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The Global Innovation Index (GII) was proposed to observe the innovation capability and efficiency levels of individual countries using input and output factors. However, it does not consider potential structural relationships among factors affecting the innovation performance of a country. In this study, we proposed a structural equation model (SEM) based on the hypothesised national innovation structure among seven factors representing inputs (institution, human capital and research, infrastructure, market sophistication, and business sophistication) and outputs (knowledge and technology outputs, and creative outputs). Using GII data from 2013, we discovered that business sophistication and infrastructure have the strongest direct and indirect effects on creative output, respectively. In addition, a new ranking is obtained based on the fitted SEM. We provide feedback information to improve innovation capabilities.  相似文献   

Policy makers often need to determine which key projects should be prioritised for national infrastructure investment. In this light, this research uses the evaluating indicators for infrastructure as found in the World Competitiveness Yearbook and proposes a leading and lagging fuzzy score graphics-based model to achieve the following objectives: a) distinguish the leading and lagging degree of each indicator more accurately; b) assist policy makers to find out the strongest and the (relatively) weakest infrastructure items and c) highlight the key fields of national infrastructure that need improvement. Taiwan is used as a case study to test the viability of the model proposed. We show how this methodology will help policy makers to determine the key issues requiring improvement towards the national infrastructure system.  相似文献   

基于结构方程模型的城市竞争力评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
管伟峰  张可  杨旭 《经济与管理》2010,24(11):41-45
当地需求、当地供给、公共制度、全球联系是决定城市综合竞争力的四个重要的因素,其中公共制度是影响城市竞争力的首要因素。采用全球500个城市的样本数据,运用结构方程模型建立城市竞争力评价指标方法,不但可以对多个城市的竞争力进行比较,还能比较同一城市的理论竞争力和实际竞争力,从而找出城市间差异性和共性。  相似文献   

城市可持续发展能力与城市竞争力关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章首先回顾了城市可持续发展和城市竞争力的研究文献,并以209个地市级城市为样本,借助结构方程模型对城市可持续发展能力与城市竞争力的关系进行了实证研究。研究表明,城市可持续发展能力对城市竞争力有正面的影响效应,其标准化值为0.86。文章最后就如何提升城市可持续发展能力进行了探讨。  相似文献   


With the advent of the knowledge economy, technology has become the foundation of advancement for many enterprises. To maintain a lasting competitive edge, enterprises must accurately determine the competitiveness of particular technologies. However, emerging innovations are becoming more and more complex, and interdisciplinary trends complicate matters even further. In the competitiveness evaluation based on patent, traditional patent classifications are both loose and time-sensitive. In this paper, we constructed the evaluation model of enterprise’s technology competitiveness based on the technological topics generated by a latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic model. LDA topic model is able to classify technologies into narrower categories and can, therefore, provide rich information on the competitive landscape of a field. Two indexes are used to determine the technological competitiveness of an enterprise in the model – a specialisation index and a diversification index. At the same time, we explore the distribution of enterprises with different technological topics through the relative share, the technology’s appeal, and the competitive advantage that technology might give an enterprise. The empirical study on intelligent connected vehicles validates the model, and the results provide theoretical support for developing R&D strategies and/or making investment decisions.  相似文献   

运用GEM模型对湖南醴陵陶瓷产业集群的竞争力进行实证性评价,结果显示湖南醴陵陶瓷产业集群具有超过全国平均水平的实力,但作为全国瓷城的湖南醴陵,在其陶瓷产业集群的发展过程中仍存在很多的问题,使其聚集效应没有得到充分的发挥。这些问题的存在影响了湖南醴陵陶瓷产业集群集聚效应的充分发挥,不利于实现陶瓷产业集群的整体竞争优势,也使集群内企业难以成长。总体来说竞争优势不明显。在上述研究的基础上提出进一步提升湖南醴陵陶瓷产业集群竞争力的政策建议。  相似文献   

