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通过对稳定塘工艺研究进展和原理分析,结合厌氧生物膜法、土地渗滤法提出了稳定塘工艺改良,并采用试验进行了验证。试验结果表明:改良型稳定塘对COD去除率达90%,水力停留时间仅3d;滤层渗透性和厚度的优化设计是改良型稳定塘的关键。  相似文献   

稳定塘污水处理技术的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
总结了稳定塘中有机物、氮、磷的去除机理,稳定塘中的有机物主要通过微生物降解、有机物吸附、有机颗粒的沉降和截滤作用去除;硝化/反硝化、水生植物吸收、NH3挥发这3个过程为TN的主要去除机制;磷的去除涉及底泥对PO43-的吸附/解吸、有机磷氨化、磷的扩散、水生植物吸收等多种机制的共同作用。介绍了新型稳定塘技术以及塘与传统生物法组合、各类塘型组合工艺。指出今后的稳定塘将朝着强化机理、提高效率、完善设施、塘型优化组合方向发展。  相似文献   

厌氧-接触氧化-稳定塘工艺处理化工制药废水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
某化工制药废水含有对生物有毒性的有机氯化物和高浓度的有机化合物 ,根据当地的地理气候等自然条件采用厌氧 接触氧化 稳定塘工艺进行处理取得了成功。介绍了该工艺设计参数和工程运行的效果  相似文献   

构建了稳定塘中试研究系统,考察了运行管理中的重要因素,并探讨了其对周边环境的影响.通过接种进行稳定塘细菌的培养,系统启动约为30 d,春季出现藻类旺盛生长期,持续约20 d.藻类的光合作用对水体具有显著的充氧作用.氮的不足是制约本试验中藻类生长的重要原因.净蒸发量、渗透量分别占进水总量的11.6%和10.6%,对于水量损失都有着不可忽视的作用.防渗层土壤性质和压实方式是影响防渗效果的主要因素.稳定塘应用中需要关注其对周边环境的影响,尤其要采取措施控制稳定塘中滋生蚊虫.  相似文献   

叙述了我国水资源的现状及实施污水资源化的必要性,同时论述了稳定塘系统在缺水干旱地区作为污水资源化技术措施的应用前景。  相似文献   

厌氧颗粒污泥膨胀床(EGSB)-稳定塘工艺处理木薯淀粉废水   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了采用EGSB -稳定塘工艺处理木薯淀粉黄浆废水的工程实例。EGSB反应器采用城市消化污泥接种 ,中温 (2 5~ 30℃ )消化 ,HRT为 38 4h ,有机容积负荷为 10kgCOD/ (m3·d) ;稳定塘HRT为 16 0h。当进水COD浓度为 80 0 0~ 12 0 0 0mg/L时 ,厌氧段COD去除率大于 92 % ,好氧段COD去除率在 4 0 %以上 ,处理后出水COD <30 0mg/L ,可达二级标准排放  相似文献   

研究稳定塘对造纸制浆废水中羟基芳族化合物的去除效果,以及氮、磷和填料三因素对厌氧塘去除效果的影响。试验采用三因素二次饱和设计,找出处理效果最佳的氮、磷及填料水平的组合与出水经基芳族化合物的关系。分别建立了厌氧塘出水中羟基芳族化合物,厌氧塘一级反应速率常数K(以羟基芳族化合物为底物)与氮、磷、填料的回归方程,并找出了最优处理效果的氮水平和磷水平。结果显示在平衡阶段,出水羟基芳族化合物与氮正相关,与磷二次项正相关,与磷一次项负相关。  相似文献   

针对高拱坝下的平底水垫塘和反拱水垫塘的稳定分析,根据水垫塘混凝土块体的受力分析和模型试验结果得出:在相同条件下反拱水垫塘的稳定性优于平底水垫塘,但反拱水垫塘底板的稳定性最终归结为拱座的稳定性,一旦拱座失稳,将会导致整个拱圈失事。  相似文献   

简介稳定塘生态治污系统特点。分析绛水河生态治污稳定塘系统设计要点,并通过系统运行后绛水河口各项指标与地表水Ⅲ类水质标准、以及稳定塘和污水处理厂的处理效果指标对比,得出:系统基本实现污水零排放,实现恢复滨河流域的目标。  相似文献   

针对石河子开发区污水可生化性差的特点,进行了水解酸化-稳定塘处理污水试验.结果表明:水解酸化-稳定塘对石河子开发区污水具有较好的处理效果,水解酸化阶段COD容积负荷为1.13~2.73 kg/(m3·d)、稳定塘阶段BOD5表面负荷为19.44~55.56 kg/(hm2·d)时,稳定塘的出水BOD5、COD均能达到<农田灌溉水质标准>.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine the feasibility of a UV photoreactor for the disinfection of effluent from a polishing pond following a UASB reactor treating domestic wastewater. For this, a 20 mm diameter photoreactor (20.7 litre volume) equipped with four 30 W submerged low-pressure mercury arc lamps was used. Three tests with contact times and doses ranging from 45 to 90 s and from 16.9 to 31.3 mW s cm(-2) were carried out. Inactivation of total coliforms and Escherichia coli varied from 2.6 to 3.4 log-units, even with the presence of suspended solids in the range of 87 to 102 mg L(-1). These results have shown that UV radiation disinfection of pond effluents can be a feasible alternative in areas with land restriction.  相似文献   

