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This study replicated Evans, Heiman-Hoffman and Rau’s (hereafter, EHR) [Evans, J. H., III, Heiman-Hoffman, V. B., & Rau, S. (1994). The accountability demand for information. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 6, 24–42] US study, using Chinese MBA students as participants. The Chinese students acted as owners and selected one of two control systems. One control system requires truthful reporting and the other control system permits the manager to falsify the report. The two systems have the same expected payoff to the owner if the owner believes that the manager will always lie when given the opportunity. If the owner believes that there is any probability that the manager will tell the truth, then the more Lenient System has the higher expected payoff. We compared the US versus Chinese control system choices, and examined whether the Chinese owner-participants would be willing to sacrifice wealth to get accountability. The results indicate that a significant proportion of Chinese participants do have an accountability demand for information, and that this proportion is at least as high as that of the US participants in EHR.  相似文献   

Internationally but also within countries, large differences exist regarding how environmental health risks (EHRs) are governed. Despite these differences, at a meta‐level some general trends can be discerned that may point to a convergence of EHR governance regimes. One, EHR governance regimes are increasingly taking into account cost‐benefit considerations, sectoral goals outside the health risk domain, public concerns and stakeholder interests in early stages of decision‐making. Two, EHR objectives are increasingly integrated in other, sectoral policies such as land use planning. Three, an increased differentiation of EHR standards is observed (partly as a consequence of the former characteristic). Still little systematic empirical research has been conducted on the dynamics in EHR governance regimes and their causes, on what EHR governance regimes have produced in terms of (perceived) risk reduction and on how these results can be explained. This paper proposes a systematic framework for analysing, explaining and evaluating shifts in EHR governance regimes. The framework in turn is applied to examine and understand the shift towards more integrated and differentiated EHR governance regimes.  相似文献   


This article establishes a dynamic game with incomplete information to theoretically analyze the influence mechanism of information disclosure on systemic risk in the presence of a deposit insurance system. To verify the mechanism, we use panel data on 247 global banks in 41 countries during the period 2006 to 2015 in an empirical analysis. Our article finds that a high degree of information disclosure can reduce deposit insurance premiums and weaken the negative incentive from a bailout by regulatory authorities. Moreover, the effect of deposit insurance on financial stability is not apparent, but the synergistic effect of deposit insurance and information disclosure reduces bank systemic risk. Furthermore, different deposit insurance designs affect bank behavior, so it is crucial for bank supervisors to create proper deposit insurance systems, which are helpful in strengthening market discipline and preventing moral hazard thus contributing to a stable financial environment. Therefore, under the deposit insurance system, regulatory authorities should strive to improve the standard of information disclosure to ensure systemic stability.  相似文献   

Optimal sampling designs for audit, minimizing the mean squared error of the estimated amount of the misstatement, are proposed. They are derived from a general statistical model that describes the error process with the help of available auxiliary information. We show that, if the model is adequate, these optimal designs based on balanced sampling with unequal probabilities are more efficient than monetary unit sampling. We discuss how to implement the optimal designs in practice. Monte Carlo simulations based on audit data from the Swiss hospital billing system confirms the benefits of the proposed method.  相似文献   

运用规范分析和基于GARCH模型族的实证分析发现:清洁发展机制(CDM)下国际碳排放权核证减排单位(CERs)市场的价格波动是政治博弈、国际经济形势等多重因素共同冲击的结果。其价格波动呈现时变性、聚集性和持续性特征,市场"杠杆效应"明显。我国作为全球CDM项目的最大供给方,为了掌握定价权,必须寻求CERs市场价格波动规律、积极参与国际气候环境条款的谈判、选择恰当贸易时机和建立CDM项目风险管理体系。  相似文献   

The following steps can be a guide when developing work relative value units (RVUs) for a productivity-based compensation program: Challenge stock billing systems. Ensure that all procedure codes are captured. Understand procedure code bundling. Exclude procedures not performed by the physician. Consider clinical time spent performing activities that have no assigned work RVUs.  相似文献   

This paper investigates optimal price/warranty arrangements for the design of accounting information systems (AISs) when the user of the system has alternative sources of information. A mathematical model is developed that focuses on two systems design scenarios commonly encountered in practice: (1) enhancement and (2) replacement. In an enhancement scenario the AIS user hires the AIS designer to enhance the value of the current AIS by incorporating additional features into the original system. Systems replacement, on the other hand, implies that the designer produces a new system that makes the original system obsolete. Under a replacement system, a simple limited warranty implements the user's optimal decision rule so that no losses occur due to unobservability of the user's decision. For the enhanced AIS design however, the user's action may depend upon the signal from the user's preexisting AIS. Therefore, when the user's decision is not observable, the designer does not know if the user's decision is a result of the systems enhancement or a result of the original system. Due to incomplete contracts, a more complex and costly warranty arrangement is required. Hence, losses occur under enhancement AIS although quality can be maintained with a limited warranty. Since it is difficult to assess the quality of the information system prior to purchase, the potential for a market failure exists where high-quality systems are driven from the market by low quality systems. These findings show that a market failure can be prevented in the design of information systems through contractual warranty arrangements. These warranty arrangements, however, must be tailored to the specific design task.  相似文献   

