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This article presents a modified model of the theory of planned behavior by incorporating trying as a mediator and actual control as a moderator of the intention–behavior relationship. The revised model was tested with the use of structural equation models for eight commonly performed activities (N = 240). Results provide general support for the model suggesting that intentions influenced the level of trying, which, in turn, influenced behavior. Correlation analysis employing Fisher's z transformation revealed that actual control moderated the relationship between trying and behavior. Implications of the findings are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Although the relationship between materialism and name‐brand consumption has been documented in literature, its relational mechanism is not well addressed. It can hardly explain why people buy brand products without really knowing about the brands. In this case, people may consume brand products not for material possessions but for social needs, such as a desire to have favorable social self‐worth and to be respected in relation to others and social activities, which is defined as face (Ting‐Toomey & Kurogi, 1998). The present study explored how the relationship between materialism and brand consciousness is influenced by face. The role of face was tested both as a moderator and as a mediator. The results showed that face consciousness, material values, and brand consciousness were significantly correlated but did not exhibit significant interaction. Multiple regression analyses support face not as a moderator, but as a partial mediator. The results provide new insights into the mechanisms of how materialism and face influence brand consciousness differently. The theoretical meaning and implications for marketing management are discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Combining upper echelons and lifespan theories, we investigated the mediating effect of focus on opportunities on the negative relationship between business owners' age and venture growth. We also expected that mental health moderates the negative relationship between business owners' age and focus on opportunities. Path analytic findings based on data from 84 business owners (mean age = 44, range 24-74) supported these hypotheses. Findings suggest that focus on opportunities is a psychological mechanism that links business owners' age with venture growth. Our findings also indicate that mental health helps maintain a high level of focus on opportunities with increasing age.  相似文献   

Drawing on the conservation of resources (COR) theory, we theorize that organizational justice influences in-role performance by embedding employees into the organization. Using a sample of 236 employee-supervisor dyads from diverse industries in India, we found that organizational embeddedness mediated the relationship between distributive and procedural justice and in-role performance. We further found that the degree of association between the dimensions of organizational justice and the components of organizational embeddedness varied; procedural justice was a stronger predictor of the fit dimension than distributive justice was and distributive justice was a stronger predictor of the sacrifice dimension than procedural justice was. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our findings.  相似文献   

This study proposes a multiple mediation model to analyze the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. The study's contribution to the literature is to examine, empirically, the main antecedents and determinants of this endogenous variable in greater depth. Thus, the research fills a gap in the literature through its analysis of the mediating role of perceived switching costs and the perceived lack of attractiveness of alternative offerings. This study applies variance-based structural equation modeling via partial least squares to a sample of 785 customers from 74 insurance companies in the service sector. The results show that perceived switching costs – to a greater extent – and the perceived lack of attractiveness of alternative offerings – to a lesser extent – are significant mediators in the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty.  相似文献   

Small firms face unique challenges in crafting strategies that best utilize their resource bases. Research shows strategies that combine with resources lead to performance. The entrepreneurship literature finds the contingent effects, or moderating roles, of strategy and external factors, but the relationship between firm strategy and internal factors, such as resources, is less well studied. Based on the contention that the quality of a firm's strategy cannot be judged independently of the resources upon which it is based, we examine the relationship between firm resources, strategies, and performance in a cross-section of 192 small firms. Using a structural equation analysis, we examine the mediating role of firm strategies as they lead to firm performance in small firms operating in traditional industries. Our findings demonstrate that neither resources nor strategies alone explain firm performance, but instead, small firms fit their strategies to their resource profiles. Human and organizational resources in combination with a strategy of quality/customer service enhance firm performance.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between trust, relationship commitment, and giving behavior. It operationalizes trust and commitment, develops measurement scales for each construct, and uses the technique of structural equation modeling to determine whether trust impacts directly on giving behavior or whether its effects are mediated by commitment. It concludes that commitment plays a mediating role and discusses implications for professional fund‐raising practice. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

