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<正>2006年我国宏观调控取得积极成效,国民经济继续保持平稳快速的发展。国家统计局调查数据显示,城镇居民人均收入以较快速度  相似文献   

姚登权 《消费经济》2005,21(4):82-86
消费主义不仅体现为广告及其对欲望的制造,也是整个社会生产、包括文化生产的重要推动力。在市场经济条件下,不仅物质产品的生产受制于消费原则,而且文化产品的生产和传播也受制于商品和消费法则,技术理性消解着审美原则。因此,消费主义文化正是通过这样一种新的形式主义确立了其文化立场——迎合市场需要,臣服金钱,走向商业化、大众化。  相似文献   

Of the major issues dominating the public interest in recent times, perhaps consumerism is by far the most vital one. Reaching the forefront during the second half of the past decade, consumerism has drawn considerable attention from virtually all groups having a stake in the performance of the market place. The interest of the academic community in consumerism is no exception. For business educators, the prevalence of consumer protests and dissatisfaction with the market behavior yields a number of compelling but, nonetheless, crucial issues. For instance, should a business school try to improve its existing image—that of preparing its student to be a shrewd businessman with one pervasive criterion in mind, namely, profit maximization? Or, should business schools adopt the concept of training its graduate to be an enlightened businessman who attempts to maximize the profit of his firm, but in the context of what is best for the whole society? Should a business school play the role of a mediator between consumers and the business sector at large? It is to these and similar questions that the present investigation is directed.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to understand why some ethical behaviours fail to embed, and importantly what can be done about it. We address this by looking at an example where ethical behaviour has not become the norm, i.e. the widespread, habitual, use of ‘bags for life’. This is an interesting case because whilst a consistent message of ‘saving the environment’ has been the basis of the promotion of ‘bags for life’ in the United Kingdom for many years, their uptake has only recently become more widespread and still remains at low levels. Through an exploratory study, we unpack some of the contextual barriers which may influence ethical consumerism. We do this by examining the attitudes which influenced people to start using ‘bags for life’, and how people persuade others to use ‘bags for life’. We use a case study analysis to try and understand why ethical behaviour change has stalled and not become sustained. We find that both individuals and institutions play a significant interaction role in encouraging a sustained behavioural change towards ethical consumerism.  相似文献   

<正>一、引言绿色消费是既没有污染,有益于身体健康,又有利于生态平衡的消费。绿色消费的概念第一次被提出来,是在1987英国出版的《绿色消费者指南》一书中。它从消费的对象——商品的角  相似文献   

在“物的包围”下的消费主义时代,芭芭拉·克鲁格提出“我买故我在”。这显然是对笛卡尔哲学本义的现代性颠覆,消费行为已成为推动个人主体独立存在的证明。作为现代性标志之一的品牌专卖店,正是构成都市人实现“购物”这一意义复杂的消费实践的重要场所,上演新一轮时尚的美学演示,隐含着独特的符号内涵与文化政治深意,是都市场景中新一轮消费主义叙事的当代隐喻。  相似文献   

安静 《商业时代》2011,(4):21-23
在西方消费社会,广告的功能开始延伸,不再仅是向消费者提供有关产品和企业的信息,更为重要的作用似乎是创造出消费欲望和消费者,而由此产生了有关广告操控消费者的伦理质疑。改革开放后,消费主义思潮开始进入中国,导致同样问题的出现。文章认为消费主义时代和消费社会中广告功能的延伸是社会文化因素交互作用的结果,单凭广告宣传是不可能制造无节制的消费欲望,并改变人们的价值观和生活方式的。因此,需从社会文化的角度系统地看待广告和消费主义之间的联系以及广告功能延伸和所引发的伦理问题,这样才能使社会成员以消费者的角色形成合力,共同抵制消费主义泛滥对社会生活的进一步侵蚀。  相似文献   

