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We study the impact of borrowing constraints on home ownership and housing demand by comparing the tenure choice and housing quality of consumers who receive intra‐family wealth transfers to those that do not. Our analysis is based on household‐level panel data providing information on the receipt of wealth transfers, changes in tenure status as well as changes in the size and quality of housing. On average we find that the receipt of a wealth transfer increases the propensity of consumers to transition from renters to home‐owners by 6–8 percentage points (35% of the sample mean). Additional analyses suggest that this effect is unlikely to be driven by wealth effects and can thus be attributed to the relaxation of borrowing constraints. By contrast, wealth transfers do not increase the likelihood that existing homeowners “trade‐up” to larger homes in better locations.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to measure racial differences in the proportion of human capital that households protect with life insurance. Using the 2004 Survey of Consumer Finances data, racial differences in two stages of the process are tested, where it is assumed that households must decide both whether or not to purchase life insurance and how much of their human capital to insure (if they decide to purchase). Among married and cohabitating households, we find that, controlling for demographics and other factors, there is little difference in life insurance ownership between black and white households but that white households insure a larger proportion of their human capital than black households.  相似文献   

This paper tests whether there is a preference by borrowers and lenders of a particular ethnic or racial group that may predispose them to borrow and lend from each other. Using a narrow geographic area called zip code clusters, this paper groups minority-owned and non-minority-owned banks to allow for a homogenous applicant pool from which both borrower and lender preferences can be determined. This study compares Asian-owned, black-owned and Hispanic-owned banks versus white-owned banks that are located in the same zip code and adjacent zip codes. The results show that borrowing preferences exist between all applicant groups and banks from the same racial classification. In addition, some cross-racial borrowing preferences exist. The results show that across sample lending preferences exist for both black and white applicants with black-owned banks and white applicants with white-owned banks that are located in the same area as Asian-owned banks. Also, the results of the within sample lending preference model shows that white-owned banks have a preference for white applicants, at the expense of Hispanic applicants and both white-owned and Asian-owned banks exhibit a preference for Asian applicants.  相似文献   

The tenure decision upon whether to buy or to rent accommodation has long-term consequences for households' financial wellbeing that influence macroeconomic development and stability when the cumulative effects of individual decisions are aggregated across populations. The author explains how the net present value (NPV) of ownership versus renting can be used as a framework for informing housing tenure decisions. Increases in holding periods, inflation and the spread between imputed rent and the opportunity cost of household savings shifts the balance in favour of ownership. With plausible assumptions the model demonstrates that households typically need a holding period of between five and ten years to achieve a breakeven NPV. The findings support the conjecture that inflation transfers wealth from renters and mortgage providers to owners, whereas deflation reverses the flow until rising default levels establish a new equilibrium.  相似文献   

The cultural affinity hypothesis and mortgage lending decisions   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
This paper conducts an empirical analysis of the cultural affinity hypothesis put forth by Calomiris, et al. (1994) in the mortgage lending market. This hypothesis implies that white loan officers, because of a lack of familiarity with minority applicants, will rely more heavily on characteristics that can be observed at low cost (e.g., objective loan application measures) in evaluating the creditworthiness of minority applicants relative to white applicants. Using a cleansed sample of 1,991 loan applications drawn from data collected by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, the results of the analysis were consistent with the cultural affinity hypothesis. In particular, we found that marginal black and Hispanic applicants appeared to be held to higher quantitative standards on such objective factors as credit history and debt obligation ratios than were similarly situated marginal white applicants.  相似文献   

“Official” histories are, typically, written by those with the most power and influence. In the case of the accounting industry, the content of professional journals and histories of major firms or professional leaders are taken as the most authoritative sources to uncover the past. In this paper, we contrast articles on racial inclusion published in South Africa's leading professional accounting journal with the experiences of black chartered accountants in the country. We interviewed 38 of the first 220 black CAs in South Africa. Their stories of discriminatory treatment by accounting firms contrast sharply with the official version of history gleaned from the professional journal. Sharing their stories herein helps correct the historical record.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of a change in real estate wealth on the consumption behaviour of Italian households, using the Bank of Italy’s Survey of Household Income and Wealth dataset. We relate annual household consumption to capital gains in housing, controlling for characteristics such as age. In line with the empirical predictions of our model, we find the oldest households—which are less affected by the higher costs of future rent—to be the most affected by increases in real net housing wealth. Younger households, on the other hand, are not significantly affected in their consumption decisions by house price increases. We also take into account the fact that benefiting from capital gains is conditional on owning housing wealth and estimate the different impacts of house price changes on the savings behaviours of both homeowners and renters. Our estimates suggest that house price increases raise consumption not only for homeowners but also for renters.  相似文献   

