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Typical analyses of transactions costs in the bond markets explain these costs in terms of yield, term to maturity, coupons, and issue size. However, these analyses do not recognize the price elasticity of bonds to interest rate movements, which provides better measures of market risk and bid-ask price spreads. Elasticity or duration and issue size together display stronger associations with bid-ask price spreads than do the traditional variables. The association is also less subject to multicollinearity of the independent variables. Finally, stepwise regressions show that coupon and yield data add no information about bid-ask price spreads not already impounded in the duration statistic. This casts doubt on the nonduration arguments often used to support these variables as separately meaningful in transactions cost analyses.  相似文献   

The application of statistical classification techniques to various aspects of equity financing and returns performance has been an attractive and fairly prolific area of research in the last 10–15 yrs. The various aspects of equity analysis relevant to classification techniques are more diverse than fixed income analysis and, until recently, presented more interesting empirical as well as theoretical challenges.The purpose of this paper is to review and comment upon numerous classification studies related to several aspects of common stock analysis, and, in so doing, to provide a clear picture of the variety of application areas amenable to statistical classification techniques. These areas include (1) common stock investment categories; (2) price-earnings and return-risk equity classification; (3) information content and return performance; and (4) capital structure questions.  相似文献   

The present research examines consumer behavior from a subjectivist perspective. In a phenomenological sense consumption consists of the generation of internal thoughts and|or sensations, which constitute the content of experience. The sociopsychological characteristics of consumers who primarily seek cognitive stimulation (cognition seekers), sensory stimulation (sensation seekers), novel stimulation (noveltry seekers), or are seekers of all three forms of experience (experience seekers) are delineated. Preliminary causal rationales for each type of consumption are put forward based on these findings.  相似文献   

The question of spatial nonstationarity in retail choice models generally has been ignored in the literature. This paper discusses why such nonstationarity might arise and presents an empirical test of nonstationarity in grocery choice data collected from a midwestern city. Based on these findings a nonstationarity retail choice model is proposed. The nonstationary model predicts data from a hold-out sample better than the stationary model.  相似文献   

Concept testing     
This paper is a review of concept testing based on the published literature and a series of personal interviews with leading practitioners. While there is considerable agreement on the usefulness of concept testing, practitioners disagree on the best way to perform them. In addition to highlighting these disagreements, the paper covers general suggestions for improving concept testing.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was administered to one hundred venture capitalists to determine the most important criteria that they use to decide on funding new ventures. Perhaps the most important finding from the study is direct confirmation of the frequently iterated position taken by the venture capital community that above all it is the quality of the entrepreneur that ultimately determines the funding decision. Five of the top ten most important criteria had to do with the entrepreneur's experience or personality. There is no question that irrespective of the horse (product), horse race (market), or odds (financial criteria), it is the jockey (entrepreneur) who fundamentally determines whether the venture capitalist will place a bet at all.The question is if this is the case, then why is so much emphasis placed on the business plan? In a business plan there is generally little to indicate the characteristics of the entrepreneur—it is generally devoted to a detailed discussion of the product/service, the market, and the competition. To us, the implications are obvious—such content is necessary, but not sufficient. The business plan should also show as clearly as possible that the “jockey is fit to ride” —namely, indicate by whatever feasible and credible means possible that the entrepreneur has staying power, has a track record, can react to risk well, and has familiarity with the target market. Failing this, he or she needs to be able to pull together a team that has such characteristics and show that he or she is capable of leading that team.Factor analysis of the results indicate that venture capitalists appear to assess ventures systematically in terms of six categories of risk to be managed. These are: risk of losing the entire investment: risk of being unable to bail out if necessary; risk of failure to implement the venture idea; competitive risk; risk of management failure; and risk of leadership failure.Finally, three clusters of venture capitalists were identified: those who carefully assess the competitive and implementation risks: those who seek easy bail out; and those who deliberately keep as many options open as possible.  相似文献   

The effect of different exponents on the predictive ability of multiattribute models is examined. Survey data on 1202 individuals concerning their preferences for television shows is analyzed. The results indicate that the optimal power is not 1, and that consequently it may be somewhat more advantageous to improve on an already strong attribute than on relatively weak ones.  相似文献   

