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We propose a multidimensional risk model where the common shock affecting all classes of insurance business is arriving according to a non-homogeneous periodic Poisson process. In this multivariate setting, we derive upper bounds of Lundberg-type for the probability that ruin occurs in all classes simultaneously using the martingale approach via piecewise deterministic Markov processes theory. These results are numerically illustrated in a bivariate risk model, where the beta-shape periodic claim intensity function is considered. Under the assumption of dependent heavy-tailed claims, asymptotic bounds for the finite-time ruin probabilities associated to three types of ruin in this multivariate framework are investigated.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate Gaussian risk models which include financial elements, such as inflation and interest rates. For some general models for inflation and interest rates, we obtain an asymptotic expansion of the finite-time ruin probability for Gaussian risk models. Furthermore, we derive an approximation of the conditional ruin time by an exponential random variable as the initial capital tends to infinity.  相似文献   

We introduce a methodology which deals with possibly integrated variables in the specification of the betas of conditional asset pricing models. In such a case, any model which is directly derived by a polynomial approximation of the functional form of the conditional beta will inherit a nonstationary right hand side. Our approach uses the cointegrating relationships between the integrated variables in order to maintain the stationarity of the right hand side of the estimated model, thus, avoiding the issues that arise in the case of an unbalanced regression. We present an example where our methodology is applied to the returns of funds-of-funds which are based on the Morningstar mutual fund ranking system. The results provide evidence that the residuals of possible cointegrating relationships between integrated variables in the specification of the conditional betas may reveal significant information concerning the dynamics of the betas.  相似文献   

The structural model uses the firm-value process and the default threshold to obtain the implied credit spread. Merton’s (J Finance 29:449–470, 1974) credit spread is reported too small compared to the observed market spread. Zhou (J Bank Finance 25:2015–2040, 2001) proposes a jump-diffusion firm-value process and obtains a credit spread that is closer to the observed market spread. Going in a different direction, the reduced-form model uses the observed market credit spread to obtain the probability of default and the mean recovery rate. We use a jump-diffusion firm-value process and the observed credit spread to obtain the implied jump distribution. Therefore, the discrepancy in credit spreads between the structural model and the reduced-form model can be removed. From the market credit spread, we obtain the implied probability of default and the mean recovery rate. When the solvency-ratio process in credit risk and the surplus process in ruin theory both follow jump-diffusion processes, we show a bridge between ruin theory and credit risk so that results developed in ruin theory can be used to develop analogous results in credit risk. Specifically, when the jump is Logexponentially distributed, it results in a Beta distributed recovery rate that is close to market experience. For bonds of multiple seniorities, we obtain closed-form solutions of the mean and variance of the recovery rate. We prove that the defective renewal equation still holds, even if the jumps are possibly negative. Therefore, we can use ruin theory as a methodology for assessing credit ratings.   相似文献   

We prove that the complete monotonicity is preserved under mixed geometric compounding, and hence show that the ruin probability, the Laplace transform of the ruin time, and the density of the tail of the joint distribution of ruin and the deficit at ruin in the Sparre Andersen model are completely monotone if the claim size distribution has a completely monotone density.  相似文献   

In this paper, a Sparre Andersen risk process with arbitrary interclaim time distribution is considered. We analyze various ruin-related quantities in relation to the expected present value of total operating costs until ruin, which was first proposed by Cai et al. [(2009a). On the expectation of total discounted operating costs up to default and its applications. Advances in Applied Probability 41(2), 495–522] in the piecewise-deterministic compound Poisson risk model. The analysis in this paper is applicable to a wide range of quantities including (i) the insurer's expected total discounted utility until ruin; and (ii) the expected discounted aggregate claim amounts until ruin. On one hand, when claims belong to the class of combinations of exponentials, explicit results are obtained using the ruin theoretic approach of conditioning on the first drop via discounted densities (e.g. Willmot [(2007). On the discounted penalty function in the renewal risk model with general interclaim times. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 41(1), 17–31]). On the other hand, without any distributional assumption on the claims, we also show that the expected present value of total operating costs until ruin can be expressed in terms of some potential measures, which are common tools in the literature of Lévy processes (e.g. Kyprianou [(2014). Fluctuations of L'evy processes with applications: introductory lectures, 2nd ed. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag]). These potential measures are identified in terms of the discounted distributions of ascending and descending ladder heights. We shall demonstrate how the formulas resulting from the two seemingly different methods can be reconciled. The cases of (i) stationary renewal risk model and (ii) surplus-dependent premium are briefly discussed as well. Some interesting invariance properties in the former model are shown to hold true, extending a well-known ruin probability result in the literature. Numerical illustrations concerning the expected total discounted utility until ruin are also provided.  相似文献   

