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Research into environmental management systems (EMSs) began in the late 1990s with studies that focused on the driving forces, costs and benefits and nature of such systems. However, in the hotel and tourism field, very little research has been conducted on EMSs, except for a few studies on environmental management, such as the environmental protection practices and environmental performance of hotels. In recognition of this gap, this research studies the impact of an EMS on hotel employees whose working attitude directly affects the services provided to guests.  相似文献   

The main contribution of the paper is that it proposes a well-defined model and an empirical estimation technique for determining an optimal targeted number of incoming tourists and for getting as close as possible to this target by controlling variables that are affected by tourism authorities policies. We assume that the planner wishes to minimize the gap between the actual and the optimal number of tourists in order to get as close as possible to the optimally desired number. The actual number of tourists from each country is affected by the cost of travel as well as by exogenous variables. We constructed a system of two simultaneous equations, where the number of tourists and the cost of travel are the endogenous variables. We estimated the system for incoming tourism to Spain from various countries and forecasted the actual number of incoming tourists. Using the forecasted equation we were able to extract the optimal number of rooms needed in order to get as close as we could to the desired number of tourists.After defining several targeted levels for the number of incoming tourists to Spain from Canada, Japan, Belgium, The Netherland, US, Italy, France, Germany and UK, we extracted the optimal number of needed hotel rooms in order to get as close as possible to the targets.This paper is important since it provide a tool for the decision makers to effect the number of incoming tourists by changing the level of variables that are under the control of the decision maker.  相似文献   

Human, structural and non-end-customer-relationship capital in the hotel industry need end-customer-relationship capital to reflect themselves in financial performance, as a study of the Slovenian hotel industry has shown.  相似文献   

While some hotels have adopted the formal environmental management system (EMS) or the internationally recognised ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard for the sake of the environment—or other claimed benefits—many hotels are still standing at the crossroads in adopting EMS. This exploratory study was conducted with the aim of investigating the barriers to EMS in the hotel industry in Hong Kong SAR. Of the 330 questionnaires mailed, 83 were returned. Using exploratory factor analysis to identify interpretable orthogonal factors, six factors that hinder hotels from adopting formal EMS were identified and interpreted. They are: (1) lack of knowledge and skills; (2) lack of professional advice; (3) uncertainty of outcome; (4) certifiers/verifiers; (5) lack of resources; and (6) implementation and maintenance costs. Independent samples t-test and ANOVA analysis were also conducted to gain a better understanding of the significant differences in the identified six factors on the barriers to adopting and implementing EMS in the hotel industry among different hotel demographic variables. Implications of the findings are discussed, while recommendations are made to reduce the barriers inhibiting the adoption of EMS in the hotel industry.  相似文献   

The hotel business is highly sensitive to economic cycles, as the industry faces high frequency and high fluctuation of uncertainty over the demand for lodging services. Without a thorough consideration on the issue, hotels may undergo a business crisis. This research therefore investigates the influence of demand uncertainty on hotel failure by using the operation data of international tourist hotels in Taiwan during 1995–2008. The analysis applies two stages of estimation. The first stage employs a first-order autoregressive model, AR(1), to model lodging demand uncertainty. The second stage estimates the likelihood of hotels’ failure by using a logit model. The results are supportive to determine that the demand uncertainty causes hotel failures.  相似文献   

This study attempts to explain the influence of personal and hotel factors on the expectation level of hotel hospitality as well as to propose a scale to measure commercial hospitality for hotel services. A total of 101 local and international hotel guests were involved in the study. The results revealed that the expectations of hotel hospitality are influenced by personal factors such as gender, purpose of stay, nationality, and private domain of hospitality. The hotel's star rating is the only hotel factor that might have strong association with hotel hospitality.  相似文献   

Servicescape and customer engagement are important concepts in the hospitality literature, but scant research pays attention to their relationship. To fill the gap, the present study proposes a “servicescape–value–engagement” framework to examine the effects of servicescape elements on different components of customer engagement by addressing functional and wellness values as mediators. Structural equation modeling was applied to analyze the data surveyed from 619 hotel customers in China. Findings indicate that substantive and communicative servicescapes have positive effects on customers’ cognitive, affective, and behavioral engagements. Wellness value mediates all of these effects whereas functional value only mediates the effects on customers’ affective and behavioral engagements. Through the establishment of the framework, the present study theoretically broadens current knowledge on the servicescape-driven responses and the antecedents of customer engagement. Practically, the findings prompt hotels to effectively design and deliver servicescape elements to improve customer engagement and value perceptions.  相似文献   

