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本文通过构建发展中国家货币危机和银行危机共生基本面的Probit和Logit模型,对我国20世纪90年代以来共生性货币银行危机的发生概率情况进行近似模拟.危机发生及演进的趋势大致为:以1993年和1999年为分界点,1990年以来中国货币危机与银行危机共生概率总体上呈现由正"U"型向倒"U"型转变的分布特征,2008年出现微弱反转;样本期内我国共生危机发生概率总体处于[0.25%,2.5%]的区间范围内,但危机生成的结构分析却表明,这种极低的概率事实上为近年来我国高速的经济增长所覆盖.另外,发展中国家货币银行危机共生的基本规律显示出:GDP增长率、货币增长率、金融自由化和汇率制度对共生危机生成影响显著;金融自由化条件下共生危机发生的概率大干非自由化时期,无论自由化还是非自由化阶段,其他汇率制引发共生危机的概率均明显大于固定汇率制.  相似文献   

历史上,许多国家在汇率制度改革后经历了银行危机。在对五个银行危机指标进行分析后,对中国与18个退出固定汇率制度后经历货币升值的国家进行了对比研究。实证分析结果表明,中国在实际退出固定汇率制度并保持人民币小幅升值的经济背景下,发生银行危机的概率没有明显变化。  相似文献   

詹姆斯·奥康纳提出的资本主义“双重危机”理论,为如何看待全球生态危机、协调入与自然关系提供了新视角.  相似文献   

陈晓莉 《世界经济》2006,29(7):36-45
由于全球国际收支失衡日趋严重,拥有较多话语权的西方逆差国越来越多地把调整的负担强加给顺差国,对顺差国的汇率施加升值压力。而存在国际收支顺差的发展中国家,非常担心这种升值会对国内经济,尤其是脆弱的金融体系造成不利影响。本文通过基于信息的银行挤兑模型,构建了一个本币升值冲击通过银行的资产负债表渠道引起银行危机的模型。模型表明在货币升值的情况下,只要银行及其客户存在相当多的外币资产、本币负债的货币错配,并且这种错配情况能被部分存款人观察到,从而使得他们改变原来的提款计划,就可能引起银行部门的流动性危机。  相似文献   

冰岛危机、货币脆弱性与东亚货币合作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年下半年开始,冰岛的经济形势急转直下,甚至濒临"国家破产"。冰岛的货币体制是导致冰岛危机的重要原因。冰岛克朗是全世界可自由兑换、汇率自由浮动的流通量最小的货币。当金融危机出现的时候,冰岛克朗会受到最大的冲击,货币不稳定又会进一步放大金融危机的作用。这说明小国开放经济体的货币存在国际脆弱性。东亚各经济体货币同样面临国际脆弱性问题,其根源是东亚发展模式的脆弱性。为了防范货币国际脆弱性引起经济危机,东亚应该加强区域金融合作,其现实路径是建立各经济体汇率的分层次协调机制。  相似文献   

货币危机传染性与金融风险防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

我国上市银行的第一大股东——中央及地方政府作为双重角色的扮演者,既希望银行能够快速扩张保障宏观经济建设有足够的资金支持,又需要银行控制资本消耗实现合理的ROAE,最终,经过反复的权衡和抉择,选择了“三高”型发展模式。这一模式在过去十年造就了我国商业银行的辉煌成就,但也产生了难以回避的难解之题  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of self-fulfilling currency crises in economies that do not suffer from domestic liability dollarization but whose international borrowing is subject to a collateral constraint. The model shows that when the collateral is a non-traded asset the expectation of a real exchange rate depreciation may trigger the constraint and cause a crisis in which the capital outflow and the real depreciation reinforce each other. Since in the model debt is denominated in domestic currency this paper highlights that borrowing constraints can cause self-fulfilling currency crises even in the absence of foreign-currency debt.  相似文献   

Currency crises are found to be strongly associated with banking crises. This paper constructs a twin banking and currency crisis model by introducing the banking sector into the currency crisis model and examining the case in which the exchange rate risk is located in the banking system. The model shows that an unanticipated shock caused by the shift of investors’ expectations and/or a negative productivity shock can trigger a twin banking and currency crisis. To achieve both financial stability and economic stability, the central bank uses multiple monetary policy instruments. In contrast to the conventional policy recommendation in response to a currency crisis, i.e., interest rate hike, we find that when the exchange rate risk is located in the banking sector, the monetary policy option to prevent a twin crisis is to lower the policy interest rate and the reserve requirement ratio and raise the interest rate on reserves. Our results show that the location of the exchange rate risk matters for the choice of an appropriate monetary policy response during a crisis.  相似文献   

Assuming that a developing country has to denominate its debts in the currencies of the principal creditor countries, how is the country??s economic performance affected when currency devaluation occurs? The aim of this paper is to prove that devaluation can be contractionary and that its occurrence can be the result of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Assuming credit constraints on firms?? borrowing capacity and nominal price rigidities, a sharp change in the value of the domestic currency leads to an increase in the real costs of foreign currency-denominated debt. Hence, firms?? profits as well as their borrowing capacity decrease, provoking a drop in future investment and output. Moreover, expectations about future output can alone trigger a currency devaluation, confirming the initial expectations in a self-fulfilling way. Finally, it is discussed in an empirical analysis the impact of devaluation on the economic growth in a sample of five countries.  相似文献   

王彧婧 《科技和产业》2011,11(2):103-105
近来欧洲主权债务危机成为全球经济关注的焦点,本文从当前主权债务危机的现状、主权债务危机发生的原因、主权债务危机对世界经济的影响及主权债务危机对中国的启示等方面来分析主权债务危机问题。  相似文献   

本文在一般均衡框架下分析货币贬值对国际贸易的影响。与传统理论的预测不同,在一般均衡框架下,预期中的货币贬值对进出口只有短期影响,而意外的大幅度货币贬值会产生持久性冲击。通过应用引力方程对世界五十二个主要经济体1980~1998年间双边贸易额分析,我们发现,实证结果为理论预测提供了较好的支持。  相似文献   

The currency crisis literature has identified two possible types of crisis: fundamentals based crises and self-fulfilling crises. A fundamentals based crisis arises when some state variable, such as foreign exchange reserves, reaches a critical level and triggers the abandonment of the fixed rate. A self-fulfilling crisis is triggered by an autonomous change in the beliefs of speculators. This paper demonstrates how these two types of crises generate different behaviour in the term structure in the period before the crisis. JEL Classification Numbers: E43, F31  相似文献   

We assess whether, complementary to trade and financial linkages, banking sector fragility helps explain the transmission of currency crises. We attempt to strike a balance between the precision of measurement of banking sector fragility on the one hand and its consistent measurement across various crisis episodes on the other. We find that while the role of trade and financial linkages is robust over time, the independent role of banking sector fragility is rather weak and unstable across crisis episodes. Consequently it is difficult to extrapolate observed banking fragility transmission channels from one crisis to another. As a corollary we cannot conclude that during future crisis episodes economies characterized by fragile banking sectors are more prone to crisis transmission.  相似文献   

Open Economies Review - Selecting early warning indicators to predict currency crises is not straightforward, because there are several mechanisms that lead up to currency crises and these...  相似文献   

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