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我国目前正处于乡村振兴的初级阶段,农村的转型建设取得一定进展的同时存在商业化、重复化、低效化等问题,因此,在现阶段,不断探索和创新乡村振兴的思路和举措具有重要意义。基于社区营造的视角,论文分析社区营造理念与乡村振兴战略的耦合度,探究社区营造下的本土实践案例,提出培养村民的主体意识、重视乡村的文化建设、推动产业的融合发展等建议,探索符合本土特征的乡村振兴创新路径,使乡村振兴与"乡愁"共存。  相似文献   

乡村优美的自然风景资源及独特文化遗产资源是推动其旅游项目发展的直接因素。然而在旅游活动所带来的种种利益驱动下,许多乡村旅游项目的规划在不清楚认识自身特有遗产资源属性的情况下,盲目追逐其它旅游项目成功经验,以经济利益为先,使得原本就脆弱的乡村遗产资源得到无序利用,超负荷开发。婺源王家洲旅游项目,试图以一种可持续发展思路,通过合理整合当地遗产资源使之形成区域型乡村商旅度假地,平衡乡村旅游活动中经济发展与原生态环境即乡村遗产资源之间的关系。  相似文献   

杨晓华 《价值工程》2014,(24):299-300
农村社区是农村社会建设的基本载体。陕北农村社区近年来获得了较快发展,但存在着人口外流,社区发展主劳力缺失;投入不足,社区发展不平衡;自然村消亡现象明显,农村社区整合难度加大;农村产业空心化现象严重,农村社区发展的产业支撑脆弱;社区服务体系建设处于初级发展阶段等问题,亟待解决。  相似文献   

结合北京昌平区南口镇虎峪村新农村建设规划的实践,介绍了乡村休闲旅游产业发展研究中有关资源分析、客源分析、开发模式的方法和思路,并指出在有旅游资源开发条件的新农村,旅游产业开发应采取多种模式结合的方式,不同地域的乡村应采用不同的旅游资源开发模式.针对休闲旅游开发思路趋同的问题,规划应当因地制宜,帮助乡村管理者理性地对未来发展作出正确判断和决策,并且注重分配制度建设,将休闲旅游经营的收入转化投入到对农村村落本身的基础设施和村容的改进方面,达到新农村建设富裕农民生活、美化乡村村容的最终目的.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, tourism development has raised economics, social and environmental issues, particularly for host communities. This paper provides a wide ranging review of the existing literature aimed at underpinning empirical tourism research with a robust economic framework. So far, tourism research has mostly focused on either quantitative or qualitative approaches that lack a strong economic theoretical setting. Most of the literature on resident's welfare analysis concentrates on their attitudes and perceptions without taking explicitly into account their preferences about policy development based on a cost‐benefit assessment. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to draw connections within the current body of research to explain the relationship between residents and tourism activity, as well as consumer theory and economic choice. In this way, it is possible to construct a multidimensional framework that allows one to analyse residents’ welfare in a systematic and more comprehensive manner.  相似文献   

Community entrepreneurship is a potentially powerful mechanism to improve the well-being of rural communities. To mobilize inhabitants for collective action, an emerging community venture must be embedded within a local community. Yet, the embedding process of community ventures is not well understood. Accordingly, this study explores how a community entrepreneur (CE) embedded an emerging community venture into a rural community and simultaneously stimulated social change in the community. Drawing on a longitudinal case study of a CE who created a jazz music festival in a rural Norwegian community, a dynamic conceptual framework was developed that highlights the roles and mechanisms that support the embedding process. The CE promoted social change by introducing external impulses to the local community and assumed a bridging role between the villagers and external actors in the embedding process. Some villagers assumed local embedding roles, while several external actors assumed external embedding roles. I identified four strategies that were used to increase the embeddedness of the community venture in the rural community and one strategy that was used by the CE to de-embed the venture in order to avoid constraints imposed by the local community. The importance of the different roles and mechanisms changed over time.  相似文献   

岭南疍民民俗文化的奇特性和区域垄断性,符合使其成为民俗旅游资源的重要条件。本文从保护和传承疍民民俗文化的视角,探讨岭南疍民民俗文化旅游的开发,提出了文化生态保护区开发模式、民俗节庆活动开发模式和民俗博物馆开发模式等。  相似文献   

