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The rise of Renminbi (RMB) is one of the significant changes of the international monetary system since the 2008 global financial crisis. Through its economic influence in trade and direct investment, China has promoted the international use of RMB in both the global market and the regional market of East Asia. This paper documents the progress of RMB internationalization with the settlement currency information from the SWIFT dataset. Specifically, we conduct a network analysis to study the spillover effects among USD, EUR, GBP, JPY and RMB. From October 2010 to February 2018, the influence of RMB is found to be minimal in the global market, but dominant within ASEAN+3, especially for transactions related with real economy. These results indicate that RMB has become an influential regional currency, but it remains far from a truly international currency with global prominence.  相似文献   

International financial adjustment is the process whereby valuation shifts from asset price and currency changes result in relatively durable net wealth transfers across countries' international balance sheets. This paper applies a financial valuation approach to estimate the direction and the broad extent of recent international financial adjustments on China's international balance sheet. We estimate China's international balance sheet losses resulting from the valuation shifts over the period 2005–2010 and reveal that international currency shifts over the past decade have also generated a range of non‐balance sheet financial and monetary adjustment pressures for China. This paper also evaluates how China's evolving international financial policy arrangements could better mitigate China's exposure to international financial adjustments. These arrangements include a more effective currency mechanism and the mechanisms to internationalize the RMB to buffer international financial valuation shocks.  相似文献   

由美国庞大的财政赤字造成的美元信用危机,直接导致中国的美元资产大幅缩水。面对挑战,中国政府采取了以调整对外资产结构,优化外汇储备配置,增加货币互换协议为途径;以扩大跨境贸易人民币结算业务,培育人民币债券海外发行市场,推进人民币国际化为方向;以拓展SDR职能,建设多元化国际储备货币体系,创建超主权货币为目标的系列对外货币金融政策,分散外汇储备风险,确保美元资产的安全,加速国际货币体系改革进程。  相似文献   

人民币国际化的理论分析与战略构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年美国次贷危机引发全球金融危机的爆发,世界各国关于改革现行以美元为主体的国际货币体系达成共识,主张实行国际货币多元化。这对加速推进人民币国际化进程是一次历史契机。文章认为,人民币国际化所带来的积极效应会大于负面效应,结合强势的经济实力、高额的外汇储备等及现阶段我国与周边国家贸易的紧密联系,推进我国人民币国际化正值时机。人民币国际化宜遵循“三步走”路径,实行双轨制,利用国内和国外两个市场来拓宽人民币的投融资渠道,增强人民币的国际影响力。  相似文献   

在金融全球化时代,美国通过金融控制主宰着世界经济。美国凭借美元“中心货币”地位而攫取的国际铸币税成为弥补其经常项目逆差的稳定来源,这是全球经济不平衡的根源;作为世界头号外汇储备大国,我国面临资产价格泡沫膨胀和外汇储备稳定性下降这两大金融安全问题;美元在全球外汇储备中的比重下降将直接导致美国国际铸币税的减少,致使经常项目逆差逐步丧失稳定的弥补途径,使其容易陷入金融危机,导致后布雷顿森林体系的崩溃;我国应通过美元储备的替代来减少国际铸币税剥削,同时推进人民币的国际化以分享国际铸币税收益。  相似文献   

自2008年金融危机以来,人民币国际化问题开始得到国内外的高度关注,中国也采取了一系列的积极行动加快推进人民币国际化.然而,人民币国际化不仅仅是单纯的货币兑换和流通条件的改变,而是一项涉及经济金融各个领域的综合性改革,在推进人民币国际化的进程中,任何一个环节的不匹配都有可能引致巨大的经济金融风险,特别是其中潜在的大规模的货币替代、反向货币替代风险,更易导致人民币国际化进程的逆转,必须加以重点关注并积极进行风险的防范和控制.文章分析了资本大规模流动的理论模型,在此基础上分析了人民币国际化引发货币替代、反向货币替代的形成路径,提出了在人民币国际化进程中防范货币替代、反向货币替代风险的政策建议.  相似文献   

