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11月8日,重庆怪难吃2005“创富之星”评选活动第一批获奖名单正式出炉,首次共评出五位“创富标兵”和五位“创富之星”。其中,有加盟两年多、与怪难吃并肩走到今天的老朋友。也有加盟仅几个月的新伙伴,他们大多没有从事过餐饮行业,但凭借辛勤的努力,获得了不错的收益,月收入少则几千、多则数万,成为众多小本创业者的成功典范。  相似文献   

朱岩 《销售与管理》2005,(12):71-72
11月8日,重庆怪难吃2005“创富之星”评选活动第一批获奖名单正式出炉,首次共评出五位“创富标兵”和五位“创富之星”。其中,有加盟两年多、与怪难吃并肩走到今天的老朋友,也有加盟仅几个月的新伙伴,他们大多没有从事过餐饮行业,但凭借辛勤的努力,获得了不错的收益,月收入少则几千,多则数万,成为众多小本创业者的成功典范。  相似文献   

要把开展“两学一做”学习教育作为一项重大政治任务,全面覆盖到全体党员。党组中心组要带头学习,党总支要安排、帮助各党支部制定学习教育计划,各级党组织书记要承担起主体责任,管好党员、带好队伍,层层传导压力,从严从实抓好学习教育,尽好责、抓到位、见实效。  相似文献   

不真正让IT创业者涌向PE和VC乐园的动因还是那些赚得盘满钵满的财富神话和在孵化潜力股中体会到的巨大成就感  相似文献   

门里门外,两种人生。门里,温睛暖意融融:门外,喧嚣熙熙攘攘。—道门,隔开了不止一面的人生;一套门,讲述着不止一个故事。这些都是广东佛山市南海西樵山下的中国木门行行业领军企业“润成创展”告诉世人的道理。  相似文献   

冯永明 《浙商》2009,(15):76-77
姚新义在大家参观盾安生产基地时出现,他静静地跟在后面,认真地听着讲解。这位45岁的创始人在这样无数次地回顾盾安历史时陷入沉思—新的故事又会从哪里开始?22年前,姚新义从一个技工转型为一个创业者。1987年的一个深夜,他骑着一辆自行车在回家乡间小道的月色下绽放梦想。虽然,他当时还无法为他的未来写好宪章,  相似文献   

五年前根本不懂地震预警的海归创业者王暾,在芦山地震后发出预警信息。他跑在了官方机构的前面。 当雅安芦山7级地震来袭,成都的一位海归创业者发出了预警信息。与此形成对照的是,中国官方机构保持沉默,至今没有公开发出过地震预警。这位创业者名叫王暾。  相似文献   

姚恩育 《浙商》2013,(10):68-73
吴子富的个人职业轨迹转变与盾安的企业发展交错相联:自2008年以来,盾安集团的年销售收入增长了2.16倍。阳春三月,万物复苏。这个时节在中国有特殊的意义——全国两会正在北京紧锣密鼓地召开。而在浙江杭州,属于盾安集团“两会”之一的2013年度高管年会也在进行着。3月14日至17日,遍布于全国各地的盾安高管们奔赴杭州,为盾安在春光里编织未来。  相似文献   

美国移民服务局最近发布的数据显示,2011年投资美国的移民中,中国人占了3/4。数据显示,全球很多富豪都申请投资移民美国,但中国人却成了最大的申请受惠人群。根据美国移民服务局的报告,2011年共有2969名中国公民申请了投资移民的EB-5签证,其中有934人获批准。在EB-5签证总申请人数中,中国人占75%。  相似文献   

<正>创业名企踊跃报名新亮点新主题亮相(中韩)威海中小投资创业博览会作为威海市政府连年鼓励全民创业举办的重要展览活动,至今已成功举办了两届。目前,第三届投创会的招商工作正在紧  相似文献   

吴清华 《广告大观》2009,(9):106-107
张志弘,安吉斯媒体中国及台湾区首席数字官,同时担任台北市英特网广告暨媒体经营协会荣誉理事长,具有17年以上的网络及广告产业资历。安吉斯媒体集团旗下的办公室坐落在寸土寸金的王府井东方广场,记者和张志弘的对话就在那里进行。  相似文献   

Reassessing Portfolio Entrepreneurship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carter  Sara  Ram  Monder 《Small Business Economics》2003,21(4):371-380
Portfolio entrepreneurship, that is the simultaneous ownership of several businesses, is becoming an important theme in the small business research literature. To date, however, there have been few dedicated empirical investigations of the phenomenon. This article analyses research on portfolio entrepreneurship that has been derived from a wide range of subject literatures, including economic sociology, cultural anthropology and agricultural economics. The aim is to provide a deeper understanding of the motivations for portfolio entrepreneurship approaches and the processes associated with it.  相似文献   

Internationalising Entrepreneurship Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite growing policy and research interest in small firm internationalisation, little attention has been focused on the international dimensions of entrepreneurship and even less on the academic formation and personal/professional development of international entrepreneurs. The need to address these issues is particularly crucial in light of the emergence of small entrepreneurial “born global” firms that have able to take advantage of technological advances to internationalise rapidly. This contribution outlines and evaluates approaches that have been adopted to embed international entrepreneurship dimensions in undergraduate and postgraduate business programmes in Ireland. The authors contend that many of these mechanisms are eminently transferable to educational programmes in other locations.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the changes in attitude and venture capital provision that the author believes are necessary to rekindle the spirit of entrepreneurship in Europe. The article goes on to discuss technology clusters and the role of stock markets. It then describes the way the Cambridge-based Amadeus venture capital company sets about the venture capital process. It concludes with a plea for entrepreneurship centres to be set up in each university and for some changes in government policy.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
He  Canfei  Lu  Jiangyong  Qian  Haifeng 《Small Business Economics》2019,52(3):563-572
Small Business Economics - China’s economic transition has greatly unleashed entrepreneurship and private enterprise development since the 1980s. In this article, we review the recent...  相似文献   

Small Business Economics - According to Hoetker and Agarwal (Academy of Management Journal, 50(2), 446–469, 2007), research on knowledge transfers related to business closures is scarce. This...  相似文献   

Here, I examine returns to entrepreneurship using a standard measure of welfare, the per-capita consumption expenditure. This analysis, using quantile regressions, reveals the existence of a welfare hierarchy in occupations. The results suggest that, across the welfare distribution, entrepreneurs who employ others have the highest returns in terms of consumption, while those entrepreneurs who work for themselves, that is, self-employed individuals, have slightly lower returns than the salaried employees. However, self-employment entails higher returns than casual labor and a relative escape from poverty.  相似文献   

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