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In the Pan-Asia domain, especially Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and the most effectively emerging power house, China, group package tours (GPTs) have been considered as an indispensable gadget for overseas vacationing tourists. A well-trained senior tour guide is capable of bringing up the GPT by offering an intriguing and entertaining interactive service, and vice versa; the presented research reveals the gender differences in terms of positioning tour leaders as advertising endorsers. Technically, the features and cover letters posed on GPT brochures simply justify the credibility of being a capable and well-organized tour leader; nevertheless, female tour leaders seem to be far more satisfying when it comes to satisfying the needs of consumers. In the meantime, there are 440 samples closely examined through the methodology of ‘post-test-only control group experimental design’, which discloses the ground-breaking mystery of why female tour leaders are more favorable than males. Significantly, the updated developing research is able to provide a cost-effective and target-oriented marketing information for any multinational Tourism Bureaus and travel agencies.  相似文献   

This paper provides a framework for the examination of cultural and socioeconomic factors that could impede the acceptance and implementation of a profession's international code of conduct. We apply it to the Guidelines on Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by the International Federation of Accountants (1990). To examine the cultural effects, we use Hofstede's (1980a) four work-related values: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, and masculinity. The socioeconomic factors are the level of development of the profession and the availability of economic resources. We evaluate the applicability and relevance of the accounting guideline, and discuss the implications for accounting and other professions.Jeffrey R. Cohen is Assistant Professor of Accounting at Boston College. He is a CMA and a KPMG Peat Marwick Faculty Fellow. His articles have appeared in theJournal of Accounting Research, Decision Sciences, The Organizational Behavior Teaching Review, andThe International Journal of Accounting. His work on ethics has appeared inJournal of Business Ethics, Issues in Accounting Education, Management Accounting andThe CPA Journal.Laurie W. Pant is Associate Professor of Accounting at Suffolk University. She holds an MBA and DBA and an M.Ed. She is a CMA and serves on the editorial board ofIssues in Accounting Education. Her articles have appeared inJournal of Business Ethics, Issues in Accounting Education, Management Accounting, The Organizational Behavior Teaching Review, andThe International Journal of Accounting.David J. Sharp is Assistant Professor of Accounting at the University of Western Ontario. He received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. He is an ACMA and serves on the editorial board ofJournal of International Accounting Auditing and Taxation. His articles have appeared in theMidland Corporate Finance Journal, Sloan Management Review, andThe International Journal of Accounting.  相似文献   

In light of today's leadership shortage, companies face challenges in trying to identify and develop new leaders to fill the key roles left vacant by baby-boomer retirements. This feat can only be accomplished by tapping all sources of future leadership talent—especially women, who are currently underrepresented at the executive level. The development of future leaders in most companies is handicapped by the fact that promotional decisions to the C-Suite level are based on a set of unstated criteria for advancement. The lack of clarity regarding the factors used to determine who does and who doesn’t progress to the executive level presents special challenges for aspiring women executives. Effectively addressing these obstacles requires a new mindset toward talent development within organizations. We recommend actions on two fronts: (1) specific practices that companies can make part of their succession planning and career development processes in the interest of creating a level playing field for executive advancement, and (2) actions that women can proactively employ to take the initiative in their own development as leaders.  相似文献   

全国"两会"中,李克强总理在政府工作报告中提出:2019年,将加强文物保护利用和非物质文化遗产传承,推动文化事业和文化产业改革发展。作为新兴文化产业,国兰文化仍处于较薄弱时期,仍存在资源破坏,整体规划布局不足,缺乏文化特色和创新等问题。针对问题应采取加大保护国兰资源,形成整体规划布局,突出国兰文化特色等举措。在文化自信背景下,更好地发展国兰文化。  相似文献   

在学生管理干部工作中,要特别重视与学生之间情感的培养,通过实施情感教育,发展与学生之间的积极的情感,消除消极的情感,从而很好地做好学生管理干部工作.要做到了解、关心、尊重学生;要讲求教育艺术,做到以爱动其心,爱在细微处,以严导其行,严在当严处;要为人师表,树立情感威性,以高尚的人格陶冶学生,以强烈的事业心感染学生,以优良的心理品质影响学生;要以出色的业务能力和渊博的知识征服学生,以良好的仪表形象影响学生.不断探索工作新方法,树立新观念,开启新思维,讲求新艺术,开创学生管理干部工作新局面,把班级培养成积极向上的集体,把学生培养成优秀的专业技术人才.  相似文献   

We analyze whether financial constraints of Brazilian firms are alleviated by ownership structure. More specifically, we study whether the presence of nonfinancial firms as shareholders of Brazilian firm mitigates financial constraints. We find that the presence of nonfinancial firms as significant shareholders reduces financial constraints, probably because such blockholders are able to reduce asymmetric information problems that are at the origin of financial constraints. This result indicates that the changes in the corporate ownership of the Brazilian firms, achieved within the country's structural changes, have been positive for firm investment and have contributed to the development of Brazil.  相似文献   

In social networks or, more specifically, online communities on tech-products, opinion leaders are important sources of advice for other consumers in the adoption and diffusion of new products. However, possibilities for potential users to exert their influence on opinion leadership are ignored. This study determines whether and how lead users may serve as opinion leaders in social networks and advise other consumers in the adoption and diffusion of new products. Our survey with 308 users in the Xiaomi and Huawei communities suggests that higher lead userness is positively and significantly associated with the likelihood of opinion giving and passing. Product-possessing innovativeness has a higher impact compared with information-possessing innovativeness. Product involvement does not enhance the effect of information-possessing innovativeness. The findings provide a better understanding of the formation of opinion leadership in social networks for an accelerated diffusion of new products.  相似文献   

