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Book Reviews     
M. Arsjad Anwar, Thee Kian Wie, Iwan Jaya Azis, Pemikiran, Pdaksanaan, dan Perintisan Pembangunan Ekonomi[Concepts, Implementation, and Pioneering in Economic Development], Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia and PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 1992, pp. xx + 700.

Adam Schwarz, A Nation in Waiting: Indonesia in the 1990s, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, and Westview, Boulder, 1994, pp. 370. Paper: A$24.95.

East Asia Analytical Unit, Expanding Horizons: Australia and Indonesia into the 22st Century,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, 1994, pp. xviii + 346. A$34.95.

Sjahrir, Pikiran Politik[Political Ideas], LP3ES, Jakarta, 1994, pp. xiv + 191.

Sjahrir, Persoalan Ekonomi Indonesia: Moneter, Perkreditan dan Nenca Pembayaran[Problems of the Indonesian Economy: Money, Credit and the Balance of Payments], Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta, 1995, pp. xv + 205.

Sjahrir, Analisis Bursa Efek[Analysis of the Stock Exchange], PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 1995, pp. xiv + 169.

Sjahrir, Ekonomi Indonesia dalam Perspektif Bisnis[The Indonesian Economy in a Business Perspective], PT Jurnalindo Aksara Grafika, Jakarta, 1994, pp. xvi + 239.

Sjahrir, Kebijakan Negara Mengantisipasi Masa Depan[National Policy: Anticipating the Future], Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta, 1994, pp. xv + 251.

Sjahrir, Formasi Mikro-Makro Ekonomi Indonesia[Indonesia's Macro and Micro Economy], Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 1995, pp. xii + 313

F.B.A. Bouman and Otto Hospes, Financial Landscapes Reconstructed: The Fine Art of Mapping Development,Westview, Boulder, 1994, pp. xi + 416. US$45.00

Robert Cribb (ed.), The Late Colonial State in Indonesia: Political and Economic foundations of the Netherlands Indies 1880–1942,Verhandelmgen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 163, KITLV Press, Leiden, 1994, pp. xiii + 295.

Shinya Sugiyama and Milagros C. Guerrero (eds), International Commercial Rivalry in Southeast Asia in the Inierwar Period,Yale Southeast Asia Studies Monograph 39, Yale Center for International and Area Studies, New Haven, 1994, pp. ix + 222.

W.L. Korthals Altes, Changing Economy in Indonesia. Volume 15: Prices (Non-Rice) 1814–1940,Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, 1994, pp. 175. Paper: Dfl. 48.00.  相似文献   

Laporan Tahun Pembukuan 1960-65 [Report for the Fiscal Years 1960-65]. Bank Indonesia, Djakarta, 1968. Pp. xii + 3O1 and appendices.

Masalah Ekonomi Beserta Pemetjahannja [Economic Problems and their Solution]. Symposium organised by the Central Presidium of KAMI, 1-6 June 1968. Student Senate, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Djakarta, 1968. Mimeographed, pp. 260.

Business Prospects in Indonesia Today. Published by the Committee for the 17th August Celebration and the Indonesian Community in Hong Kong, August 1968. Pp. 182.

Statistical Pocketbook of Indonesia, 1964-1967. Central Statistical Bureau, Djakarta, 1968. Pp. lii + 418.

Data-data Statistik Pokok Pembangunan Ekonomi [Basic Statistics for Economic Development]. Badan Perent janaan Pembangunan Nasional, Djakarta, 17 August, 1968. Mimeographed, pp. 50.

Report of the Singapore Technical Fact-Finding Mission on the Development of Tourism in Bali. Economic Development Division, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Singapore, June 1968. Pp. 79, Sp. $3.00

Bank Negara Indonesia Unit I, Bulletin of Economic and Financial Statistics, July 1968. Mimeographed, pp. 29.

Indonesian Economic Review vol. 1, no. 1-, May 1968-. Djakarta, Berdikari Ltd (monthly).

Iklantara, No. 1-, August, 1968-, Djakarta, Iklantara Advertising Agency (monthly).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, Perkembangan Pemikiran Ekonomi, Buku I: Dasar Teori Dalam Ekonomi Umum [The Development of Economic Thought, Book I: The Theoretical Basis In General Economics], Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 1991, pp. xxviii + 429

Selo Soemardjan, Indonesia: A Socio-Economic Profile, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1988, pp. xi + 162

Australian International Development Assistance Bureau, Australia's Development Cooperation with Indonesia in the Agricultural sector, Volume 1: Main Report, Canberra: AIDAB, April 1991

Colin Barlow, Ria Gondowarsito, A. T. Birowo and S. K. W. Jayasuriya, Development in Eastern Indonesia: The Case of Nusa Tenggara Timur, Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1990, pp. v + 110

Jan G. I. Palte, Upland Farming on Java, Indonesia, Nederlandse GeografischeStudies 97, Amsterdam/Utrecht: Royal Dutch Geographical Society and Geographical Institute, University of Utrecht, 1989, pp. 256

