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元小说是作家以小说的形式对小说艺术进行自我反思的结果 ,其叙事手段多种多样。美国著名作家库尔特·冯尼格的《五号屠场》是一部典型的通过“露迹”的叙事手段进行创作的元小说。 相似文献
《聊斋志异》中的小说体作品是中国传统目录学意义上的小说,实录原则为其核心特征,具有篇幅短小、语体上不尚修饰的特点。取材上具有较强的随意性。 相似文献
简·奥斯丁的小说所塑造的人物都亲切生动.传递的价值观念和生活哲理对当今社会生活仍具有重要的借鉴意义,深受读者喜爱。因此。一些电影导演热衷于将她的小说改编成电影.力图用另一种艺术形式来展现简·奥斯丁小说中的世界。《劝导》是简.奥斯丁的最后一部完整的小说.也是她艺术上和思想上最成熟的一部作品。本文对ITV(Independent Television)版的电影《劝导》与原著进行对比研究.通过分析电影对原著人物形象的艺术加工和处理,对情节的改编和删减,说明电影在尊重原著的基础上.利用其特有的艺术形式和艺术手法.展现了与原著不同的《劝导》。 相似文献
孟子的辩论艺术旗帜鲜明,文采洋溢,情感热烈,为了使其言语具有说服力,孟子几乎运用了一切语言手段,引经据典,巧设比喻,鲜明对比。在《孟子》中辩论技巧被推上了一个极致。《孟子》的论辩是我国古代散文的一颗璀璨明珠,对后世散文影响极大。 相似文献
小说《围城》的艺术特征主要表现为:设置主题展开的主线。虚拟性的背景。人物的平面化,由悖论、反仿、反讽与滑稽讽刺等修辞技巧形成的创作原则、结构方式及思想方法等。 相似文献
纳博科夫的《洛丽塔》是一本典型的后现代主义小说.其质疑客观真理、拒绝价值判断、强调意义的不确定性的元小说性;将多种传统文体融合在一起,从而形成一个杂合体;以及作者对经典文本进行剪辑拼贴以游戏的心态进行模仿,这三点都使《洛丽塔》体现出强烈的后现代主义色彩. 相似文献
本文以莫言小说《檀香刑》为例,从该作品中拟声词的结构特征、语法特征、与标点符号的配合、修辞效果等方面来进行lifl~_,以表明其作品中大量拟声词的运用使得作品语言表达更简洁、更具形象性和音乐美。 相似文献
早餐食品的制售在每个城市都是一个潜力巨大的市场。苏州一百放心早餐工程有限公司创造出一种新型商业模式,不制造食品而一举成为苏州早餐市场的最大销售商,成为传统的早餐制售店铺和摊点的强大的竞争者。其庞大的采购规模带动了本地以及周边地区正规食品生产企业的发展,又为集中解决城市下岗职工的再就业开辟了一条新途径。新商业模式产生出巨大的社会和经济效益。 相似文献
电影《不能说的秘密》中运用了大量的叙事技巧:时空穿梭、多人称叙事、巧设桥段和悬念,这些都为影片的成功奠定了基础,也为国产电影的创作和发展带来了启示。 相似文献
信息时代学术期刊的“受众”对象范围日益扩大,学术期刊需要不断提升其在专业领域内的影响力和品牌价值,为更好地服务社会奠定基础.学术期刊编辑是提升期刊影响力的关键因素,结合学术期刊编辑专业素质相关理论,尝试提出学术期刊编辑“软能力”的概念,并对如何更好地塑造和培养学术期刊编辑“软能力”提出针对性的建议. 相似文献
翻译技巧与一定的文体相对应,决定着某一类型的文本翻译的基本倾向。法律语言严谨,有比较强的逻辑性,应通过大量例句,从中译英和英译中两个方面说明法律文件的翻译技巧。中译英方面重点探讨选词、用词和句子结构,英译中方面重点探讨专门用语和长句的理解。 相似文献
The Malaysian manufacturing sector has been experiencing a gradual change in its production process as it shifts from labor-intensive to more capital-intensive techniques. This has led to a change in the skills required by the industries where skilled workers are in greater demand and where the wage ratio between skills favors the skilled workers. There are many factors that can influence an indi-vidual's earnings. These include educational attainment, job location, types of industries and sex. This paper attempts to measure the determinants of earnings differentials among skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers in the Malaysian manufacturing sector. The analysis is based on a survey of 2065 workers in six major industries conducted in 1999. These are the electrical and electronics, textile, wood-based, transport equipment, food and chemical industries. The determin-ants of earnings differentials are obtained by using the coefficients of the earnings functions. These factors are decomposed into several categories, namely human capital, individual characteristics and the residual. The results reveal that human capital variables, which comprise education, training and experience, play a significant role in determining the earnings differentials, particularly between skilled and semi-skilled workers and between semi-skilled and unskilled workers. 相似文献
ABSTRACTSince 1994 the state has instituted active labour market policies to redress the apartheid skills legacy. The skills planning challenge continues to be how to coordinate efforts for the provision of the right skills to support inclusive economic growth, ensuring an alignment is achieved between what is required in the labour market and the supply from the education and training system. This article traces the South African journey of skills planning from late apartheid until the current time period in 2014 through a historical analysis of the political economy. The analysis reflects on the relationship between state formation in South Africa and the role of the state in directing skills development, and in the more recent period how skills planning responds to both the demands of the economy and ameliorating the historical legacies of education and skills exclusion. 相似文献
近两个多世纪以来,美国社会的发展(包括经济、民主政治和文化的发展等)和稳定是众多因素综合作用的结果。但是,民主政治制度在其中发挥了不可或缺的作用。主要表现为,(1)为政府政治统治奠定了合法性基础;(2)清晰的界定了公共利益;(3)促进社会在稳定的基础上进行渐进改革。 相似文献
Is the skill gap of net exports widening? This question is nontrivial for many industrial countries because, with the rapid growth of emerging countries, human capital is considered one of the most important sources of comparative advantage. Theoretically, however, the answer is not necessarily obvious because of changing comparative advantage. This paper attempts to answer this question by extending the analysis of Wolff (2003) and by focusing on one of the largest OECD countries, Japan, for the period 1980–2005. The results indicate that the answer to the above question may well be “no.” Although Japan is still a net exporter of skill-intensive goods, the skill gap of net exports has been narrowing since the mid-1990s, mainly as a result of the changes in the composition of trade. This implies that some OECD countries, including Japan, may have been losing their comparative advantage in skill-intensive goods in recent years. 相似文献