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Commenting on the Pinochet regime, Friedrich Hayek famously claimed in 1981 that he would prefer a ‘liberal’ dictator to ‘democratic government lacking liberalism.’ Hayek's defense of a transitional dictatorship in Chile was not an impromptu response. In late 1960, in a little known BBC radio broadcast, Hayek suggested that a dictatorial regime may be able to facilitate a transition to stable limited democracy. While Hayek's comments about Pinochet have generated much controversy, this paper neither provides a blanket condemnation of his views (he did not advocate dictatorship as a first-best ‘state of the world’) nor tries to excuse his failure to condemn the Pinochet junta's human rights abuses, but instead provides a critical assessment of Hayek's implicit model of transitional dictatorship.  相似文献   

Andrew Farrant and Edward McPhail demonstrate Hayek's willingness to support, under certain circumstances, a transitional dictator who seeks to implement an institutional structure conducive to liberty, understood to mean economic freedom. This comment links this support to Hayek's mistaken rejection of democracy as a constitutive component of freedom, which is the result of his overestimation of the epistemological abilities of judges.  相似文献   


Modern supporters of the Austrian school of economics maintain that their critical stance towards impure forms of economic organisation - such as the mixed economy - grew out of the arguments of Mises and Hayek during the socialist calculation debate of the 1930s. The paper assesses the two theorists, contributions in the debate and argues that their ideas cannot provide the basis for a general rejection of impure forms of economic organisation. First of all, and contrary to most modern Austrians, who consider the contributions of Mises and Hayek as essentially consistent, it is argued that Hayek's critique of socialism is much more effective than Mises' as it rests on his concept of tacit knowldge and on an evolutionary account of the emergence of capitalist institutions. However, the paper goes on to argue that, if Hayek's critique of state intervention is to have any relevance for contemporary capitalist economies, it must be in a position to show the non-viability not only of a fully centrally planned economy of the Soviet type but also of the mixed economy. It is argued that it is precisely in this that Hayek's evolutionism fails, for his teleological approach is not persuasive in ruling out the possibility of impure forms of capitalism in a manner that is consistent with truly evolutionary - i.e. non-teleological - ideas.  相似文献   

Hayek's critical attitude towards Walrasian modelling was based on informational considerations. In his view, a meaningful notion of equilbrium has to deal with the consistency of agents' plans which information is dispersed throughout the economy. He emphasized that only in this context could the role of market prices as aggregators of information be correctly analysed. Recent developments in general equilbrium theory with rational expectations have taken up the issue formally. In this paper, Haek's main ideas about the competiitive mechanism are compared with these recent results. It is argued that Hayek's notion of private information is different from that used in modern equilibrium theory, not only because of its dynamic content, as many critics observed ex post, as is usually in a general equilibrium framework. This issue of whether modern notions of private information, namel that used in conract theory, are good substitutes for Hayek' notion of personal knowledge is also examined in detail. From this analysis, it is possible to conclude that Hayek's notion of equilibrium neither entails Pareto optimality prperties nor full informational efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper argues that Friedrich A. v. Hayek's theory of mind and the relation between mental and physical events, most systematically presented in his 1952 book, The Sensory Order, is indebted to Ernst Mach's theory, and, in particular, to his Analysis of Sensations, above and beyond what Hayek himself along with multiple admirers of his work ever cared to admit. By highlighting a number of important similarities between Mach's and Hayek's theories of the psychical/phenomenal and physical world/order, the paper aims to show that key aspects of Hayek's theory of mind can be traced to Mach's theoretical foundations. The paper further argues that some of the criticisms Hayek levels against Mach concern nonessential points, arise from the uncritical acceptance of common misinterpretations of Mach's theory, or are plainly wrong.  相似文献   

This article assesses the institutionalist elements of Friedrich Hayek's neoliberal political economy by presenting his views on the entangled relations between the state and markets in capitalism. Through the analysis of Hayek's work, the article contributes to further consolidating the view that neoliberalism is an ideological project of institutional transformation which, despite some enduring myths, has an irreplaceable role for a state with many important functions in a more limited democracy. Markets, for their part, are politically contested social constructions that depend on previous non-market institutions for their existence and legitimation. This paper argues that Hayek's work corroborates this institutionalist claim.  相似文献   

