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2010年9月25日,上海,随着中国工商银行、中国农业银行等21家金融机构共同签署《贷款转让交易主协议》,全国银行间市场贷款转让交易正式启动,中国外汇交易中心暨全国银行间同业拆借中心设计开发的全国银行间市场贷款转让交易系统正式上线运行。这标志着全国银行间市场开创了又一崭新业务。中国银行间市场交易商协会发布的《贷款转让交易主协议》为机构用户的交易权益提供了保障,为我国贷款转让市场规范发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

银行间贷款转让交易系统启动 9月25日,《贷款转让交易主协议》签署暨全国银行间市场贷款转让交易启动仪式在上海举行。中共中央政治局委员、上海市委书记俞正声,中国人民银行行长周小川出席仪式并共同启动了全国银行间市场贷款转让交易系统。周小川在仪式上发表讲话时表示,《贷款转让交易主协议》的签署和全国银行间市场贷款转让交易的启动,  相似文献   

刘燕 《涉外税务》2006,(6):12-16
资产证券化是我国当前最引人注目的金融创新,其复杂的交易结构一方面对税收理论与实践提出了新的挑战,另一方面也潜藏着重复课税的风险。为确立一套中性、透明且有效率的课税规则,在发起人转让资产环节,应解决好资产转移行为是属于“销售”还是“担保融资”,转让带息债权如何确认转让收入以及计税成本,证券化交易特有的对价方式——次级权益在税法上如何定性等问题。  相似文献   

酝酿已久的全国贷款转让系统终于开始运行。9月25日,全国银行间市场贷款转让交易启动仪式在上海举行,中国工商银行、中国农业银行等21家银行业金融机构现场签署了《贷款转让交易主协议》。当天,5家商业银行通过交易转让系统达成了贷款转让交易,金额约9000万元。贷款转让平台的建立,不仅丰富了银行业金融机构主动管理资产的产品与手段。更意味着因金融危机而停滞不前的国内金融创新步伐重新启动。  相似文献   

陈利元  朱爱国  高崴 《金融纵横》2008,(5):72-72,67
最近,我们在一些乡镇调查中发现,一些农户之间存在着小额担保贷款权利转让现象。我们认为这种现象违背了小额担保贷款的宗旨,应予以关注。  相似文献   

发展贷款转让市场对于推动商业银行经营战略转型、完善金融市场结构、化解金融系统风险具有重要意义。随着《贷款转让交易主协议》的发布和贷款转让交易平台的上线,我国规范化的贷款转让市场已正式起航。下一阶段,要抓住机遇深化贷款转让市场建设,促进我国金融市场持续、稳定、健康发展。  相似文献   

《贷款转让交易主协议》的发布和交易平台的上线运行,初步奠定了我国贷款转让市场发展的基本框架,但与美国等发达贷款转让市场相比,我国贷款转让市场仍处于发展初级阶段,在市场主体、基础设施、制度建设等方面仍存在不少亟需完善之处。下一阶段,应通过进一步完善主体结构、健全市场机制、加强政策协调、强化自律管理等举措,推动贷款转让市场的规范、健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   

我国贷款转让市场作为金融市场体系的重要组成部分,有良好的发展前景和空间。目前,贷款转让市场尚处市场建设的初期阶段,须从交易产品的特殊性上着手,从信息披露、市场准入和交易创新等方面探寻合适的解决路径。应充分利用区域经济特点、上海国际金融中心建设的优势,依托长三角地区培育贷款转让市场。中国外汇交易中心覆盖全国和多个市场层次的交易网络和信息系统、众多的市场参与者,将是贷款转让市场从长三角走出去并与全国市场参与者高效便捷联成一体的重要基础。  相似文献   

信贷资产转让对于我国构建信贷资产二级市场和资产证券化市场都具有重要的意义。在我国现行法律体系和监管制度下,信贷资产转让业务面临三大法律风险:债权转让风险、债权归属风险和担保权益转让风险。这三大风险严重影响信贷资产的流动性,需要通过立法加以解决。  相似文献   

