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Before gaining general acceptance, an idea that jolts individuals out of accustomed-behavioral patterns undergoes a slow evolution. What is interesting in the history of the corporate-social-responsibility doctrine is that, within roughly three decades, it has achieved a status almost coequal with the bottom-line philosophy which, in the past, provided legitimacy to corporate decision making.Nevertheless, debate over corporate responsibilities continues. Two factors explain why: 1) corporate performance is perceived by some as not matching corporate rhetoric and 2) the “battle of definitions” continues.The first factor will be determined within the next five years because the Reagan Administration, by curtailing government activities, places more responsibility on the private sector. The definitional issue of CSR and CSR2 (responsibility versus response) is not likely to be resolved soon but the strengths of the “response model” do not equal the strengths of the “responsibility model.” Responsibility is a moral term and response a psychological one: the American people ask their leaders to behave as “virtuous agents.”Moral decision rendered in complex situations—and on behalf of countless others—will lead people to define “correctness” differently, as the “Poletown incident” in Detroit amply illustrates. The search, however, for a new credo and a new character for America business has begun—and will continue.  相似文献   

One of the most critical aspects of the corporate capital budgeting process is the determination of a proper “hurdle rate” or “cut-off” rate to employ in the screening of proposed uses of funds. This hurdle rate is now commonly referred to in both industry and the literature of financial management as the cost of capital. General agreement on how to measure the equity component of the cost of capital (i.e., the cost of common equity) has not yet been achieved by either practitioners or theorists. A unique approach that shows considerable promise differs from the abstract mathematical techniques typically used. It involves quizzing directly a sample of the corporation's existing common stockholders as to their dividend and capital gain expectations. Proper interpretation of the responses can provide top corporate management with an estimate of the cost of equity capital, as represented by the returns (expected) by shareholders. Thus, top level management has more complete information from the firm's owners on the returns that are expected from the investment of retained earnings.  相似文献   

Ian Maitland defends sweatshop labor on the grounds that “A wage or labor practice is ethically acceptable if it is freely chosen by informed workers” (he calls his view “the Classical Liberal Standard,” CLS). I present several examples of economic exchanges that are mutually beneficial and satisfy the requirements of the CLS, but, nonetheless, are morally wrong. Maitland’s arguments in defense of sweatshops are unsuccessful because they depend on the flawed “CLS.” My paper criticizes Maitland’s arguments in defense of sweatshops, but I do not claim that his conclusions are false—I do not claim to have shown that the labor practices Maitland defends are morally wrong. I argue that some of the disagreements about sweatshops between Maitland and his critics depend on disagreements about the answers controversial questions in ethical theory. In the absence of definitive answers to those questions, there are no decisive arguments for or against Maitland’s view about sweatshops.  相似文献   

Understanding the anger among the electorate right now requires an examination of the relevant economic trends. Inequality has increased and real wage growth has been limited for the median worker, as the relationship between productivity and wages has broken down. Measures of wealth inequality have outstripped those for incomes. Higher levels of inequality are correlated with less upward mobility over the life span, have potential costly macro-growth impacts, and contribute to “sticky” poverty rates which hurt child outcomes. Even in recent decades, though, periods of full employment have seen advances in real earnings. Thus, to reconnect growth and more broadly shared prosperity we need full employment, better-targeted manufacturing policy, a strengthened safety net, a higher minimum wage, access to quality preschool, and reduced mobility barriers.  相似文献   

Ever since Newton's Principia set mathematical models at the pinnacle of a scientific paradigm, scientists in all disciplines—not just the physical sciences—have striven to express their theories mathematically. In the social sciences, mathematical models are more often than not a little more than a Laplacian fantasy. Nevertheless, mathematics is being used more and more extensively by social scientists—none more so than economists and business researchers. This paper focuses on one area of social science, entrepreneurship, and examines the difficulties of trying to use mathematics to model entrepreneurship processes.The entrepreneurial process is a dynamic, discontinuous change of state. It involves numerous antecedent variables. It is extremely sensitive to initial conditions. To build an algorithm for a physical system with those characteristics would be daunting to the most gifted applied mathematician. But when you add the requirement that the entrepreneurial process is initiated by the volition of a unique human being, mathematical modeling may be impossible, because there is “an essential non-algorithmic aspect to conscious human action.” This article argues that today's most prominent mathematical representation of entrepreneurship, population ecology, falls far short of Penrose's specification for a “useful theory.”Some observers believe that the answer to entrepreneurship theory may be found in the chaos theory—a relatively new science that was popularized by Gleick in his book Chaos: Making a New Science. This article explores the chaotic zones of several algorithms that provide alluringly simple representations for the entrepreneurial process. One of them is the fundamental equation for population ecology theory. It shows how under some conditions that equation exhibits some wild, chaotic behavior that gives an observer the feel of entrepreneurship. But it is no more than a mathematical metaphor because the accuracy of the measurements that are needed to observe true scientific chaos in the entrepreneurial process are unattainable in practice.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the differential impacts of foreign ownership on wages for different types of workers (in terms of educational background and gender) in Vietnam using the Vietnam Household Living Standards Surveys of 2002 and 2004. Whereas most previous studies have compared wage levels between foreign and domestic sectors using firm‐level data (thus excluding the informal sector), one advantage of using the Living Standards Surveys in this paper is that the data allow wage comparison analyses to extend to the informal wage sector. A series of Mincerian earnings equations and worker‐specific fixed effects models are estimated. Several findings emerge. First, foreign firms pay higher wages relative to their domestic counterparts after controlling for workers' personal characteristics. Second, the higher the individual workers' levels of education, the larger on average are the wage premiums for those who work for foreign firms. Third, longer hours of work in foreign firm jobs relative to working in the informal wage sector are an important component of the wage premium. Finally, unskilled women experience a larger foreign wage premium than unskilled men, reflecting the low earning opportunities for women and a higher gender gap in the informal wage sector.  相似文献   