A study used FTE employees per adjusted occupied bed (FTE/AOB) as a measure to ascertain the effect of EHR investments on labor productivity. The study focused on three primary questions: Do FTE/AOB decline as the number of EHR applications used in a hospital increases? Is impact on FTE/AOB greater with some EHR applications than with others? Do FTE/AOB decline overtime, as the hospital continues to use the EHR application?  相似文献   

This research develops an intelligent dynamic savings investment system called HYPER-SAVINGS which can construct the best savings portfolio embracing all types of products from multiple banks. Since the major model in HYPER-SAVINGS is the 0–1 integer programming (IP) model, we need to interpret information about investors, products, institutions and the current financial situation for the formulation of the IP model. This has become possible by adopting the knowledge-based integer programming modeling aid, UNIK-IP, which allows the formulation of an IP model at a semantic level using logical operators such as EITHER–OR and IF–THEN, and automatically transforms them to a so-called base level model which can be solved by the IP solver. HYPER-SAVINGS also provides the capability of sensitivity analysis at a semantic level to adjust to dynamic situational changes. Since the system is expected to collect the information from various banks through the Internet and filters out dominated products before formulation, HYPER-SAVINGS can provide the architecture for the international meta-bank on the Internet. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As organizations increasingly emphasize effective collaborative working through networked systems, the World Wide Web (WWW) server and associated intranet technologies are gaining wider acceptance as a new enterprisewide information systems paradigm. In an intranet collaborative working environment, data used in the web server are usually modified more frequently than are those used in a traditional Internet web server. Thus, to support synchronous collaboration without causing any inconsistency among multiple concurrent users, the intranet web server must provide users with synchronized and consistent views of shared data. However, current web technologies have limitations in supporting this, largely because the existing Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is unidirectional and does not allow web servers to send messages to their web browsers without first receiving requests from them. This paper proposes a web-based change management framework that can overcome such limitations and support synchronous collaboration in an intranet computing environment. The web-based change management framework facilitates management of dependency relationships between shared data in the web server and dependent user views in the client web browser and allows the web server to actively propagate changing details of the shared objects to all users referencing them. On the basis of the change management framework, we propose a dynamic web server that can support synchronous collaboration in various intranet-based collaborative systems including concurrent engineering design systems and electronic approval systems. The prototype system of the dynamic web server is developed on a commercial Object-oriented Database Management System (ODBMS) called OBJECTSTORE using the C++ programming language. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

近年来,我国银行承兑汇票规模保持了较快增长,票据的融资作用已不容小觑,但另一方面,票据案件也出现增多趋势。文章分析了票据案件的表现形式及危害性,指出票据案件的易发,既有票据具有广泛流通的金融工具属性的原因,也有缺乏规范化的市场交易机制的问题。对此,文章从加快推进电子票据、扩大交易主体、构建全国性票据市场、完善票据业务制度等方面,提出防范票据交易风险的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Technology has created new information alternatives that may influence the way information system users make decisions. This paper proposes a research framework for examining how features of an information system affect the decision-making process. The framework is synthesized by merging frameworks from the accounting information systems (AIS) literature and the human information processing (HIP) literature. The framework is then used to organize a literature review of 15 journals from 1987 through mid-1999, which identified 57 decision-making studies. Findings indicate that a wide range of opportunities is available for information systems research on issues of contemporary importance. This discussion includes changes in the decision process initiated by implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, data warehouses, electronic commerce, virtual organizations, on-line financial reporting, and disaggregated financial statement information.  相似文献   

As Medicaid enrollment continues to rise, hospitals and health systems could benefit from contracting with Medicaid managed care plans. Providers need to establish a Medicaid managed care strategy before beginning the contracting process. Revenue cycle leaders need to ensure that their front-end processes related to patient access, billing, and denials management are compatible with Medicaid managed care.  相似文献   

This article focuses on dynamic systems theory applied to art systems, especially the social system of art. By this integrative approach, the field of art and culture can be linked to, as well as profit from, other fields where systems-theoretical approaches have been influential, such as sociology, psychology, communication theory and the natural sciences. We show that systems models help to describe and conceptualize essential phenomena characteristic of the fine arts, such as pattern formation, reduction of complexity, and self-reference. Pattern formation can be observed in emerging artistic styles, fashions and trends. The property of self-reference becomes tractable by using the concept of endosystems, i.e. systems that include participating observers and second circularity feedback. The consequences of such dynamics are uncertainty, destabilization, and diversification. Endosystemic modeling promises to capture core properties not only of contemporary art, laying an emphasis on novelty and self-reference. Endosystems are appropriate models of further social systems, especially markets systems, which pose problems for foresight. Within the horizon of foresight that is at all possible in endosystems, three futures scenarios are worked out for the art system.  相似文献   