The premium embedded in home mortgage loans to compensate investors for their exposure to prepayment risk is a significant component of the cost of home mortgage lending. Moreover, there is some reason to believe that prepayment risk may be lower for loans to lower-income housing borrowers, especially those that are first-time home owners. If so, investor recognition of this advantage should facilitate greater willingness to acquire portfolios of lower-income housing loans, and encourage more competitive pricing in this segment of the market. This study investigates the possibility of differential mortgage prepayment behavior between lower-income home owners and non-low income home owners. The investigation relies on samples of the American Housing Survey spanning ten years of experience from 1985 to 1995. We find no significant difference between the termination or refinancing behavior of non-low income and low-income households. This result is robust to a number of alternative specifications such as restricting the low-income test group to non-moving households and to first-time owners. The same conclusions are derived from both aggregate prepayment rates and from analysis of individual household prepayment behavior.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a method that estimates the total duration of permanency for residential households starting from the lengths of stay declared by families in a micro panel survey. Throughout this study Spanish data are taken from the European Household Panel established between 1994 and 2001. The inference is based on those households surveyed in 1994 and onwards, including those who moved into their 1994-current residence after 1979. The follow-up of the household is conducted until the house is vacated or the sample observed in (year 2001) is finalized. We distinguish amongst owners, renters, and rent-free occupants or squatters (others), since these groups of households are known to exhibit a different pattern regarding residence time. Our approach for estimation is purely non parametric. This is an interesting feature, since we show that the renewal processes which represent the households’ mobility have a non-constant rate over the period 1980–1994 for owners and rent-free occupants. This fact invalidates the method of inference based on the equilibrium equation proposed by Anily et al. J Bus Econ Stat 17:373–381, 1999) in order to estimate the lengths of stay in each household.  相似文献   

The U.S. housing finance market has not yet recovered from the housing price bubble that peaked in late 2006. Even though prices have fallen significantly, there are still problems in clearing the market. For the last few years, a group of financial economists and practitioners who are part of the Financial Management Association's Practitioner Demand Driven Academic Research Initiative (PDDARI) have been studying the collapse of the housing market and have concluded that many market participants still have insufficient (and in some cases the wrong) incentives to take actions that would help restore the market's health. In January 2012, Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, released a white paper that reviewed current housing market conditions and created a framework for policy analysis designed to help reestablish the health of the U.S. housing market as part of the broader effort to foster economic recovery. Using this framework as its starting point, the PDDARI group has come up with a set of proposals whose centerpiece is an “incentive‐compatible” mortgage that encourages homeowners to rebuild their home equity as an essential step to a housing recovery. By incorporating “price appreciation rights” that would provide stronger inducements for lenders or mortgage owners to make loan modifications (particularly, forgiveness of principal), the PDDARI mortgage structure could allow more homeowners to remain in their homes and avoid foreclosures and the large associated deadweight costs (as much as 40% of a home's assessed value). Additionally, the government‐sponsored enterprises, including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are also in need of radical reform, and a transition toward greater private market participation would promote the long‐term health of the mortgage market.  相似文献   

Homeowners in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics are able to maintain a high level of consumption following job loss (or disability) in periods of rising local house prices while the consumption drop for homeowners who lose their job in times of lower house prices is substantial. These results are consistent with homeowners being able to access wealth gains when housing appreciates as witnessed by their ability to smooth consumption more than renters. A calibrated model of endogenous homeownership and consumption is able to reproduce the patterns in the data quite well and provides an interpretation of the empirical results.  相似文献   

I model imperfect information, derive a downward sloping market demand curve, and explain vacancies in a partial equilibrium model of a rental housing market. Tenants can be completely described by an exogenous demand curve, perhaps arising from differences in income, preferred location, or tastes, and view vacant units based on a stochastic arrival of rental information. Free entry of these landlords induces excess rental housing capacity (equilibrium vacancies). I determine the equilibrium distribution of rents for vacant units, show that this rent distribution may be discontinuous, and explore the equilibrium vacancy rate to changes in exogenous parameters. The resulting characterization of equilibrium distributions of rents may be amenable to econometric modeling exploring the relationship between market rents and vacancies.  相似文献   

Home mortgage debt financing of nonhousing investments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Home mortgage debt is decomposed into a component that represents debt demand, derived from housing demand and a residual excess demand. This excess demand derives principally from the demand for nonhousing assets. An empirical model of the determinants of the demand for excess debt is specified and estimated using databases from the 1983 and 1986 Surveys of Consumer Finance. The estimations focus on evidence of linkages between debt demand and household preferences for illiquid risky assets, and on the substitutability of personal debt for mortgage debt. Positive linkages are found between household choices of investments in vacation homes, investment real estate, and closely held business and the demand for excess debt. However, personal debt and mortgage debt appear to have largely separate financing roles.  相似文献   

Recent studies have documented substantially depressed levels of homeownership among African-American households. While prior analyses have focused largely on racial disparities in household financial characteristics, few studies have assessed the potential role of location choice and locational attributes in the homeownership choice decision. This research applies individual-level Census data from the Los Angeles area to explicitly model the residential location and tenure choice decisions of African-American households. Research findings indicate that there is substantial variation across African-American and white households in the determinants of locational choice among South Central LA, other parts of Los Angeles, and Inland Empire (San Bernardino County) areas. In addition, African-American and white households are found to differ in how location characteristics impact in their tenure choices. Overall, after accounting for location, the empirical analysis served to explain three-fourths of the 23 percentage point gap in homeownership rates between Los Angeles white and black households, whereas models that lack controls for location accounted only for about one-half of the observed gap.  相似文献   