We utilize individual panel data from the 1996 and 2001 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) to analyze the relative success of self-employed female Hispanics. To allow for a meaningful comparison of earnings between self-employed and wage/salary women, we generate different earnings measures addressing the role of business equity. We compare earnings of Hispanic female entrepreneurs to both Latina wage/salary workers and to self-employed female non-Hispanic whites. Latina entrepreneurs are observed to have lower mean earnings than both white female entrepreneurs and Latina employees. However, our findings indicate that Latina entrepreneurs often do well, once differences in mean observable characteristics, such as education, are taken into account. Self-employed Latinas are estimated to earn more than observationally similar non-minority white female entrepreneurs and slightly less than observationally similar wage/salary-employed Latinas.  相似文献   

In this article five models used to estimate the cost of equity capital for electric utilities are systematically compared. We show the impact of model specification, data definitions, and estimation techniques on the estimates. Our search for the “best” model is based on reasonableness of estimates and the Pesaran-Deaton test for non-nested hypotheses. Conclusions emerging from the study are the following: 1) all models explain approximately the same proportion of the variation; 2) recognition of natural nonlinearities in the models does not lead to improvement; 3) no model can consistently reject the other models.  相似文献   

Is good morality the natural outcome of profitable business practices? The thesis explored here is one version of the recent literature on corporate culture, typified by the bestselling In Search of Excellence — that the corporation that creates a strong culture, one that best serves the customer, the product, and the employee, must also be profitable. The thesis turns out to have an historical parallel in Plato's Republic (subtitled, I suppose, “In Search of Justice”). Parallel “virtues” can be worked out for state and corporation. In the end, profitability turns out not to be a necessary consequence of excellence, just as Plato's “Ideal” state turned out to be mortal.  相似文献   

This article examines the stability of alpha and beta in the market model resulting from the Three Mile Island accident. The data consist of weekly returns on 70 utility stocks. Both a dummy variable test and the Fisher F statistics are utilized to test for stability. In addition to the individual stocks, the 70 utilities are partitioned into two portfolios for the test—nuclear and non-nuclear. The main conclusions are 1) for the non-nuclear portfolio, no change is observed; 2) for the nuclear portfolio, alpha fell and beta rose—the impact, however, is transitory and insignificant; and 3) the behavior of the residuals suggests that the result is consistent with an efficient market.  相似文献   

Academicians and policymakers have argued that entrepreneurship provides a route out of poverty and an alternative to unemployment or discrimination in the labor market. Existing research, however, provides little evidence from longitudinal data on the relationship between business ownership and economic advancement for disadvantaged groups. I use data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) to examine the earnings of young business owners from disadvantaged families and make comparisons to young wage/salary workers from disadvantaged families. For young men from disadvantaged families, I find some evidence that self-employed business owners earn more than wage/salary workers. In contrast, I find that for young women from disadvantaged families business owners earn less than wage/salary workers. The results from these earnings comparisons are somewhat sensitive to the use of different measures of income and econometric models.  相似文献   

Applying microeconomic theory, we develop a forecasting model for firm entry into local markets and test this model using data from the Swedish wholesale industry. The empirical analysis is based on directly estimating the profit function of wholesale firms. Profits are assumed to depend on firm- and location-specific factors, and the profit equation is estimated using panel data econometric techniques. Using the residuals from the profit equation estimations, we identify local markets in Sweden where firm profits are abnormally high, given the level of all independent variables included in the profit function. From microeconomic theory, we then know that these local markets should have higher net entry than other markets, all else being equal, and we investigate this in a second step, also using a panel data econometric model. The results of estimating the net-entry equation indicate that 19 of 30 estimated models have more net entry in high-return municipalities, but the estimated parameter is only statistically significant at conventional levels in one of our estimated models, and then with an unexpected negative sign.  相似文献   