Thomas Schweizer, Reisanbau in einem javanischen Dorf [Rice Cultivation in a Javanese Village, Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 1989, pp. xvi + 718

Desmond Ball and Helen Wilson (eds), Strange Neighbours: The Australia-Indonesia Relationship, Sydney and Singapore: Allen and Unwin, 1991, pp. xiv + 268. $24.95

The World Bank, Indonesia: Family Planning Perspectives in the 1990s, Washington D. C.: The world Bank, 1990, pp. xxii + 143

Jan Breman, Labour Migration and Rural Transformation in Colonial Asia, Amsterdam: Free University Press for Centre for Asian Studies, 1990, pp. 82, Dfl. 19.50; £9.50

Kenji Tsuchiya, Democracy and Leadership: The Rise of the Taman Siswa Movement in Indonesia, Monographs of the Centre for Southeast Asian studies, Kyoto University, English Language Series, No. 18, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1987, pp. xv + 230. US$16.00

BRIEFLY NOTED: Simme Veldman, Route Planning in a Centrally Assisted Liner System, Delft: Eburon, 1990, pp. 230

Richard Robinson, Power and Economy in Suharto's Indonesia, Journal of Contemporary Asia Publishers, Manila and Wollongong, 1990, pp. iv + 207  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Anthony J. Whitten, Sengli J. Damanik, Jazanul Anwar and Nazaruddin Hisyam, The Ecology of Sumatra, Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, Second Edition, 1987, pp. 583 + xx.

Christine Drake, National Integration in Indonesia: Patterns and Policies, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989, pp. 354 + xvi. Cloth: US$ 35.00.

Geoffrey B. Hainsworth (ed.), Environmental Linkages, Halifax: School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University, 1985, pp. 97.

R. Repetto et al., Wasting Assets: Natural Resources in the National Income Accounts, Washington DC: World Resources Institute, June 1989, pp. 69 + vi. Paper: US$10.00.

William E. James, Seiji Naya and Gerald M. Meier, Asian Development: Economic Success and Policy Lessons, Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 1989, pp. 281 + Xviii.

Robert B. Dickie and Thomas A. Layman, Foreign Investment and Government Policy in the Third World: Forging Common Interests in Indonesia and Beyond, London: MacMillan, 1988, pp. 240 + xxxi. £35.

Alan Gelb and Associates, Oil Windfalls: Blessing or Curse? New York: Oxford University Press, for the World Bank, 1988, pp. 357 + x. $32.50.

Benjamin Higgins, The Road Less Travelled: A Development Economist's Quest, History of Development Studies 2, Canberra: National Centre For Development Studies, the Australian National University, pp. 204 + x. Paper: A$20.00

BRIEFLY NOTED: Sarwar Hobohm, Indonesia to 1993: Breakthrough in the Balance, London: Economist Intelligence Unit, Special Report no. 2012, 1989, pp. 91, £190 for this Plus the Companion Report, Indonesia to 1991: Can Momentum be Regained?

Geoffrey Hainsworth and Hasan Poerbo (eds), Local Resource Management: Towards Sustainable Development, Halifax: School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University, 1987, pp. 69 + xii.

H.W. Dick, Industri Pelayaran Indonesia: Kompetisi dan Regulasi, Jakarta: LP3ES, 1990, 306 + xxv.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Colin Macandrews (Ed.), Central Government and Local Development in Indonesia, Singapore: Oxford University Press, East Asian Social Science Monographs, 1986, pp. 270, 36 Tables, 2 Figures, 4 Maps.

Himpunan Peraturan Perundang-undangan Republik Indonesia di Bidang Ketenaga-kerjaan [Labour Legislation in Indonesia], Vols I-III, Jakarta: P.T. Twins, 1986.

Michael A. Costello, Thomas R. Leinbach and Richard Ulack, with Marilou Palabrica-Costello and Bambang Suwarno, Mobility and Employment in Urban Southeast Asia: Examples From Indonesia and the Philippines, Boulder: Westview Press, 1987, pp. xvi + 191. $Us 26.50.

Susan Abeyasekere, Jakarta: A History, Singapore: Oxford U.P., 1987, pp. xvii + 280. Cloth: $45.00.

David P. Chandler and M.C. Ricklefs (Eds), Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Indonesia: Essays in Honour of Professor J.D. Legge, Clayton, Vic. : Monash University Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, 1986, pp. 281. $14.00.

Graeme J. Hugo, Terence H. Hull, Valerie J. Hull, Gavin W. Jones, The Demographic Dimension in Indonesian Development, Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1987, pp. xxv + 417. $50.00.

I Ketut Nehen and Ian R. Wills, Land Preparation in West Java: Benefits and Costs of Alternative Techniques, Agency For Agricultural Research and Development, Indonesia, and International Rice Research Institute, 1986, pp. xii + 159.