In this paper, reuse potentials of the secondary effluents as irrigation water was evaluated through field sampling trips. Water quality parameters significantly deviating from its guidelines were Total coliform bacteria and organic matter. Even though nutrients are not regulated in Korea, their removal would be required because they have been a barrier for secondary effluent irrigation through governmental intervention. The results of treatment study with aquatic ponds show that in spite of its poor biodegradability, organic matter in soluble form was reduced by 20% during 10 days of HRT. On the other hand, reduction of nutrients was remarkable. On average 85% of total nitrogen and 89% of total phosphorus were removed, respectively, which abates the worries of farmers for overgrowth or reduction in crop yield. However, coliform bacteria, although slightly reduced due to their propagation at the constructed wetlands still need further treatment.  相似文献   

The performance in the removal of estrogenicity from wastewater was studied in three wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Different treatment processes were evaluated: stabilization ponds and trickling filter. Sampling was performed from the input to the output of the treatment systems. The total estrogenic activity was determined with MCF-7-derived cell lines which express the endogenous estrogen receptor alpha. The two wastewater stabilization ponds with long retention time had high removal of estrogenicity (90% to 95%). Trickling filters despite being effective at removing organic load were less effective in removing estrogenicity (42%), and post tertiary ponds enhanced estrogenicity removal.  相似文献   

陈光 《小水电》2003,(4):29-29
1引言 大港水电站是福建省宁德市七都溪流域开发的第5级水电站,装机容量2×7000kW,2台机组分别于1998年10月和11月投产发电。因水轮机安装高程和集水井高程比尾水位低,故厂内排水需靠两台排污泵来完成。  相似文献   

针对深圳某臭氧-生物活性炭(O3-BAC)深度处理水厂出水pH大幅度下降的现象,通过对O3-BAC工艺前后水样的分析,初步确定了O3-BAC工艺pH下降的变化规律及机理.结果表明,pH下降的原因为:原水的碱度偏低,缓冲能力较弱,在处理过程中,水的酸度增加,造成出水的pH下降.引起水中酸度增加的主要原因为:二氧化碳影响、硝化作用、水中残余有机物和活性炭自身特性等.在主臭氧过程中,二氧化碳、硝化作用、水中残余有机物和活性炭自身性质造成酸度的增加分别占酸度增加量的57%、0、43%、0;在炭滤过程中,分别占13%、15%、67%、5%.  相似文献   

塘系统的发展与应用介绍   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
曹蓉  王宝贞  高光军  刘硕 《给水排水》2004,30(12):18-20
塘系统是一种结构简单,基建及运行费用低廉,效果可靠的污水处理工艺。简述了塘系统在国内外的发展情况。介绍了齐齐哈尔生态塘、东营生态塘处理系统的工艺及流程、运行情况,同时介绍了苏伊士塘系统、德国Hattingen污水处理厂以生态塘系统与其他工艺相结合用于处理城市污水及回用于农业灌溉的情况。当缺乏资金及专业人员或具有适宜用地条件时,该系统不失为一种解决水污染问题的有效措施。  相似文献   

天津市大港区城市生态水系规划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建设城市生态水系,是牢固树立科学发展观和以人为本的理念的重要体现,是把天津市大港区打造成宜居、和谐城市的必然要求。根据大港区实际情况,大港区提出“精心打造‘三湖四河一园’城市生态水系”的构想。  相似文献   

A system comprising a UASB reactor, shallow polishing ponds and shallow coarse filters, treating actual wastewater from the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, has been evaluated. The main focus of the research was to compare grain sizes and hydraulic loading rates in the coarse filters. Two filters operating in parallel were investigated, with the following grain sizes: Filter 1: 3 to 10 cm; Filter 2: 8 to 20 cm. Two hydraulic loading rates were tested: 0.5 and 1.0 m3/m3.d. The filter with the lower rock size had a better performance than the filter with the larger rock size in the removal of SS and, as a consequence, BOD and COD. A better performance was obtained with the hydraulic loading rate of 0.5 m3/m3.d, as compared to the rate of 1.0 m3/m3.d. The effluent quality during the period with the lower loading rate was very good for discharge into water bodies or for agricultural reuse (median effluent concentrations from Filter 1: BOD: 20 mg/L; COD: 106 mg/L; SS: 28 mg/L; E. coli: 528 MPN/100 mL).  相似文献   

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