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This paper presents a model of the labour market with a contract and a spot market sector. Contracts are binding and enforceable, but unemployed contract workers are free to work in the spot market. The contracting wage is shown to be constant across states. A non‐trivial result shows that the spot market wage is increasing with product price. An increase in product price has an ambiguous effect on contract employment. An increase in unemployment benefits increases the contracting sector wage whilst stabilizing the spot market wage, and may have ambiguous effects on unemployment.  相似文献   

本文认为,中国在成为“世界工厂”的同时,劳工问题也日益突出,并被国际社会所关注。目前我国企业在社会责任方面存在的问题,集中表现在侵害劳动者合法权益现象严重,如签订劳动合同的比率很低,劳动者的经济利益得不到保障,劳动条件恶劣、劳动安全问题严重,不支付加班工资,劳动者的生存权受到侵害等。文章提出,为维护劳动者权益,第一,要在全国范围内推行以签订劳动合同为基础的劳动用工登记制度。第二,各级政府和部门要加大执法力度,严厉查处拒不执行最低工资规定的用人单位。第三,劳动保障部门要加强对劳动定额标准的管理,建立和完善日常监察制度。第四,加快社会保障制度建设,抓紧解决进城务工人员参保问题。第五,要加快制订《劳动合同法》、《社会保险法》、《劳动争议处理法》、《就业促进法等法律》,修改完善《劳动法》。  相似文献   

预期违约制度来源于英美法,它是英美法重视实务和实证思维在具体法律规则上的体现,《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》对此加以吸收,但同时也与之有一定的差异,反映了国际商事法律是国际政治、经济、法律等因素相互密切交流并产生制衡状态之后的结果。  相似文献   

This paper examines moral issues concerning a firm's use of genetic information about a prospective employee's predisposition to contract occupational and other illnesses. It critically reviews leading social construction literature on genetic abnormality and genetic screening, and it examines the relevance of arguments from justice and meritocratic principles. It concludes that there is a strong moral presumption against genetic screening in employment.Alan Strudler is Research Scholar at the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy at the University of Maryland, College Park. He has taught philosophy at Stanford University and California Institute of Technology. His recent writing on professional and corporate responsibility appears inMichigan Law Review andLaw and Philosophy.  相似文献   

This article argues that the moral right to be discharged only for good cause and like rights can be contracted away by employees in appropriate circumstances. It maintains that the rights in question are not inalienable, and that there is nothing irrational about an employee's wishing to deal them away. It also maintains that inequalities in bargaining power between employers and employees are insufficiently pervasive to justify a flat ban on the alienation of these rights. For a waiver of such rights to be valid, however, employees must have full knowledge of its terms.The question addressed here bears on several legal and policy issues affecting termination of the employment relation. If employees can contract away their right to a goodcause discharge, the American doctrine of employment at willmight find justification in the face of that right. In addition, the alienability of such discharge rights may be necessary to justify express disclaimers of wrongful discharge liability and the waiver provision of the new U.S. Draft Uniform Employment-Termination Act.Michael J. Phillips is Professor of Business Law and Chairman of the Business Law Department of Indiana University's School of Business. He is a former editor-in-chief of theAmerican Business Law Journal, and has authored numerous law journal articles.  相似文献   

This article assesses the quality of Integrative Social Contracts Theory (ISCT) as a social contract argument. For this purpose, it embarks on a comparative analysis of the use of the social contract model as a theory of political authority and as a theory of social justice. Building on this comparison, it then develops four criteria for any future contractarian theory of business ethics (CBE). To apply the social contract model properly to the domain of business ethics, it should be: (1) self-disciplined, i.e., not aspire results beyond what the contract model can realistically establish; (2) argumentative, i.e., it should seek to provide principles that are demonstrative results of the contractarian method; (3) task-directed, i.e., it should be clear what the social contract thought-experiment is intended to model; and (4) domain-specific, i.e., the contractarian choice situation should be tailored to the defining problems of business ethics.  相似文献   

基于VAR模型的人民币有效汇率就业效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于向量自回归模型,对人民币实际有效汇率的就业效应进行实证分析,结果表明就业量和人民币实际有效汇率之间存在长期均衡关系,长期而言人民币实际有效汇率上升1%就业量将下降0.1821%。因此,人民币实际有效汇率的波动率对就业量仅存在微弱的负面影响。  相似文献   

An economic model is developed that explicitly recognizes dealer costs in rent-to-own contracts. Contracts are considered as a combination of a rental agreement and an ownership contract. Implementation of the model for televisions and washers shows implicit interest rates to be generally lower than in previous studies but still above 60 percent annually in the majority of cases. A relationship between customer income and implicit interest rates is tested.  相似文献   

荆涛  李贞 《国际贸易问题》2007,292(4):117-122,127
“弃权”与“失权”是保险中最基本的法律范畴,而我国现行的《保险法》、《海商法》对其规定很少,在理论上,没有按诚实信用原则建立起完备的保险合同中保险人的“弃权”与“失权”制度;在实务中,尤其是在海上保险和人寿保险中,在履行保险合同的各个环节上却经常出现形形色色的“弃权”与“失权”的情形,迫切需要理论或者法律的支持。本文通过研究“弃权”与“失权”在英美和其他保险业发达国家的运用,反思我国《保险法》、《海商法》的现状,以期为其完善提出一些可行性建议。  相似文献   

Rasul Shams 《Intereconomics》1976,11(12):339-342
The ILO World Conference on Employment was held in Geneva from June 4 to 17, 1976 and after long discussions adopted an action programme which provided for quite a number of measures designed to ensure full employment in developing countries until the year 2000. The problems posed by a policy of full employment in developing countries are indicated in the following article which demonstrates that a change in the inherited power structures is a major prerequisite for an effective policy of full employment.  相似文献   