Michael Smith et al., Asia's New Industrial World, London: Methuen, 1985, pp. vi + 136. £2.95.

Australian Institute of Urban Studies, Review of Australian Assistance to the Indonesian Water Supply and Sanitation Sector, A Report for the Australian Development Assistance Bureau, 1986, pp. xxxiii + 305, $26.00 plus postage.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Richard Robison, Indonesia: The Rise of Capital, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1986 pp. xxv + 425. Indexed. $19.95.

W.L. Korthals Altes, Changing Economy in Indonesia: Volume 7: Balance of Payments, 1822–1939, Amsterdam: The Royal Tropical Institute. pp. 167.

Trade Statistics, Java, 1823–73: Trade Statistics, Indonesia 1874–1937. Mededeelingen van het Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek nos 160 and 161

Om Prakash, The Dutch East India Company and the Economy of Bengal, 1630–1720, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985 pp. xii + 291, map, tables. graphs, glossary, index. Cloth $38.50.

Sediono M.P. Tjondronegoro, Social Organization and Planned Development in Rural Java, Singapore, Oxford University Press for the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1984, pp. xv + 326.

A. Fujimoto and F. Matsuda (eds), An Economic Study of Rice Farming in West Java, Tokyo: NODAI Research Institute, Tokyo, University of Agriculture, 1986.

A. Fujimoto and T. Matsuda (eds), A Comparative Study of the Structure of Rice Productivity and Rural Society in Southeast Asta Two Village Studies in Indonesta and Thailand, Tokyo: University of Agriculture, 1985. Reviewed by C.L J. van der Meer (1986) Bulletin of Indanesian Economic Studies, 22(2) pp. 124–27

David Jenkins, Suharto and His Generals: Indonesian Military Politics, 1975–1983, Ithaca: Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, Monograph Series No. 64, 1984, pp. xiii + 280. US$12.50. David Bourchier, Dynamics of Dissent in Indonesia Sawito and the Phantom Coup, Ithaca: Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, Interim Reports Series, 1984, pp. 128. US$9.00.

Linda G. Martin (ed), The ASEAN Success Story: Social, Economic, and Political Dimensions, East-West Center, distributed by the University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1987, pp. xviii + 253. $15.00.

Mubyarto and Edy Suandy Hamid (eds), Kredit Pedesaan di Indonesia, Badan Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi, U.G.M., 1986 pp, 160.

Ron Hatley, et al., Other Javas Away from the Kraton, Melbourne: Monash University, 1984, pp. 60.

K.S. Nathan and M. Pathmanathan (eds), Trilateralism in Asia: Problems and Prospects in US-Japan-ASEAN Relations, Antara Book Company, Kuala Lumpur, 1986, pp. xviii + 205. $18.00 (cloth): $12.00 (paper).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Huib Foot, Arie Kuyvenhoven and Jaap Jansen, Industrialisation and Trade in Indonesia, Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1990, pp. vii + 552.

W.L. Korthals Altes, General Trade Statistics, 1822–1940, Changing Economy in Indonesia, Volume 12a, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, 1991, pp. 200.

Adrian Clemens, J. Thomas Lindblad and Jeroen Touwen, Regional Patterns in Foreign Trade, 1911–1940, Changing Economy in Indonesia, Volume 12B, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, 1992, pp. 104.

BRIEFLY NOTED: Australian International Development Assistance Bureau, Introduction to Government Administration, Planning and Budgeting in Indonesia, Canberra: Aidab, 1991, pp. xxii + 60.

Helen Hughes (ed.), The Dangers of Export Pessimism: Developing Countries and Industrial Markets, San Francisco: International Center for Economic Growth, 1992, pp. xxvii + 446.

M.G. Asher el al., Fiscal Incentives and Economic Management in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, Singapore: Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment Research Centre, 1992, pp. viii + 133.

Hal Hill, Indonesia's Textile and Garment Industries: Developments in an Asian Perspective, Occasional paper no. 87, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1992, pp. vi + 83.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Richard Higgott and Richard Robison (eds), Southeast Asia: Essays in the Political Economy of Structural Change, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985. £18.00 (cloth)

John Wong, The Political Economy of China's Changing Relations with Southeast Asia, London: Macmillan Press, 1984, pp. xvi + 246.

Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, Perdagangan dan Industri dalam Pembangunan [Trade and Industry in Development], Jakarta: LP3ES, 1985, pp. 133.Thee Kian Wie

Masyarakat Indonesia, 12(3), Jakarta: LIPI, December, 1985. Special issue edited by Thee Kian Wie, entitled 'Kaitan-Kaitan Vertikal Antar-perusahaan dan Pengembangan Sistem Subkontraktor di Indonesia: Beberapa Studi Kasus' [Vertical Linkages between Firms and the Development of the Subcontracting System in Indonesia: Several Case Studies].