Since the rise of the global financial crisis, there has been revival of interest in performance indexes that measure the overall stance of the economy and the wellbeing of households. Such indexes typically consist of inflation, growth, employment and long-term interest rates. We develop such an index by appending exchange rate and weighting each variable by the inverse of its variance in order to prevent the more volatile variable to dominate the index. We call this macroeconomic performance index (MPI) and argue that such an index better explains the overall economic stance especially in emerging economies. We generate the index using data from three emerging economies, namely Turkey, Brazil and Poland. Our analysis indicates that the index has a nonlinear structure and hence we analyse its behaviour using threshold autoregressive (TAR) model. It is observed that MPI captures the economic stance and main economic incidents quite successfully in each subject country. To further see the relevance of the MPI, we run TAR cointegration analysis with consumer confidence indexes (CCIs) for the subject countries with TAR cointegration test. The results indicate long-term relationship between the MPI and CCI in all three countries.  相似文献   

建立了工程项目人际关系和项目管理绩效的影响因素及其指标体系,构建了人际关系对工程项目管理绩效影响的结构方程模型。利用问卷调查数据,运用SPSS17.0软件和LISREL8.8软件,对初始的结构方程模型进行验证和修正,得到最优结构方程模型。结果显示:过程绩效和各方满意绩效受人际关系各因子的正向影响;产品绩效只受到关系互动的正向影响,受到关系氛围和关系认知的间接影响,其中关系互动对产品绩效提升的贡献最大,对各方满意提升的贡献最小。  相似文献   


Defining business model as the logic/mode/way/framework to seek profit/money and glancing at the evolution of concept business, this paper develops a business model schema (BMS) as a holistic two-dimensions multi-level tool/method for business model innovation (BMI) based on the direct causal mechanisms of profit (DCMP). First, this paper takes DCMP as the logical/theoretical framework by which business model innovation process is identified and specified. And according to that process, it develops a BMS, illustrates an example of BMS to show up its practical usefulness, compares the similarities and differences between BMS and the existing powerful one business model canvas (BMC), and finally asserts that BMS must be a good and useful method in theory and practice because it stands on DCMP that ensures the genuine causality of profit and also it turns out practically useful, recalling the Kurt Lewin’s maxim (1945), “There is nothing so practical as a good theory.  相似文献   

从投入产出角度,运用超效率三阶段DEA模型与Malmquist模型相结合的分析方法,修正了环境因素与随机因素的影响,从静态与动态的时间角度对2008_2012年我国30个省(市、自治区)经济发展效率进行分析。结果表明:从静态层面看,我国各省经济发展效率不容乐观,综合效率值较低,大约2/3省的经济发展都处于低效状态;经济发展效率受环境影响较大,剔除环境因素的影响后,各省综合效率均显著下降;三大区域中,东部地区经济发展效率仍处于领先地位,西部地区次之,中部地区最低,但整体来看区域间经济发展效率差异逐渐减小。从动态层面看,通过Malmquist模型分析,考察期间全要素效率和综合技术效率M值逐年下降,技术进步效率逐渐增长,且全要素效率下降的主要原因是纯技术效率下降。因此,各地区应该充分发挥优势,加快技术创新,提高规模效率,进一步提升发展水平。  相似文献   

Business model innovation is one of the firm’s most important strategic decisions. Top management team (TMT), as the critical decision-makers, has essential influence upon such decisions. However, the role of TMT diversity in shaping the performance of business model innovation is less explored in the literature. Based on a sample dataset of 906 observations of small and medium enterprises from China Startups Stock Market during the period of 2009–2011, we find that TMT diversity exhibits a significant threshold effect on the relationship between business model innovation (in terms of novelty-centred and efficiency-centred business model) and firm performance. More specifically, when TMT functional diversity arrives at a certain level, the positive relationship between novelty-centred business model and firm performance becomes more pronounced. On the other hand, the positive relationship between efficiency-centred business model innovation and firm performance will be more significant when TMT tenure diversity increases to a certain level.  相似文献   

金融增长表现为金融资产规模与金融机构数量的扩张,而金融发展涉及的是金融质量的提高,因此,金融发展的质量便成为促进区域经济增长的核心要素。已有的金融和经济增长文献研究大多集中在金融体系的规模,很少涉及用来解释经济增长差异的金融中介质量调节。本文运用我国中部、东部、西部部分地区经济和金融中介发展的数据,分析金融发展与区域经济增长之间的关系,通过具体银行效率评价,提出了对经济增长存在巨大影响的金融中介调节质量的方法。本文的分析表明金融发展质量调节的改善促进了要素生产率的提高,降低了金融代理的成本,增进金融产品和服务成本的能力。  相似文献   