In the last decade, a small group of Austrians has attempted to argue that there are crucial distinctions between the Misesian and Hayekian lines of influence, and that the former is the superior. This paper argues that the group has both misread Hayek and underplayed the similarities of Mises and Hayek. More specifically, it sees Mises's emphasis on monetary calculation and goal-driven human action as providing the microfoundations for Hayek's emphasis on spontaneous order and the epistemic properties of the price system. The paper also disputes the claim that Hayek held a “fully-informative,” neoclassical view of prices and explores the disequilibrium foundation for Hayek's understanding of the role of prices as knowledge surrogates. The relationship between monetary calculation and cooperation in anonymity is discussed in the final section.  相似文献   

Herein we examine recommendations made in 1944 by Friedrich Hayek for the Government of Gibraltar, regarding Gibraltar's future economic prospects. In keeping with Hayek's ideas in The Road to Serfdom, he proposed reducing state-led economic planning in Gibraltar alongside proposals to lift restrictions upon the operation of a free market in rents and labour. Hayek's proposals were rejected by both governments in Gibraltar and London because they were not compatible with the economic planning of colonial economies, inspired by Keynes, and provision of welfare systems in the empire inspired by Beveridge, both dominant ideas during the mid-1940s in government circles.  相似文献   

An economic system with labor cooperatives, private ownership, and a basic capital grant or universal basic income is a form of market socialism that can withstand Hayek's critique.  相似文献   

This article discusses the valuable contribution that Ted Burczak's Socialism After Hayek makes to the Marxist theory of socialism by drawing on the Hayekian appreciation of markets as processes of discovery. But the article also critiques the book's acceptance of Hayek's exclusive reliance on markets as a mode of economic organisation. The article reflects on the methodological conditions that might have led the book down a path of market essentialism.  相似文献   

The distinctive line of argument in Hayek' business cycle theory can be characterized as a combination of the Cantillon effect monetary expansion on the price structure and the Ricardo effect of a shortage of consumption goods on the production of investment goods. This paper compares the original ideas of Cantillon and Ricardo with their adaptation and combination by Hayek. The differences help to expose fundamental problems in Hayek' theory and, more generally, in projects of integrating money and the business-cycle phenomenon with Walrasian general equilibrium theory.  相似文献   

This paper shows that Mill's assessment of Comte's work casts light on his own attitude towards the historicity of social phenomena and on the way he connects the notions of utility and liberty. It underlines the relative stability of Mill's views. While the tone of his remarks about Comte varied through time, their content remained basically unchanged. The paper untangles the complex web of the two thinkers’ intellectual relationship by gathering information scattered across many texts, assesses the effects of the Comtian influence on Mill's epistemology and shows how Mill's liberalism was partly built on his opposition to Comte's ideas.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on central elements of the scientific work of Friedrich A. v. Hayek since the 1930s. In a first part, his epistemological position and its implications for his understanding of the tasks of the social sciences are presented as he set them out particularly in theSensory Order (1952). Then, it is shown how his findings in economic theory as well as in the analysis of economic and societal systems are formed by these foundations. His emphasis on the subjectivity and the constitutional limitations of human knowledge is identified as a precondition for the outstanding analytical insights which he gained with regard to the functioning of a market order and the role of institutions in societal development. Furthermore, it is argued that Hayek's enduring campaign for freedom and against the socialist tendencies in welfare states was not simply a matter of personal conviction. It was also the result of his analysis in constitutional political economy which revealed to him that freedom as a normative basis of economic and societal institutions is the key to the explanation of European cultural evolution.  相似文献   