D. B. G. Denoon, Devaluation under Pressure: India, Indonesia and Ghana, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1986, pp. xi + 260. US$28.75

John W. Mellor and Gunvant M. Desai (eds). Agricultural Change and Rural Poverty, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985, pp. xix + 233. US$27.45.

'Indonesia's Transmigration Programme: A Special Report', The Ecologist, Vol. 16, No. 2/3, 1986. £4.00  相似文献   

H. S. Kartadjoemena, The Politics of External Economic Relations: Indonesia's Options, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1977(?), pp. 179, $S 12.00

Ingrid Palmer, The Indonesian Economy since 1965: A Case Study of Political Economy, London, Frank Cass, 1978, pp. ix, 196, £11.00.

Gadjah Mada University, Faculty of Economics, Graduate Program in Economics, Four Papers on Employment and Income Distribution in Indonesian Agriculture, Yogyakarta, pp. 118 + ii, mimeo.

U.S. Department of Commerce, Country Market Sectoral Survey, Indonesia: A Survey of U.S. Business Opportunities, U.S. Government Printing Office, May 1977, pp. 320.

Borrowing By Developing Countries on the Euro-currency Market P. A. Wellons, OECD, Paris 1977 $20, pp. 449.

Mayling Oey and Ketut Sudhana Astika, The Social and Economic Implications of Transmigration in Indonesia: A Policy-Oriented Review and Synopsis of Existing Research. L. P. E. M., Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Indonesia, 1978, pp. 228.

Paul A. Meyer and Colin MacAndrews, Transmigration in Indonesia. An Annotated Bibliography. Gadjah Mada University Press, 1978, 245 pages.

Fox, James J., Harvest of the Palm: Ecological Change in Eastern Indonesia. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1977.  相似文献   

Wouter van Ginneken, Rural and Urban Income Inequalities in Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, Tanzania and Tunisia, (I. L. O. Geneva, 1976) Paperback, Swiss fr. 15 (also available in hardcover) pp. 67.

Prospects for Trade Between Indonesia and Australia, Report from the Standing Committee on Industry and Trade, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1975.

Abukasan Atmodirono and James Osborn, Services and Development in Five Indonesian Middle Cities, Center for Regional and Urban Studies, Institute of Technology, Bandung, June 1974. Pp vii + 285.

R. D. Montgomery and D. C. Sister, Labor Absorption in logjakarta, Indonesia: An Input-Output Study, Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York March 1976,: pp. 85.

Peter F. McDonald and Alip Sontosudarmo, Reponse to Population Pressure: The Case of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Gadjah Mada University Press, 1976, 103 pp.

Koentjaraningrat, Masyarakat Desa di Selatan Jakarta, Jakarta Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), 1975, pp. 133.

Biro Pusat Statistik, Statistik Indonesia, Statistical Pocketbook, Indonesia, 1974/1975. Jakarta, Biro Pusat Statistik, 1975.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Jim Schiller and Barbara Martin-Schiller (eds), Imagining Indonesia: Cultural Politics and Political Culture, Ohio University Centre for International Studies, Monographs in International Studies, Southeast Asia Series no. 97, Athens, Ohio, 1997, pp. xxiii + 351. US$30.00; £28.50

Bisuk Siahaan, Industrialisasi di Indonesia sejak Hutang Kehormatan sampai Banting Stir [Industrialisation in Indonesia from the Debt of Honour to the Change in Course], Pustaka Data, Jakarta, 1996, pp. xiv + 563 npg

J.Th Lindblad (ed.), Historical Foundations of a National Economy in Indonesia, 1890s–1990s, North-Holland and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, 1996, pp viii + 427. Dfl 95.‐.

Sven Cederroth, Survival and Profit in Rural Java: The Case of an East Javanese Village, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series No 63, Curzon Press, Richmond, 1995, pp. xi + 301. npg.

R William Liddle, Leadership and Culture in Indonesian Politics, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, for ASAA Southeast Asia Publications Series, 1996. A$34.95.

Julius Tahija, Horizons Beyond, ‘Entrepreneurs of Asia’ series, Times Books International, Singapore, 1995, pp. xiii + 280. npg.

Mayling Oey-Gardiner, Mildred Wagemann, Evelyn Suleeman and Sulastri (eds), Perempuan Indonesia- Duht dan Kini [Indonesian Women: The Past and The Present], PT Gramcdia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 1996, pp. xvii + 477.

George Faulkner, Business Indonesia: A Practical Insight into Doing Business in Indonesia, Business. & Professional Publishing, Sydney, 1995, pp. xviii + 158.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
R.E. Elson, Javanese Peasants and the Colonial Sugar Industry: Impact and Change in an East Java Residency 1830–1940, Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1984, pp. xxiv + 281. $24.95 (cloth). $13.95 (paper).

Olle Tornquist, Dilemmas of Third World Communism: The Destruction of the PKI in Indonesia, London: Zed Books, 1984, pp. x + 307. $17.95 (paper).

H. Crouch, Domestic Political Structures and Regional Economic Co-operation, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1984, pp. 101. US$9.