早期的内部审计诞生于19世纪中叶的英国.第二次世界大战后,由于竞争更加激烈,促使企业更加重视内部经济管理,内部审计得到迅速发展.内部审计是由各部门、各单住内部设置的专门机构或人员实施的审计.内部审计职能不仅要考虑传统的监督职能,更要利用有效的方法帮助组织实现它的目标--为组织增加价值,促进组织目标的实现.本文分析不同内部审计方法与内部审计质量的关系.  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,人类处理信息的能力大大提高,会计信息的加工、储存和传输也将发生巨大变革.未来会计计量也将向单位多样化、计量属性多元化方向发展.大大提高企业会计信息的相关性、及时性和可靠性.本文首先分析了会计信息质量的概念和特征,并对会计的计量方法选择与会计的信息质量的关系进行了详细的分析和研究.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that trust plays a key role in the development of stable relationships between a service provider and its customers, and many authors have devoted considerable attention to identifying its antecedents and consequences. The aim of this study is to investigate these issues in the context of retail travel agencies, a service setting where new information technologies are questioning personal relationships and where the concepts of service quality and customer loyalty have become critical for differentiating from competitors.  相似文献   

本研究构建了集体主义倾向与不道德亲组织行为关系及其作用机制模型。本研究提出集体主义倾向将助长员工启动道德辩解机制为其随后参与的不道德亲组织行为开脱,而企业的伦理价值观会产生调节效果。为了检验这一观点,展开了调查。对281名员工的研究发现:道德辩解部分中员工的集体主义倾向对其不道德亲组织行为的正向影响;企业伦理价值观显著调节集体主义倾向通过道德辩解影响员工不道德亲组织行为的间接效应,表现为这一间接效应在企业伦理价值观清晰情境下相对较弱。  相似文献   


Thriving longterm channel relationships require trust. Previous empirical work and metaanalysis have emphasized the central role of trust but its potential as a mediator of power has not been tested empirically. A model is proposed that hypothesizes a central, mediating effect for trust between power constructs (power asymmetry, coercive and noncoercive application of power) and key behavioral and attitudinal relationship outcomes (conflict, cooperation and satisfaction). The model is tested on a large sample (N = 887) in a single channel where there is a variable, but generally asymmetric, power relationship between principal and agent, as exists in many franchise and agency channels. Trust was not affected directly by the level of power asymmetry, but rather the way power was used, either coercively or noncoercively raised or lowered trust. Trust was found to mediate the impact of the way power is used on the agent's perception of cooperation, satisfaction, and conflict, emphasizing the pivotal role of trust in understanding the behavioral aspects of channel behavior.  相似文献   

建设社会主义新农村的首要任务是提高农民的素质,只有农民的素质提高,农村经济才会得到更好的发展,本文主要阐述了农民素质的现状以及提高农民素质的几点对策.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that the relationship between price and quality for certain types of consumer goods often is not positive. Investigators have hypothesized that the experience of value, or the relationship between quality and price, may be less relevant for product categories in which a consumer's self-worth may be elevated through the act of purchase. Brands within such product categories would appear to be particularly susceptible to image building strategies involving the use of premium pricing to infer high quality. This study examined the relationship between price and objective quality from 1961 through 1978 for 878 brands of 54 products within three broad product categories of toilet articles, cosmetics, and clothing. Generally, the relationship for products within these categories was weak which suggests that marketing managers of some brands may well be basing prices on intangible as well as tangible values.  相似文献   

