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This paper studies an optimal insurance and reinsurance design problem among three agents: policyholder, insurer, and reinsurer. We assume that the preferences of the parties are given by distortion risk measures, which are equivalent to dual utilities. By maximizing the dual utility of the insurer and jointly solving the optimal insurance and reinsurance contracts, it is found that a layering insurance is optimal, with every layer being borne by one of the three agents. We also show that reinsurance encourages more insurance, and is welfare improving for the economy. Furthermore, it is optimal for the insurer to charge the maximum acceptable insurance premium to the policyholder. This paper also considers three other variants of the optimal insurance/reinsurance models. The first two variants impose a limit on the reinsurance premium so as to prevent insurer to reinsure all its risk. An optimal solution is still layering insurance, though the insurer will have to retain higher risk. Finally, we study the effect of competition by permitting the policyholder to insure its risk with an insurer, a reinsurer, or both. The competition from the reinsurer dampens the price at which an insurer could charge to the policyholder, although the optimal indemnities remain the same as the baseline model. The reinsurer will however not trade with the policyholder in this optimal solution.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study optimal reinsurance treaties that minimize the liability of an insurer. The liability is defined as the actuarial reserve on an insurer’s risk exposure plus the risk margin required for the risk exposure. The risk margin is determined by the risk measure of expectile. Among a general class of reinsurance premium principles, we prove that a two-layer reinsurance treaty is optimal. Furthermore, if a reinsurance premium principle in the class is translation invariant or is the expected value principle, we show that a one-layer reinsurance treaty is optimal. Moreover, we use the expected value premium principle and Wang’s premium principle to demonstrate how the parameters in an optimal reinsurance treaty can be determined explicitly under a given premium principle.  相似文献   

In recent years, general risk measures play an important role in risk management in both finance and insurance industry. As a consequence, there is an increasing number of research on optimal reinsurance decision problems using risk measures beyond the classical expected utility framework. In this paper, we first show that the stop-loss reinsurance is an optimal contract under law-invariant convex risk measures via a new simple geometric argument. A similar approach is then used to tackle the same optimal reinsurance problem under Value at Risk and Conditional Tail Expectation; it is interesting to note that, instead of stop-loss reinsurances, insurance layers serve as the optimal solution. These two results highlight that law-invariant convex risk measure is better and more robust, in the sense that the corresponding optimal reinsurance still provides the protection coverage against extreme loss irrespective to the potential increment of its probability of occurrence, to expected larger claim than Value at Risk and Conditional Tail Expectation which are more commonly used. Several illustrative examples will be provided.  相似文献   

Reinsurance is available for a reinsurance premium that is determined according to a convex premium principle H. The first insurer selects the reinsurance coverage that maximizes its expected utility. No conditions are imposed on the reinsurer's payment. The optimality condition involves the gradient of H. For several combinations of H and the first insurer's utility function, closed-form formulas for the optimal reinsurance are given. If H is a zero utility principle (for example, an exponential principle or an expectile principle), it is shown, by means of Borch's Theorem, that the optimal reinsurer's payment is a function of the total claim amount and that this function satisfies the so-called 1-Lipschitz condition. Frequently, authors impose these two conclusions as hypotheses at the outset.  相似文献   

An innovative cumulative distribution function (CDF)-based method is proposed for deriving optimal reinsurance contracts to maximize an insurer’s survival probability. The optimal reinsurance model is a non-concave constrained stochastic maximization problem, and the CDF-based method transforms it into a functional concave programming problem of determining an optimal CDF over a corresponding feasible set. Compared to the existing literature, our proposed CDF formulation provides a more transparent derivation of the optimal solutions, and more interestingly, it enables us to study a further complex model with an extra background risk and more sophisticated premium principle.  相似文献   