Audrey R. Kahin (ed.), Regional Dynamics of the Indonesian Revolution: Unity from Diversity, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1985, pp. xii + 306. US$25 00

United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), Prospects for Industrial Development and for a Capital Goods Industry in Indonesia, 1984. 3 vols. (Vol. I: Main Report, pp. 66).

Akimi Fujimoto and Toshiro Matsuda (eds), A Comparative Study of the Structure of Rice Productivity and Rural Society in Southeast Asia: Two Village Studies in Indonesia and Thailand, Tokyo: University of Agriculture, 1985.

W. Rutz, Die Städte Indonesians [The Cities of Indonesia], Berlin: Borntraeger, 1985, pp. x + 286.

Narongchai Akrasanee (ed.), ASEAN-Japan Relations: Trade and Development, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1983, pp. viii + 191. US$15.

Sueo Sekiguchi (ed.), ASEAN-Japan Relations: Investment, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1983, pp. viii + 274. US$16.

J. Panglaykim, Japanese Direct Investment in ASEAN: The Indonesian Experience, Singapore: Masruzen Asia, 1983, pp. viii + 97.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Andrew Macintyre, Business and Politics in Indonesia, Sydney: Allen and Unwin, in Association with the Asian Studies Association of Australia, 1991, pp. xv + 282. A$24.95.

Scott Pearson, Walter Falcon, Paul Heytens, Eric Monke and Rosamond Naylor, Rice Policy in Indonesia, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1991, pp. xii + 180. US$32.95.

Raymond J. Struyk, Michael L. Hoffman and Harold M. Katsura, The Market for Shelter in Indonesian Cities, Jakarta and Washington DC: Hasfarm Dian Konsultan and the Urban Institute Press, 1990, pp. xxiv + 475.

P. Boomgaard and A. J. Gooszen, Changing Economy in Indonesia, Volume 11: Population Trends 1795–1942, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, 1991, pp. 253. Dfl. 48.00.

Peter Boomgaard, Children of the Colonial State: Population Growth and Economic Development in Java, 1795–1880, Centre for Asian Studies Amsterdam, Monograph 1, Amsterdam: Free University Press, 1989, pp. x + 247. Paper: Dfl. 49.50.

Mohamed Ariff (ed.), The Pacific Economy: Growth and External Stability, Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1991, pp. xvi + 322. Cloth: A$45.00; Paper: A$29.95.

L. Th. Schmit, Rural Credit Between Subsidy and Market: Adjustment of the Village Units of Bank Rakyat Indonesia in Sociological Perspective, Leiden: Leiden Development Studies No. 11, Leiden University, 1991, pp. 343. US$18.00.

Richard H. Patten and Jay K. Rosengard, Progress with Profits: The Development of Rural Banking in Indonesia, San Francisco: International Centre for Economic Growth and Harvard Institute for International Development, 1991, pp. xix + 114. US$9.95.

Hal Hill (Ed.), Indonesia Assessment 1991, Political and Social Change Monograph 13, Canberra: Department of Political and Social Change, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, 1991, pp. xx + 196. A$16.00.

Penjabaran Demokrasi Ekonomi [The Understanding of Economic Democracy], Jakarta: Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia [The Indonesian Economists Association], 1990, pp. v + 27 (Indonesian Version), v + 21 (English Version). Available from the ISEI Jakarta Office.

BRIEFLY NOTED: General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade (Gatt), Trade Policy Review — Indonesia 1991, 2 Volumes, Geneva, 1991.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Yoshihara Kunio, The Rise of Ersatz Capitalism in Southeast Asia, Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1988.

Pang Eng Fong (Ed.), Labour Market Developments and Structural Change: The Experience of Asean and Australia, Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1988, pp. 296 + xvii, index.

Michael T. Skully and George J. Viksnins, Financing East Asia's Success: Comparative Financial Development in Eight Asian Countries, Hong Kong: Macmillan, 1987, pp. 242 + xiii. cloth: $82.95.

Felix Schmidt Der Beitrag des Staedtischen Informellen Sektors zur Sozialoekonomischen Entwicklung Indonesiens. Dargestellt am Beispiel der Stadt Bandung [The Contribution of the Urban Informal Sector to Socio-economic Development in Indonesia: The Case of the City of Bandung], Schriften zu Regional - und Verkehrsproblemen in Industrie Bandung], Schriften zu Regional - und Entwicklungslaendem, Bd 45, Berlin: Duncker and Humbolt, 1988, pp. 295 + xix. DM 68,-.

Jennifer Alexander, Trade, Traders and Trading in Rural Java, Singapore: Oxford University Press/ASAA Southeast Asia Publications Series, 1987.

Colin MacAndrews, Land Policy in Modern Indonesia, Boston: Oelgeschlager, Gunn and Hain/The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 1986, pp. 119 + viii.

Wolf Donner, Land Use and Environment in Indonesia, London: C. Hurst and Company, 1987, pp. 368 + xix.