According to the accepted view, Smith carved out distributive justice from his concept of justice and argued that distributive justice would follow in the wake of natural liberty. In recent contributions, however, it is emphasized that a system of natural liberty will only generate beneficent distributional outcomes if the rules of commutative justice safeguard natural liberty and mirror community standards of justice. In this paper it is argued that Smith increasingly came to question whether commercial society could meet this requirement. Given their subservience to sectional interests, rules of justice neither safeguard natural liberty nor conform to community standards. Moreover, the inherent strain in commercial society to corrupt man's moral sentiments erodes community standards of justice. In the development of Smith's views his growing concern for distributive justice is reflected.  相似文献   


Recent central bank experience with inflation targeting is used to restate Hayek's reform proposal as a performance contract. This requires banks to first state an explicit inflation target and then promise to perform a set of actions whenever an independent forecast departs from target. Making such actions explicit and observable makes the promise of price stability offered by competing banks operational and enforceable. Competition among banks then leads to convergence on current best practice in the short term and to faster performance evolution as the incentive to innovate induces improvements over the long term.  相似文献   

The arguments presented in Hayek's The Sensory Order suggest that the mind/brain is a decentralized spontaneous order. The decentralized nature of decision-making and the central role of classification in perception, cognition, and action, are solutions to the knowledge problem that confronts the system. The nature of this decentralized complex system suggests that the ordering is deterministic and that free will in the sense of a decision-maker being able to stand outside the circle of cause and effect is an illusion. If determinism is correct, how can we hold individuals responsible for their actions? It is argued that the evolution of responsibility, blame and credit are the products of a second Hayekian spontaneous order. Responsibility and the allocation of credit and blame are part of an implicit social contract that facilitates cultural evolution, political freedom, and economic growth. It is responsibility, not the existence of free will, that makes freedom possible.  相似文献   

The 1930s’ debate about the short-run Keynesian response to crisis and Hayek's critique of its long-run consequences has significant contemporary parallels. This article examines, from a historical perspective, the Keynes–Hayek debate by considering the development of Keynesian economic theory, its ascension and application during financially sound times, the Hayekian critique, the monetary counter-revolution, and the Keynesian renaissance in the wake of the global financial crisis. It is shown that Keynesian fiscal measures prevail over the Hayekian approach in the midst of a crisis leading to rising inflation and public debt, depressed long-run growth and a new crisis.  相似文献   


Contrary to the prevailing literature, the study of economic dynamics began at the end of the nineteenth century, at least four decades before Hayek's and Samuelson's essays on dynamic equilibrium, as Pareto's dynamic insights prove. Throughout this early phase of the discipline, economists interested in dynamic studies put forward a wide spectrum of suggestions. This paper investigates the lines of research that sprang from the Italian debate either according to or in opposition to the Paretian mechanistic legacy, aiming to show that a growing awareness of subjective variables’ role weakened the mechanistic faith of the strictly Paretian followers, pushing them toward probabilistic analysis, anchoring dynamics to uncertainty and disequilibrium.  相似文献   


This comment on the special double issue of Feminist Economics on Amartya Sen's work discusses a number of themes and evaluates certain criticisms and claims in the volume. Sen's work involves a complex differentiation of distinct aspects of freedom. This differentiation is relevant to a number of criticisms. It is particularly helpful in evaluating various claims about Sen's focus on and the adequacy of his account of freedom. The article also considers claims about Sen's neglect of issues relating to interdependence and agency. To the degree that it is argued that some of these claims and criticisms can be addressed within Sen's conceptual framework, this article constitutes a qualified defense of his work. However, it does not claim that Sen's framework addresses all the criticisms that are leveled at it in the volume. Possible themes for future research are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Paul Krugman recently suggested that John Maynard Keynes helped economists study and resolve mass unemployment at a time when few of them could understand the problem and institutionalists seemed unable to articulate a clear policy strategy. This article responds by outlining John R. Commons' case for full employment with liberty and his three-part strategy (addressing money, people and politics) for curing joblessness while saving capitalism. Commons' argument and recommendations offer insights that extend beyond Keynesian economics in important ways, and his contributions have special relevance today in light of the recent global financial crisis and still ongoing Great Recession.  相似文献   

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