文章以金融危机为背景,以2008年12月12日中韩两国签订的货币互换协议对人民币国际化的推动作用为起点,分析推动人民币逐步走向国际化所应当采取的策略。作者认为,中韩货币互换是东亚金融合作的深化,只是在金融危机的背景下才格外引人注目,而且这次货币互换还引起了人们对人民币国际化问题的极大兴趣。作者分析了人民币国际化的有利条件,并借鉴国际上一国货币国际化的理论和模式总结,探讨性地提出了实现人民币国际化的对策建议,同时指出人民币要成为国际货币仍然只能是处于起步阶段。  相似文献   

近年来中国面临着严重的内外经济的失衡,这与美元作为主要的国际储备货币而美国又在90年代以来长期实行的宽松的货币政策不无关系。我国的宏观金融政策应该本着把人民币国际化作为改进现行国际货币体系的出路之一。遵循着这一原则和方向,我国应采取人民币汇率稳中有升、稳步提高基准利率、多渠道管理流动性、积极推进金融创新、建立现代化的金融体系等组合措施,以应对失衡的国际货币体系和失衡的内外经济。  相似文献   

后危机时代,国际货币体系多元化的趋势不可逆转,美国的金融模式亦面临严重挑战。中国的经济大国地位需要大国金融的支撑。中国金融发展的战略目标是构建新的全球性金融中心。人民币国际化是新的全球性金融中心形成的前提,而金融市场特别是资本市场的开放和大发展则是金融中心建设的关键。  相似文献   

李雅丽 《亚太经济》2007,(4):78-82,26
近年来中国面临着严重的内外经济的失衡,这与美元作为主要的国际储备货币而美国又在90年代以来长期实行的宽松的货币政策不无关系。我国的宏观金融政策应该本着把人民币国际化作为改进现行国际货币体系的出路之一。遵循着这一原则和方向,我国应采取人民币汇率稳中有升、稳步提高基准利率、多渠道管理流动性、积极推进金融创新、建立现代化的金融体系等组合措施,以应对失衡的国际货币体系和失衡的内外经济。  相似文献   

Renminbi (RMB) internationalisation has been a topic for lively discussion since China accelerated its promotion of the RMB's status as a leading international currency in 2009. China has undertaken some concrete steps to push forward RMB internationalisation such as the Pilot Scheme of Cross‐Border Trade Settlement in the RMB, RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor, Dim Sum bonds, and bilateral currency swap agreements. Where the RMB stands in the process of becoming an international currency is assessed by reviewing the progress China has made and analysing the challenges China faces in internationalising its currency. Based on this assessment, a roadmap for internationalising the RMB is drawn from two perspectives: the functions of the RMB as an international currency and the scope of RMB use in the global financial system. A possible roadmap for RMB internationalisation is to begin from RMB settlement in cross‐border trade, followed by regionalisation of the RMB, and finally globalisation. With respect to achieving the functions of an international currency, the RMB should first become a settlement currency, then a denomination currency, and lastly, a reserve currency.  相似文献   

美国以贸易平衡与就业问题为借口,逼迫人民币升值的真正目的是想通过削弱中国经济以减缓或消除人民币对美元构成的威胁,维护美元霸权。因此,人民币应加速国际化。只有人民币国际化才能有效保障经济国际化过程中中国经济的核心利益;只有人民币成为国际主要结算货币和储备货币,国际储备货币才能形成三足鼎立的稳定结构——这十分有利于国际货币体系治理结构的改善。  相似文献   

全球性货币错配是全球经济失衡的货币表现,而以"美元本位制"为核心的现行国际货币体系是全球性货币错配的重要根源。国际货币体系改革的方向是加强国际间货币金融合作,最大限度地降低各国货币错配程度,以防止金融风险的扩大和货币危机的频繁发生。  相似文献   

全球金融危机的爆发使中国货币当局意识到推进人民币国际化的必要性与紧迫性。由于资本项目的未完全开放和人民币尚未实现可自由兑换,为了稳步推行人民币国际化进程,香港成为发展人民币离岸市场的首选之地。伴随一系列相关政策措施的出台,香港人民币离岸市场日益发展壮大。本文在考察人民币跨境贸易结算试点实施以来香港人民币离岸市场流动性的形成、债券市场的演进和金融衍生品市场的现状的基础上,总结了现阶段香港人民币离岸市场发展的特点,探讨了香港人民币离岸市场在未来发展中可能面临的主要问题和预期风险,并提出了相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   

