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丁赛  董晓媛李实 《经济学》2007,6(4):1319-1338
要本文利用1988、1995和2002年的中国城镇家庭收入调查数据,旨在比较改革的渐进期(1988--1995年)和深化期(1995--2002年),城镇已婚女性的就业和就业收入对家庭收入差距的影响。我们发现在两个时期,已婚女性的就业明显下降,其就业收入都起到了缩小家庭收入差距的作用。在改革渐进期,已婚女性就业收入缩小家庭收入差距的作用不断加强;而在改革深化期这一作用是下降的。和改革渐进期相比,已婚女性就业收入的变化在改革深化期成为了缩小家庭收入差距的重要原因。  相似文献   

家庭收入与中国城镇已婚妇女劳动参与决策分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
姚先国  谭岚 《经济研究》2005,40(7):18-27
在中国经济的转型期间女性劳动参与率出现了明显下降,这种下降趋势在年龄较大以及教育程度较低的妇女群组中表现更为突出。与此同时我国的男女收入差距也在不断扩大。然而丈夫收入并不能充分解释女性劳动参与率的变动。已婚妇女劳动参与率下降最大的家庭并不是丈夫收入增长最快的家庭。1995—2002年间丈夫收入仅仅解释了整体已婚妇女劳动参与率变动的12.87%,以及低收入家庭中已婚妇女劳动参与率变动的7.74%。与其说我国女性劳动参与率的下降是家庭收入提高从而家庭重新分工的自主选择,不如说是严峻的就业形势所迫。  相似文献   

本文使用1988年、1995年、2002年、2007年CHIP城镇入户调查数据考察国有单位工资结构及其就业规模变化的收入分配效应。为此,本文采用了分位数回归方法、以多重分位数回归为基础的Machado&Mata(2005)反事实分解方法及作者扩展了的方法。各结果表明:国有企业就业份额大幅度下降导致中国城镇工资收入差距显著下降;然而国有企业减员增效改革完成以后,国有企业工资高于非国有企业的幅度及其不合理部分大幅度上升,其结果是城镇工资收入差距扩大。  相似文献   

中国城镇贫困的变化趋势和模式:1988—2002   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文利用中国家庭收入项目(CHIP)调查数据,估计了1988—2002年中国城镇绝对贫困的变化趋势。根据CHIP调查数据所绘制的贫困发生曲线表明,不论把绝对贫困线确定在哪里,在该时期内中国城镇贫困都在显著减少。1988—1995年,收入分配不平等加剧,但此后基本保持稳定。分析收入和贫困决定因素的多元回归模型显示,教育、性别和中共党员等特征扩大了收入差异。来自政府反贫困措施的生活困难救助对减少城镇贫困影响很小。城镇贫困的缓解几乎完全归因于经济增长而非收入再分配。  相似文献   

中国城镇就业收入差距的扩大及其原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,随着中国城镇国有企业改革和私营企业的迅速发展,中国城镇就业者收入结构发生了巨大的变化,收入差距不断扩大。本文采用1988年和2007年中国住户收入调查(CHIP)城镇数据,分析了城镇个人就业收入差距不断扩大的幅度及其影响因素。本文的研究结果表明,劳动力市场对就业者人力资本的回报显著提高,成为收入不平等扩大的主要贡献因素。除此之外,性别间、省份间收入差距的扩大,都对城镇就业收入不平等的加剧有显著的影响作用。  相似文献   

本文运用中国家庭收入项目调查(CHIP)1988年、1995年、2002年及2007年独生子女样本,使用Jorgenson Fraumeni未来终生收入法,旨在更加精确地估算中国城镇的代际收入流动水平,并分析其时间趋势、群体分布特点。研究发现:第一,基于该方法得到的未来终生年收入均值可最大程度显著减小父代收入测量误差导致的向下偏误。第二,我国城镇代际收入流动水平趋于下降,收入结构趋于固化,1988年、1995年、2002年、2007年代际收入弹性系数范围分别为(大于0262)、(大于0483)、(0466,0544)以及(0483,0554)。第三,中国城镇的代际收入流动水平呈现非线性特征,不同收入水平的家庭之间代际收入流动差别较大。  相似文献   

缩小收入差距、释放“性别红利”,对于家庭福利改善以及共同富裕实现都至关重要。通过构建测度数字经济的指标体系,结合2015—2019年中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)数据,探究了数字经济对性别收入差距的影响,以及从母职惩罚角度检验背后的影响机制。研究发现,数字经济能够缩小性别收入差距。机制分析表明,数字经济能够缓解母职惩罚,帮助母亲群体增强工作的稳定性和便利性并促进她们的就业参与,从而提高女性收入、缩小性别收入差距。  相似文献   

