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阿根廷是美国赞扬的金融自由化典范,银行证券业向外资开放的力度大,但其爆发金融危机造成的破坏也格外严重。本文论述了阿根廷金融危机与经济全球化进程,特别是与金融开放和资本市场自由化的联系,分析了阿根廷吸引跨国银行投资,对于本国金融体系稳定所产生的影响,资本外逃如何给民众存款造成重大损失。本文还论述了中国应如何吸取阿根廷的教训,慎重对待外资收购、兼并和MBO,特别是"入世"后银行证券业的开放,更好维护本国经济金融安全,防范风险。  相似文献   

金洪飞 《当代财经》2002,(1):39-42,74
阿根廷的经济形势引起了人们对阿根廷是否会发生货币危机的关注。通过介绍70年代以来阿根廷历史上的货币危机以及分析阿根廷目前的经济状况可知,阿根廷经济中最严重的问题就是大量的公共债务和经济衰退,而造成这两个问题的深层次原因就是阿根廷目前的货币制度。大量的公共债务和经济衰退使阿根廷发生货币危机只是时间问题,一旦市场失去信心,货币危机就会随时爆发。  相似文献   

高扬 《经济论坛》2002,(15):43-44
一、阿根廷深陷危机1998年至今,阿根廷经济陷入停滞和衰退,即使在“新经济”的黄金时期,阿根廷经济也是毫无起色。四年多来,阿根廷的失业率在15%以上。2001年6月,阿根廷出现了剧烈的金融动荡,进入12月以后,阿根廷局势急剧恶化,政局动荡,经济衰退,社会混乱,抗议活动和街头暴力活动不断,造成了巨大的经济损失。在短短的半个月时间内,换了3位总统,其中的1位总统甚至公开宣布,阿根廷无力偿付1320多亿美元的外债,成为世界上最大的暂停偿还债务的国家。阿根廷的国家风险指数也从2001年初的800点飙升到…  相似文献   

一、阿根廷对阿根廷来说,80年代是在银行危机中开始,也是在银行危机中结束的。80年代初期,阿根廷发生了一次严重的银行危机。处理这次危机的办法以及其他因素加在一起,使阿根廷在80年代末期不得不面对又一次银行危机。危机的开始。阿根廷80年代初期的银行危机...  相似文献   

阿根廷一直是美元化的积极倡导者,但阿根廷危机的爆发却迫使阿政府放弃了实行了11年的货币局制度。本文通过分析指出货币局制度的内在缺陷是造成阿根廷危机的根源。对比货币局制度,彻底的美元化更有利于一国的经济,最终本文得出结论,阿根廷危机只是美元化不彻底的结果。  相似文献   

90年代以初期,货币局制度较好地适应了阿根廷的经济状况,有效地抑制了严重的通货膨胀,稳定了金融形势。但货币局制度有着内在的缺陷,在阿根廷存在着高货币替代的情况下,货币局制度导致阿国政府丧失调节经济灵活性的致命弱点逐渐显露,继而导致了债务危机、金融危机的发生。  相似文献   

阿根廷经济和社会危机的根本原因是作为发展中国家却选择了新自由主义的经济发展,而直接诱因则缺乏弹性的金融政策特别是汇率政策和过份依赖债务的财政政策,由此导致国内经济结合不合理的失业率居高难下。在经济危机初起时,阿政府应对失当,使一般的支付危机迅速扩大为整个社会的危机,我国在向市场经济转型过程中,某些经济剖与阿根廷有相似之处。反思阿根廷危机,可以给我们以有益的警示。  相似文献   

阿根廷外资政策开放,但宏观经济不稳定,中国企业投资有限。本文从分析阿根廷在全球和区域的引资情况入手,结合国际机构的相关评价,梳理了阿根廷的区位优势和经济特点,同时阐述了阿根廷的对外开放历程,分析了中国企业投资阿根廷农业、能源以及基础设施的能力和经验,最后得出相应的结论和启示。  相似文献   

