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杨爽  张蕾 《经济学(季刊)》2010,(1):79-84,91
社会流行病学和人口学在研究内容、研究方法和疾病防治及卫生保健对策的研究等三个方面有着密切的联系。这些领域也是人口学研究方法在健康领域研究的渗透和应用。从研究内容上的"人群层面"的研究,研究方法上的"多层分析"方法和"生命历程分析",以及疾病防治和卫生保健对策的研究等方面对社会流行病学与健康人口学的交叉研究进展作了综述。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether governance matters for the economic growth of developing countries, empirically captured within the institutional economics theoretical framework using the panel data estimation procedure. In doing so, it tests the effect of several dimensions of governance on the growth of 84 low and middle-income economies using regression specifications common in the growth literature. The empirical results show that political stability and government effectiveness is significantly positively correlated with growth. Voice and accountability and corruption are statistically significantly negatively correlated with growth. The regulatory quality and rule of law dimensions of governance are negatively but statistically insignificantly correlated with growth. The findings of this study imply that the dynamics of the current modern economy makes it necessary for developing countries to act now and within their own country, improve the dimensions of governance and establish good governance practices that are domestically relevant and internationally comparable and consistent.  相似文献   

谭同学 《开放时代》2020,(1):49-62,M0004
我国民族研究曾深受阶级分析法和民族识别的影响。这有其历史原因,也有其成效。不过,阶级分析法被教条化后,严重制约了民族研究。其后,文化解释法被广泛用于民族研究,也不乏成效。但是,民族研究因过于倚重此法,无法全面涵盖当代中国经济、社会、文化与政治转型的实践经验,陷入了新的制约。由此,在新时期,以透视实践经验为导向的社会科学视角,应是民族研究值得探索的方向。  相似文献   

社会网络的四种功能框架及其测量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对文献的系统归纳,本文将社会网络的主要功能归纳为四种,信息获取、互惠合作、结构支持和资源获取。这样的分类框架避免了之前研究中仅测量企业拥有的社会网络而忽视企业动用的社会网络的问题。本文开发了测量社会网络四种功能的量表,并应用验证性因子分析验证了量表的效度。然后在Miles和Snow战略选择框架下,通过305个样本对本文的假设进行了实证验证。  相似文献   

The foundation of the People’s Republic of China in1949 marked the realization of a dream strived for by millions of Chinese people over the preceding hundred years,i.e.,the dream of liberation.Since 1949,China has gone through two stages of historical development,in which it realized the dream of self-reliance and the dream of freedom from poverty,respectively.Having entered the third stage of its contemporary history,China is now striving to achieve a new dream of shared prosperity for all.Supported by statistical data,this paper argues that China has made a great leap forward in the field of social protection over the past 10-plus years.This new leap forward has quietly brought about enormous changes to the Chinese society.On one hand,it has stopped inequality from further deteriorating;on the other hand,it has created a benign environment for lessening human insecurity.  相似文献   

In the context of increasingly complex economies, with information more and more complicated to handle, social interaction may allow spontaneous co-operation and be more efficient than market or state regulations to overcome co-ordination and information problems. This article provides a theoretical model that compares three “pure forms” of economic organization: state-controlled production, unregulated market, and voluntary organization. We model the behavior of agents who are embedded in a social structure that is characterized by three parameters: the intensity of socialization, the size of individual social space, and the overall level of trust in society. We then study how social interaction parameters influence the relative efficiency of the three different forms of organization.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,社会力量办学如雨后春荀破土而出,时至今日已经成为我国教育事业的一个组成部分,走上了与公立学校共同发展的康庄大道。目前,私立学校正在经历一个整顿、淘汰、重组、发展的  相似文献   

科学,是文化的重要组成部分。未来综合国力的竞争,集中体现为科学技术的竞争。这里所说的科学,既包括自然科学,也包括社会科学。自然科学是人们认识自然,改造自然的强大武器;社会科学是人们认识社会、改造社会的强大武器。而人类历史的发展过程,本来就包含改造自然、改造社会两个大的方面,因此,既需要自然科学,又需要社会科学,两者缺一不可。自然科学和社会科学是科学的两翼,两者共同构成科学的完整体系。只有两者共同繁荣,科学才能获得全面发展。在全面推进建设有中国特色社会主义伟大事业的过程中,以马列主义、毛泽东思想和…  相似文献   

