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网上银行(E-Banking)是指客户通过互联网(Interne)或其他公用网络与银行直接联系,银行利用网络技术将客户的电脑终端连接至银行,实现将银行服务直接送到客户办公室或家中的服务系统。招商银行自1996年开始研究互联网对银行服务的影响,逐步形成并有效实施了网上银行发展战略。几年来的实践证明,网上银行战略的构建和实施,使招行大大加快了业务发展、提高了管理水平,并赢得了网上银行业务的国内领先地位和良好的市场信誉。一、构建网上银行战略的背景1.背景招商银行自1987年成立以来,积极进行管理体制改革,大胆探索新业务模式…  相似文献   

香港网上银行的监管现状史静媛目前在香港,估计上网人数约为12万,约有60家网络服务供应商提供即时与国际互联网的上网服务。现在没有银行通过国际互联网提供银行服务。然而,当客户对于网上银行服务的认识和接受程度加深后,这种情况便会改变。银行可以视网上银行是...  相似文献   

新经济时代网上银行发展趋势的探索和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,随着计算机技术、通信技术以及网络技术,尤其是互联网技术的发展和普及,金融系统的业务处理和经营管理模式正经历着新的变革:货币形态从实物货币向电子货币方向演变;服务模式由柜面模式下的"人-人"对话向网络模式下的"人-机"对话演化;资金流动的载体从实体凭证向电子凭证过渡;银行概念从实体银行向虚拟银行方向发展."电子银行"就是以知识经济为背景,以电子货币为经营对象,充分利用计算机、通讯、安全等技术手段,突破地域、文化界限,服务于人们各个生活领域的金融实体.由于电子银行突破了地域界限、时间界限和行业界限,所以电子银行可以为客户提供全天候、全方位的个性化服务;电子银行软件带有智能化特征,能衍生出更多的金融产品;电子银行可以实行统一的授信体系,使信贷资源在商业银行内部达到最佳配置,从而使金融资产风险管理日趋完善.基于这些原因,各国银行业纷纷实施银行电子化战略,尤其是自1995年世界上第一个网上银行--美国安全第一网上银行(SFNB)诞生以来,网上银行如雨后春笋般出现,据估算,目前国内50余家网上银行的企业与个人客户总量超过1000万.  相似文献   

网上银行又称虚拟银行,通过互联网为客户提供查询、转账、代缴费等金融服务,是传统银行柜台的延伸。随着电子商务的不断发展,网上银行又成为B2C、C2C等网站的支付平台,在现代生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。  相似文献   

网上银行从组织形式上分类主要有三种:一是“鼠标+水泥”模式;二是以互联网为主的模式;三是纯互联网银行。从“电子银行业务管理办法》对电子银行的定义来看,我国的网上银行都是“鼠标+水泥”模式,也就是网上银行业务依附于传统银行组织机构之上的组织模式。  相似文献   

建设银行是我国比较早开通网上银行服务的银行之一,1999年8月,建设银行使推出了网上银行服务。其后几年中,基于互联网、电信网的网上银行、电话银行、手机银行等电子银行服务渠道成为建设银行树立品牌形象.拓展产品市场的重要手段。  相似文献   

自1995年美国安全第一网上银行(SFNB)成立以来,短短十余年,全球1000多家大银行便有700多家设立了互联网网址,成立了电子银行,可谓发展迅猛。我国的电子银行发展始干1996年的中行网上银行,严格的说只是建立了网站,没有交易功能。走到今天,两者之间的差别日益明显。[第一段]  相似文献   

一、网上银行1.网上银行的定义网上银行是指把互联网作为远程支付渠道来为银行服务.它包括传统上的诸如开设账户或转账给不同的账户,以及新的银行服务比如电子在线支付(允许客户通过网上银行接收或支付账单)等服务.  相似文献   

网上银行是银行利用现代通讯技术向客户提供的一种金融服务方式。它是现代科技和电子商务的发展的必然趋势。网上银行分广义的网上银行(如电话银行、家庭银行、企业银行、手机银行、因特网银行),和狭义的网上银行(主要指因特网银行),又称电子银行、在线银行、虚拟银行,是银行在互联网上设立的虚拟银行柜台。农业银行从 C2年起已相继向市场推出了电话银行、手机银行、因特网银行产品。从金融市场实践看,从开发一个产品到市场认同的商品,进而形成鲜明的市场品牌,则是艰难复杂的市场过程。本文为在营销推  相似文献   

电子银行是指通过电子渠道提供的零售和小额银行产品或服务。电子银行主要包括电话银行、网络银行、ATM系统、POS系统、手机银行等渠道。其中网上银行是电子银行的一种主要形式。目前,我国的网上银行尚处在萌芽阶段,发展较慢,仍存在很多问题亟待解决。如网上银行所能提供的服务品种,仅局限在帐户信息查询方面,转帐付款适用的范围仍极其有限,更没有涉及贷款、投资等方面;国内信用卡业务十分落后,仍主要是一种结算工具,严重地制约了网上银行、电子商务的发展。  相似文献   

Unstable banking     
We propose a theory of financial intermediaries operating in markets influenced by investor sentiment. In our model, banks make, securitize, distribute, and trade loans, or they hold cash. They also borrow money, using their security holdings as collateral. Banks maximize profits, and there are no conflicts of interest between bank shareholders and creditors. The theory predicts that bank credit and real investment will be volatile when market prices of loans are volatile, but it also points to the instability of banks, especially leveraged banks, participating in markets. Profit-maximizing behavior by banks creates systemic risk.  相似文献   