金融快报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
●工商银行将积极推动建立全国性银团交易中心,且已经和正在准备与中行、农行、国开行以及12家股份制商业银行展开银团合作。据工行投资银行部总经理李勇介绍,通过全国性银团交易中心,将可实现银团贷款在数量、利率、期限、费率、担保、币种、还款方式、担保方式、行业投向等方面信息的共享,提高银团信息透明度和标准化,使银团由场外交易逐渐向场内交易过渡。更重要的意义还在于,与双边贷款相比,银团贷款一般约定贷款份额可自由转让,这为建立贷款二级交易市场创造了条件。  相似文献   

We document and quantify a new implicit transfer mechanism in the SBA 7(a) loan program that redistributes funds between US states. We use SBA 7(a) loan data in conjunction with Dealscan private corporate loan data to show that SBA 7(a) loan interest rates are much less responsive to predicted local loan default risk compared to private corporate loans. This redistributes funds from states with low default risk to states with high default risk. These transfers are positively correlated with the severity of local economic shocks during the Great Recession and the COVID-19 Recession. Therefore, even though it was unintended, the interest rates on SBA 7(a) loans acted as an automatic stabilizer mitigating regional economic shocks.  相似文献   

We examine the implications of optimal credit risk transfer (CRT) for bank-loan monitoring, and the incentives for banks to engage in optimal CRT. In our model, properly designed CRT instruments allow banks to insure themselves against loan losses precisely in those states that signal monitoring. We find that optimal CRT enhances loan monitoring and expands financial intermediation, in contrast to the findings of the previous literature. Optimal CRT instruments are based on loan portfolios rather than individual loans and have credit-enhancement guarantees, pretty much as banks do in practice. But the extent of credit enhancement needs to be precisely delimited. Above that exact level, monitoring incentives are undermined (loan quality deteriorates) and wealth is transferred from the bank's financiers to the bank. Properly designed risk-based capital requirements are shown to prevent such a wealth transfer and to provide banks with the incentive to engage in optimal CRT.  相似文献   

美国次贷危机中的金融衍生品及其风险传递研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国次贷危机愈演愈烈已造成了全球金融危机,究其原因在于其中的金融衍生品运用与监管不当。本文对该危机中的主要金融衍生品一次级按揭贷款、按揭贷款抵押支持债券、资产支持债券型抵押债务权益、信用违约互换等及其风险传递机制进行了深入分析,探讨了其对我国金融创新的启示。  相似文献   

银行间贷款转让市场的建成,标志着金融机构信贷资产转让交易机制的规范化运行,这对于促进商业银行从持有信贷资产向经营信贷资产转型、改进和完善其资本管理手段、形成信贷业务专业化与差异化发展、助推我国信贷资产证券化和贷款利率市场化发展,部将产生积极而深远的影响。  相似文献   

Instead of concentrating on the selection of the optimal transfer pricing method, this paper focuses on the consequences of international transfer pricing for multinational entities. A sample of U.S.-based multinational firms is employed to determine if transfer pricing results in measurable financial outcomes. Results of the study indicate that firms employ international transfer pricing to meet a variety of objectives. The dollar value of international transfers and the foreign sales percentage are both significant explanatory variables for the financial outcomes of these objectives.  相似文献   

Why are social security transfers associated with retirement rules? This paper focuses on the political interactions between retirement and social security. Using a probabilistic voting approach, it analyzes why old people are induced to retire in order to receive pension transfers from the young. A crucial hypothesis is that leisure in old age represents a “merit good,” which is positively valued by all agents in the society, young and old. Thus, the politicians choose to tax the labor income of the old, to induce them to retire. Retirement increases the level of ideological homogeneity of the old. In fact, once retired, the elderly are more “single-minded,” since they only care about redistributive issues, such as pensions. This increase in their political power allows them to win the political game and to receive a positive transfer from the young (social security).  相似文献   

This study analyzes estimators used in information transfer research. It concludes that tests which use the announcing firm's abnormal return to proxy for the information signal generally overstate the significance of information transfer due to cross-covariation of regression disturbances. However, some related approaches may actually understate information transfer. Another approach, based on direct estimation of the signal, yields an estimator that is less sensitive to assumptions about regression disturbances. This study also tests hypotheses concerning the influence of industry structure on information transfer, since the econometric analysis suggests that prior results concerning this issue should be interpreted with caution. The evidence indicates that transfers are most pronounced in homogeneous and concentrated industries.  相似文献   

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