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(国家大剧院前)大卫:你好,请问北京大学怎么走?路人甲:这没有直接到北大的公共汽车,你需要换乘。或者先做地铁,再换公交。大卫:太麻烦了。我想打车去,可是找不到出租车。路人甲:哦,长安街上出租车不能停。你走到下个路口,那儿出租车可以停。  相似文献   

Consumers use a variety of decision-making styles. This paper conceptualizes eight basic characteristics of these styles and develops a Consumer Styles Inventory to measure them empirically. Factor analysis of the Consumer Styles Inventory validates these eight consumer characteristics. A valid and reliable method for presenting a Profile of Consumer Style, based on measures of the eight style characteristics, is described. Unique findings of the research are discussed, and applications of the Consumer Styles Inventory in consumer education, consumer research, and family financial counseling are suggested.  相似文献   

“评价什么就得到什么”一直是管理界永恒的信条,但究竟应该评价什么?又该如何评价?也一直是众多志士仁人毕其一生所追求的。时下市场经济飞速发展也正呼唤能有一套科学的战略绩效评价体系诞生。为此研究传统绩效评价体系归纳出传统绩效评价的三个顽疾,逐步分析指出平衡计分卡是如何驱动战略绩效评价,克服传统障碍的,并指导企业有效地评价企业战略。同时也就平衡计分卡中的两点不足在模型上予以修正,通过研究,第一次将TQC理论应用于绩效评价。  相似文献   

On January 21,2009,the State Council has approved The Opinion on Further Reform of Medicine and Sanitation System.This new proposal pointed that the government will invest RMB 850 billion for 5 medical reforms during 2009 to 2011.  相似文献   

Raising guests' expectations is a valuable marketing ploy—but you'd better be able to deliver whatever you promise  相似文献   

EC anti-trust legislation is based on Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty of Rome. You need to know these articles of law if you plan to aggressively market in the EC.  相似文献   

Here's a four-step process to help you analyze both the opportunities and potential hazards of 1992. Even if you've already made your plans, it's a way to make sure you've considered all the implications of a Single Europe.  相似文献   

When you start a venture, you start with yourself: your own personal operating system, or POS. Then, you identify and define your compelling product or service, something you should already know a lot about. You also need to use your sales skills to convince key stakeholders to support you, and to design your venture by putting together a pattern that works. The next step is to put together a team to help you implement the pattern you have designed, the men and women who will make up your garage team. The garage team is made up of the core people in a start‐up, people who help graduate the entrepreneur to the role of leader, because a leader with no followers is a leader of none. This article explores the essential attributes of such a team and how they contribute to the success of entrepreneurial ventures. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

行为区让你用团队成员的眼光看待事情,了解他们的需要和喜好;行为区也鼓励你去对其他人的本性和喜好充满好奇,并尽可能接纳它们.一旦你做到了这点,你会发现他们会反过来接纳你.  相似文献   

你能报给我这些商品的价格吗? 若质量好且价格适合我方市场的话,我们愿考虑与你方签署一项长期合同。 若我方向你们长期订货,请告知能给予多少折扣,不甚感激。  相似文献   

本文认为,独特销售主张(USP)是企业向顾客传递的独特、精炼而又引人注目的利益承诺,其目的是创造积极的顾客反应。要通过顾客满意和竞争对手两种研究方法,分析预期顾客和当前顾客最重要而竞争对手又很难复制的利益,进而提出独特的销售主张。文章提出,客观真实存在的物理特征和利益是独特销售主张让人信服的基础,独特的组织主张可弥补顾客价值和品牌价值之间的缺口,使人信任的理由(RTB)是独特销售主张的支撑和保障,员工培训可使所有员工熟知并支持独特销售主张,利用多种场合与机会展示独特销售主张应变成销售活动的重要组成部分,这些都是独特销售主张发生效力的保障。同时,考虑到竞争对手最终可能复制或超越竞争优势,一个独特的销售主张不可能永久持续下去,需要根据竞争和顾客满意状态的变化,通过竞争对手研究和顾客满意研究,对独特销售主张进行审查和更新。  相似文献   