洪霞芳 《企业经济》2012,(3):141-144
在旅游发展过程中,由于利益的关系,社区居民普遍处于利益被排斥的无权状态,导致了旅游发展中尖锐的社会冲突,这逐渐成为我国旅游发展面临的最大约束和引发各种社会矛盾的根源。增权是促进旅游发展公平性和可持续性的有效途径。本文试图基于增权视角,以江西省婺源县古村落旅游发展为例,探索旅游增权去权理论应用于江西古村落旅游发展的实践。  相似文献   

由于国内社会经济的飞速发展,人民群众的生活水平越来越高,使得近年来出行旅游的人越来越多,这在很大程度上促进了旅游业的发展。特别是国内各地乡村旅游业的快速发展,大大推动了乡村经济的繁荣,促进了乡村现代化发展。论文以桂北地区乡土文化资源为研究对象,认为在发展乡村旅游经济的同时,更要重视乡土文化资源的保护与传承,从而有效实现乡村旅游经济的可持续发展,促进乡村旅游业以及社会经济的健康发展。  相似文献   

This article discusses entrepreneurship in a depleted community in transition. The purpose is to develop knowledge about how discourses are used in the positioning of identity in regional development. The concept positioning illustrates how identities are provoked, challenged, negotiated and moved into identity positions that break away from the idea of imitating successful and wealthy regions; instead, locality, place and history emerge as important resources from where local actors obtain agency and recognize new opportunities. Ethnographic data of a single case were collected over a six-year period between 2005 and 2010. The longitudinal nature of the study made it possible to incorporate how local stakeholders took on new identity positions, while handling their inspiration as well as their frustration. Results show how rural change was conditioned by discourses and how entrepreneurship challenged and reframed dominating structures through interaction between entrepreneurship and community. Four discourses, expressed as dichotomies available to people in this depleted community, illustrate the interactive process of positioning: change vs. traditions, rational vs. irrational, spectacular vs. mundane and individual vs. collective. The results support research emphasizing perspectives that acknowledge interaction between entrepreneurship and context as well as discursive aspects of regional development.  相似文献   

广州旅游业与经济发展互动关系检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同地区的经济发展和旅游资源禀赋的差异导致了地区旅游业与经济发展之间的关系不尽相同。通过利用广州旅游业和经济发展的数据,实证检验了两者之间的关系。协整检验结果揭示出两者之间具有长期稳定的均衡关系,格兰杰因果检验表明广州的经济发展对旅游业具有明显的带动效应。在检验结果的基础上诠释了实证结论并剖析了其中的政策蕴涵。  相似文献   

At a time of global economic and environmental crisis, academic and policy debates are re-emphasizing the potential of the social economy in providing an alternative development model that reconnects communities with their resource-base and enhances their ‘resilience’. The goal of this paper is to explore this potential through a focus on the practices and values of those who are concretely involved in the social economy. Based on data collected on five community food enterprises in Oxfordshire, UK, the analysis focuses on the perceptions of social entrepreneurs in relation to the ‘alternativeness’ of the social economy, its potential for expansion and its resilience. The research highlights the capacity of social entrepreneurs to empower local communities through a process of collective mobilization of local resources. Theoretically, this study generates new insights into the nature and meanings of resilience as a process of creation of more self-reliant communities of people, places, tools, skills and knowledge. From a policy and practice perspective, the paper raises the need for regional development strategies that capture the gains of these isolated initiatives, particularly in relation to their innovative capacity to create a shared vision that fosters synergies between local ecological, social and economic resources.  相似文献   

在1970年代后的工业化快速增长时期,台湾的农村都市计划区被规划为农村的经济中心、公共服务与社区中心,同时进行农村空间与土地利用的管制。从台湾农村空间的实际发展分析农村都计区的成败,认为:台湾的都计区实际上是农村基层开发与经济全球化的空间策略,它确实刺激了农村工商业发展;但因处于全球分工末端,农村又必然存在建设用地蔓延、土地资源耗竭、环境严重污染与公共设施难以实现等诸多问题。在产业外移导致农村全面衰败之后,台湾开始反思外向型的、自上而下的农村经济全球化发展,并积极探索"自下而上"的社区整体营造。作者认为大陆农村应吸取台湾农村在发展过程中的经验教训,也应选择自下而上的发展方式。  相似文献   

