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在 B 股市场的上涨趋势中,交易所多次发布外资股东减持 B 股的公告,比如中集 B 第三大股东在3月27日减持超过1700万股,粤高速 B 第二大股东 IJH到3月23日也减持了4690万股,持股比例由13.9%降为8.2%。江铃第三大股东截至4月22日,减持全部4620万股。境外投资者抛售 B 股,我们是否就对 B 股失去信心呢?答案是否定的。第一,B 股相对便宜,法国百富勤首席代表陈兴动强调,随着深沪 B 股平均市盈率接近45倍,境外投资者认为已经大大超出理性投资的范围,存在很多的泡沫,十分看重市盈率的部分以投资为主要目的的外资已经见好就收,因  相似文献   

苏惠霞 《大经贸》2003,(2):57-59
曾经风光无限的全球唱片业如今还在劲吹飕飕冷风,全球唱片公司裁员、合并、解散的不在少数.9·11后的美国,连"小甜甜"布兰妮、塞琳·迪昂、迈克尔·杰克逊等人的专辑,销售数字也都差强人意.索尼、百代等大唱片公司在全球范围内大量裁员,也是唱片业不景气的一种昭示.  相似文献   

In the wake of Britain's entry into the ERM, this article looks at the consequences for British exporters' competitiveness. Outlining the changing macroeconomic pressures which will ensue and the policies of exporters in the past, we suggest the practical steps companies will need to take to gain advantage from the new environment as well as to mitigate the impact of a less forgiving exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

“人无信不立,政无信不威,商无信不富”。近年,“三鹿奶粉事件”导致的中国奶制品企业信用危机以及引发的一系列社会问题,对我国经济社会的健康发展带来了巨大影响。之所以发生“三鹿奶粉事件”究其根源,是该企业追求自身短期利益而无视广大人民的根本利益。政府部门应在全社会强化信用意识,加强诚实守信教育,建立严格的信用制度。规范契约关系。这既是建立社会主义市场经济新秩序的一项根本措施,也是推动社会文明的必然要求。  相似文献   

Since the severe earthquake in Sichuan Province in China,many foreign companies took the part of relief work, Such as expressing their Condolence,donating the money and the materials.Some are as below:  相似文献   

Previous research has found that consumers ascribe mental states to for‐profit companies that enable them to elicit anger more easily than sympathy. The current study applies these findings to demonstrate how this evaluative asymmetry in consumer perceptions favor different strategies for individuals and companies managing conflicts and crises. First, it is shown that the mental states consumers ascribe to for‐profit companies enable them to elicit anger and admiration more easily than sympathy. Second, due to their ability to elicit anger more easily than sympathy, it is found that in conflicts between for‐profit companies and individuals, companies are evaluated more favorably when they focus attention on which side perpetrated the most harm, while individuals are evaluated more favorably when they focus on which side was most victimized. Third, due to their ability to elicit admiration more easily than sympathy, it is found that for‐profit companies derive greater benefits than individuals do from proactively taking responsibility to resolve crises rather than deflecting responsibility through claims of victimhood. Discussion focuses on marketing applications for companies managing conflicts and crises.  相似文献   

<正>电视广告投放如何做到更加精准?在高度竞争化的现代商业环境下,这个问题一直是广告从业人员致力解决的目标。然而,在很长的一段时间内,我们一边在提倡精准投放,一边却在单纯凭借经验确定我们的广告投放目标,使用传统的年龄或者性别等固定指标给他们贴上标  相似文献   

This study investigates the association between corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance and cross-listing. In a clean setting where a change in CSR performance can be attributed to the cross-listing, we find a statistically significant and economically meaningful increase in CSR performance for the cross-listed firms. Moreover, such an increase comes mostly in technical CSR, which targets the firms’ primary stakeholders. We also find that the positive association between cross-listing and CSR improvements is more pronounced for firms with weak corporate governance. The results hold under a variety of different robustness checks.  相似文献   

This study investigates the association between corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance and cross-listing. In a clean setting where a change in CSR performance can be attributed to the cross-listing, we find a statistically significant and economically meaningful increase in CSR performance for the cross-listed firms. Moreover, such an increase comes mostly in technical CSR, which targets the firms’ primary stakeholders. We also find that the positive association between cross-listing and CSR improvements is more pronounced for firms with weak corporate governance. The results hold under a variety of different robustness checks.  相似文献   