I show how information asymmetries between agents in different settlement systems can increase the risk that a problem in one may spill over to another. I focus on the strategic behavior of participants who operate in multiple systems as they choose how best to manage their liquidity across the systems. In the event of an operational shock in one system, these participants may continue to make payments in order to avoid delay costs, thereby risking a liquidity sink, if they believe they can recycle liquidity from the other, unaffected system. They are more likely to risk a liquidity sink if they believe banks in the unaffected system will continue making payments early, unaware of the operational problem. I show that a liquidity-saving mechanism (LSM) in one system may reduce the probability of spillover into the other; in this sense, I identify a positive externality from the introduction of an LSM.  相似文献   

信息化环境下风险基础审计的导向选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
审计从产生之日起,风险就伴随而生.但由于审计环境的变化,风险的载体和程度会有所不同,从而带来审计切入点即导向的差异.文章基于系统论、控制论、信息论的观点提出:信息系统导向审计是风险基础审计发展的高级阶段.在信息化环境下,被审计单位的信息系统成为风险的重要载体,为了更好地规避风险,开展信息系统导向审计成为审计人员的必然选择.文章还试图以COBIT标准为指导,建立信息系统导向审计的基础框架,期望能对该领域的后续研究有所裨益.  相似文献   

This paper examines the principal??s preferences over reporting systems in multi-agent settings. In multi-agent settings, the principal??s contract offer depends on the credibility of the agents?? commitment not to collude on the terms of the contract. If the agents can credibly rule out collusion, then the principal prefers that the agents observe all performance measures and she prefers an accounting system that releases detailed instead of aggregated information. To the contrary, when the principal cannot preclude the agents from writing side contracts, it can be efficient to suppress certain information signals for contracting purposes. Specifically, restricting the information dissemination within organizations or releasing aggregated instead of detailed information are two efficient avenues to suppress information.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop a design for an accounting information system that will enhance the representational faithfulness of financial reporting information. One of the functions of financial reporting is to aggregate and report the entity's private data. This paper shows that recognizing that some of the firm's private data is already shared with others allows the methods of multiparty security to be applied to the reporting and audit processes. We contend that using both public key cryptography and network analysis allows the identity of an entity to be modelled as a place on a network. We also develop accounting recordkeeping techniques to balance public access with privacy using a blockchain. Taken together, these three design ideas can enhance the representational faithfulness of financial reporting systems because they use shared data from independent entities, a transparent system, and open-access immutable storage. Faithful representation is enhanced because information from this system can be used by auditors to support their audit opinion or by stakeholders who need credible information about the entity.  相似文献   

Bertrand oligopolies are competitive markets in which a small number of firms producing similar goods use price as their strategic variable. In particular, each firm wants to determine the optimal price that maximizes its expected discounted lifetime profit. The oligopoly problem can be modeled as nonzero-sum games which can be formulated as systems of Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) partial differential equations (PDEs). In this paper, we propose fully implicit, positive coefficient finite difference schemes that converge to the viscosity solution for the HJB PDE from dynamic Bertrand monopoly and the two-dimensional HJB system from dynamic Bertrand duopoly. Furthermore, we develop fast multigrid methods for solving these systems of discrete nonlinear HJB PDEs. The new multigrid methods are general and can be applied to other systems of HJB and HJB-Isaacs PDEs arising from American options under regime switching and American options with unequal lending/borrowing rates and stock borrowing fees under regime switching, respectively. We provide a theoretical analysis for the smoother, restriction and interpolation operators of the multigrid methods. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by numerical examples from the dynamic Bertrand problem and pricing American options under regime switching.  相似文献   

Each year health care fraud drains millions of dollars from employer-sponsored health plans. Historically, employers have taken a rather tolerant view of fraud. As the pressure to manage health plan costs increases, however, many employers are beginning to see the detection and prosecution of fraud as an appropriate part of a cost management program. Fraud in medical insurance covers a wide range of activities in terms of cost and sophistication--from misrepresenting information on a claim, to billing for services never rendered, to falsifying the existence of an entire medical organization. To complicate matters, fraudulent activities can emanate from many, many sources. Perpetrators can include employees, dependents or associates of employees, providers and employees of providers--virtually anyone able to make a claim against a plan. This article addresses actions that employers can take to reduce losses from fraud. The first section suggests policy statements and administrative procedures and guidelines that can be used to discourage employee fraud. Section two addresses the most prevalent form of fraud--provider fraud. To combat provider fraud, employers should set corporate guidelines and should enlist the assistance of employees in identifying fraudulent provider activities. Section three suggests ways to improve fraud detection through the claims payment system--often the first line of defense against fraud. Finally, section four discusses the possibility of civil and criminal remedies and reviews the legal theories under which an increasing number of fraud cases have been prosecuted.  相似文献   

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