market positions, despite spatial redistributions of world manufacturing activities.  相似文献   

The presence of network ties within location plays a significant role in organization and evolution of clusters. This has proven to be particularly true for clusters specializing in knowledge intensive industries, where the organization of resources – people and technology – has been a primary driver for firm and regional performance. With the help of a longitudinal case study of the Bangalore IT cluster in India, we investigate the effect of local and non-local network ties on its evolution. We argue that networks – both local and non-local – play an important role in the development of cluster. We propose a non-linear relationship between cluster evolution phases and the type of network ties most prominent. Our study also outlines the role that embedding, expansion, and extension of ties plays in transitioning cluster from one phase to the other. The consideration of non-local ties is rather nascent in the cluster literature and promises to enhance the understanding of how clusters develop at both levels – policy as well as firm.  相似文献   

基于扩展Solow增长框架,本文采用空间Durbin模型对长江中游城市群40个城市2001-2012年经济增长的影响因素进行实证分析。主要发现:人力资本和FDI对所在城市经济增长具有显著正向效应,其中FDI的效应有增强趋势,但二者的空间溢出效应为负;控制空间效应后,长江中游城市群各城市增长依然具有β条件收敛趋势,但收敛速度较慢;城市间增长存在显著的且随时间增强的空间竞争效应即负的空间外部性, FDI的进入加剧了这一效应;劳动力增长对本地城市增长影响不显著,但存在正向空间外部性。上述发现对于长江中游城市群推进协同发展具有重要政策意义。  相似文献   

近年来,在我国农业物流中起很大作用的农民合作组织发展缓慢,严重制约了我国新农村建设的进程,农民合作组织的组织创新已经迫在眉睫。本文尝试提出农民合作组织创新是否有效的绩效度量标准,并从加强农业生产区域化和专业化、综合化经营、进行兼并和联合、实施企业化经营、整合改造传统组织资源和提升信息化水平六方面提出加快我国农民合作组织创新的思路。  相似文献   

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