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焦霖 《经济与管理》2011,25(12):5-8
在理论上汇率上升会降低出口贸易,在实证上却出现相反的结论。在人民币对美元不断升值的情况下,中国的对外出口贸易却迅速增加。垂直专业分工到双边贸易的引力模型就中国与世界30个主要贸易对象的出口贸易数据研究表明,国际垂直专业化分工使得出口的汇率弹性降低。因此,传统汇率理论会导致弹性的高估,在国际垂直分工下希望通过人民币升值降低中国的贸易顺差也难以实现。  相似文献   

文章利用1993—2013年中美贸易顺差和人民币汇率的年度时间序列数据,采用"格兰杰因果检验"方法,对人民币实际汇率与中美贸易顺差的相互关系进行检验。研究发现,在短期内,人民币实际汇率不是导致中美贸易顺差的原因;在长期内,中美贸易顺差和人民币实际汇率之间也不存在均衡关系。文章认为,中美产业分工与美国对华技术出口的限制,是导致中美贸易顺差不断扩大的主要原因。因此,不顾实际一味要求人民币升值,对于缩小中美贸易顺差并无太大效果,反而有可能干扰中国现有的外汇管理体制和进出口贸易管理体制,对中美贸易关系带来不利影响。  相似文献   

本文首先分析人民币汇率对中美进出口贸易的影响,分析显示:人民币汇率升值对中国对美国出口有负面影响,这种影响对减少中美贸易逆差具有一定作用;人民币升值对美国对中国出口的影响,即中国进口美国商品与服务贸易额的影响很小。同时由于中美贸易的高度互补性,人民币汇率变化对美国从中国进口商品价格具有传递效应。从这一角度分析,人民币升值对美国失业率的减少具有负面影响。然后直接对人民币汇率和美国失业率直接建立最小二乘估计模型,分析双方的关系,并通过Eviews的分析以及对结果分别进行关于异方差和自相关的检验,发现人民币汇率与美国失业率的相关性在2004年以前并不显著,2005年7月以后,美国失业率也没有随着人民币升值而下降,反而因为金融危机出现大幅上升。本文预测结果意味着人民币升值并不是解决美国就业问题的有效方法,并提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国视角:人民币汇率与贸易顺差关系分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
裴长洪  郑文 《金融评论》2010,2(1):17-32
贸易顺差会导致汇率升值,这是许多人从西方经济学理论中得到的认识。近年来西方政界与学术界屡屡以中国贸易顺差为由要挟人民币升值。本文以1975年至2005年世界主要的46个经济体的贸易收支、外汇储备、实际有效汇率数据为基础.以格兰杰因果检验为基本方法,进行了长期与短期相结合的大样本检验,获得如下结论:贸易收支不能单独决定汇率水平。本文同时对均衡汇率理论及应用进行了述评,指出在中国现行体制下。按照西方均衡汇率实证模型测算人民币均衡汇率存在困难,其测算结果并不可靠。还指出:中国贸易顺差将长期持续,任何外国强权都没有理由逼迫人民币升值。中国今后应以“大出大进”的方式促进国际收支基本平衡。  相似文献   

人民币实际有效汇率升值对不同贸易方式出口的影响是不同的.本文通过Granger因果关系检验、广义脉冲响应函数分析了人民币实际有效汇率变化对一般贸易出口、来料加工出口以及进料加工出口的影响.研究结果表明,人民币实际有效汇率升值对一般贸易出口和进料加工出口均有抑制作用.其中,一般贸易出口对汇率变化的敏感程度大于进料加工出口,人民币实际有效汇率对来料加工出口没有显著影响,而国内成本是影响来料加工出口的主要因素.  相似文献   

本文使用非线性平滑转换模型研究了人民币升值对我国贸易顺差的动态影响,研究发现在样本时期内非线性模型能更好地拟合两者的动态关系,在非线性条件下,当期人民币升值将会使贸易顺差增加,前两期人民币升值将会导致当期贸易顺差减少,人民币升值对贸易顺差的影响表现出很强的非线性门限特征。人民币汇率对贸易差额影响的时间路径像是一个"倒J-曲线"。2000年以来人民币汇率虽然一直在发挥着降低贸易顺差的作用,但是,人民币汇率不是贸易顺差形成的主要原因。  相似文献   

在国际上,人民币升值已经变成一个特别严峻的问题。汇率改革以来,中国的对外贸易超过一千亿美元贸易顺差,人民币一直在保持着不断升值的态势。由于不断发展和提升经济实力,中国遭受了内部和外部双重强迫人民币升值的压力。人民币升值能缓解我国与其他国家紧张的经济关系,有助于我国企业贸易模式的改变。但人民币升值也影响了我国企业的出口,扰乱了整个国际金融市场秩序。剖析人民币汇率现状、引起人民币升值的内部因素和外部因素,论述人民币升值对我国企业的出口所产生的积极影响和消极影响,并且针对所产生的消极影响提出相对应的对策。  相似文献   