Telecommuting is a work arrangement in which an employee regularly works at a site other than the employer's place of business—often the employee's home or a so-called telework center. Telecommuting may increase employees' job flexibility, retention, productivity, and motivation. However, telecommuting also carries distinct implications for legal liability. Among the issues are safety, adherence to disability-access laws, and wage and hour regulations. For instance, employers face issues connected with workplace safety, because they can be held accountable for accidents at a telecommuter's home office (even though the employer does not manage the premises). Telecommuting may come to be seen as a “reasonable accommodation” under the Americans with Disabilities Act, although few cases have been decided regarding this contention. Moreover, the simple fact that an employee is setting her own hours does not exempt the employer from the wage and hour provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Workers must either fit that law's specific exemptions from hourly and overtime pay or else keep careful track of their hours. Perhaps the most important means of limiting problems arising from telecommuting is to implement a firm, company-wide policy (rather than apply ad hoc criteria), and to make certain that both job duties and the worker personally are suited to the minimal supervision and self-direction involved in telecommuting.  相似文献   

本文基于Probit和Tobit模型检验了投资者情绪是否是内部人交易的信息来源。结果显示:投资者情绪越高,内部人卖出倾向增加、卖出强度增大,内部人买入倾向降低、买入强度减小。投资者情绪对内部人卖出的影响大于其对内部人买入的影响效应。在控制投资者情绪后,公司未公开的季度业绩变化信息并未对内部人的卖出交易产生显著的影响,这一现象符合“前景理论”的“确定效应”。  相似文献   

This paper tries to assess to what extent libertarian paternalism lives up to its libertarian credentials, and whether this “softer” version of paternalism is more or less desirable than the traditional, more coercive (but also more transparent) form. Since much is made in the libertarian paternalistic programme of the ease of reversibility of “nudges,” it is argued that the distinction between effective and nominal ability to reverse a nudge is more important than its theoretical ease of reversibility—the more so, if anchoring, framing and status quo bias are as powerful as the libertarian paternalists maintain. If the libertarian paternalistic nudges are effective, but not always transparent, it is argued that this raises some questions (which do not seem to have been adequately addressed in the current literature) about the legitimacy of the interventions; about how the true preferences of the “consumer” can be guessed by the choice architect (and the role played by rationality in this process) and about the effective respect of her autonomy. Finally, this paper highlights some alternatives to “nudging” which place a greater emphasis on the full process of choice—rather than just on its outcomes—and can therefore better preserve true autonomy of choice.  相似文献   

The behavior of life insurance company dividend decision-making is modeled for both stock and mutual companies. Insurer payout behavior, regardless of organizational form, follows a “savings” pattern which buffers the dividend stream from short-run variability. Thus total payouts to policyholders and/or stockholders reflect long-term results rather than annual experience. Variables important in explaining annual changes in dividend levels are related to the organizational structure of the insurer. Whereas mutual companies primarily relate the change in payout to volume, stock companies' payout differentials are primarily a function of earnings. The study also examines the relative importance of policy reserves, contingency reserves, and surplus in dividend decisions.  相似文献   

Informational power by search engines should be analysed from different perspectives. On the one hand, unlimited access to personal data can be in conflict with the interests of individuals whose data can be accessed. These interests are part of a right to privacy, including a “right to be forgotten,” which, however, must be balanced against the public interest in disclosure of information. Balancing these conflicting interests is a difficult task — a task that lies with the search engines themselves. On the other hand, firms and individuals may have an interest in their information to be found, in particular (but not only) for commercial purposes. Suppressing or “downgrading” this information as displayed to users may significantly reduce visibility. In light of these interests, it has been proposed to oblige search engines to implement “search neutrality“; i.e., that they have to present search results in an unbiased way. In this article, we take a clear position against ex ante regulation. Instead, competition law provides a sufficient framework, to protect against the abuse of “informational” market power. We sketch a new approach that may allow competition law to be applied more quickly in dynamic markets such as internet search markets.  相似文献   


To promote private-sector growth, many countries have implemented reforms aimed at making it easier and less costly to do business. Using data from Philippine cities and municipalities from 2011 to 2015, this paper tested for the relationship between business creation and the ease and cost of doing business. The results provide evidence that the overall ease and cost of doing business is indeed associated with business creation, but the relationship becomes more apparent with disaggregation. In particular, lower cost of doing business is found to be a much stronger predictor of business creation than ease of doing business. The specific indicators that drive this relationship are minimum wage, price of electricity, price of water, and price of land from the “cost” dimension, and number of days to process a new business permit from the “ease” dimension. These relationships have implications on policy making, especially in designing programs that target firm creation.  相似文献   

Movement of major fund1 flows has great impact on capital markets, especially in China. This study investigates the relationship between abnormal main fund movements and firm’s earnings management behavior, specifically, whether the abnormal main fund movements cause firms to keep a low profile for “self-protection” from being detected by the government. The empirical results of this study suggest that: (1) The mandatory disclosure of the “Top-ten circulating stockholders” requirement does not only reduce information asymmetry between investors and listed firms, but also strengthens and improves the efficiency of related government regulations in detecting disclosure of false information. This, in turn, increases the risk of being detected for firms with earnings management activities. (2) After abnormal main fund movements, relevant firms significantly reduce the level of earnings management to avoid attention from the public and regulatory agencies. (3) Using political connections as a proxy for the “shield effect” to mask political cost, we show that the negative relation between abnormal main fund movements and earnings management exists only for the subsample of firms without political connections. This paper provides a new angle for political cost study, and suggests that traditional political cost hypothesis should be further generalized.  相似文献   

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