A comparison of different methods of building joint spaces indicates significant differences across both product classes and modeling techniques in the ability to predict preferences for validation brands. Perceptual spaces constructed with discriminant analysis combined with vector representations of preference gave the best predictions across the product clases analyzed. Also, segment-specific perceptual spaces did not, in general, improve the predictive ability of the models studied.  相似文献   

Considerable confusion surrounds the role of importance in multiattribute attitude models. The present study tests a theoretical proposition as to how attribute importance is manifested in the expectancy-value formulation. Though not unequivocal, the results suggest that order of elicitation may be more valid than structured ratings as an indicant of attribute importance.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a special topic section of five papers on organization control. Organizational control is conceived of in a broad sense to include such factors as leadership, formalization, reward systems and the like. In this paper, it is proposed that the control structure varies by type of organization, and that the control structure has differential effects on (1) predictability and (2) organization effectiveness.  相似文献   

The beta binomial model has been successfully applied to describe brand switching, television viewing, and magazine readership behavior. However, long-term projections from this model tend to have systematic biases. These biases can be explained by violations of the stationarity assumption of the model. A statistical test for stationarity is presented. A transition matrix upon which the test is based provides a useful diagnostic tool for detecting shifts in preference structures versus equilibrium switching behavior.  相似文献   

Since the development of the capital asset pricing model, a number of studies have examined the effect of a firm's operating leverage on its systematic risk. The essential conclusion of these studies is that operating leverage affects systematic risk through either the contribution margin or unit variable costs. In this paper, the models derived in previous research are refined and extended to demonstrate that, for either a single-product or multiproduct firm, the degree of operating leverage measures the full effect of a firm's operating leverage on its systematic risk. In addition, it is shown that a sales variability measure should also be an important differentiating factor among the systematic risk of common stocks. Thus, the results have important practical implications for financial managers when estimating project or divisional risk for investment decisions, and for security analysts when predicting the systematic risk of common stocks.  相似文献   

Virtually all empirical tests of the Capital Asset Pricing Model have assumed (usually implicitly) that returns of some New York Stock Exchange index measure the returns of the “market factor” without error. However, recent theoretical developments suggest that this assumption may be inappropriate. In this effort, an obverse tack is adopted — the asset pricing model is assumed correct and attention is focused on the impacts of incorrect specification of market returns. A simple errors-in-variables econometric technique is used to reevaluate the oft-cited study of Black, Jensen, and Scholes. The conclusion is reached that incorrect measurement of the market is itself an onerous and unreconciled problem which adds marked bias to tests of asset pricing mechanisms.  相似文献   

Managers, theorists, and researchers are interested in studying organizational phenomena such as technological change, organizational development, and leadership effectiveness over a period of time. However, a review of the literature in the field of organizational behavior and management indicates that a limited number of empirically based studies rigorously investigate changes within organizations. This article looks at the salient characteristics and issues facing those engaged in longitudinal research. While much more theoretical and methodological work is needed to improve the rigor of this type of research, some researchers have forged ahead and have attempted to conduct longitudinal research in field settings. A select few of these studies are presented to illustrate what can be accomplished by longitudinal research and what needs to be improved in such research designs. In conclusion, the authors offer some suggestions that may serve to increase the number of longitudinal organizational research studies in the future.  相似文献   

The theory behind two copy testing techniques—the cloze procedure and the cognitive complexity text—is reviewed; and three hypotheses are developed for testing. These two techniques work especially well when used together as they provide a way to match message properties with the audience's abilities. In a discriminant analysis setting, support is found for all three hypotheses, and a substantial portion of the variance in the criterion variable—advertising recall—is taken into account. The results of predictions to a validation sample are also encouraging.  相似文献   

The extent to which a large U.S. bank, all U.S. banks, and banks in the Group of Ten took account of political risk in their international country exposures in 1976 is tested using a simple portfolio diversification model. Assuming that political risks are important relative to economic risks, and that political risks are uncorrelated across countries, these banks' exposures should be negatively related to political risk indices. However, the portfolios of these banks appear to be related to political risk only insofar as political risk is roughly approximated by GNP per capita. International banks were not yet able to systematically vary their international portfolios with respect to political risk.  相似文献   

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