Robert Repetto, The Forest for the Trees? Government Policies and the Misuse of Forest Resources, Washington: World Resources Institute, pp. 105 + viii. Cloth: $US 10.00.

Sjahrir, Kebijaksanaan Negara - Konsistensi dan Implementasi [Public Policy - Consistency and Implementation], Jakarta: LP3ES, 1987, pp. 230 + viii.

Mubyarto, Ekonomi Pancasila: Gagasan dan Kemungkinan [The Pancasila Economy: Concept and Possibilities], Jakarta: LP3ES, 1987, pp. 238 + ix.

M. Dawam Rahardjo, Perekonomian Indonesia: Pertumbuhan dan Krisis [The Indonesian Economy: Growth and Crisis], Jakarta: LP3ES, pp. 299 + xviii.

Anthony Reid, Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce, 1460–1680. Volume One: The Lands Below The Winds, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1988, pp. 275 + xvii.

E.E. van Delden, Klein Repertorium: Index op Tijdschriften met Betrekking tot Voormalig Nederlands-lndie. Deel 1: Tijdschrift voor het Binnenlandsch Bestuur 1887–1900, Amsterdam: Koninlijk Instituut voor de Tropen, 1986, pp. 79.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
W.T. Woo, B. Glassburner and Anwar Nasution, Macroeconomic Policies, Crises, and Long-term Growth in Indonesia, 1965–90, Comparative Economic Studies, The World Bank, Washington DC, 1994, pp. xiii + 216. Paper: $13.95.

Hal Hill (ed.), Indonesia's New Order; The Dynamics of Socio-Economic Transformation, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1994, pp. xxxv + 364. Paper: A$29.95.

J. Thomas Lindblad (ed.), New Challenges in the Modern Economic History of Indonesia: Proceedings of the First Conference on Indonesia 's Modern Economic History, Jakarta, October 1–4, 1991, Programme of Indonesian Studies, Leiden University, Leiden, 1993, pp. viii + 306.

Thee Kian Wie, Explorations in Indonesia's Economic History, Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 1994, pp. xv + 187.

Nancy Lee Peluso, Rich Forests, Poor People: Resource Control and Resistance in Java, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1992, pp. xv + 321.

Effendi Pasandaran, Agus Pakpahan, Edwin B. Oyer and Norman Uphoff (eds), Poverty Alleviation with Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development in Indonesia, Published jointly by the Center for Agro-Socioeconomic Research (CASER) (Bogor), and the Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD) (Ithaca), Bogor 1992, pp. vi + 233.

Eric Thorbecke and Theodore van der Pluijm, Rural Indonesia: Socio-Economic Development in a Changing Environment, IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) Studies in Rural Development no. 3, New York University Press, New York, 1993, pp. xxix + 360.

Niels Mulder, Inside Southeast Asia: Thai, Javanese and Filipino Interpretations of Everyday Life, Duang Kamol, Bangkok, 1992, pp. xiii + 178.

M.C. Ricklefs, War, Culture and Economy in Java, 1677–1726: Asian and European Imperialism in the Early Kartasura Period, ASAA Southeast Asia Publications Series no. 24, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1993, pp. xi + 425. A$29.95.

Ken Young, Islamic Peasants and the State: The 1908 Anti-Tax Rebellion in West Sumatra, Yale Southeast Asia Studies Monograph 40, Yale Center for International and Area Studies, New Haven, pp. xviii + 361.

Saya Shiraishi and Takashi Shiraishi (eds), The Japanese in Colonial Southeast Asia, Translation Series, Translation of Contemporary Japanese Scholarship on Southeast Asia, vol. 3, Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, 1993, pp. 172.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Louis T. Wells Jr., Third World Multinationals, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1983, pp. viii + 206. $17.50.

O van den Muizenberg, P. Streefland, and W. Wolters (eds), Focus on the Region in Asia, Rotterdam: Erasmus University Comparative Asian Studies Program, 1982, pp. 349.

Brian Wawn, The Economics of the ASEAN Countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, London: Macmillan, 1982, pp. ix + 180. A$48.00.

Anthony H. Chisolm and Rodney Tyers (eds), Food Security: Theory, Policy, and Perspectives from Asia and the Pacific Rim, Toronto: Lexington Books, D. C. Heath and Co., pp. xx + 359. $39.50.

Marcel Bonneff. Françoise Cayrac-Blanchard, Pierre Labrousse, Jacques Leclere. Denys Lombard, Monique Zaini-Lajoubert, Pantjasila: Trente Années de Débats Politiques en Indonésie. Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de I' Homme, Etudes insulin-diennes/Archipe1 2, 1980, pp. viii + 427, illustrations, index.

Hans P. Binswanger, Robert E. Evenson, Cecilia A. Florencio & Benjamin N. F. White (eds). Rural Houshold Studies in Asia, Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1980, pp. 369. US$28.00.