黄宗智 《开放时代》2020,(1):34-48,5-6
我们对待所有现有理论的基本态度,是把它们当作问题而不是答案。相对千变万化的实际而言,理论只可能是片面的或局部的,不可能是普适的,只可能是随真实世界的演变而相应变化,不可能是给定的永恒真理。学术可以,也应该借助不同流派的现有理论来协助我们认识实际,来推进我们对实际的概括,但绝对不应该像高度科学主义化的主流西方理论那样用来表达虚构的普世规律,或对真实世界实际片面化和理想化。真正求真的学术是根据精准的经验研究,通过对现有理论的取舍、对话、改造和推进,来建立带有经验界限的、行之有效的、更符合经验实际的概括,再返回到经验/实践世界中去检验。如此的学术,探索的应该是由求真和崇高的道德价值动机出发的问题,不该局限于如今流行的比较庸俗和工具主义/功利主义的研究方法或其所谓的问题意识。这才是这里提倡的前瞻性的实践社会科学研究的实质含义。  相似文献   

With the beginning of 2003 a new severance pay scheme was introduced in Austria. The reform extends the coverage of the scheme to all employees, and moves it to full and enterprise external funding, but average payments will be lower than previously. This paper provides some evidence on two explicit aims of the reform, namely to generate more fairness in the distribution of severance payments among employees and the creation of a basis of the underdeveloped second pillar of the Austrian pension system. The empirical analysis based on a cross section of completed job spells of different durations indicates that differences in payments among groups will be stronger in the new scheme compared to the old system. Based on retirement income projections and simulations of a multi-pillar pension reform for the blue and white collar workers’ pension system, we conclude that, an increase of the contribution rate would be necessary to achieve a sufficient second pillar retirement income. Helpful comments by Milan Vodopivec and an anonymous referee are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The meaning of a sustainable society is discussed to provide a framework for considering the role of the private sector. Duration and extent are polarized as long versus short and global versus local. Fundamental forces of geo-politics, social organization and technology argue for a focus on short duration and local extent.Population pressures and standard of living are of central concern in attaining a sustainable society. The target must be a stable population with a rising standard of living. Because resources are limited, the private sector's major role must be in the efficient use of resources to create wealth.To this end, it is well adapted. It consists, generally, of privately owned firms, employing shareholders' capital, to make a profit in a market economy. These characteristics, however, place major constraints on its ability to adopt noneconomic objectives of a social nature or in pursuit of a sustainable society. A number of responses to this dilemma are beginning to emerge, both in theory and practice. To help understand the complexity that constitutes modern economic life and its socio-political environment, the private sector is viewed in six guises: wealth creator, corporate citizen, benevolent despot, reluctant social partner, cooperative social partner, and private patron. Discussion concentrates on the significance of each of these for the sustainable society.Finally, some thought is given to the significance of the private sector as a model for institutional flexibility in a sustainable society.  相似文献   

This short paper examines a possible connection between religion and economics in terms of the parallelism between the atomistic individual doctrine and the individual soul doctrine. The paper explores whether resistance to pluralism in economics as a methodological practice might be illuminated in terms of this connection. On this view, resistance to pluralism in economics is not a matter of economists holding methodological views about economics practice that are contrary to pluralism, but is rather a kind of anti-pluralism reflecting an intransigent defense of the atomistic individual view as a kind of core or ‘untouchable’ deep doctrine. Two arguments are advanced to demonstrate the parallelism between the atomistic individual doctrine and the individual soul doctrine.  相似文献   

郭璇 《科技进步与对策》2003,20(11):106-108
科学技术的高速发展对人们的社会生活产生了巨大的影响。人们在不断享受高科技产品的同时,也正面临着由高科技的发展所带来的新的社会问题。从文化人类学的视角出发,以环境问题和网络社会问题为例,概略地给出了用文化人类学求解社会问题的一种思考模式。  相似文献   

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