本文采用时变参数模型检验了跨境贸易人民币结算对出口价格汇率传递程度和非对称性的影响.结果表明:(1)近年来,人民币汇率变化对出口价格的传递程度依然较高,跨境贸易人民币结算可以降低汇率变化对出口价格的传递程度,且这一影响效应有不断上升之势.(2)即使不考虑跨境贸易人民币结算背景,人民币汇率变化方向对出口价格的传递也呈现非对称性,跨境贸易人民币结算发展可以使出口价格的汇率传递产生新的非对称性,并进而增强汇率传递的非对称效应.(3)与贬值相比,人民币升值时,汇率变化对出口价格的传递程度相对较低,跨境贸易人民币结算的发展可以进一步降低人民币升值下出口价格的汇率传递程度.(4)跨境贸易人民币结算发展可以提高汇率变化对出口贸易调节的效用,但其对汇率传递程度和非对称效应影响程度依然较低,这主要是由当前跨境贸易人民币结算在出口中所占比重较低以及跨境贸易人民币计价发展滞后于结算发展所致.因此,未来的政策着力点应是:一方面,深入推动跨境贸易人民币结算进程的同时,着力推进跨境贸易人民币计价的发展;另一方面,继续推动人民币汇率形成机制改革,扩大人民币汇率波动幅度,并注意保持其与资本账户开放的协调.  相似文献   

本文基于2001-2010年中国11个制造业的季度进出口贸易数据,利用面板DOLS方法,分析了人民币升值联合出口品本土增值对一般贸易与加工贸易的影响。研究结果表明,随着中国出口品本土增值度的提升,原本缺乏汇率弹性的加工贸易出口将变得敏感,而加工贸易进口由于与出口存在着“一对一”的关系,因而汇率弹性也表现出显著为负。加工贸易的本土增值将放大人民币有效升值对减少中国贸易顺差的作用,因此,加快国内技术进步,生产更加复杂的中间品,将适当缓解人民币“被迫”持续快速升值的压力。  相似文献   

中国持续对外贸易顺差引起了学者们的广泛关注。然而现有文献大都基于传统贸易统计方法,没有考虑全球价值链背景下中间品多次跨越国界的重复计算问题,无法反映中国真实的贸易顺差水平。本文基于WIOD数据库1995-2011年的数据,采用投入产出领域的贸易增加值(TiVA)方法,测算出中国与38个贸易伙伴之间的增加值贸易顺差,并对其影响因素进行了实证分析。研究发现,中国加入WTO之前人民币汇率升值对贸易顺差的影响较小而且不显著,而加入WTO之后,人民币汇率升值可以有效降低中国的贸易顺差。在华FDI总额对贸易顺差的影响呈现出相似的特点,即加入WTO之前,总体FDI不显著,加入之后影响显著。FDI来源地区分析显示,美国和亚洲四小龙在中国内地FDI增加可以显著提升中国内地的贸易顺差,而日本和德国在华FDI则会降低中国内地的贸易顺差。  相似文献   

The gravity equation is usually employed by researchers in the field of international trade to explain the growth of a country’s imports and exports volume, especially the manufactured goods. But in China, variables in the model, such as exchange rate, tariff, transportation cost, and spatial distance etc., are not sufficient to explain the riddle of China’s growth in trade volume. In fact, this growth in China’s trade volume is owing to the disintegration of production in the process of economic globalization, to the multinational corporations’ (MNC) vertical outsourcing of their manufacturing processes and procedures, and to the timely readjustment of Chinese enterprises on their strategies of participating in the international intra-product specialization. In this paper we establish an equilibrium model of intra-product specialization dominated by MNCs, and do some empirical tests on the growth in trade volume in China by using the variables including technological conditions of trade, similarity of economies, policy conditions of trade, disintegration of production and level of per capita capital equipment. The empirical results support our basic judgments.  相似文献   

对贸易垂直专业化与国际分工的研究,使标准贸易理论的研究视野由产品问分工扩展到产品内分工。对该领域研究的内容、方法与结论做了归纳,就贸易垂直专业化的发展趋势、理论模型拓展以及经济效应分析三个方面的问题加以系统评述。  相似文献   