王浩 《中国经济评论》2007,7(10):29-31,36
上世纪,阿根廷贸易政策与货币政策的错配导致了其宏观经济的不稳定。长期以来,阿根廷深受庇隆主义封闭政策的影响,实行进口替代战略,使其优者变劣,劣者不优。不仅使产业结构失衡,对外贸易长期处于逆差。同时,长期实行僵硬的固定汇率制度但允许资本自由流动,引发了恶性通货膨胀。长期的高消费、低储蓄与进口替代导致了低的资本积累率,政治家权利欲望只能以巨额的财政赤字与高筑外债来维持,当政权无以为继时又靠通货膨胀来掠夺财富,从而引发经济和政治危机的循环。另外,阿根廷在贸易自由化之前允许资本项目的自由化显然是一个严重的错误。  相似文献   

卡洛斯·奥利维尔是阿根廷基尔梅斯工业公司的首席财务官。同时,他在阿根廷的两所大学里讲授财务课程。也是美国密歇根大学的客座教授。基尔梅斯工业公司是阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯的大型饮料公司,在该国的南部三角地区的啤酒市场上占到60%的市场份额。该公司1996年起在纽约股票交易所挂牌交易。  相似文献   

从新制度经济学角度看经济全球化和区域经济一体化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今世界经济全球化和区域经济一体化是两股并行不悖的世界潮流。传统的国际经济理论将区域经济一体化看作是经济全球化的一种过渡形式和发展阶段,本文从制度变迁的视角分析了全球化和一体化出现的原因并在此基础上重新审视了二者关系,认为全球化和一体化都是一种基于原有制度的制度创新,它们的出现都是源于潜在利润的存在,二者是两种在空间上并存的制度安排。不同的是,全球化是一个自发的市场机制起主导作用的过程,一体化则是一个国家起主导作用的过程。  相似文献   

Any adequate analysis of economic globalization necessarily requires fundamental understanding of the worldviews underlying the views expressed with respect to the nature and role of economic globalization. This paper is based on the premise that any worldview can be associated with one of the four basic paradigms: functionalist, interpretive, radical humanist, and radical structuralist. It argues that any view expressed with respect to economic globalization is based on one of the four paradigms or worldviews. It, therefore, discusses four views with respect to the nature and role of economic globalization which correspond to the four broad worldviews. The paper emphasizes that the four views expressed are equally scientific and informative; they look at the nature and role of economic globalization from a certain paradigmatic viewpoint. Emphasizing this example in the area of economic globalization, the paper concludes that there are opportunities for each paradigm to benefit from contributions coming from the other three paradigms.  相似文献   

Any adequate analysis of economic globalization necessarily requires fundamental understanding of the worldviews underlying the views expressed with respect to the nature and role of economic globalization. This paper is based on the premise that any worldview can be associated with one of the four basic paradigms: functionalist, interpretive, radical humanist, and radical structuralist. It argues that any view expressed with respect to economic globalization is based on one of the four paradigms or worldviews. It, therefore, discusses four views with respect to the nature and role of economic globalization which correspond to the four broad worldviews. The paper emphasizes that the four views expressed are equally scientific and informative; they look at the nature and role of economic globalization from a certain paradigmatic viewpoint. Emphasizing this example in the area of economic globalization, the paper concludes that there are opportunities for each paradigm to benefit from contributions coming from the other three paradigms.  相似文献   