中国居民财产分布不均等及其原因的经验分析   总被引:55,自引:1,他引:54  
使用中国社会科学院经济研究所收入分配课题组1995年和2002年调查数据,本文对中国居民财产分布的不均等情况进行了描述,对这一不均等状况进行了分析。本文发现,中国居民的财产分布差距出现了快速而且明显扩大的趋势,这一扩大的趋势主要来自于城乡之间差距的急剧拉大。其中,城镇公有住房的私有化过程既造成了此间城镇财产差距的缩小,同时又扩大了城乡之间乃至全国财产的收入差距;而随着土地收益的下降,土地价值在农村居民财产总值中相对份额降低,造成其原本具有的缩小全国财产差距的作用减弱。另外,本文还认为,居民的金融资产对总财产分布不平等的推动作用将会进一步增强。  相似文献   

对于非农就业转移是否能缩小城乡收入差距问题,本文采用改进后的理论模型,并运用吉林省1990—2011年数据进行经验研究。结论显示,非农就业转移过程显著地缩小了吉林省城乡收入差距。虽然"非农就业转移比"每增长1%,城乡收入差距仅缩小0.849%,却预示着非农就业转移在降低吉林省城乡收入差距方面具有可以挖掘的潜力。  相似文献   

石磊  普丽娜  李金雨 《技术经济》2023,42(11):191-200
移动互联网等数字技术的发展对实现充分就业具有重要作用,促进女性就业和创业是实现充分就业的必要前提。本文基于 2019 年中国家庭金融调查数据,研究了移动互联网的使用对女性非农就业、收入和性别工资差距的影响。研究发现,移动互联网使用促进了女性非农就业,显著缩小了与男性的就业差距。使用 Heckman 两步法和工具变量法克服内生性问题后的结果表明,移动互联网使用显著促进了女性收入的提高,且这种促进作用偏向于女性,缩小了与男性的收入差距。替换被解释变量后上述结论依然稳健。异质性分析发现,相比于从事受雇工作,移动互联网使用对女性创业的促进作用更强;但对已经就业的女性,移动互联网使用显著提升了受雇者的收入,未能显著增加创业者的收入。结论认为,为持续提高女性就业和收入,需要进一步加强移动互联网基础设施建设、转变传统的性别观念以及增强互联网对人力资本投资的作用。  相似文献   

Economic Restructuring and Income Inequality in Urban China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Economic transition from a planned to a market oriented economy is often associated with a widening of income inequality. The nature of this change, however, may differ during different stages of the economic transition. This paper investigates the increase in income inequality in urban China during two phases of economic reform: a moderate reform era (1988–95) and a radical reform era (1995–99). It is found that although income inequality increased considerably during both stages, the nature and causes of the increase are different. In the moderate reform period, the increase in inequality was a result of some parts of society sharing more of the economic gain than others, and the main cause of this inequality is regional income dispersion. During the radical reform period income reductions at the lower end of the distribution is observed, and it is mainly due to the large-scale unemployment generated by labor reallocation.  相似文献   

This paper uses household budget survey microdata to explorethe growth in household income inequality in Hungary in theperiod 1987–1995, and compares it with inequality in theUK in 1995–96. Decomposition of inequality according toboth household characteristics and income sources shows that,while inequality did grow rapidly in Hungary over the earlyTransition period, several factors prevented its growth to higherlevels. One of these factors, the distribution of employmentand earnings between households, is explored in some detail.While there was considerable polarisation between householdswith and without employed members in the UK in 1995–96,this was less of a feature in Hungary, in spite of a massivewithdrawal of men and women from the labour market between 1987and 1995. Rather, a narrowing of the gender pay gap and a continuedhigh level of female participation in employment appears tohave ensured that, even as earnings inequality in Hungary increasedto the extent that it surpassed earnings inequality in the UK,the distribution of household earnings, and the distributionof household incomes, remained more equal in Hungary.  相似文献   

This article analyses changes in the distributions of working‐age individuals' earnings and total income in New Zealand over the period 1998–2004. We find that there have been broad gains in income across the distribution, suggesting the spoils of growth have been shared widely. Mean and median earnings increased 15 and 23 per cent respectively, while mean and median income increased 12–13 per cent. Inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient, was more stable: earnings inequality fell 4 per cent, while income inequality was unchanged. The main drivers of the changes were employment and real wage growth. We estimate that roughly one‐half of the growth in average incomes was due to employment growth, and one‐quarter each to demographic changes and wage growth. The relative employment and wage contributions varied across the income distribution: employment growth dominated gains at the lower end of the distribution, while wage gains dominated changes at the higher end.  相似文献   