This paper provides a systematic empirical analysis of the role of the housing market in the macroeconomy in the US and the euro area. First, it establishes some stylised facts concerning key variables in the housing market on the two sides of the Atlantic, such as real house prices, residential investment and mortgage debt. It then presents evidence from Structural Vector Autoregressions (SVAR) by focusing on the effects of monetary policy, credit supply and housing demand shocks on the housing market and the broader economy. The analysis shows that similarities outweigh differences as far as the housing market is concerned. The empirical evidence suggests a stronger role for housing in the transmission of monetary policy shocks in the US. The evidence is less clear-cut for housing demand shocks. Finally, credit supply shocks seem to matter more in the euro area.  相似文献   

It's easy for white managers to assume that their colleagues of color face the same basic challenges they do. On one level that's true--the work itself is the same. But on another level, African-American managers often contend with an atmosphere of tension, instability, and distrust that can be so frustrating they lose the desire to contribute fully. Their white bosses and coworkers are simply unaware of the "miasma" and are often puzzled when African-Americans quit apparently for no reason or seemingly overreact to a minor incident. This portrayal of what it's like to be different in the workplace takes the form of a fictional letter from a black manager to a white boss. The letter, based on interviews and surveys the authors conducted with hundreds of mid- to senior-level African-American managers, is not about the lack of role models or mentors of color or any of the other barriers that limit opportunities for blacks in corporate America. Instead, the letter sheds light on the realities that lurk below the surface for black managers--the feeling that they leave some part of their identities at home and the sometimes subtle and often systemic racial biases that inhibit and alienate African-Americans. "Differences really do matter, although they may matter in ways you probably didn't expect. One of the big ways they matter is that race is always with us," the letter writer observes. "As a friend of mine said recently, 'I don't think a day goes by that I'm not reminded that I'm black.'" The letter may not apply to every leader, black or white, or to every organization, but the issues are more widespread than corporate America cares to acknowledge. It should be required reading for all white executives who don't want talent to slip through their fingers.  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine the financing options of the managers/owners of SMEs (small and medium-sized companies) from a point of view that incorporates cultural values, namely, conservatism and secrecy. Data were collected with the use of a questionnaire conducted for managers/owners of a sample of 1629 Portuguese SMEs, and with the use of accounting and financial information from the period 2009 to 2011. 438 managers/owners provided valid answers, corresponding to a response rate of 27%. Using multivariate regression techniques as a basis, the results showed that a significant number of managers/owners supported the negative relationship between conservatism/secrecy and the business financing options associated with a higher risk (debts with costs). The results also showed that a more significant number of managers/owners of national SMEs choose sources of financing in light of the pecking order theory.  相似文献   

Where racial redlining prevents potential residents of a neighborhood from obtaining mortgage loans, a greater number of houses will be sold to investors and a greter number of residents will rent homes owned by such investors. It may be possible, therefore, to measure the extent of redlining by using HMDA data on loans made to nonoccupants. This study models the flow of mortgage credit to nonoccupants in nine MSAs, using traditional economic and demographic variables and variables describing the racial composition of the neighborhood. The percentage of the census tract population that is black has a small but statistically significant coefficient in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Nashville, and the Hispanic population variable is statistically significant in Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, and Albuquerque. The model explains a high percentage of the variation in mortgage lending to nonoccupants across census tracts and is robust with respect to alternative formulations of the dependent va riable, and the independent variables have the hypothesized signs.  相似文献   

房租是由房屋租赁市场的需求和供给两个方面决定的,而房屋租赁市场的需求和供给都受到房屋交易市场所形成的房价的影响。房价对房屋租赁市场需求的影响主要是由于房屋租赁市场和房屋交易市场的替代效应所导致,房价对房屋租赁市场供给的影响主要由房屋租售比和房价的上涨幅度决定。我国一线城市房价近十年的平均年上涨率为10%左右,这导致了我国一线城市的房屋租售比维持在极低的水平。随着房价的平稳,房租必然大幅上涨,故必须采取措施增加一线城市房屋租赁市场的供给,以供给量的大幅增加稳定房租。  相似文献   

公积金约束正成为分化不同类型家庭住房支付能力和消费偏好的重要因素。本文利用1995年和2002年城市住户调查数据,检验公积金约束对不同类型家庭住宅特征需求的影响。实证结果表明,在住宅特征需求方面,公积金约束的影响效应存在显著的收入差异、单位类型差异、职业类型差异、职称差异和行业收入差异。其中,社会地位较高的家庭在提高住宅结构特征需求方面获得了更多的公积金支持;而在住宅邻里特征需求方面,公积金制度对社会地位较低家庭的贡献度较高。在引入工具变量、检验公积金变量的内生性偏误时发现,城镇家庭在改善型住房需求方面对社会保障体系的完善有较强的依赖性。本文的政策含义是,住房公积金制度定位应向低收入群体倾斜,并根据家庭类型实行有差别的政策。  相似文献   

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