企业财务战略绩效应从行业、历史和期望角度进行评价。本文根据某高新技术企业的特征,设计绩效评价指标体系,通过熵权法和扩散指数法进行实证分析,从历史角度对企业财务战略绩效进行评价,并提出该企业可以采用稳健型筹资策略、稳定型投资战略,重视收现目标等以提高企业财务战略绩效。  相似文献   

运用DEA-BCC模型测算我国2005—2016年30个省(区、市)科技金融效率,并建立相应空间面板模型对影响科技金融的因素进行分析。研究结果表明:我国省际科技金融效率区域差异较大,整体水平相对偏低,只有少数经济相对发达的东部地区科技金融效率达到了有效生产前沿面;除研发投入强度对科技金融效率有负向影响外,科研氛围、高技术产业资金规模等影响因素对科技金融效率有显著促进作用。为此,提出有效促进地区科技金融效率提高的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

改革开放30年以来,随着宏观经济的迅猛发展,广西保险业不断发展壮大。通过建立VAR模型,运用脉冲响应函数与方差分解的方法,分析了广西保险发展与宏观经济之间的关联机制。分析结果表明,广西保险发展与宏观经济增长之间存在明显的正相关关系;广西宏观经济增长是保险发展的Granger原因,但保险发展对宏观经济增长的作用不显著;广西宏观经济增长与保险发展之间的具体关联过程存在较大差异,人均可支配收入的增长对保险发展具有立竿见影的效果,而保险发展对经济增长的作用较为滞后,需经历两年的时滞后才开始发挥作用,且作用相对较弱。  相似文献   

根据国内企业实施SAP及其绩效评价研究现状,借鉴平衡计分卡在绩效评价中的思路,提出SAP平衡计分卡,并运用层次分析法为指标赋予权重,构建一套SAP实施绩效评价模型。  相似文献   

中国能源利用的经济效率、环境绩效与节能减排潜力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文采用全要素方法,将环境污染(二氧化碳排放和二氧化硫排放)作为能源利用经济产出的环境成本纳入研究框架,运用2000~2007年中国省际面板数据,选取基于投入导向的CCR-DEA模型,测算了中国29个省份能源利用的经济效率并度量了其环境绩效,在此基础上计算得到中国各省份的节能减排潜力;分析了中国东、中、西部三大地区之间的效率差异并采用Tobit模型检验了中国节能减排能力的影响因素。得出的主要结论包括(1)当前中国能源利用的经济效率及其环境绩效整体水平都偏低,尚具有很大的提升空间;(2)中国各省份、三大地区的能效及其环境绩效发展都显著不平衡,节能减排潜力巨大;(3)经济发展水平对一个地区的节能减排能力有显著影响,而促进技术进步、优化经济结构和能源结构是当前提升中国节能减排能力的主要途径。  相似文献   

L. Beaudin  J. Skaza 《Applied economics》2013,45(55):6041-6053
Building upon previous studies that highlight considerable overlap in the influential factors of both obesity and depression, we employ a structural model to investigate the direct and indirect impacts of behavioural and demographic factors on obesity. We use new body mass index (BMI) to calculate the obesity status and find a significant relationship between an individual’s depression status and his/her obesity status. The results and simulations imply that demographic and behavioural factors can significantly influence the obesity status both directly and indirectly through their impact on depression. Therefore, this study suggests that models which do not account for these various pathways of influence are most likely misrepresenting the impact of these factors on obesity.  相似文献   

以技术市场发展指标作为中介变量,构建互联网发展对技术创新效率的面板回归模型,实证检验互联网发展对高技术产业技术创新带来的直接和间接影响效果。结果表明:(1)2009—2019年,技术创新效率在[0.1932,0.4043]内,且上升趋势明显,成果转化阶段效率明显高于知识生产阶段;(2)从理论方面推导互联网发展对于技术创新效率的直接影响,以及通过技术市场厚度和流畅度两种中介路径的间接影响,提出假设1~假设3;(3)实证结果表明,三个理论假设在研究样本中均成立。互联网快速发展不仅对高技术产业的技术创新效率具有直接的正向驱动效应,而且通过市场厚度和市场流畅度两个中介变量产生的间接效应均显著为正值。在东中西三个经济区,表现出明显的异质性。“互联网+技术市场”战略是提升高技术产业创新资源优化布局发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

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