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大名鼎鼎的英特尔公司优如一头强悍的牛一样,很出人意料地与中国政府顶了起来,把自己的笔记本业务笼罩在中国政府的标准“阴影”之中。虽然,在一切还没有水落石出之前,人们还无法判断将于6月1日强制执行的中国无线局域网标准(WAPI)会不会判迅驰“死刑”。但无论如何,一个不可抹掉的事实是,英特尔公司早已经在有意无意间把自己挪向反WAPI阵营的一端。这无疑让所有对跨国公司熟悉的人感到惊诧:一向把对中国的公关看得相当重要的英特尔公司究竟犯了什么病?  相似文献   

潜力巨大的统一通信市场,成为IT巨头们竞相追逐的战略要地。  相似文献   

赵奕  房煜 《中国企业家》2011,(20):76-85
陷入与本土公司“巷战”的跨国巨头们,正小心翼翼探索竞合之道  相似文献   

跨国公司已经成为经济活动中最为活跃的力量,在经济全球化不断发展的前提下,跨国公司的管理层越来越重视资金管理。然而,在跨国公司规模不断壮大并使其组织结构逐渐趋向复杂化的过程中,尤其在当今的信息化社会下,跨国公司的经营管理需要更高级别的资金管理模式支撑。因此,本文探讨如何设计并实施跨国公司的资金管理信息化,分析并解决信息化平台在运行中可能存在的问题,进而为跨国企业的资金管理提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

技术创新、产品创新、模式创新……当各个公司在上述领域竞争创新的时候,另外一个领域的创新开始越来越受到跨国公司掌门人的关注:那就是在全球化的背景之下,在新兴市场上,如何创新?这将成为推动公司发展的另外一个增长点。  相似文献   

石新涨 《中外管理》2003,(11):46-47
本刊2003年第8期刊登了一篇名为《守护品牌家园》的文章,从本土企业切身利益的角度分析了与外资合作中易遇到的陷阱。本文作者提供了另一个视角,我们不妨跳出以前的思维模式,也许可以发现曾经被我们忽略的另一面……  相似文献   

胡建军 《总裁》2003,(10):86-87
中国企业在与外国公司的竞争中。究竟是应该创牌还是贴牌?通过调查开展跨国经营活动比较早、取得了一些成功经验的企业。得出的结论是:不应将二者截然分开,甚至对立,应该根据企业自身特点、所处行业以及竞争对手等方面的因素。做出不同的战略选择。即创牌战略、贴牌战略以及创牌与贴牌并举的战略。  相似文献   

齐林 《中国新时代》2012,(11):94-96
中国为什么出现不了比尔·盖茨式的慈善家?难道中国的富豪们真的是缺乏善心?还有没有其他更深层次原因?片面地指责他们为富不仁是否公平?据彭博社报道,日前,美国又有11个亿万富豪家族承诺将大部分个人资产捐给慈善事业,他们都参与了由股神巴菲特和微软创始人之一盖茨及其妻子梅琳达创立的捐赠誓言活动。捐赠誓言活动发起人是股神巴菲特和微软创始人之一比尔·盖茨。现年82岁的巴菲特是世界第四大富豪,据彭博社的每日世界富豪榜排名,他的个人资产为474亿美元,56岁的盖茨个人资产约649亿美元。早在20世纪初,美国钢铁大王安德鲁·卡内基也曾捐出全部身家。1911年,  相似文献   

跨国公司影响一国或地区的经济社会发展。中国跨国公司若要成功"跨国",首要的是从制度层面实现"体制一体化和制度同质化",为"跨国"提供一个良好的制度环境;在文化层面,则须与东道国的文化价值观实现有效对接并寻找更多的契合点;而经济层面,亦应制定全球化发展战略,重组并优化价值链。  相似文献   

A simple game-theoretic model is set up to analyze when strategic considerations may dominate and possibly counteract the traditional motives for MNE operations such as locational and firm-specific advantages. Firms can choose to operate internationally out of defensive considerations to avoid a worse outcome where they would have to compete with rival MNEs while not enjoying the cost advantages associated with multinational operations. The model further specifies when the timing of the decision to become a MNE may entail strategic advantages, with the first mover restricting the multinational expansion of its rival.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: Hartmut Häußermann and Andreas Kapphan, Berlin: von der geteilten zur gespaltenen Stadt? Sozialräumlicher Wandel seit 1990 Stefan Krätke and Renate Borst, Berlin: Metropole zwischen Boom und Krise  相似文献   