We consider a Markov-modulated risk model in which the claim inter-arrivals, amounts and premiums are influenced by an external Markovian environment process. A system of Laplace transforms of the probabilities of the severity of ruin, given the initial environment state, is established from a system of integro-differential equations derived by Snoussi [The severity of ruin in Markov-modulated risk models Schweiz Aktuarver. Mitt., 2002, 1, 31–43]. In the two-state model, explicit formulas for probabilities of the severity of ruin are derived, when the initial reserve is zero or when both claim amount distributions are from the rational family. Numerical illustrations are also given.  相似文献   

This paper uses the GARCH technique to estimate time-varying individual firm risk measures for the mining sector. In general, the mining industry is riskier than the market with estimated betas greater than one. The results also show that the level of risk in the industry is quite volatile and can be divided into three distinct time periods according to the magnitude and variability of the firm's betas. Additionally, the number of observations in a sample has a strong relationship to the detection and estimation of an ARCH effect in the data, which cannot be explained by firm financial size.  相似文献   

We propose a novel class of convex risk measures, based on the concept of the Fréchet mean, designed in order to handle uncertainty which arises from multiple information sources regarding the risk factors of interest. The proposed risk measures robustly characterize the exposure of the firm, by filtering out appropriately the partial information available in individual sources into an aggregate model for the risk factors of interest. Importantly, the proposed risks can be expressed in closed analytic forms allowing for interesting qualitative interpretations as well as comparative statics and thus facilitate their use in the everyday risk management process of the insurance firms. The potential use of the proposed risk measures in insurance is illustrated by two concrete applications, capital risk allocation and premia calculation under uncertainty.  相似文献   


South Sudan was born amid great hope for a country that boasted vast natural wealth. Inheriting a virtually lunar political and economic landscape, this hope quickly gave way under kleptocratic governance and corruption, a volatile political environment with recent horrendous violence, and the ensuing loss of oil revenues and cuts in foreign investment and aid. These current crises were based on a historical lack of effective and legitimate power: South Sudan, in reality, has historically existed as a geographical appellation, with a bare minimum of cohesive society and functional nation-state, but with far more potent of trans-historical interethnic antipathies among its fractious communities and competing regions. To date, the reasons for South Sudan’s quick failure are rooted in either the vague problems of newness (fragility) and/or missteps by its elites (risk). This article assesses the relevance of political risk management literature for guiding the governance of nascent states and seeks to establish some criteria for distinguishing generic weakness from the risky behavior of political elites in engendering state failure. It asks whether the political elites of South Sudan were thinking about risk prior to the crisis, and why this risk management was so flawed – if it existed in the first place. The challenge is not only in disciplining, codifying, and containering the future through law-like regulations – but in managing the hazardscapes and complex risk milieu, such as, triggers that activate blowups. Always politicians – and especially in South Sudan – do not think through these concepts, and if they do, things might go better.  相似文献   


1. For the definition of general processes with special regard to those concerned in Collective Risk Theory reference is made to Cramér (Collective Risk Theory, Skandia Jubilee Volume, Stockholm, 1955). Let the independent parameter of such a process be denoted by τ, with the origin at the point of departure of the process and on a scale independent of the number of expected changes of the random function. Denote with p(τ, n)dt the asymptotic expression for the conditional probability of one change in the random function while the parameter passes from τ to τ + dτ: relative to the hypothesis that n changes have occurred, while the parameter passes from 0 to τ. Assume further—unless the contrary is stated—that the probability of more than one change, while the parameter passes from τ to τ + dτ, is of smaller order than dτ.  相似文献   

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