Public space plays a primary role in shaping customers' hospitality experiences. Yet how public space conditions customers' experiential outcomes in accumulating capital for hospitality organizations remains underexplored. Inspired by the theory of psychological ownership, this research presents an in-depth analysis of the impacts of customers' public space experiences on their experiential outcomes using a longitudinal hotel industry dataset merging information from customer surveys, property performance, and surrounding accessibility insights. Findings revealed the positive effects of customers’ public space experiences on their overall service experiences, the perceived value of the experience, revisit intentions, and recommendation intentions. Moreover, hotel class, other customers, and surrounding accessibility were empirically verified as moderators conditioning the positive impact of public space. These findings offer valuable implications for theory and practice that are worthy of further exploration.  相似文献   

Hotels today actively respond to online reviews given their tremendous influence on travelers' decisions. Yet, the questions of how to respond to online reviews continue to baffle hotel managers. By focusing on prospective travelers, we propose the effective management response signals hotels' care for customers and quality of service. Particularly, we postulate the frequency, speed and length of response influence the effectiveness of signaling in reducing information asymmetry. Based on the large-scale field data from TripAdvisor, this study demonstrates that the frequency and speed of response significantly enhance travelers’ engagement as indicated by more reviews, higher average valence, more votes for helpfulness, and higher popularity ranking. Furthermore, the frequent and speedy response is more effective for budget (vs. premium) hotels. Thus, management response to online reviews serves as a critical channel of communication to engage customers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate potential differences in attitudes between Chinese and Western tourists towards various hotel room reservation policies. The study is meant to help the revenue managers of international hotel companies make informed choices on whether to pursue a globalized or a localized approach in the design of hotel room rates and rate restrictions. Three ranges of room prices and four types of rate restrictions are evaluated. The rate restriction policies considered are: a) rule type, b) advance requirement, c) refundability, and d) changes allowed. The results of customer surveys show that the Chinese and Western respondents do not express significantly different preferences concerning room rates, advance requirement, rule type, or refundability. They differ significantly only concerning the changes allowed policy. This result indicates that revenue managers of international hotel companies can take a globalized approach in designing rate restrictions. The identification of these customer preferences provides hotel revenue managers with empirical data on the attitudes of culturally diverse consumers, and this information can enable the design of hotel pricing policies that attract consumers in the global market.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study was to empirically investigate the potential influence of uncertainty avoidance (UA) on hotel top managers’ approach to strategy development. Scales were developed to measure managers’ openness to strategic change, involvement of others, formality of strategic control, type of data used in strategic analysis, and strategic planning time horizon. Responses from 207 managers (50 Americans, 43 Malaysians, 70 Thai, and 44 Turkish) were analyzed using ANOVA. The findings indicated that UA had minimal influences on the managers’ approach, as different managers from cultures with varied degrees of UA demonstrated noticeable similarities among the five variables investigated. Practical implications as well as suggestions for future research were provided.  相似文献   

Under the influence of regulatory requirements, REITs have evolved into entities that have distinct financial and organizational characteristics from their C-Corporation counterparts. This study aims to investigate whether hotel REITs are more profitable than hotel C-Corps and how REIT regulations contribute to this difference. The results indicate that despite the differences in tax obligation, operating expense, and dividend policy, hotel REITs and hotel C-Corporations are not significantly different in profitability. However, the analysis suggests that hotel C-Corps have advantage over hotel REITs in improving profitability through dividend payout increases. The findings also suggest a possible non-linear relationship between profitability and dividend payout, presenting an opportunity to extend Jensen's (1986) agency cost theory.  相似文献   

The study drew on a sample (n=284) from the hotel industry in Hong Kong to advance our understanding about the perceived effectiveness of various reward instruments in achieving specific task and extra-task performance behaviors. We found that the perceived motivating value of a reward varied according to its type. Non-financial rewards, for example, were found to play a prominent role in achieving extra-task performance dimensions. Employee characteristics also affected the perceived performance implications of various rewards. Nevertheless, caution must be exercised when interpreting the results, as other factors may also influence reward–performance relationships, thus paving the way for future research.  相似文献   