论人民币国际化进程中的优势与挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛蓓蓓 《特区经济》2011,(12):72-74
不久前的次贷危机充分暴露了国际货币体系储备单一的缺陷,全球各经济体普遍对美元的霸主地位提出质疑。随着国际货币体系改革被提上全球金融日程,人民币国际化问题普遍受到各方重视,全球各经济体都在思考人民币未来在国际货币体系中所扮演的角色。中国在货币国际化进程中有着明显的优势,但也需应对来自各方的负面观点和自身缺陷带来的挑战。  相似文献   

We take stock of the history of the European Monetary Union and pegged exchange-rate regimes in recent decades. The post-Bretton Woods greater financial integration and under-regulated financial intermediation have increased the cost of sustaining a currency area and other forms of fixed exchange-rate regimes. Financial crises illustrated that fast-moving asymmetric financial shocks interacting with real distortions pose a grave threat to the stability of currency areas and fixed exchange-rate regimes. Members of a currency union with closer financial links may accumulate asymmetric balance-sheet exposure over time, becoming more susceptible to sudden-stop crises. In a phase of deepening financial ties, countries may end up with more correlated business cycles. Down the road, debtor countries that rely on financial inflows to fund structural imbalances may be exposed to devastating sudden-stop crises, subsequently reducing the correlation of business cycles between currency area’s members, possibly ceasing the gains from membership in a currency union. A currency union of developing countries anchored to a leading global currency stabilizes inflation at a cost of inhibiting the use of monetary policy to deal with real and financial shocks. Currency unions with low financial depth and low financial integration of its members may be more stable at a cost of inhibiting the growth of sectors depending on bank funding.  相似文献   

This paper examines the conditional time-varying currency betas from five developed and six emerging financial markets with contagion and spillover effects. We employ a trivariate asymmetric BEKK-type GARCH-in-Mean (MGARCH-M) approach to estimate the time-varying conditional variance and covariance of returns of stock market index, the world market portfolio and bilateral exchange rate between the US dollar and the local currency. The results show that the world market and currency risks are not only priced in the stock markets, but also time-varying. It is found that currency betas are much more volatile than the world market betas, and currency betas in the emerging markets are more volatile than those in the developed markets. We find empirical evidence of contagion effect and spillovers between stock market and foreign exchange market during the recent global financial crisis, and the effect is stronger in the emerging markets than that in the developed markets. Two applications are provided to illustrate the usefulness of time-varying currency betas.  相似文献   

This article discusses the problems facing China in the wake of the Asian financial crisis. Chinas has so far (September 1998) avoided devaluation of its currency, but growth has slowed down and much more economic reform is needed, especially of the fragile banking system. The article focuses on China's financial fragility and outlines the required policy measures.  相似文献   

后危机时代人民币汇率的中美博弈与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过界定美元和人民币在全球货币博弈格局中所处的不同位势,认为中国在与美国进行非合作型纳什博弈过程中,应坚持以我为主,与其展开一报还一报的重复博弈策略,而实证结果也显示,中国对美贸易账户顺差与人民币所谓被低估之间没有必然联系。  相似文献   

美元“币权”战略与中国之应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纵观资本主义全球化的发展历史,在商业资本和产业资本阶段,因资本同质性扩张而形成的以对资源地理纵深控制为目标的地缘关系成为了殖民化时代国际关系的核心。自20世纪70年代以来,金融资本愈益成为世界分工和分配的核心,遂使货币权力超越地缘实力,成为金融资本主义时代国家间关系的新枢纽。苏联解体后,美国"单极"霸权赋权于美元,使其无约束地增发并顺势主导了金融资本全球化,这决定了美元霸权成为币缘政治时代国际关系的实质,并衍生出强化美国的全球币缘战略体系,即以美元资本、能源(石油)、食物(粮食)三大霸权为核心的新霸权体系。作者认为,在此背景下方能理解"币权"的时代特征,即以地缘关系为保障、以决定产业链安全的资源定价权为基础、以当代国家政治主权派生的信用体系以及自主的财政货币政策为核心,美元可以在全球经济金融化竞争的资本扩张中获取利益并转嫁成本。对此,中国亟须恢复人民币的主权货币性质,以实体经济为本来推进国内产业纵向一体化战略、"资源重商主义"战略和"新重农主义"战略,并以陆权为基础构建自己币缘战略安全的陆域纵深。  相似文献   

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