Both consumers and firms are now more concerned about ethics as a way to make business transactions a win–win deal. As consumers ensure profitability to businesses, they expect fair practices and honest behaviors toward society. The study reported here attempts to investigate Moroccans’ perceptions and attitudes toward ethical consumerism of food. Consumers’ willingness to buy those products and their motives for such purchases as well as factors preventing ethical purchases is investigated. Besides price, which drives most their decision to buy a food or not, Moroccans are driven by ethical claims such as “healthy,” “no fat,” “pasteurized,” etc. It was shown that consumers trust information on the labels of products besides information provided by consumer authorities. In relation to ethical aspects, Moroccans are mostly concerned about the environment and religion. Older men with high income are shown to be a good target for the ethical food market.  相似文献   

Consumer concern for "ethical products", or ethical aspects of the goods which they purchase, is a subject of increasing interest and research,which is here illustrated by an examination of the Fair Trade movement, with special reference to coffee as an indicative commodity. Kate Bird, is currently Lecturer in the Development Administration Group, School of Public Policy, Birmingham University, Birmingham B15 2TT, England, having previously worked abroad and written her MSc dissertation at Wye College on fair trade in coffee products. Dr Hughest holds the Sainsbury Chair in Agribusiness and Food Marketing at Wye College, University of London, Wye, Ashford, Kent TN25 5AH, England (email: D.Hughes@wye.ac.uk), where he is also Director of the Food Industry Management Group. He has wide international experience of food management issues.  相似文献   

The term CONSUMERISM has had a variety of meanings over its relatively brief history. Coined in obscurity, the word was given negative connotations by business apologists before finally being adopted by the consumer movement to describe its activities. However, an unrelated and highly prejudicial meaning has been gaining currency. As a result, there are increasing possibilities for misunderstanding and negative responses to the term CONSUMERISM from the public.  相似文献   

在当今网络时代的大环境下,私人复制已成为社会生活的常见行为,给予私人复制行为的合法性和复制权的基础地位,在印刷时代和电子时代似乎并不引人注目。然而,在网络环境下,由于复制的快捷性和批量性等新技术特点,使原来的"合理使用"论受到了前所未有的质疑和挑战。结合我国立法司法现状,需要重新界定网络环境下私人复制的性质,对私人复制加以法律规制,即将三步检验法纳入到《著作权法》中;将个人欣赏性质由合理使用变为法定许可。  相似文献   

作为一种影响到社会各个领域和生活各个层面的文化形态,消费主义带给新闻实践的影响是显著的。由此许多人认为消费主义必将侵蚀专业主义。但在消费社会的语境下,消费社会的逻辑结构是市场民主制。从新闻伦理学角度对专业主义和消费主义重新进行审视。可知新闻专业主义的消解并非是消费主义影响新闻实践的必然结果,新闻实践中呈现出的专业主义或消费主义是政府、媒介、工商界以及公众四种力量博弈的结果。  相似文献   

The high density of labour market regulations is often quoted as an explanation for the unfavourable employment trends in most European countries compared to other nations. These regulations vary considerably from country to country, however. Which are the most important areas of regulation? How is the regulation of the German labour market to be judged compared to that of other European countries?  相似文献   

By embracing counter-colonialism at large, this article challenges the subordination and eventual complicity of management and marketing studies with the dark(er) side of liberal internationalism pasts. We show how the official history of consumerism in marketing overlooks important events related to the US liberal internationalism project during and before the Cold War period, which are closely associated by other areas of knowledge in the United States with the hegemonic plans of the United States in becoming the sole global power in the post-World War II, at the expense of the Third World movement that aimed to bring independence to the Global South.  相似文献   

定位的本质分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
付勇 《商业研究》2004,(10):16-20
定位是市场营销中一项重要的战略思想,但由于多种原因,人们对定位理论的理解还存在着不少误解。理解定位的本质须从三方面入手:定位的理论渊源,定位与USP、品牌形象的关系,定位与目标市场、营销组合的关系。只有从营销的整体性出发,方能抓住定位的本质。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the results of an empirical investigation on attitudes toward consumerism in four developing countries. Comparisons of these consumerism views are made along three different dimensions. Findings provide some support for the “consumerism life cycle pattern.” Alternative reasons for the results are discussed, and directions for research are examined.  相似文献   

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