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编者按:2008年5月12日14时28分,四川汶川发生里氏8.0级特大地震.这是新中国成立以来破坏性最强、波及范围最大的一次地震,给人民的生命财产带来惨烈的灾难.神州大地,举国同悲.在突如其来的灾害面前,全国粮食行业在党中央、国务院的坚强领导下,上至国家粮食局,下至基层各级粮食部门,行动在第一时间,开仓放粮,抗灾赈灾,以最快的速度切实解决灾区人民的吃饭问题,以最快的速度保障救灾部队和其他所有参与救灾人员的粮油供应,为抗震救灾作出了重要的贡献. 下面我们搜集一部分粮食行业在第一时间行动的材料,奉献给关心抗震救灾的读者们.  相似文献   

近年来,全区各级粮食部门和农业部门密切配合,以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,大力开展优质稻产业化经营,全区粮食产业化经营取得了明显成效。但仍存在着一些问题:一是法制观念淡薄,订单合同履约率低;二是体制不顺,机制不活;三是市场体系发育程度低,中介组织发展滞后;四是龙头企业散、少、小,带动辐射能力差;五是粮食基础设施建设投入不足,扶持政策不配套。这些问题制约了粮食产业化经营的发展。为了加快粮食产业化经营进程,以适应新形势的需要,我们必须努力实现产业化的新突破。(一)在产业化的领导方式上要有新的突破。粮…  相似文献   

2008年5月12日14时28分。四川汶川发生里氏8.0级特大地震。这是新中国成立以来破坏性最强、波及范围最大的一次地震,给人民的生命财产带来惨烈的灾难。神州大地,举国同悲。在突如其来的灾害面前,全国粮食行业在党中央、国务院的坚强领导下,上至国家粮食局,下至基层各级粮食部门,行动在第一时间,开仓放粮,抗灾赈灾,以最快的速度切实解决灾区人民的吃饭问题,以最快的速度保障救灾部队和其他所有参与救灾人员的粮油供应。为抗震救灾作出了重要的贡献。 下面我们搜集一部分粮食行业在第一时间行动的材料,奉献给关心抗震救灾的读者们。  相似文献   

党的十七大明确提出了“确保国家粮食安全”的要求。中央经济工作会议、农村工作会议强调“粮食安全的警钟要始终长鸣”。湖南省委书记张春贤、省长周强今年以来多次就粮食工作作出重要指示。全省粮食系统必须全面贯彻党的十七大精神,科学把握与围绕省委、省政府提出的2008年经济工作的总体要求与重要战略部署,把实现由粮食生产大省向粮食经济强省转变的发展目标同省委、省政府的战略部署结合起来,牢牢抓住长株潭获批“两型社会”综合配套改革试验区的重大战略机遇,做强做优粮食产业。为推进富民强省、构建和谐湖南作出粮食人的新贡献。  相似文献   

几年来,我们在省市粮食局和当地党委、政府的正确领导下,面向市场,开拓创新,着力在全系统构筑“产业延伸,内外扩张,服务粮农,链条拉长”的现代粮食产业新格局,为实现农民增收、企业增效、县域粮食安全打下了坚实基础。  相似文献   

温家宝总理今年3月5日所作政府报告中提到了我国存在的一些困难和问题,首先就是“粮食增产和农民增收难度加大”,“粮食安全存在隐患”。如何保护农民生产粮食的积极性,巩固和发展粮食增产、农民增收的良好势头,是我们面临的一个重大课题。笔者认为,开展粮食生产保险工作,是稳定农民增收和调动农民生产粮食积极性的一项重要措施。  相似文献   

溧水县和凤镇是南京市农业产业化建设先进乡镇。近年来,和凤镇依托传统产业优势、自然资源优势和靠近南京的区位优势,大力招商引资,健全服务体系,发展民营经济,壮大了“粮食、禽蛋、茶叶、特种水产、建筑、水运”六大特色产业。目前,和凤的特色产业已经成为农村经济的主要增长极和农民增收的主要来源。腾飞的金凤是和凤镇的标志特色产业强和凤!本刊通讯员@刘昌宏 @诸长恩  相似文献   

2009年,我国种植业发展的总体目标是"稳生产、增效益、保安全、强基础",粮食播种面积稳定在16亿亩左右,产量保持稳定.二是稳定棉花生产.力争棉花面积保持在8500万亩左右,产量稳定在750万吨.三是稳定糖料生产.稳定糖料种植面积,产量保持在上年水平."三提高":一是提高食用植物油自给率,二是提高农产品质量安全水平,三是提高园艺产品对农民增收的贡献率.重点抓好以下工作:  相似文献   