美国克瑞集团公司成立于1855年,至今已有155年历史,是全球飞机刹车及油路系统、工业及民用高性能泵阀、自动售货机、优质工程材料和油气回路控制元件及系统的主要供应商,位列美国500强企业。克瑞集团目前在世界各地拥有65家制造厂,其中在中国有8家制造性企业和一些服务中心。克瑞公司的年销售额近30亿美元。  相似文献   

We present two studies examining daily deal websites. In the first, we see whether revealing deal size influences choice, and consider the effect of desire for conformity/uniqueness. In the second, we determine the impact discounting levels have on quality perceptions and purchase likelihood, while considering the influence of brand familiarity and offer type. We find the bandwagon/snob effect can influence purchase likelihood. The results also suggest that heavy discounts have a negative impact on quality perceptions, and that brand familiarity and offer type may affect quality perceptions and purchase likelihood. Retailers seeking brand exposure should act cautiously regarding discount levels, and exclusive brands may not be suitable.  相似文献   

来自离岸公司的风险及其防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
越来越多的离岸公司出现在我们的周围,并以“外商”的身份对我国进行投资和合作。面对这些“外商”,我们似曾相识,但实际上又不很了解。他有公司的一些特点,但又与我们通常所说的公司有着许多不同。因为这些不同,许多风险便隐藏其中。对东道国及与离岸公司合作的企业来说,认清这些风险,并做好相应的防范。有重要的意义。  相似文献   

GMI 《市场研究》2008,(5):57
<正>市场调研从业人士现已可以直接获取85,000名新加坡消费者的消费意见2008年4月30日——新加坡,世界专业研究者协会亚太地区研讨会(ESOMAR),GMI(GMI中国公司)今日宣布其所拥有的新加坡消费样本组人数规模已从40000人扩充到85000人。GMI作为一家全球知名的市场研究解决方案服务商,在澳大利亚悉尼设有亚太区总部。GMI新扩充的新加坡消费者样本组定位独特,致力于为所有市  相似文献   

Among various factors contributing to the economic success of the Japanese, the use of military-like strategies has been recently cited by scholars, prominent journalists, and politicians in the United States. Some of them are now advocating retaliation through the use of similar military-type methods. However, will the American companies and their government be able to do this successfully? A lot depends on a clear appreciation of some of the fundamental principles underlying the use of military strategies to business practices. This article seeks to highlight and explain why militarytype strategies are more applicable to Japanese than American companies. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This research takes a retrospective view of the COVID-19 pandemic and attempts to accurately measure its impact on sales of different product categories in grocery retail. In total 150 product categories were analyzed using the data of a major supermarket chain in the Netherlands. We propose to measure the pandemic impact by excess sales – the difference of actual and expected sales. We show that the pandemic impact is twofold: (1) There was a large but brief growth at 30.6% in excess sales associated with panic buying across most product categories within a two-week period; and (2) People spending most of their time at home due to imposed restrictions resulted in an estimated 5.4% increase in total sales lasting as long as the restrictions were active. The pandemic impact on different product categories varies in magnitudes and timing. Using time series clustering, we identified eight clusters of categories with similar pandemic impacts. Using clustering results, we project that product categories used for cooking, baking or meal preparation in general will have elevated sales even after the pandemic.  相似文献   

The key objective of the study is to address the gaps by building a theoretically based conceptual model to examine the influence of consumer regiocentrism and its moderators, and community involvement on consumers’ willingness to buy products from their own region. A mail survey of 2000 consumers from the Western Australian metropolitan area, supported four of the five proposed hypotheses. The results revealed that consumer regiocentric tendencies and community involvement positively influenced consumers’ willingness to buy products from their own region. Community involvement was also found to positively influence consumer regiocentric tendencies. Although perceived product necessity moderated the relationship between consumer regiocentrism and consumers’ willingness to buy products from their own region, perceived economic/personal threat did not moderate the relationship between consumer regiocentrism and consumers’ willingness to buy products from their own region. The study offers several implications to public policy makers as well as strategic and communication managers of regional products and brands.  相似文献   

Two experimental studies were run to investigate whether, how and why women would respond differently than men to unknown (unfamiliar, new) brands. Female respondents were found to develop higher purchase intentions than males when exposed to unfamiliar brands, and these effects were replicated across four product categories and stimuli. The mechanisms which explain these effects were also tested (i.e., women were observed to place more trust in unknown brands than men). This paper contributes to the current literature and practice by providing insights about women as customers: they are more trustful towards new offerings and more likely to buy unknown brands than men.  相似文献   

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