吴灿燃 《经济研究导刊》2011,(14):166-170,195
经济全球化的相关进程促使世界各个大城市生化联结而成一个相对有机的体系,令城市产生新的经济活动特征和产业结构调整,并使城市的中枢地位与影响力变得更突出。"全球城市"的衍生是全球经济发展与全球化进程深化的结果。全球城市既是国际经济全球化的空间依托、区域经济集团的支撑点、各类"经济圈"的核心,也是国家实现与国外经济联系的桥梁和基地,故此对"全球城市"的形成及其发展进行研究便具有积极意义,也将对"全球化"现象具体作用于经济实体的过程提供一个独特的诠释视角。据此,尝试检视"全球城市"这一概念框架,继之指出香港正是全球化时代中的一个全球城市,并进而剖析香港城市衍生为"全球城市"的背后动力因素。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of various aspects of globalization for economic growth in ten CEE economies. In contrary to previous papers, we restrict our analysis solely to the first two decades of transition. Using the globalization indexes published by the Swiss Economic Institute, we found strong and robust evidence of growth-stimulating effect of globalization processes, especially in social and economic dimensions. On the other hand, the role of political dimension of globalization was not found to be statistically significant in any research variant.The result, which seems to be particularly interesting, is that the development of the internet, television and trade in newspapers (the social dimension of globalization) had at least as strong positive impact on economic development in CEE economies in the first two decades of transition as the rise in international trade, growth of foreign investment, reduction of import barriers and development of a tax policy (the economic dimension).  相似文献   

This paper reviews the essentials of economic globalization, as well as the major institution that has recently gotten much of the credit and blame for it, the World Trade Organization (WTO). It first defines globalization, which is just the increasing economic integration of the world economy. It then asks who gains and loses from globalization, drawing primarily upon economic theory to identify its benefits and costs, and who within and among the world's economies get these benefits and costs. That part of the discussion concludes by asking briefly what can and should be done about globalization. The second half of the paper turns to the WTO, which was the focus of so much negative attention at its Seattle meeting in December 1999. The authors try to clarify several misperceptions about what it does, and why. Some groups gain and some lose from the WTO, some simply as a byproduct of its role in facilitating globalization, but others from particular WTO rules and procedures. The paper suggests what might be done to change both the WTO itself and the public's perceptions of it.  相似文献   

通过对全球化和中国经济增长关系的实证分析,可以发现:(1)在1978—2002年的长周期样本中,经济全球化对中国经济增长的影响不显著;(2)在20世纪80年代,经济全球化推动了中国资本—劳动比和TFP的提高,进而推动中国的经济增长,20世纪90年代以后,这种影响逐步消失;(3)经济全球化与中国经济增长关系的"时变特征"源于中国经济增长阶段和增长模式的变化。  相似文献   

文章以经济全球化为主线,分析经济全球化对大国关系的影响,以中美、日美之间的贸易摩擦为例展开论证。从中可以看出,经济全球化加强了各国之间的联系,贸易往来频繁,但由于各国利益在一定程度上的冲突,经济交往过程中的经济摩擦是不可避免的,中美和日美之间的贸易摩擦就是很好的例证。但加强各国之间的合作,缓解摩擦,获取共同的利益,实现互利双赢,符合各国的利益,我们应使经济全球化给全球人民带来的福利最大化。  相似文献   

单玉华 《经济经纬》2004,(4):146-149
金融全球化是经济全球化进程中的一个重要板块。金融全球化对世界经济发展具有积极作用,但是这一进程中也有一些问题需要解决,其中发达国家和发展中国家之间难以体现利益共享原则,发达国家和发展中国家在金融管理和金融经验上的差异,使发展中国家时刻面临金融危机的旋涡,是这一进程中凸现的经济问题,也是包含着深刻伦理内涵的伦理问题。关注这一问题,强调金融全球化进程中的伦理理性,是金融全球化健康发展的客观要求。  相似文献   

The relationship between globalization and economic growth, especially in the poorer developing countries, is controversial. Previous studies have used single globalization indicators such as the ratio of exports plus imports to GDP. This paper uses a comprehensive measure of a globalization of Dreher (2006), which is based on measures of globalization of the economic, social and political sectors. Panel data estimates with data of 21 low income African countries show a small but significant positive permanent growth effects. The sensitivity of this growth effect is examined with the extreme bounds analysis (EBA). Contrary to the findings by Levine and Renelt (1992) that cross-country growth relationships are fragile, the effects of globalization and some other determinants of the long run growth rate are found to be robust by EBA.  相似文献   

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