近年来,经济的迅速发展带来越来越严重的环境问题,社会各界逐渐认识到保护环境的重要性。企业作为经济活动的基本组成单位,既是环境效益的最大受益者,也是环境质量的最大破坏者。因此,研究企业环境行为和企业价值之间的关系非常重要。本研究在总结国内外相关文献研究的基础上,以采矿业,造纸业,金属冶炼及压延加工业,电力、热力、燃气、水的生产和供应业的A股303家上市公司为样本,从上市公司2017年年报、社会责任报告、可持续发展报告和环境报告书中搜集整理得到环境行为相关数据,提出研究假设,选取“三废(废气、废水、废渣)”排放量、排污费、企业从政府获得的环保补助、环保设备等方面的投入以及上市公司及其子公司是否属于环境保护部门公布的重点排污单位五方面作为企业环境行为的代表变量,以企业价值作为被解释变量,引入控制变量有企业规模、第一大股东持股比例和净资产收益率,建立分析模型,对数据进行统计描述、相关性检验及回归分析,以验证假设是否成立。研究结论表明,“三废”排放量、环保补助、重点排污单位与企业价值相关关系不显著,排污费与企业所有者权益比值和企业价值负相关,环保投入与企业总资产的比值与企业价值正相关关系显著。企业规模与企业价值负相关关系显著。净资产收益率和企业价值正相关关系显著。第一大股东持股比例与企业价值之间的相关关系不显著。最后提出有针对性的若干建议。通过本文的研究希望可以促使更多企业提高环境管理水平,提升环境责任意识,实现可持续发展理念。  相似文献   

Individual perceptions of the work environment, or psychological climates, have been shown to be important determinants of work attitudes such as satisfaction and job involvement. However, little is known concerning the relationships between psychological climate and other variables that may lead to or cause these perceptions. This research examined causal relationships among dimensions of psychological climate and leader behavior. Specifically, the investigation attempted to determine whether leader behavior caused psychological climate, or whether psychological climate caused leader behavior. Eithty-five foremen from a truck manufacturing facility participated in the study over a 17-month period. Results of cross-lagged panel correlations and causal path analysis indicated that psychological climate caused leader behavior. Since one individual's perceptions of his/her work environment can only indirectly be linked to another person's (in this case, the leaders) behavior, an intervening variable is required to explain these findings. This variable may be a consensual or organizational climate.  相似文献   

The mutual‐investment model predicts a positive relation between investments in training and employees’ willingness to behave cooperatively. In this paper, we argue that the extent to which employees increase their cooperative behavior after receiving training depends on the type of training provided, the skillfulness of the employee and the cohesiveness of the team. Focusing on intentions to help coworkers as an indicator for cooperative behavior, we conducted a vignette experiment among 2388 employees working in 127 organizations from four European countries. Multilevel analyses show that training increases employees’ intentions to help coworkers. Training promotes helping intentions the most when organizations provide general instead of firm‐specific training and when given to employees with limited skills. Whereas employees in cohesive teams indicate higher intentions to help coworkers than employees in non‐cohesive teams, training promotes helping intentions equally in both types of teams.  相似文献   

This research builds on the institutional theory literature to investigate the impact of retailer’s in-store quality (in)congruency on consumer shopping behavior. Specifically, considering the consensual view of legitimacy as a variable of main interest to explain organizational survival, this research focuses on legitimacy as the mediating variable explaining the effects of in-store quality (in)congruency on shopping behavior. Results from a scenario-based experiment show that in-store quality (in)congruency affects legitimacy such that when merchandise quality is low, a high store environment quality leads to lower legitimacy. Also, the results show that legitimacy acts as a mediator that induces a decrease in shopping behavior. By highlighting perceived legitimacy as the underlying mechanism explaining the effect of in-store quality incongruency on consumer behavior, this research offer new insights for retailers.  相似文献   

The research examines the role of gender in moderating the relationship between materialism and product involvement with fashion clothing among the Indian youth. The Richins materialism scale and the product involvement and purchase involvement scales developed by O'Cass were used to understand the behaviour of Indian youth towards fashion clothing. The sample (n = 254) comprised of university students from different parts of India. The findings indicate that Indian youth do not possess a high level of materialistic tendencies. Gender has a moderating influence on the relationship between materialism and involvement with fashion clothing. Young men and women differ with respect to their involvement with fashion clothing and even more with regard to their involvement with the purchase of fashion clothing, with women reporting a higher level of involvement in both cases.  相似文献   

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