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本文根据期货市场存在大量对冲交易的实际情况,讨论现有测度期货市场流动性方法的不足。采用合约发行量替代了传统模型中的持仓量,并提出使用价格波动率平整后的流动性比率作为计算期货市场流动性效率的指标,与传统衡量期货市场流动性的方法相比,这种修正不仅在逻辑上更为严谨和贴合实际,而且得到实证检验的支持。  相似文献   

金融期货的快速发展不仅是世界潮流,更是促进金融市场发展和维护经济安全的必然要求,有着巨大的市场需求,我国金融期货的建设具有极其重要的意义。我国期货市场经过多年规范和发展,风险控制能力不断增强,功能逐步得到发挥,已经具备了推出金融期货的条件。因此,对我国金融期货市场进行可行性研究更具有紧迫性和现实意义。  相似文献   

金融期货从诞生到现在仅有四十余年历史,但发展速度却远快于出现更早的商品期货。自我国进行金融期货交易以来,中国的金融期货市规模逐渐扩张,但由于我国金融期货市场起步和发展较晚,金融期货市场中仍存在许多问题,成为阻碍期货市场发展的障碍因素。本文结合金融期货市场发生的相关实例,具体分析我国金融期货市场存在的问题,并针对存在的问题提出相关建议,以期我国金融期货市场能够获得长足健康发展。论文将从期货品种、法律制度、期货交易所的自律监管问题等方面展开,对我国金融期货市场缺陷进行研究。  相似文献   

根据郑州棉花期货市场日内交易高频数据,首先基于Thompson-Waller模型测度了棉花期货市场不同交割月份期货合约的流动性成本大小。实证研究表明:不同合约流动性成本大小受交易量和合约距交割期时间长短的影响,除此之外还有其他因素影响流动性成本,并且棉花期货市场符合萨缪尔森假说;而后以买卖价差代替流动性成本,根据LSB模型考察了流动性成本的日内变化特征,实证研究显示流动性成本中的信息不对称成分、指令处理成分、指令持续成分呈现明显的日内变化特征。  相似文献   

中国商品期货市场流动性成本特征实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用上海、郑州、大连三个商品期货市场高频数据,对我国商品期市买卖价差组成进行了分解,对买卖价差各成分与流动性、交易规模、交易价格的关系以及买卖价差成分的日内变动趋势进行了检验.在此基础上,分析了上述现象的形成原因,并提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

在梳理已有的关于期货市场流动性研究的基础上,通过对中美农产品期货市场流动性格局、换手率及期货与现货市场规模等比较分析,本文发现我国农产品期货存在以下特点:(1)中期月份合约活跃、且活跃月份不连续;(2)换手率高、且波动性大;(3)期货成交量(或持仓量)与现货规模比基本上远远低于美国同一品种。本文提出针对性建议:(1)应着重引进和培育机构投资者(尤其买方机构投资者和产业客户),改进和完善投资者结构;(2)应创新交易工具和交易方式,引导投资者交易行为由短线交易向中长线交易转变,改进和完善持仓结构;(3)应在有效防范风险前提下,完善梯度风险控制等相关制度,促进活跃月份向近月转移,形成连续月份活跃。  相似文献   

上海金属期货市场的非线性波动特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
期货市场是一个典型的非线性动力系统,通过对上海期货交易所(SHFE)的铜、铝期货合约进行非线性波动特征检验,采用基于GED(广义误差分布)的GARCH族模型考察期货收益率的ARCH效应、杠杆效应,并用R/S分析法检验期货收益率和波动率的长期记忆性,得到的实证结果表明:铜、铝期货价格波动有明显的集丛性,铜期货收益率波动没有"杠杆效应",而对铝期货来说,"利好"对条件方差的冲击大于"利空"的冲击.R/S分析结果显示:铜、铝期货收益率均呈现长期记忆性,铜期货有一个约43个日历月的非周期循环,而铝期货并没有明显的非周期循环.更重要的是,实证结果表明期货收益波动率有明显的长期记忆性,因此,在对期货市场波动率建模时应充分考虑这一点.  相似文献   

碳排放权期货品种已成为世界期货市场研究和发展的重要战略品种。根据碳排放权期货市场的发展现状,本文选取欧洲气候交易所的交易品种作为研究对象,分阶段、分品种对其交易品种的流动性特征进行了分析。通过总结碳排放权市场流动性特征变化,得出碳排放权期货市场的发展经验,为今后我国碳排放权期货市场的建立奠定基础。  相似文献   