Ida Bagus Mantra, Population Movement in Wet Rice Communities, Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1981.

A. Fujimoto (ed.), Socioeconomic Study of Rice Farming and Marketing in Indonesia: A Case Study of Gadingsari, Central Java, Tokyo: Nodai Research Institute, Tokyo University of Agriculture, 1982, pp. 139.

Wilbert Gooneratne (ed.), Labour Absorption in Rice-based Agriculture: Case Studies from South-east Asia, Bangkok: International Labour Office, Asian Regional Team for Employment Promotion, 1982. US$5.00.

Zainab Bakir and Chris Manning (eds), Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja, Kesempatan Kerja dan Pengangguran di Indonesia (Labour Force Participation. Work Opportunities and Unemployment in Indonesia), Yogyakarta: Pusat Penelitian dan Studi Kependudukan, Universitas Gadjah Mada. 1983.

Soeharsono Soemantri, Study of Indonesia's Economically Active Population, 2nd edition, Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1982.

Priyono Tjiptoherijanto, M. Yasin, Bakir Hasan, Djunaedi Hadisumarto (eds). Sumber Daya Manusia, Kesempatan Kerja dan Pembangunan Ekonomi (Human Resources, Job Opportunities and Economic Development), Jakarta: Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, 1982.  相似文献   

Book briefs     
Key variables in social investigation, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1986, vii + 276 pp.

Reproductive change in developing countries, Insights from the World Fertility Survey, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1985, xvi + 301 pp, ISBN 0‐19‐828465‐9.

The world crisis in education, The view from the eighties, Oxford University Press, New York, 1985, vii + 353 pp ISBN 0‐19‐503503‐8

Reaching the Urban Poor, Project implementation in developing countries, Westview Press, Boulder Colorado. 1986, vii + 264 pp, ISBN 0‐8133‐7129‐5

Housing policy, An international bibliography, Mansell Publishing Limited, New York, 1986, ix ‐ 398 pp, ISBN 0‐7201‐1785‐2

Agribusiness and the small‐scale farmer: A dynamic partner for development, Westview Press, Boulder, 1985

Agriculture and employment in developing countries: Strategies for effective rural development, Westview Press, Boulder, 1985

Progress in natural resource economics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1985

International agricultural trade: Advanced readings in price formation, market structure and price instability 1984

The role of markets in the world food economy, Westview Press, Boulder, 1983  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Howard Dick, The Indonesian Interisland Shipping Industry: An Analysis of Competition and Regulation, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1987, pp. 217. Paper: US$15.00; Cloth: US$23.00.

Anne Booth, Agricultural Development in Indonesia, Sydney, Wellington and London: Allen and Unwin, 1988, pp. 295 + iv.

Arthur van Schaik, Colonial Control and Peasant Resources in Java, Amsterdam; University of Amsterdam, Institute For Social Geography, 1986, pp. 210.

Joan Hardjono, Land, Labour and Livelihood in a West Java Village, Jogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1987.

W. Röll and A. Leemann, Agrarprobleme auf Lombok: Untersuchungen zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialstruktur in Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesien (Agricultural Problems on Lombok: Studies of Economic and Social Structure in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia), Hamburg: Institut Für Asienkunde, 1987, pp. 300.

Hal Hill (ed.), Unity and Diversity: Regional Economic Development in Indonesia Since 1970, Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1989, pp. 610 + xxx. Cloth: A$65.00.

C. P. Timmer (ed.). The Corn Economy of Indonesia, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1987, pp. 302. Cloth: US$32.95.

Thee Kian Wie, Industrialisasi Indonesia: Analisa dan Catalan Kritis (Indonesian Industrialisation: Analysis and Critical Notes), Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 1988, pp. 276.

David Joel Steinberg (ed.), In Search of Southeast Asia: A Modern History, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2nd Ed., 1987, pp. 590 + xi.

Geoffrey B. Hainsworth, Innocents Abroad or Partners in Development? An Evaluation of Canada-Indonesia Aid, Trade and Investment Relations, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Field Report Series No. 15, 1986, pp. 100

BRIEFLY NOTED: Ronald G. Petocz (Compiler), The Ecology of Irian Jaya: A Preliminary Bibliography, Halifax N.S., Canada: School For Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University, 1988.  相似文献   

Sajogyo, Usaha Perbaikan Gizi Keluarga (ANP Evaluation Study 1973), Lembaga Penelitian Sosiologi Pedesaan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor, 1975. Rp 1000 pp. xiii + 195.

Committee on Economics Teaching Material for Asian Universities (ed.), Economic Theory and Practice in the Asian Setting, Volume 1: Macroeconomics, pp. 172.

Economic Theory and Practice in the Asian Setting, Volume 2: Microeconomics, pp. 1970.

Economic Theory and Practice in the Asian Setting, Volume 3: The Economics of Agriculture, pp. 245.

Economic Theory and Practice in the Asian Setting. Volume 4: The Economics of Development, pp. 274.