A key feature of financial services liberalization is increasing banking-sector globalization.Using different measures to capture this phenomenon, the present study examines its impact on banking crisis for a dataset of 138 nations spanning the period 1998–2013, while controlling for other banking-industry specific, macroeconomic and external factors. Employing different econometric models and several robustness checks, I find greater banking sector globalization to reduce the occurrence of banking crisis. Moreover, greater bank asset concentration, diversification, credit flows, real interest rates, inflation rates, M2-to-foreign exchange reserves and nominal exchange rate depreciations significantly increase the likelihood of banking crisis, while higher bank profits, real GDP growth, economic development and economic freedom lower such chances. The results are further examined for nations across different levels of economic development and with different degrees of foreign bank penetration. The findings underscore that foreign bank presence provides greater financial stability in the banking industry of host nations.  相似文献   

自90年代初IBM首次提出"电子商务"概念以来,电子商务已经为银行业带来了3次重大的变革,银行业因而经历了3个重要的阶段.第一个阶段是"银行引进阶段",此时电子商务主要是引入和模仿,只有简单的上网、发布和交易;第2个阶段是"银行内部整合阶段",此时的电子商务是真实的商务,银行开始了从内部整合到外部整合的转变:当今银行业的电子商务已经逐步进化到"随需应变"的阶段,通过联网互补,建立开放的银行服务体系,共同创建银行业的市场.  相似文献   

银行的客户关系管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客户关系管理(CRM)是指银行如何发现最有价值的客户,并为他们提供最优质的服务.它所涉及的内容包括:销售文化、一对一市场、数据仓库、数据挖掘、客户划分、客户忠诚度分析和交叉销售等.  相似文献   

In the dynamic model of banking, a bank's option to hide its loan losses by rolling over non-performing loans is shown to worsen moral hazard. Contrary to the classic theory, moral hazard may arise even when a bank cannot seek a correlated risk for its loans. The loans seem to be performing and the bank makes a profit although it is de facto insolvent. When the bank's balance sheet includes hidden non-performing loans, the bank may optimally shrink lending or gamble for resurrection by growing aggressively. To eliminate this type of moral hazard, which is broadly consistent with evidence from emerging economies, a few regulatory implications are suggested.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to lay the groundwork for a theory of merchant banking. One of the most significant business events in the last decade is the restructuring of American corporations. Modern merchant banks evolved in response to the new demand. They step in and provide their own capital (equity, bridge loans, and junk bonds) to resolve the magnified financing problem due to the large relative and absolute amount of debt involved. Merchant banks provide strong certification, minimize the costs of obtaining the bundle of services, and, most important, they transform and extend the transactions horizon.  相似文献   

黎江 《银行家》2008,(1):74-76
随需应变要求银行模型化 由于客户和外界环境的快速变化,银行业面临着更严酷的新挑战.对银行来说,灵活性是生存之本,速度是成败关键.成功的银行已经开始适应持续快速的变革,但同时,仍有很多银行陷于自身的问题而难以快速发展,比如传统的业务流程、不同IT应用系统的整合,以及参差不齐的分行服务水平.很多银行为重叠的流程和技术所累,IT分散管理使问题进一步恶化,通常表现为脱节的运营模式,无效的成本结构以及对产品、地理区域和业务线的重复.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is an examination of the relationship between taxation and the working of international banking arrangements. The main task is directed to the ways taxation determinations by national authorities affect the ways international banks go about their business. International coordination through the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a major focus of the analysis. There is no general exposition of principles bearing upon international taxation. Rather, attention is directed to the determination of tax obligations in any one jurisdiction. Thus, there is a close scrutiny of the mechanics of taxation in the international setting bringing out the uncertainties and the imponderables in any application. Much attention is given to structural arrangement in international banking as well as capital arrangements in any one jurisdiction and how this applies to and affects the banking group as a whole. The result is to bring out the complexity of the agenda for tax applications on a common basis across internationally operating groups. Most jurisdictions recognise that they cannot await common agreements because new instruments and arrangements emerge at very frequent intervals and their tax implications have to be addressed. There has to be relief from uncertainty if markets are to develop effectively. Thus, there is in an importance sense of partnership between tax authorities and market participants in many countries. International deliberations have taken too long.  相似文献   

Banks in the US have been competing with investment banks through newly created “Section 20” subsidiaries. The evidence to date suggests that banks entry into securities activities via these subsidiaries has been pro-competitive. Recently, however, banks have been allowed to enter securities activities via acquisitions. This may not result in the same competitive effects as “new bank” entry.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the determinants of banks’ decisions to adopt a transactional website for their customers. Using a panel of commercial banks in the United States for the period 2003–2006, we show that although bank-specific characteristics are important determinants of banks’ adoption decisions, competition also plays a prominent role. The extent of competition is related to the geographic overlap of banks in different markets and their relative market share in terms of deposits. In particular, banks adopt online banking services earlier in markets where their competitors have already adopted this technology. This paper is one of the first to construct local banking markets using the geographic market definitions delimited by the CASSIDI® Database compiled at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.  相似文献   

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