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Many management and leadership studies have traditionally been dominated by Western theories, perspectives and cases. Non-Western leadership requires additional caveats in arriving at generalizations. The theoretical trap of conceiving Asian corporations either as irrelevant concerning leadership effectiveness or as maintaining only culturally determined leadership derives from the lack of historical understanding of Asian cases. Our collection used both historical and contemporary cases of Japan, South Korea and China to show that these Asian economies have tried to some extent balance their traditional norms and values of leadership with those from the West. A key to understanding Asia is that all three countries have historically pursued leadership mandates in running both public and private corporations, although ‘corrupt’ leadership practices were also rampant during different historical periods. Further studies of leadership in non-Western cases are necessary to devise methodological and theoretical alternatives to Western-centric perspectives. In our collection, we analysed how a dynamic and evolutionary view of leadership fared in its attempt to clarify some of the conundrums surrounding East Asian leadership. From our results, it is indicated that historical and comparative methods must accompany any analysis of leadership.  相似文献   

Many researchers believe the tremendous industrial development over the past two centuries is unsustainable because it has led to unintended ecological deterioration. Despite the ever-growing attention sustainable supply-chain management (SSCM) has received, most SSCM research and models look at the consequences, rather than the antecedents or motives of such responsible practices. The few studies that explore corporate motives have remained largely qualitative, and large-scale empirical analyses are scarce. Drawing on multiple theories and combining supply-chain and business ethics literature, we purport that instrumental, relational, and moral motives are behind a firm’s engagement in SSCM practices. Specifically, we examine the links between corporate motives, SSCM practices, and firm performance. Using a sample of 259 supply-chain firms in Germany, we empirically test five hypothesized relationships. Our results reveal that relational and moral motives are key drivers, and that firms exhibiting high levels of moral obligations tend to outperform those primarily driven by amoral considerations. Findings of this study contribute to multiple literatures espousing sustainability management and can help policy makers, stakeholder groups, and scholars develop more robust strategies for encouraging firms to practice SSCM.  相似文献   

With globalization increasing, diversity management has emerged as an important workplace issue, even in the traditionally non-diversified companies of Japan and Korea. These companies will need to pay more attention to diversity management as a potentially competitive resource. Most of the existing studies in diversity have been conducted in the United States, and thus may not represent the situations of Asian countries, such as Japan and Korea, in which cultural values significantly differ and the labor force is highly homogeneous. The current research describes the realities of diversity management practices in Japanese and Korean companies, and empirically examines how the practices influence employees’ attitudes at the workplace. The results indicate that diversity management practices trigger positive effects on employees’ organizational commitment, which was mediated by their perception of procedural justice.  相似文献   

In the United States, a series of survey studies have been done to examine corporate managers' views of business ethics and various business practices (Baumhart, 1961; Brenner and Molander, 1977; Vitell and Festervand, 1987). This paper is a replication study conducted in Japan of those American studies. The results of the study suggest that Japanese managers tend to be more situational in their ethical orientation than Americans. The results also show that the company policy on ethics is the most important factor influencing Japanese managers' ethical decisions.  相似文献   

Research on strategic leadership has proliferated for a long time. However, very little work has been conducted to investigate this issue from a cross-cultural perspective. To fill this gap, we first review recent findings on strategic leadership in different cultural backgrounds. Then, based on the upper echelons theory, we summarize what researchers have found regarding the effects of personal characteristics of strategic leaders on firm performance in terms of observed personal experience, personality, values, cognitive style, and leadership behaviors. Furthermore, we generate some future research directions focusing on concepts, theories, and also methodological issues of strategic leadership across cultures. We consider how research across different cultures will enrich our understanding of strategic leadership and unfold the “black box” of why and how strategic leaders have positive effects on firm level performance. Finally, practical implications for managers are considered.  相似文献   

Knowledge that has been accumulated through research efforts concerning credit card ownership and usage behaviour has been confined to Western societies. Given the importance of cross‐national application of consumer marketing concepts and propositions for academic and practical reasons, investigations are needed to test whether consumer credit card usage patterns that are assumed to exist in the West also exist in non‐Western parts of the world, especially in Asia. Therefore, objectives of this research were to explore credit card ownership and usage practices in Sri Lanka, and to explore the relationship between credit card ownership and usage practices, and demographic and socio‐economic characteristics of credit card users. The findings offer implications for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

日本企业零库存管理及对我国企业的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李艳丽 《商业研究》2003,(21):177-179
在一些外国学者的一项调查研究中,分析了在JIT(及时制)管理方法诞生的日本企业并没有真正实现零库存的原因,这些实践对我国企业降低库存、提高赢利水平、增强竞争优势具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In the past, Japanese electronics firms have been known for following vertical integration strategies. Such strategies are consistent with Japanese managerial preferences, traditional relationships, and institutions in Japan. However, changes in the technological and competitive environment have resulted in increasing vertical specialization in the electronics industry outside of Japan. This paper examines whether and to what extent Japanese information technology and consumer electronics firms involved in active matrix Liquid Crystal Display production implemented and maintained integration strategies. While focusing on one industry, this paper aims to shed further light on changing attitudes and practices in Japanese management relating to strategy and internationalization.  相似文献   