The pattern of employment among men and women has changed remarkably over the past decades. The growth in the participation in the labor market of women with high-income husbands has heightened concerns that wives' earnings may increase income inequality among married couples, especially in countries like Italy, the U.K., and the U.S., where more noticeable growth of income inequality during the past decade has accompanied changes in employment levels. In this paper we attempt to measure the impact of the changes of women and men's employment patterns on the distribution of income among Italian households, by considering regional differences, using micro data from the Historical Archive of the Bank of Italy Survey of Household Income and Wealth (SHIW) for the period 1977–98. Our results indicate that total income distribution would have been more unequal without women's labor income.  相似文献   

随着巨大的经济和社会变革,中国的收入不平等程度发生了巨大变化。依据CHIP家庭微观调查1988-2007年的数据,使用基尼系数分解以及非参数分解等多种方法,本文试图对本地非农就业、外出务工等不同类型的家庭从业模式与农村收入不平等的关系进行较为全面的探讨。研究得出了一些有价值的结论:首先,从整体的收入分布来看,早期的农村地区的发展更多伴随着不平等程度提高,而后期经济增长则带来更多福利改善;其次,家庭主要非农收入来源是本地非农就业,外出务工所得具有缩小收入差距的作用,而本地非农就业则具有扩大作用,随着时间推移其作用程度也有所改变;最后,经济增长成果惠及不同群体,但并非平均分配,不同群体获益情况不同,增长和不平等通过作用于不同类型家庭影响到最终的收入分布。  相似文献   

This paper uses data from the Luxembourg Income Study to examine some of the forces that have driven changes in household income inequality over the last three decades of the twentieth century. We decompose inequality for six countries (Canada, Germany, Norway, Sweden, the U.K., and the U.S.) into the three sources of market income (earnings, property income, and income from self‐employment) and taxes and transfers. Our findings indicate that although changes in the distribution of earnings are an important force behind recent trends, they are not the only one. Greater earnings dispersion has in some cases been accompanied by a reduction in the share of earnings which dampened its impact on overall household income inequality. In some countries the contribution of self‐employment income to inequality has been on the rise, while in others, increases in inequality in capital income account for a substantial fraction of the observed distributional changes.  相似文献   

股票价格对内在价值的偏离度分析   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:40  
本文考察了奥尔森 (Ohlson)剩余收益定价理论 ,指出了传统线性信息模型的不足 ,提出了公司存续期有限和公司存续期无限但剩余收益存续期有限情况下的内净率 (内在价值 净资产比率 )决定模型。对资本成本、净资产收益率、分红规则和剩余收益存续期对内净率的影响进行了模拟。根据上市公司近年来的业绩记录 ,通过内净率与市净率的比较发现 ,目前中国上市公司的股价大大高于其内在价值 ,其中ST类公司的股价与其内在价值偏离的更多。本文认为 ,当前股市正在经历具有体制性、结构性特点的调整 ,决定了这一调整过程的长期性。  相似文献   

Twenty Years of Rising Inequality in U.S. Lifetime Labour Income Values   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper we study the evolution of lifetime labour income inequality by constructing present value life cycle measures that incorporate both earnings and employment risk. We find that, even though lifetime income inequality is 40% less than earnings inequality, the total increase in lifetime income inequality over the past 20 years is the same as earnings inequality. While the total increase is the same, the pathways there differ with earnings inequality experiencing a steady increase and lifetime income inequality increasing in spurts particularly in the latter half of the 1990s. Finally, we find the changes in lifetime income inequality are primarily driven by changes in earnings mobility and changes in the earnings distribution itself, changes in employment risk and the composition of the sample, such as the shift toward attaining more education and the ageing population, do not play a large role.  相似文献   

Using a shift‐share analysis on March CPS data, this paper estimates the degree to which changes in labor earnings, employment, and marriage patterns account for household income inequality growth in the United States since 1979. The factors contributing to the rapid rise in income inequality in the 1980s differ substantially from those contributing to its slower increase since that time. Unlike findings for the 1980s when changes in the correlation of spouses' earnings accounted for income inequality growth, this factor is no longer a major contributor toward its continued increase. Additionally, the 2000s business cycle is the first full business cycle in at least 30 years where changes in earnings of male household heads accounted for declines in income inequality. Instead, the continued growth in income inequality in the 2000s was accounted for primarily by increases in female earnings inequality and declines in both male and female employment.  相似文献   

In this study we document recent trends in family earnings inequality using data from the Canadian Census and provide insight into the various factors that drive changes in the family earnings distribution. Over the period 1980–95 we observe substantial increases in family earnings inequality. In contrast, we find that some decrease in inequality occurred over the period 1995–2005 although the earnings of the richest 1 percent of families increased substantially. We use semi‐parametric decomposition methods to show that increases in the employment rates of men and women, increases in their educational attainment, and decreases in assortative mating tended to have equalizing effects on the family earnings distribution. We also show that increases in the returns to higher education and increases in the proportion of single individuals as well as lone‐parent families drove increases in family earnings inequality.  相似文献   

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