This study attempts to broaden understandings of co-creation by examining stakeholders who authenticate the meaning of a heritage hotel. It proposes that a heritage hotel is not only defined in terms of the provenance of material and non-material aspects of a culture, but also by subjective criteria as applied by various stakeholders. Using the case study of the Hotel Estoril, the first Western-style casino hotel built in the former Portuguese colony of Macau, it shows that government, community organizations, and residents endeavor to co-create a new identity for adaptive reuse. Under the circumstances, a heritage hotel is characterized by a polyvocality of interpretations, reflective of the array of stakeholders involved.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the current status of merger and acquisition (M&A) studies in the hotel industry and propose directions for future research. Forty-six articles were identified from ScienceDirect, Scopus, and EBSCOhost including 31 empirical and 15 conceptual articles. We review these articles from five perspectives, namely, journal/year distribution, methodology, research context, theoretical foundation and major topics. Findings reveal most studies on M&As in the hotel industry (hotel M&As) focus on performance, motivation and objectives. Developed economies (DEs) are the major research contexts and quantitative approach is the dominant research method. To this end, we propose seven research directions that cover outstanding themes as follows: 1) exploring M&A process, 2) M&A performance assessment, 3) identifying M&A impacts on stakeholders, 4) examining cross-border M&As, 5) examining emerging economies (EE)-based M&As, 6) investigating macro environment impacts, and 7) premium determinants and their impacts on hotel M&As.  相似文献   

This study sought to assess customers' willingness to pay for a wide variety of characteristics and attributes of hotels in Portugal's Algarve region. After collecting nearly all the information available on TripAdvisor for hotels in this region, a hedonic pricing model was developed using a database of 9992 cases. The results suggest that – after standardisation – the most important variable shaping Algarve hotel room rates is the previous day's prices. When associated with a family-friendly hotel, star category and services have a greater value than beaches or golf courses do. Customers also appreciate some types of hotels, such as boutique, quaint or trendy hotels, but view others negatively, such as family-friendly or business hotels. Only the specific location of Falesia Beach adds value, although the Algarve is a desirable destination overall. Both destination and hotel managers can use the proposed method to analyse data for their region on customers' propensity to pay.  相似文献   

Employee stress is a significant issue in the hospitality industry, and it is costly for employers and employees alike. Although addressing and reducing stress is both a noble goal and is capable of resulting in expense reductions for employers, the nature and quantity of hospitality employee stress is not fully understood. The first aim of this study was to identify common work stressors in a sample of 164 managerial and hourly workers employed at 65 different hotels who were each interviewed for eight consecutive days. The two most common stressors were interpersonal tensions at work and overloads (e.g., technology not functioning). The second aim was to determine whether there were differences in the types and frequency of work stressors by job type (i.e., managers versus non-managers), gender, and marital status. Hotel managers reported significantly more stressors than hourly employees. There were no significant differences by gender or marital status. The third aim was to investigate whether the various stressors were linked to hotel employee health and work outcomes. More employee and coworker stressors were linked to more negative physical health symptoms. Also, interpersonal tensions at work were linked to lower job satisfaction and greater turnover intentions.  相似文献   

This study examines the value of a hotel stay from the perspective of hotel customers and hotel service professionals. Respondents, including hotel customers and hotel service professionals, were asked the extent of their agreement or disagreement with statements related to four different value dimensions: functional value, emotional value, social value, and customer-perceived sacrifices. Results showed that there are significant differences between the hotel service professionals’ perceived value of the hotel stay and customers’ perceived value of the hotel stay. The differences are found in social value and customer-perceived sacrifices.  相似文献   


Mystery shopping is a common mode of improving customer service in retail and hospitality businesses, but researchers rarely utilize the methodology in academia. In these business entities, high-level quality standards are paramount to customer satisfaction, and mystery shopper reports have been found to be indicative of an organization’s service quality. This study employed a mixed-method approach, utilizing qualitative and quantitative procedures to examine a mystery shop program from within a resort hotel in the Southeastern US. The researchers used seven service principles which were established by the resort hotel. Mystery shoppers surveyed this specific service culture for a span of 13-months. The results suggested that managers need to re-examine service principles to ensure consistent employee performance and guest experiences.  相似文献   

This research aims to analyze the role of positive and negative emotions in decisions about supplier switching in the hotel industry. It shows how, in addition to switching costs and relational norms, positive emotions, such as happiness, empathy, gladness and satisfaction, also act as switching barriers and influence the likelihood of supplier switching. The findings also provide evidence that psychological factors moderate the influence of economic and relational factors. The empirical study was conducted in hotels and restaurants in two tourist areas of Asia and Europe: the Antalya Coast in Turkey and the French Riviera.  相似文献   

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