关于财政支持粮食主产区粮食加工业发展的建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粮食安全问题是我国政府十分关注和亟需解决的首要问题之一。河南作为全国粮食主产区重要省份之一。近年来在发展粮食生产、维护国家粮食安全方面不断思考、研究和探索,并进行了一些有益的尝试。本文结合河南省的情况,就国家进一步支持粮食主产区粮食加工业发展、促进农民增收、维护国家粮食安全等问题提出个人的一些建议,供参考。[编者按]  相似文献   

1月4日,贵州省粮食局党组召开紧急会议,学习贯彻省委、省政府专题会议精神,及时成立了全省粮食系统"抗凝冻、保供应"工作领导小组。随后,发出紧急通知,要求各级粮食行政管理部门紧急行动起来,以高度的政治责任感做好"抗凝冻、保供应"各项工作。  相似文献   

刘维新 《中国土地》2005,(11):22-23
我国的住房制度自1998年实行货币化改革之后,出台了“富人购买商品房,中低收入者购买经济适用房,最困难的居民享受政府补贴的廉租房”政策,以实现“居者有其屋”的理想。这种设想很美好,但在实践运行中,尤其是经济适用房却出现了不少问题。在市场经济条件下,带有社会保障性的经  相似文献   

The overall goal of this article is to better understand the factors that influence China's wheat supply. We assess trends in China's wheat output and develop a framework to measure the relationship between output and key determinants of China's wheat sector growth. Elasticity estimates and factor growth trends help decompose the growth of reform-era wheat supply into its component parts. The results show that growth in the early reform period was due to institutional change and technology. In the late reform period, however, with the returns to institutional change exhausted, all of China's growth in wheat supply was due to technology, a result that implies China's government should invest heavily in agricultural research and development.  相似文献   

游春炎 《水利经济》2009,27(3):53-55
在总结福建省农村饮水安全工作经验的基础上,分析了当前农村供水存在的问题和不足,认为农村供水规模化、经营集约化、实现城乡供水一体化是解决农村饮水安全的有力保障。提出了坚持科学规划,制定相关优惠政策,多方筹措资金,建立合理的水价机制,实行企业化管理等建议。  相似文献   

供给侧视角下我国休闲渔业发展的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,休闲渔业发展过程中问题突出,主要体现在其供给侧资源配置不合理。文章通过对休闲渔业供给侧资源的探讨,运用层次分析法构建休闲渔业发展影响因素模型,幵对相关专家及从业人员进行问卷调查。研究结果:基于供给侧视角下运用层次分析法所构建的休闲渔业发展影响因素模型中,B级影响因素中创新资源是影响休闲渔业发展的最重要因素,其次是渔业资源和资本资源,人力资源影响相对较轻;C级影响因素中产品创新、基础设施、技术创新、培训次数和社会融资是影响休闲渔业发展最主要的影响因素。根据研究成果针对政府部门及休闲渔业经营主体提出要积极探索休闲渔业新型业态、完善渔业基础设施、加大科技研发、拓宽社会融资渠道等对策建议。  相似文献   

Antle and Valdivia (2006, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 50, 1–15) proposed a minimum‐data (MD) approach to simulate ecosystem service supply curves that can be implemented using readily available secondary data and validated the approach in a case study of soil carbon sequestration in a monoculture wheat system. However, many applications of the MD approach are in developing countries where semi‐subsistence systems with multiple production activities are being used and data availability is limited. This paper discusses how MD analysis can be applied to more complex production systems such as semi‐subsistence systems with multiple production activities and presents validation analysis for studies of soil carbon sequestration in semi‐subsistence farming systems in Kenya and Senegal. Results from these two studies confirm that ecosystem service supply curves based on the MD approach are close approximations to the curves derived from highly detailed data and models and are therefore sufficiently accurate and robust to be used to support policy decision making.  相似文献   