New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1975 (Available through the Asia Office, The Agricultural Development Council, Inc. Tanglin P.O. Box 84, Singapore 10).

Seminar Hasil Penelitian Lapangan. Pusat Latihan Penelitian Ilmu2 Ujung Pandang (Seminar on Results of Fieldwork, Social Science Research Training Centre, Ujung Pandang), 8–11 December 1976, Hasanuddin University and Social Science Research Training Centre.

Seminar Hasil Penelitian Lapangan 1976, Pusat Latihan Penelitian Ilmu2 Sosial, Aceh (Seminar on Results of Fieldwork, Social Science Research Training Centre, Aceh), 6-9 December 1976, Syiah Kuala University and Social Science Research Training Centre.

Werner Rutz, Indonesien: Verkehrserschliessung seiner Ausseninseln (Transport Penetration of the Outer Islands), Paderborn, Germany, 1976. Pp. 182, 15 fold-in maps. DM58.00.

C.L.M. Penders (ed. & transl.), Indonesia: Selected Documents on Colonialism and Nationalism, 1830-1942. University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia, 1977, pp. 347 + glossary and index.

J. D. Legge, Indonesia. second edition, Prentice-Hall of Australia, Sydney, 1977.

Tax Inspection For Foreign Bodies and Aliens, Indonesian Tax Guide For Foreigners, Jakarta, April 1975, pp. 75.

Drs. B. Usman, Kumpulan Karangan Pajak Sinar Harapan 1973-5, PT Sinar Agape. Press, January 1977, pp. 211 Rp 2500.

Drs. B. Boediono, Pajak Penjualan, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, Jakarta 1975, pp. 931.

Sritua Arief, Indonesia Growth, Income Disparity and Mass Poverty. Jakarta, Sritua Arief Associates (P.O. Box 2250, Jakarta), 1977.

Indonesian language version, pp. xviii + 150, Rp 5000.

English language version, pp. ii + 207, Price on application.

Kumpulan Bacaan Sosiologi Pedessaan (Readings on Rural Sociology), Lembaga Penelitian Sosiologi Pedesaan, Institut Pertanian, Bogor. 1975.

Direktorat Jenderal Industri Tekstil, Buku Petunjuk Industri Tekstil (A Guide-book to the Textile Industry), Jakarta, 1976. Pp. ix + 410. Rp 6750.

Brian Lynch. Indonesia: Problems and Prospects. Sorrett Publishing Company, Melbourne, 1977, pp. 183. Recommended price $A11.95.

Dr Ir Herman Soewardi. Respons Musyarakat Desa Terhadap Modernisasi Produksi Pertanian, Terutama Padi, Gadjah Mada University Press, 1976, pp. 175.

Douglas Miles, Cutlass and Crescent Moon. A Case Study of Social and Political Change in Outer Indonesia. Centre for Asian Studies, University of Sydney, 1976, pp. 160.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Andrew MacIntyre (ed.), Business and Government in Industrialising Asia, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1994, pp. xii + 312. Paper: A$29.95.

John Bresnan, From Dominoes to Dynamos: The Transformation of Southeast Asia, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, 1994, pp. x + 115. $17.95.

Anthony Reid, Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce 1450–1680: Volume Two, Expansion and Crisis, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1993, pp. xv + 390.

Binhadi, Financial Sector Deregulation, Banking Development and Monetary Policy: The Indonesian Experience (1983–1993), Indonesian Bankers' Institute, Jakarta, 1995.

Anwar Shah and Zia Qureshi, with Amaresh Bagchi, Brian Binder, and Heng-fu Zou, Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Indonesia: Issues and Reform Options, World Bank Discussion Papers 239, Washington DC, pp. xxxii + 279. $17.95; A$425.00; NZ$30.25.

Jacqueline Vel, The Uma-economy: Indigenous Economics and Development Work in Lawonda, Sumba (Eastern-Indonesia), Wageningen, pp. xiv + 283. $20.00 + $8 postage & handling.

Joao Mariano de Sousa Saldanha, The Political Economy of East Timor Development, translated by Theresia Slamet and P.G. Kattopo, Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta, 1994, pp. 414.

Jan-Paul Dirkse, Frans H$uUsken and Mario Rutten (eds), Development and Social Welfare: Indonesia's Experiences under the New Order, KITLV Press, Leiden, 1993, pp. 267.

W.G. Huff, The Economic Growth of Singapore: Trade and Development in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994, pp. xxi + 472. A$60.

Saha Dhevan Meyanathan (ed.), Industrial Structures and the Development of Small and Medium Enterprise Linkages: Examples from East Asia, The World Bank (Economic Development Institute of the World Bank Seminar Series), Washington DC, 1994, pp. v + 158. Paper: $9.95.

Thee Kian Wie, Industrialisasi di Indonesia: Beberapa Kajian, LP3ES, Jakarta, pp. xxvi + 278 (including Introduction by Mari Pangestu).  相似文献   

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