人民币汇率对我国对外贸易结构的影响分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
作者利用贸易特定化系数衡量了我国2005年7月21日人民币汇率形成机制改革之后的对外贸易结构,结果显示随着人民币汇率的爬行式缓慢升值,我国大部分资源密集型商品的净出口减少,劳动密集型商品和资本、技术密集型商品的净出口增加,竞争力增强,进出口商品的贸易结构得到优化。因此,进一步完善人民币汇率形成机制,推动人民币汇率稳步升值对我国进出口商品贸易结构是长期利好的。  相似文献   

The Asian financial crisis in mid-1997 has increased interest in policies to achieve greater regional exchange rate stability in East Asia. It has renewed calls for greater monetary and exchange rate cooperation. A country's suitability to join a monetary union depends, inter alia, on the trade intensity and the business cycle synchronization with other potential members of the monetary union. However, these two Optimum Currency Area criteria are endogenous. Theoretically, the effect of increased trade integration (after the elimination of exchange fluctuations among the countries in the region) on the business cycle synchronization is ambiguous. Reduction in trade barriers can potentially increase industrial specialization by country and therefore resulting in more asymmetry business cycles from industry-specific shocks. On the other hand, increased trade integration may result in more highly correlated business cycles due to common demand shocks or intra-industry trade. If the second hypothesis is empirically verified, policy makers have little to worry about the region being unsynchronized in their business cycles as the business cycles will become more synchronized after the monetary union is formed. This paper assesses the dynamic relationships between trade, finance, specialization and business cycle synchronization for East Asian economies using a Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) approach. The dynamic panel approach improves on previous efforts to examine the business cycle correlations — trade link using panel procedures, which control for the potential endogeneity of all explanatory variables. Based on the findings on how trade, finance and sectoral specialization have effects on the size of common shocks among countries, potential policies that can help East Asian countries move closer toward a regional currency arrangement can be suggested. The empirical results of this study suggest that there exists scope for East Asia to form a monetary union.  相似文献   

This paper presents a North–South trade model with vertically linked industries and examines how declining costs of trade across stages of production encourage vertical specialization and affect wages and welfare. As trade costs fall below a threshold, the production of all final goods relocates to the South and vertical specialization emerges. In some industries, production of intermediate goods also relocates against comparative costs because of benefits of co‐location, and further declines in trade costs lead to reshoring. A country may temporarily lose from falling trade costs, but both countries can be better off after trade costs fall sufficiently.  相似文献   

We explore the impact of vertical specialization—trade in goods across multiple stages of production—on the relationship between trade and business cycle synchronization across countries. We develop an international business cycle model in which the degree of vertical specialization varies with trade barriers. With perfect competition, we show analytically that fluctuations in measured total factor productivity are not linked across countries through trade. In numerical simulations, we find little dependence of business cycle synchronization on trade intensity. An extension of the model to allow for imperfect competition has the potential to resolve these shortcomings.  相似文献   

This paper challenges the mainstream narrative that links the strength and speed of the world trade collapse in 2008–2009 to the international fragmentation of production, organized in international value chains. The paper points out often overlooked counteracting forces such as non-bank-intermediated credit, trust in long-term commercial affairs and intra-firm relationships. A cross-section of the strength and speed of the import decline in 42 countries shows that both the share of manufacturing trade and an indicator for the vertical specialization in trade are associated with less contraction and slower adjustment. Countries with large shares of manufactures in trade (a proxy for international value chain activity) and/or vertical specialization in trade did not reduce their trade more strongly. The empirical evidence points out that international value chains may very well have had a major dampening effect that reduced the extent to which world trade fell.  相似文献   

垂直专业化贸易:理论模型与基于中国数据的实证   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赵伟  马征 《技术经济》2006,25(8):110-114
国际贸易理论研究的最新论题之一是对国际垂直分工以及基于垂直分工贸易的关注,本文在较为系统梳理这方面最新研究成果的基础上,从产品内国际垂直分工的角度切入,测算了中国典型年份的垂直专业化贸易程度,并对一些影响因素进行了回归分析。结果显示机械设备制造业占我国垂直专业化贸易份额的30%以上,纺织业其次;关税与垂直专业化贸易扩展呈明显的正相关联系;产业规模较小、中小企业居多的部门一般具有较高的垂直专业化程度。  相似文献   

This paper explores the optimal monetary policy response to domestic and foreign technology shocks in an open economy with vertical structure of production and trade. We find that any stage‐specific productivity shock in one country may have a transborder spillover effect on the other country via the vertical trade. So when choosing optimal monetary rules, each monetary authority should respond to both home and foreign productivity shocks. Also, the flexible exchange rate cannot replicate the flexible price equilibrium, even under producer currency pricing, due to price stickiness in multiple stages. We also find that the existence of a transborder spillover effect depends on the currencies of price setting. Finally, vertical trade may affect the value of exchange rate flexibility under PCP and LCP setting.  相似文献   

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