跨国公司在华"集聚效应"的影响及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前跨国公司对华投资越来越具有规模化,在这种数量上的增加之外,我们更应该关注跨国公司投资背后的系统性和关联性--即跨国佘司"集聚效应"。这种效应不仅通过要素投入数量的集聚,而且通过要素质量和效率增进强烈地影响经济增长;在经济发达地区,外商直接投资的集聚效应时经济增长的影响更强烈。但是,跨国公司群体和我国企业市场竞争地位的不对称性,决定了我国企业在这种市场结构下,集聚技术能力、管理能力的艰巨性。跨国公司"集聚效应"是一把"双刃剑",我们应该采取积极有效的措施,促使跨国公司在华健康发展,促进中国经济的进一步发展。  相似文献   

The process of technology transfer has been a major underlying cause of many crucial geopolitical issues. This paper treats the topic of technology transfer from multinational firms to developing countries as a managerial challenge and narrates how the pioneering initiative taken in 1961 by N.V. Philips has met that challenge. The main instrumentality employed by Philips is its Pilot Plant at Utrecht which, by all indications, has served both the multinational and the host nations in the developing world in a positive way for more than two decades.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate whether the ratio of female population is related with lower corruption, utilizing a multinational panel data with 80 countries for the period 2000–2012 and employing the Generalized Method of Moments as well as the ordered probit regression methods. This is the first study on the impacts of different female groups on corruption. Overall speaking, the estimation results are pluralistic. Higher female ratios in the legislative branch and in the labor force are significantly associated with a lower level of corruption, while the female ratio in secondary enrollment is positively related with corruption; however, the female ratio of the whole population has insignificant impacts on corruption. The policy implications are that a simple enhanced female ratio and educational level are not the effective way to inhibit corruption in our sample countries, whereas improvements of the female ratio in the legislative branch and the labor force contribute to controlling corruption. These results are basically robust for the two estimation methods and for the two subsamples of developed and developing countries. As a result, the estimation results on the relationship between corruption and gender might vary remarkably when different indicators for the female groups are utilized, which should some light on future studies.  相似文献   

南京,一座钟灵毓秀的千年文化古城.中铁十四局股份公司的建设者在这里拚搏十年,金陵城建史上的许多大型建设项目,都留下了他们的足迹.可以说,在南京,中铁十四局股份公司具有相当高的知名度.目前,他们承建的南京城市快速内环东线-标段(二期)工程,由于建筑规模大、施工难度大、社会影响大、工期紧迫等特点受到全市的瞩目,更成为南京媒体高度关注的重点工程.……  相似文献   

This article addresses the extent to which multinational companies (MNCs) in Ireland deploy practices aimed at the transfer of learning in their operations and the factors explaining inter-organisation variation in so doing. Using data from 260 MNCs, we find that comparatively large numbers of firms deploy practices to transfer learning in their Irish operations. Most notably, we find that almost half of all MNCs have a formal policy on organisational learning, while more than six in every ten MNCs in Ireland utilise three or more learning transfer mechanisms. In investigating inter-organisation variation with respect to these, we test a number of hypotheses involving nationality, sectoral, MNC (e.g. organisation structure) and HR factors. Our results show that the presence of international HR structures is a significant factor in explaining learning transfer in MNCs. We also find support that employment size, sector and integration between the MNC's global operations are useful variables in explaining variation in the deployment of practices on learning transfer in MNCs.  相似文献   

This article reviews R , an open-source S -like high-level matrix programming language that can be used for econometric simulations and data analysis. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The breakdown point in its different variants is one of the central notions to quantify the global robustness of a procedure. We propose a simple supplementary variant which is useful in situations where we have no obvious or only partial equivariance: Extending the Donoho and Huber (The notion of breakdown point, Wadsworth, Belmont, 1983) Finite Sample Breakdown Point?, we propose the Expected Finite Sample Breakdown Point to produce less configuration-dependent values while still preserving the finite sample aspect of the former definition. We apply this notion for joint estimation of scale and shape (with only scale-equivariance available), exemplified for generalized Pareto, generalized extreme value, Weibull, and Gamma distributions. In these settings, we are interested in highly-robust, easy-to-compute initial estimators; to this end we study Pickands-type and Location-Dispersion-type estimators and compute their respective breakdown points.  相似文献   

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