素质是指事物固有的性质和特点.素质有广义狭义之分.广义的素质指的是人所具有的思想、品德、知识、能力、情感、意志、风度等的全称.它是在一个人先天基础上,通过后天的实践的基本特征.它体现一个人的整体面貌,是发展自己、实现自身价值的基本条件,同时,它又具有很强的可塑性,总是随着社会实践发展而发生变化.不少同学进入大学后都希望担任学生干部,因为这是全面培养和锻炼自己能力的极好机会.  相似文献   

文化旅游项目是在传统旅游业发展基础上产生的创新发展项目,在我国已经得到了长足发展。新疆地区有着悠久的历史文化和西域文化,当地正在将旅游产业与文化创意更好地结合,以此来促进旅游产业上升到一个新的发展阶段。鉴于此,以文化创意与文化旅游融合理论为基础,从文化创意角度探讨喀什地区文化旅游产业发展现状和发展模式,有针对性地提出文化创意旅游产业发展路径。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to provide increased understanding of what ‘feeding the family’ means to Somalian women in Sweden. Focus group interviews were carried out with Somalian women, analysed by means of the Grounded theory method. The results show that factors both in the family and in the outside world influenced their food choice and traditions, both in their home country of Somalia and in their new country, Sweden, after migration. The categories generated in the analysis were brought together in a model showing the women ‘struggling for their own cultural identity’ and oscillating between ‘remaining Somalian’ and ‘becoming part of Swedish society’, food being an important instrument in maintaining the cultural identity of their families. Cultural identity in this respect is a matter of the wishes of the husband, followed by those of the women and children and, at the same time, the strong pressure of the Swedish host country. This indicates how important it is for professionals to be aware of the trust people have in their own cultural food and therefore also how necessary it is to give culturally adapted food advice through public health work, in this case to Somalian families.  相似文献   

文化企业作为文化产业发展的基础和主体,是文化体制改革的重点和难点.以安徽省为例,从分析文化企业发展现状和存在的问题着手,探讨现阶段文化企业发展的基本目标与重点,并分别对国有文化企业和民营文化企业两个主体的发展提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

本文在以往研究的基础上提出市场影响力对企业领导者创新欲望具有正向影响作用的研究命题,构建相应概念模型,并通过对企业进行问卷调查,采用结构方程模型进行研究检验,研究表明,企业的市场影响力对企业领导者创新欲望具有显著正向影响作用.根据研究结论,文章指出要想提高中国企业自主创新活跃度,就必须有效提高企业的市场影响力,培育良好的品牌和建立良好的企业声誉.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of religious leaders and individual's religiousness in affecting attitude towards digital piracy and behavior intention. The data analysis of 400 usable responses from a religious organisations provided several significant relationships. Attitude towards digital piracy and subjective norms has a negative relationship with digital piracy intention. There are also significant differences between highly religious and less religious respondents in terms of their attitude towards digital piracy, motivation to comply with their religious leaders, and intention to engage in digital piracy behavior.  相似文献   

Several factors are driving an increase in the supply of and demand for "green talent", employees with the mindsets and skills to drive sustainability. But many business leaders do not fully understand the implications of this change in the workforce. John Glen, Chris Hilson and Eric Lowitt believe corporate chiefs need to learn – quickly.  相似文献   

作为当代大学生,必须努力提高自身综合素质,尤其是专业素质,学生干部是实现学校与学生之间联系的沟通者,是学校开展学生工作所必须依靠的力量.学生在任学生干部时,不仅能很好地锻炼自己的社交能力、组织能力,体现自己的个人价值,还能贯彻全心全意为同学老师服务的宗旨.当然也不能忽视自己的专业学习.  相似文献   

This paper examines organizational impacts of social media on Fortune 100 companies over a 5-year period (2011–2016). Specifically, the study focuses on three broad areas of social media impact: (1) the adoption of social media platforms across industries and business models from 2011 to 2016, (2) the influence of social media adoption on the roles of the chief information officer (CIO) and chief marketing officer (CMO) and their changing relationships in companies over this time frame, and (3) the impact of social media on company strategy, governance, and the IT (information technology) and marketing functions. The results support the contention that the CMO role has evolved to meet the technology needs of the marketing function and that the relationship between the CMO and CIO has taken on greater importance. In most Fortune 100 companies in 2016, social media has transitioned to ownership by the marketing department and the CMO provides leadership for social media strategy while working closely with the CIO. This study contributes to a better understanding of the established role of social media in companies, governance structures, and the evolving roles of both the CIO and CMO in relation to social media trends. The study integrates the IT and marketing literature to provide an agenda for future work that builds on theory and establishes an ongoing cohesive research agenda.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in understanding the role of stakeholders—including financiers, employees, customers, suppliers, and communities—in the process of new venture emergence. We see potential to advance this stream of research by bridging a gap we observe between recent research on stakeholder enrollment in new ventures and longstanding research on stakeholder identification in established firms. To do so, we seek to explain why, how, and when, through social action, stakeholder identification and enrollment may (or may not) occur as an entrepreneur goes from an imagined opportunity to a new venture with enrolled stakeholders. To this end, we develop a model that conceptualizes stakeholder identification and enrollment as iterative, recursive, and constitutive social processes involving action in: refining and justifying to result in commonality with other actors; probing and positioning to result in mutuality with specific stakeholders identified; and enrolling and engaging to result in reciprocity with identified stakeholders. We argue that these social processes constitute the means through which opportunities are formed, specific stakeholders are identified, and stakes in new ventures are created and maintained, respectively. In doing so, we offer a more nuanced explanation of the dynamism implied in stakeholder identification and enrollment in emerging ventures.  相似文献   

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