从城市及其规划理论、社会改革理论、城乡经济发展实践和村庄建设管理体制等角度对工业化以来城乡关系研究进行了评述。指出了村庄和城市的本然关系,城市不能脱离村庄而存在,村庄和城市间没有必然的从属关系。认为现有的城乡关系理论以城市发展观和增长正统论为主流,致力于解决工业和城市发展问题,并未跳出城市站在更加广阔的视野下研究城乡关系;虽然城市和村庄的分离对立在大多数理论中得到体现,但城市—村庄矛盾的斗争性和同一性却并未被全面审视,对这一矛盾运动如何因势利导还需要进行长期深入的探讨。  相似文献   

This article engages with recent debates which assert that community participation and empowerment are place‐contingent. The particular nature of localities has regularly been taken to account for success or failure in processes of participation and regeneration. In contrast, this article exposes the failings based in the nature of the process of regeneration in the complex intersection of national agendas of community participation, regional objectives of economic growth and local aspirations of social cohesion and improved amenities. These agendas meet in the seemingly mutual pursuit of the ‘active community’. They become manifest in the micro‐politics of negotiating and enacting different constructions of community by the different actors ‘empowered’ in the regeneration process: regional development agencies, local government and local civil society. The article is based on ethnographic research in the Kent coalfield. The coalfields as distinct places have commanded a lasting place in the academic and policy literature: romanticized as the epitome of ‘communityness’ but demonized as the site of problem groups. This otherness has outlasted the industry the communities were built on. The analysis here shows that the social organization of regeneration in an arguably ‘different’ place is less driven by local specificities than by a failure to make visible conflicting constructions of community; therefore both the pathologizing of disadvantaged social groups and calls for more ‘community’ in policy delivery rather than policy reform are called into question.  相似文献   

旅游的发展离不开技术的支撑,技术成为推动旅游业发展的引擎。乡村旅游是重要的旅游形式,它已逐渐成为推动乡村旅游地区发展的有效策略和拉动县域经济增长的有力支柱。由于受发展基础和发展观念等因素的影响,大部分乡村旅游地的服务体系面临优化升级的任务。技术嵌入乡村旅游服务体系,对于提升乡村旅游地发展,促进乡村旅游服务体系升级具有较大的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文基于国内外生态旅游标准相关理论和实践分析的基础上,结合崇明岛生态旅游自身发展状况及存在问题,从生态旅游环境质量、生态旅游资源、基础服务设施等级软、硬件方面探讨崇明岛生态旅游标准化体系建设与举措。本文是2010年国家旅游局规划基金项目(批准号:10TABG016);上海师范大学科研项目(批准号:DKL923、PL820)。  相似文献   

在以国内为主,国内国际双循环的经济格局下,开拓农村市场,发展农村经济势在必行。物流业是国民经济的重要组成部分,也是发展经济的重要支撑,因此研究农村物流的需求和供给对农村物流业的发展有重要的意义。文章选取甘肃省西北部、中部、东部、东南部、西南部5个区域内的30个行政村为研究对象,采用实地调查、网络调研、访谈咨询的方法对30个行政村的物流供给和需求进行了调研。研究结果表明,甘肃省农村物流在供给上存在物流网点整体较少且区域分布不均衡等问题;在需求上存在整体需求量不足,需求结构不均衡等问题。物流发展整体水平较低。  相似文献   

This paper analyses inefficiencies in community composition resulting from peer group effects in education. We depart from the existing literature in two essential ways. Firstly, we introduce heterogeneity between communities (one community is more productive than another if its school produces the same educational quality at lower cost), and secondly, we introduce informational asymmetries by assuming that education, in each community, is financed by local public funds and produced by a school which has private information about its cost when it is privatized.  相似文献   

城镇化背景下的民族旅游社区文化生态环境保护研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肖琼 《城市发展研究》2011,18(11):104-109
“十一五”期间,我国民族旅游社区经济社会发展成为一大亮点,有力地带动了周围乡村及民族区域经济的发展,与此同时,民族旅游社区文化生态环境又面临着巨大的挑战.在“十二五”时期,尤其是在我国城镇化日趋明显的总体形势下,民族旅游社区如何应对内外部压力,有效保护与传承自身优秀传统文化,以促进民族旅游社区新一轮经济社会发展将是我们...  相似文献   

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