解决就业始终是中国宏观经济调控的重要问题,而出口部门的增长也始终是解决就业的重要通道.多年来,就业对出口的依赖性不仅没有下降,而是越来越强.国家为支持出口贸易的增长,不断增强出口退税的力度,从而保证就业的增加.但从2005年以来,随着人民币汇率的升值,出口商品竞争力受到削弱,而为保持出口贸易必要的增长率,又不得不大幅度提高出口退税力度,以缓解人民币汇率升值造成的压力.本文的研究表明,出口退税超额支付的结果,固然改善了企业经营绩效,间接增强了出口商品竞争力,但却造成了人民币汇率"低估"的假象.今后,在继续改革人民币汇率形成机制的过程中,科学厘定出口退税的经济职能,合理确定出口退税额的规模,是改革人民币汇率形成机制的必要条件,也是人民币汇率浮动空间的主要经济参数.  相似文献   

Employment patterns in food superstores have received much research attention in recent years. Employment in non-food superstores has, however, been inadequately researched. Anecdotal and visual evidence suggests that non-food superstores employ fewer staff, more males than females, and more full-time than part-time workers, in comparison with food superstores,. This article quantifies employment in DIY superstores as a basis for future research.  相似文献   

下岗职工为何不愿与国有企业脱离劳动关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动关系是一种物质经济利益关系.下岗职工选择劳动关系的调整和变化是基于其自身经济利益的最大化.下岗职工不愿与原国有企业解除劳动关系,其原因有;计划的就业体制正向市场的就业体制转轨、劳动管理混乱的客观原因,下岗职工自身择业现落后的主观原因等.这些原因都是以经济利益为核心.  相似文献   

周南 《中国市场》2010,(12):8-8
<正>不久前,北京市某经营红木家具卖场推出了视频合同,这一举措引起了不少消费者的关注。据卖场负责人介绍,消费者如果在该店看中某款红木家具,可以通过商家提供的摄像机将该款家具的材质、款式、颜色花纹及销售人员把商品的介绍都录下来,并当场制成光盘由买卖双方共同签字确认,并各执一份。如果购买后发现家具质量与当时商家介绍的不符,消费者可以根据视频合同要求赔偿。  相似文献   

《合同法》总则在合同的定义、合同的效力、无权代理和越权代表、合同的变更和转让以及违约损害赔偿额的计算等问题的规定上均存在瑕疵。这些瑕疵之所以产生,其原因在于或与法理有悖,或与生活相违,或用语不够规范,或逻辑不够严密。消除这些瑕疵时,应当本着遵循法理尊重生活的精神,并兼顾逻辑严密用语规范等要求,以期使《合同法》总则的规定更加科学。  相似文献   

合同制可以强化生产链各个环节之间的协调,促进新技术应用,方便信息流通,强化产品质量和交付管理,降低成本,预防风险,从而对生产和效率产生积极的影响。合同制不断普及正在促进美国农业生产结构发生重大变化。深入了解美国农业合同发展现状,有助于促进农业合同在我国进一步普及。  相似文献   

从法律的角度看新公共管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二十世纪七十年代末八十年代初首先启端于英美国家的新公共管理已经成为概括西方公共管理最新发展趋势的一个学术概念,并且在理论上和实践上得到了迅速发展。但是,新公共管理理论或者称之为新公共管理改革基本上都发生在英、美、澳、新西兰等盎格鲁-撒克逊体系的国家。本文试图从法学的角度找出其原因。英美法系和大陆法系之划分是法学中公认的法律分类法;而新公共管理中的核心思想是利用私法契约采提供公共服务。本文通过对两大法系和契约制度的分析,认为作为大陆法系的我国基于政治法律传统应该选择法治国家模式进行政府管理改革。  相似文献   

毕业生专业认同是人才培养质量的重要指标。笔者通过对80名社会学专业毕业生进行网络问卷调查,揭示了毕业生对社会学专业认同现状和影响因素,呈现出总体认同度高而就业认同度一般的特征。就业形势、社会政策环境、课程设计、就业领域是影响专业认同的显著因素,据此提出营造社会学认知氛围、打造社会学专业方向和特色、深化课程和实践教学设计、提升综合素质和职业规划引导以提升社会学专业认同度的具体建议。  相似文献   

Contracts for Difference (CFDs) are a significant financial innovation in the design of futures contracts. Over‐the‐counter trading in the UK is significant and has created controversy, but there is no published academic research into the design, pricing, and effects of CFDs. This study analyzes CFD contract design and pricing. It uses a unique database of trades and quotes on exchange traded equity CFDs introduced by the Australian Securities Exchange to test theoretical pricing relationships, and draws out implications for successful design and trading arrangements for the introduction of new derivative contracts. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark  相似文献   

就业是民生之本,关乎人民生活福祉和社会稳定。为了让企业吸纳更多就业,政府对企业进行了大量补贴。基于沪深A股上市企业数据,本文聚焦政府就业补贴、劳动保护政策与就业这个主题进行探讨。研究表明,政府补贴有助于推动企业吸纳更多就业,劳动保护能够协同政府补贴促进就业,政府补贴通过“政治许诺效应”和“融资效应”影响就业,地方人力资本积累强化了政府补贴对就业的正向影响;与资本密集型企业相比,劳动密集型企业的政府补贴强化就业的效应更明显;政府补贴增加了企业产生冗余雇员的可能性,冗余雇员在政府补贴对企业生产率的负向影响中发挥了部分中介作用。  相似文献   

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