W. Coleman 《Metroeconomica》1991,42(3):199-211
It is shown that Multiplier-Accelerator models under plausible parameter assumptions do not cycle, but manifest the two Harrod Propositions; a Unique Warranted Rate of Growth and a Knife Edge.  相似文献   

对上市公司财务分析的几点建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上市公司对于投资者来说是一种很好的投资渠道,但如何选择投资的企业却不是一件易事,一旦选择失误,损失重大。在投资过程中,要想理性决策,必须要从两大方面来进行:一是全面了解,二是重点分析。在全面了解的基础上进行重点分析,从而找出对决策有用的信息  相似文献   

There are many legal issues you should be aware of when you enter into a futures contract with real estate broker or developer to buy a property in Shanghai. This time, we would like to remind you of another important issue which will be frequently neglected by most of the buyer when they signining a future contract.  相似文献   

One of the worst things about being disabled is the loneliness. Able-bodied people do not have to wait for busy friends to find time to visit them. They can get on to a bus or a tube or a train and go visiting, or to the shops or a cinema or club, as the mood takes them. If you are in a wheelchair, you can't. You will get taken to hospital or a day centre or to your doctor, if need be, but nowhere for fun. The idea has arisen in several countries that there should be a special service for people with disabilities, who cannot use public transport and cannot drive or use friends' cars. This would be the equivalent of what taxis provide for the able-bodied — the possibility of getting out and going where you want, when you want, when there is no public transport, or car, available to take you.  相似文献   

You have a nice salary, but you still feel short of money. At the end of each month, you often ask yourself, "Where has all my money gone"? To help you better manage your salary, here comes some money saving tips. Following them your daily expense will be cut off easily, but still keep the quality of your life.  相似文献   

Imagine that you are browsing through a magazine, and you see one of your favorite celebrities in an advertisement. Then, a bit further into the magazine you see that same celebrity in an ad for a different product. A few hours later, you think of the celebrity again and try to remember the products s/he was endorsing, but what will you actually recall? This paper examines consumer memory for celebrity advertising under conditions where a single celebrity advertises for more than one brand. Using contextual interference as the theoretical lens, the current research posits and demonstrates how brands in a celebrity's “endorsement portfolio” compete with one another when consumers use the celebrity as retrieval cue for information that was contained in the ads. The findings of the laboratory experiment reveal that brands sharing either a high or low match with the celebrity win the battle during retrieval and inhibit consumers’ ability to accurately recall ad information for brands sharing a more moderate match with the celebrity. The theoretical practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Business is war. And in war, it is a matter of survival of the fittest. In order to survive in today's cutthroat business environment, we must be properly armed. And one of the most important arrows in the executive's quiver is accurate knowledge of competitors and their business environment. In other words, detailed knowledge of the enemy and the terrain of the battlefield. Every major country on earth recognizes the importance of intelligence and employs an intelligence agency to collect it for them. Over 2,500 years ago, the Chinese general Sun Tzu wrote: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Frederick the Great also expressed his opinion on the importance of intelligence when he said: “It is pardonable to be defeated, but never surprised.” In today's highly competitive business world it is becoming more and more important to know your competition-know your enemy-and, particularly in the international arena, to know your battlefield. There are minefields out there, and it is imperative to be able to identify and avoid them. You can still lose, even when armed with superior forces, if the terrain is against you. 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

这种在母公司内核之上建立多个创业平台的模式在中国将成为一种趋势,这是大公司满足内部高管创业冲动的最好方式之一  相似文献   

林宇  饶宇锋 《创业家》2009,(11):118-121
读者大人的思考题!我网真秦创诚业地过建程议中亲遇爱到的的读三者个大难人题们。在如阅果读换本作文是之你前,花会五如分何钟决思断考?三个问题,这是  相似文献   

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