A new research area linked to ethics, virtues, and morality is servant leadership. Scholars are currently seeking publication outlets as critics debate whether this new leadership theory is significantly distinct, viable, and valuable for organizational success. The aim of this study was to identify empirical studies that explored servant leadership theory by engaging a sample population in order to assess and synthesize the mechanisms, outcomes, and impacts of servant leadership. Thus, we sought to provide an evidence-informed answer to how does servant leadership work, and how can we apply it? We conducted a systematic literature review (SLR), a methodology adopted from the medical sciences to synthesize research in a systematic, transparent, and reproducible manner. A disciplined screening process resulted in a final sample population of 39 appropriate studies. The synthesis of these empirical studies revealed: (a) there is no consensus on the definition of servant leadership; (b) servant leadership theory is being investigated across a variety of contexts, cultures, and themes; (c) researchers are using multiple measures to explore servant leadership; and (d) servant leadership is a viable leadership theory that helps organizations and improves the well-being of followers. This study contributes to the development of servant leadership theory and practice. In addition, this study contributes to the methodology for conducting SLRs in the field of management, highlighting an effective method for mapping out thematically, and viewing holistically, new research topics. We conclude by offering suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This article analyzes recent changes in marketing practices in Japan against the background of the recession and the high yen rate of the early 1990s. Based on direct observation, press reports, and interviews with experts, the study describes the changing situation in the Japanese market and shows how new opportunities for Western companies are opening up. The longer term implications of the home market changes for Japanese companies' competitiveness abroad are also discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to further explore (a) the extent to which retailers deploy corporate social responsibility (CSR) best practices to ensure social and environmental sustainability in international supplier relationships and (b) the association between firm characteristics and the retailers' CSR activities in the supply chain. As a first step, the study identifies eight best practices based on earlier research and the authors' qualitative studies of IKEA. As a second step, a survey of Swedish retailers was conducted. The results of the study suggest that a significant amount of the actors in the Swedish retail sector do not follow the majority of best practice as outlined and discussed in this study. Furthermore, it is found that sector belonging has a considerable impact on the extent that a retailer follows best practice, while firm size and internationalization experience also have a significant, albeit limited, impact on retailer behavior.  相似文献   

This essay focuses on some of the adverse practices in business research publications. First, business researchers seem to have lost touch with business practice and to narrow the target group to fellow academics only, reducing the production of useful knowledge. Second, the objectives of business research publications narrow to impact and citations. This view leads to a strict focus on path-breaking theories and a denigration of replication and qualitative studies. Third, an obsession with the .05 significance level and corroborating findings leaves researchers with full file drawers of unpublished papers and could leave journals with a high rate of type I error papers. Fourth, complex, lengthy articles, the importance of carefully crafting a story around the research and a variety of style guidelines make business researchers less productive than they could be. Finally, a blind reliance on ISI's impact and citation scores may not do justice to a researcher's real contribution.  相似文献   

Leadership has become a more popular term than management, even though it is understood that both phenomena represent important organizational behaviors. This paper focuses on empathy in leadership, and presents the findings of a study conducted among business students over the course of 3 years. Finding that empathy consistently ranked lowest in the ratings, the researchers set out to discover the driving motives behind this invariable trend, and conducted a second study to obtain opinions about possible underlying factors. The paper presents the findings of both studies, as well as literature reviews on the differences between management and leadership, a historical overview of leadership, a reflection of 21st century leadership, the ongoing debate on the effects of corporate psychopaths on ethical performance, and scholars’ perception on empathy in corporate leadership. The findings indicate the need for a paradigm shift in corporations as well as business schools in regards to leaders’ required skills, and suggest a proactive approach from business faculty to change the current paradigm.  相似文献   

Multinational companies are a conduit by which superior organizing principles can be transferred across national, institutional, and cultural environments. However, for such transplantation efforts to be successful, the companies face the challenge of adapting their practices and principles to the requirements of local environments. In the process they risk losing the performance benefits from those practices. In this paper we study the North American transplant production facilities of Japanese automobile producers—companies known for their ability to achieve superior labor productivity and quality in their manufacturing plants, along with high levels of product variety—for insight into how the practices associated with superior performance (including work systems, technology choices, and supplier relations) can be implemented outside of Japan. By comparing the Japanese transplants with automobile plants in Japan, and Big 3 plants in North America, we show that the extent of transfer varies by type of practice. Furthermore, we find that plants can shape and alter their external environment, and can also buffer themselves from it. Despite these modifications, we find that the transplants are able to achieve productivity and quality levels similar to plants in Japan.  相似文献   