The paper studies the so-called individual risk model where both a policy of per-claim insurance and a policy of reinsurance are chosen jointly by the insurer in order to maximize his/her expected utility. The insurance and reinsurance premiums are defined by the expected value principle. The problem is solved under additional constraints on the reinsurer’s risk and the residual risk of the insured. It is shown that the solution to the problem is the following: The optimal reinsurance is a modification of stop-loss reinsurance policy, so-called stop-loss reinsurance with an upper limit; the optimal insurer’s indemnity is a combination of stop-loss- and deductible policies. The results are illustrated by a numerical example for the case of exponential utility function. The effects of changing model parameters on optimal insurance and reinsurance policies are considered.  相似文献   


We discuss an optimal excess-of-loss reinsurance contract in a continuous-time principal-agent framework where the surplus of the insurer (agent/he) is described by a classical Cramér-Lundberg (C-L) model. In addition to reinsurance, the insurer and the reinsurer (principal/she) are both allowed to invest their surpluses into a financial market containing one risk-free asset (e.g. a short-rate account) and one risky asset (e.g. a market index). In this paper, the insurer and the reinsurer are ambiguity averse and have specific modeling risk aversion preferences for the insurance claims (this relates to the jump term in the stochastic models) and the financial market's risk (this encompasses the models' diffusion term). The reinsurer designs a reinsurance contract that maximizes the exponential utility of her terminal wealth under a worst-case scenario which depends on the retention level of the insurer. By employing the dynamic programming approach, we derive the optimal robust reinsurance contract, and the value functions for the reinsurer and the insurer under this contract. In order to provide a more explicit reinsurance contract and to facilitate our quantitative analysis, we discuss the case when the claims follow an exponential distribution; it is then possible to show explicitly the impact of ambiguity aversion on the optimal reinsurance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the retention levels for combinations of quota-share and excess of loss reinsurance by maximizing the insurer’s adjustment coefficient, which in turn minimizes the asymptotic result of ruin probability. Assuming that the premiums are determined by the expected value principle, we consider a discrete risk model, in which a dependence structure is introduced based on Poisson MA(1) process between the claim numbers for each period. The impact of dependence parameter on the adjustment coefficient is discussed and numerical examples are provided to illustrate the results obtained in this paper.  相似文献   


In this paper, we consider the optimal proportional reinsurance problem in a risk model with the thinning-dependence structure, and the criterion is to minimize the probability that the value of the surplus process drops below some fixed proportion of its maximum value to date which is known as the probability of drawdown. The thinning dependence assumes that stochastic sources related to claim occurrence are classified into different groups, and that each group may cause a claim in each insurance class with a certain probability. By the technique of stochastic control theory and the corresponding Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation, the optimal reinsurance strategy and the corresponding minimum probability of drawdown are derived not only for the expected value principle but also for the variance premium principle. Finally, some numerical examples are presented to show the impact of model parameters on the optimal results.  相似文献   

This article investigates optimal reinsurance treaties minimizing an insurer’s risk-adjusted liability, which encompasses a risk margin quantified by distortion risk measures. Via the introduction of a transparent cost-benefit argument, we extend the results in Cui et al. [Cui, W., Yang, J. & Wu, L. (2013). Optimal reinsurance minimizing the distortion risk measure under general reinsurance premium principles. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 53, 74–85] and provide full characterizations on the set of optimal reinsurance treaties within the class of non-decreasing, 1-Lipschitz functions. Unlike conventional studies, our results address the issue of (non-)uniqueness of optimal solutions and indicate that ceded loss functions beyond the traditional insurance layers can be optimal in some cases. The usefulness of our novel cost-benefit approach is further demonstrated by readily solving the dual problem of minimizing the reinsurance premium while maintaining the risk-adjusted liability below a fixed tolerance level.  相似文献   

We compare the Nash bargaining solution in a reinsurance syndicate to the competitive equilibrium allocation, focusing on uncertainty and risk aversion. Restricting attention to proportional reinsurance treaties, we find that, although these solution concepts are very different, one may just appear as a first order Taylor series approximation of the other, in certain cases. This may be good news for the Nash solution, or for the equilibrium allocation, all depending upon one's point of view.