Financial option theory is used to evaluate Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) price pooling and associated government guarantees. Price guarantees and final payments on the pool can be viewed as special financial derivative products. Financial models are used to evaluate alternative pricing flexibility alternatives within the constraints of the CWB price pooling system and at the same time to provide a measure of the CWB dollars at risk associated with offering these contracts. Flexible pricing alternatives are incompatible with a government price guarantee that is valuable. The CWB dollar risk associated with flexible pricing could be substantial.
Les auteurs recourent à la théorie des contrats d'option pour évaluer le système de fixation de prix communs par la Commission canadienne du blé (CCB) et les garanties connexes du gouvemement. On peut considérer les prix garantis et les paiements finals du pool comme un type particulier de produits dérivés. Des modéles financiers permettent d'évaluer d'autres méthodes qui autoriseraient la fluctuation des prix dans les contraintes du systéme de pool de la CCB, mais serviraient aussi à mesurer les risques financiers de la CCB associés à la proposition de contrats. Les autres méthodes de fixation des prix sont incompatibles avec une garantie valable du gouvemement au niveau des prix. La CCB courrait le risque de penes importantes si elle adoptait une politique de variation des prix.  相似文献   

Government intervention in city development of China: A tool of land supply   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
There has been continuous debate on whether the state can support market-based activities in the land market. It is widely recognized that land markets do not function by themselves, mainly because they are inherently imperfect; this imperfection provides foundation for state intervention. Under the Land Use Rights System of China, land supply is a powerful tool for intervening into land markets, and proceeds from land supply greatly contribute to local revenue and financing of infrastructure construction. The state, however, is not an impartial entity. Its desire to increase local revenue through land leasing has led to the oversupply of land and housing affordability problems in real estate markets. This paper, using evidence from Guangzhou, argues that land supply intervention is a two-edged sword in Chinese city development. It further claims that the state intervention is becoming gradually professional after the real estate market bubble in the early 1990s. Problems, such as structure imbalance in land supply, however, still have negative impacts on the sustainable development of Chinese cities.  相似文献   

Development of garden land has attracted political and media attention in recent years, yet there remained uncertainty over whether the issue was nationally or locally significant. Gardens are not a land use in their own right and have no special status in planning law. This enabled them to be considered, until very recently, as previously developed land according to The Brownfield Guide (English Partnerships, 2006). This allowed garden sites to be developed for new housing, thereby helping some authorities to meet their targets for residential development on brownfield land as monitored through their strategic housing land availability assessment (SHLAA). This paper reports the findings of a survey of local planning authorities carried out in 2009 and focused on planning applications and permissions on garden sites over a five year period ending 31 March 2008. The results reveal that garden development was a significant issue in only certain regional contexts, South East, London and West Midlands, and its actual and potential contribution to the local housing stock was variable. Where other forms of brownfield land were in short supply, garden sites might be crucial in meeting targets. The paper examines the policy framework underpinning such applications and shows that where local planning authorities had specific policies on the subject in place they were able to reach more robust decisions on garden site planning applications and there was less likelihood of first stage rejection decisions being overturned on appeal.  相似文献   

目前在我国海洋渔业存在诸多矛盾、困难重重的情况下,要解决如何通过有效的海洋渔业管理遏制渔业资源的衰退、如何使我国的海洋渔业管理适应国际海洋渔业管理的发展趋势等问题,关键在于建立和设计执法机制来进行规范.海洋渔业管理与服务相结合,体现了以人为本的科学的可持续发展管理观,必须在舆论宣传、队伍建设、科技投入等方面加强海洋渔业管理与服务相结合,积极探讨海洋渔业管理与服务的新内容,最终实现海洋渔业管理与服务的一体化.  相似文献   

Land supply and regional economic development are closely related. Differences in regional industrial structure and degree of urbanization result in differences in the characteristics of land supply. In this study, a Python program was used to obtain 2010–2017 land transaction data of 327 cities in China’s Land Market Network. The development stage of each city was identified according to its per capita gross domestic product and industrial structure in 2017. Land supply, at various stages of development, for state-driven construction in cities was characterized with respect to various industries. We found that with the evolution of development stage, the annual average land supply scale of the city increased from 9491.77 hectares in primary industrialization stage (PIS) to 24614.84 hectares in developed stage (DS), and the proportion of newly increased construction land decreased from 87% PIS to 24614.84 hectares in DS. Furthermore, the supply structures of state-owned construction land significantly differed across development stages. With respect to the evolution of development stages, the change of land supply proportion in various industries presents the types of gradual decline, gradual increase, initial increase and subsequent decline, initial decline and subsequent increase, and volatility. The frequency distribution of the proportion of land supply in cities allocated for various industries and across the developmental stages was different. The administrative hierarchy of cities in China has a large influence on land supply. The effects of National New-Type Urbanization Plan (NUP) and marketization on land supply were contrary to expectations. NUP has significantly promoted land supply. The higher the development stage of the city, the positive effect of marketization on land supply has not increased. The findings enrich the theory of regional land use and can guide the formulation of land supply policies in different stages of development.  相似文献   

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