For the exporter the distribution channel is critical. It determines the presentation of products to the customer. It is often argued that the complexity of Japanese distribution channels is an important barrier to Western exporters. Whilst this is true, Japanese exporters faced an equal hurdle in exporting to the West. The key to overcoming this hurdle has been a strategy of significant investment by Japanese companies in distribution. This strategy is a central – although often unrecognised – factor in the success of Japanese exporters to the West. It is Japan's "hidden advantage".  相似文献   

The role of spirituality in management is of growing interest, not least because it is closely related to business ethics, and, thus, how businesses treat customers and employees. The topic, however, still needs some conceptual development, as well as empirical research, especially outside Western, Christian contexts. This qualitative research examines spirituality among women small business owners in Thailand. These women follow Kuan Im bodhisattva, a Buddhist role model teaching compassion and morality. In Jackson's terminology, this is an example of an Eastern, practice-oriented approach to ethics rather than (in his view) the somewhat theoretical wisdom-oriented approach common in the West. The nature of their spirituality and their treatment of customers and employees maps strongly to a servant leadership style. Servant leadership has occasionally been proposed as the style most closely associated with spirituality. In this context, it seems to be thoroughly intertwined, and highly concerned with ethical treatment of others.  相似文献   

We set out to examine firms breaking into the top tier of for-profit companies in the U.S. and Japan to find differences across the two groups. To accomplish this, we conducted a questionnaire survey of companies that had recently undergone an initial public offering (IPO) in each country and compared them on characteristics frequently associated with new firms.As we expected, even when the different sizes of the two economies were taken into account, there were considerably fewer listings in Japan than in the U.S. One reason for this is that the listing requirements for young Japanese firms, although not stricter, are much more strictly enforced. Hence, fewer Japanese firms are able to list.Our results show that the Japanese firms were markedly different from their U.S. counterparts on several characteristics. They tended to be older and larger, which is consistent with more stringent listing requirements in Japan. They were also much more often led by their original founders. This is a surprising result given that the Japanese firms, being older, had longer to lose their founders. When a successor to the founder was president, it was much more often a relative of the founder than in the U.S. The Japanese founders rated themselves higher on relatively emotional characteristics, such as aggressiveness, paternalism, and charisma than did either the U.S. presidents or the Japanese nonfounder presidents.The Japanese firms relied solely on the president for decision-making prior to the IPO more often than the U.S. firms did. However, the Japanese firms also moved in greater numbers to group decision-making around the time of the IPO.The post-IPO investment strategies of the Japanese firms were characterized by a focus on new product development, an increase in R&D spending, and investment in the company's capital plant. In contrast, the U.S. firms reported more interest in exploiting their existing market and buying other companies, usually leaving R&D spending at its pre-IPO level.Overall, it is surprising that on many characteristics, the Japanese IPOs tended to fall more to the extreme associated with new companies than did the U.S. firms. They were dominated by founder influence, the founders were apparently highly emotional, their management style was initially autocratic, and their strategies targeted innovation and internal development as avenues to growth. This pattern is consistent with a prior hypothesis that the lack of structural support for new firms in Japan results in only the most extreme personalities pursuing and succeeding in company formation.For researchers, a significant implication of this research is that Japanese ventures may not behave according to the same rules as U.S. ventures. Research samples that fail to distinguish nationality may obscure cross-regional variations.For practitioners, the major lesson is that a Japanese venture is likely to be much different from one in the U.S. Dealing with one is probably even more unlike dealing with an established company than working with a U.S. start-up might be.  相似文献   

In an earlier study we reported that human resource management (HRM) in Japan was best characterized by continuity with some changes to assessment and pay practices. It is now over five years since we mapped out the changes taking place in Japanese HRM. This contribution reviews some of the changes over this period and considers the future directions of HRM. The essay commences with a discussion of the important contextual factors and issues underpinning HRM including employer proposals for reform. The next section then explores changes taking place in employment, remuneration and evaluation. This is supplemented by a more general assessment of the key changes occurring in Japanese HRM. The essay concludes with a discussion on why such changes are occurring, whether the changes constitute a convergence towards the Western model and the implications for HRM and theory development.  相似文献   

在GATT时代,日本在争端解决机制中比较被动,败诉相对较多。到了WTO时代,日本开始积极参与WTO争端解决机制,积极运用这一机制维护日本的国际贸易利益,并取得了较大的成功,出现了胜多败少的局面。日本这一变化的内在动力来自日本以入世为契机成功实现了贸易政策从以往的保护主义向自由贸易转换,可以在WTO争端解决机制舞台上以自由贸易的形象示人,并为此进行了WTO争端解决机构上诉机构大法官的人事布局,一直保持了日本人的上诉机构大法官的席位。日本的这一成果可以为我国所借鉴。  相似文献   

This article reports on empirical research that was performed in Japan with foreign multinational corporations in the consumer products industry. It identifies some critical success factors and pitfalls for developing a business position in the Japanese market, and presents evidence based on the experience of foreign companies that have successfully developed, in some cases leadership, positions in the Japanese consumer products market. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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