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange reduced the size of its S&P 500 futures contract when it reduced the multiplier from 500 to 250 and increased the minimum tick from 0.05 to 0.10 on November 3, 1997. This is a rare major change in a very successful contract's specifications. We analyze effects of this change on liquidity and market dynamics in both a univariate and a multivariate context. The main contribution of this study is the use of multiple intervention analysis with various dynamic response functions to examine the effects of the split while taking into account several other major market events surrounding it. A multivariate analysis is also used to test the impact of the split using a structural model of liquidity and market dynamics. Empirical findings offer limited support for the hypotheses that smaller contract size resulted in smoother trading, and that more public customers trade the S&P 500 futures contract following its split. We observe a reduction in the average transaction size as well as a temporary narrowing of the bid-ask spreads, but no significant change in volatility that can be attributed to the split. We do not find any significant and lasting impact on other liquidity and market variables.  相似文献   

国际金融中心都有发达的期货市场,期货市场在国际金融中心变迁中发挥着重要作用,成为现阶段国际金融中心建设的突破口。上海期货市场已具备了加快发展的条件和基础,当前所面临的瓶颈问题是期货品种需要进一步完善,需要采取做深做精现有期货品种、探索开展期货保税交割业务等具体措施进一步发展上海期货市场,从而助力于上海国际金融中心的建设。  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study investigates how limit orders affect liquidity in a purely order-driven futures market. Additionally, the possible asymmetric relationship between market depth and transitory volatility in bull and bear markets and the effect of institutional trading on liquidity provision behavior are examined as well. The empirical results demonstrate that subsequent market depth increases as transient volatility increases in bull markets. Market depth exhibits significantly positive relationship to subsequent transient volatility in bull markets. Additionally, although trading volume positively influences transient volatility in bull markets, no such relationship exists in bear markets. Liquidity provision decreases when institutional trading activity intensifies during bear markets. Thus, liquidity provision for limit orders differs between bull and bear markets.  相似文献   

上海期货交易所金属铜国际定价能力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,上海期货交易所作为金属铜的三大国际期货交易市场之一,市场机制日渐成熟,价格发现功能日益增强,但其国际定价能力到底有多大,与伦敦金属交易所和纽约商业交易所的联动关系如何,逐渐受到国际市场关注。本文借助计量分析方法,在相关系数、协整关系、Granger成因、方差分解等方面研究三大交易所铜期货价格之间的相互联系。实证结果表明,伦敦金属期货交易所铜期货的国际定价能力居第一位,上海期货交易所铜期货的国际定价能力在2005年我国汇率制度改革后超越纽约商业交易所居第二位,上海市场期铜价格对其他两大期货市场存在显著的影响力。  相似文献   

政府债务管理的关键是建立具有高流动性的二级市场。影响政府债券市场流动性的因素包括产品设计、市场结构、交易机制、信息披露和税收等问题。提高市场流动性的途径包括交易的竞争性结构,将税收对流动性的负面影响最小化,提高交易信息的透明度,标准化交易和清算操作,市场参与者的多元化,确定核心资产,满足基准债的市场需求,完善回购市场和衍生工具市场的功能,培育机构投资者,充分的市场监管等。  相似文献   

The Effect of Futures Market Volume on Spot Market Volatility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There has been considerable interest, both academic and regulatory, in the hypothesis that the higher is the volume in the futures market, the greater is the destabilizing effect on the stock market. We show that conventional approaches, such as adding exogenous variables to GARCH models, may lead to false inferences in tests of this question. Using a stochastic volatility model, we show that, contrary to regulatory concern and the results of other papers, contemporaneous informationless futures market trading has no significant effect on spot market volatility.  相似文献   

Market liquidity is modeled as being determined by the demand and supply of immediacy. Exogenous liquidity events coupled with the risk of delayed trade create a demand for immediacy. Market makers supply immediacy by their continuous presence and willingness to bear risk during the time period between the arrival of final buyers and sellers. In the long run the number of market makers adjusts to equate the supply and demand for immediacy. This determines the equilibrium level of liquidity in the market. The lower is the autocorrelation in rates of return, the higher is the equilibrium level of liquidity.  相似文献   

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