Our model also allows us to readily identify some properties of the equilibrium allocation not be shared by the bargaining solution, and vice versa, related to both risk aversions and correlations.  相似文献   

This paper studies optimal market making for large-tick assets in the presence of latency. We consider a random walk model for the asset price and formulate the market maker's optimization problem using Markov Decision Processes (MDP). We characterize the value of an order and show that it plays the role of one-period reward in the MDP model. Based on this characterization, we provide explicit criteria for assessing the profitability of market making when there is latency. Under our model, we show that a market maker can earn a positive expected profit if there are sufficient uninformed market orders hitting the market maker's limit orders compared with the rate of price jumps, and the trading horizon is sufficiently long. In addition, our theoretical and numerical results suggest that latency can be an additional source of risk and latency impacts negatively the performance of market makers.  相似文献   

The termination of a representative financial firm due to excessive leverage may lead to substantial bankruptcy costs. A government in the tradition of Ramsey (1927) may be inclined to provide transfers to the firm so as to prevent its liquidation and the associated deadweight costs. It is shown that the optimal taxation policy to finance such transfers exhibits procyclicality and history dependence, even in a complete market. These results are in contrast with pre-existing literature on optimal fiscal policy, and are driven by the endogeneity of the transfer payments that are required to salvage the financial firm.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes performance and portfolio choice of banks investments across business units using methodologies developed mainly for equity investments. The backgrounds to the paper are major recent developments in the financial services industry, mainly consolidation in the banking industry that raised the issue of efficiency gains due to diversification. The paper focuses on banks in Israel as an extended case study, using the fact that Israeli banks have operated as (limited) universal banks for a long time. The results suggest that there are gains to diversification and that risk adjusted performance is mostly consistent with optimal portfolio choice. Most of the previous research in this area has been done in the US. These studies necessarily focused on hypothetical combinations of different business activities because of the legal limits on US banks. Thus this paper adds to the literature both by examining actual combinations and looking at another country.  相似文献   

相较立宪君主制时期的宪法,德国基本法确立了人民主权原理,重构了国家与人民之间的关系。全面保留理论立基于这一宪法结构的变迁,主张因人民缔造宪法并分配国家权力,议会享有至高的优越地位,行政权全面依赖立法权。因此,要求法律保留扩展至特别权力关系领域与给付行政领域,并要求授权法具有明确性与可预见性。该理论将议会民主高扬到极致,因而遭受功能主义分权理论与实质法治国理论的抨击,但其民主性要素被重要性理论吸收进而发挥影响力,在德国法律保留理论的脉络中起到了承继作用。  相似文献   

The main focus of this paper is to extend the analysis of ruin-related quantities to the delayed renewal risk models. First, the background for the delayed renewal risk model is introduced and a general equation that is used as a framework is derived. The equation is obtained by conditioning on the first drop below the initial surplus level. Then, we consider the deficit at ruin among many random variables associated with ruin. The properties of the distribution function (DF) of the proper deficit are examined in particular.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate extreme events in high frequency, multivariate FX returns within a purposely built framework. We generalize univariate tests and concepts to multidimensional settings and employ these novel techniques for parametric and nonparametric analysis. In particular, we investigate and quantify the co-dependence of cross-sectional and intertemporal extreme events. We find evidence of the cubic law of extreme returns, their increasing and asymmetric dependence and of the scaling property of extreme risk in joint symmetric tails.  相似文献   


1. For the definition of general processes with special regard to those concerned in Collective Risk Theory reference is made to Cramér (Collective Risk Theory, Skandia Jubilee Volume, Stockholm, 1955). Let the independent parameter of such a process be denoted by τ, with the origin at the point of departure of the process and on a scale independent of the number of expected changes of the random function. Denote with p(τ, n)dt the asymptotic expression for the conditional probability of one change in the random function while the parameter passes from τ to τ + dτ: relative to the hypothesis that n changes have occurred, while the parameter passes from 0 to τ. Assume further—unless the contrary is stated—that the probability of more than one change, while the parameter passes from τ to τ + dτ, is of smaller order than dτ.  相似文献   

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