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ISTP为Index to Scientific and Technical Proceeding的缩写,中文名为科学技术会议录索引。它是由美国ISI编辑出版的,据ISC介绍,在世界每年召开的约1万个重要国际会议中,该系统收录其70%~90%的会议文献,汇集了自然科学、农业科学、医学和工程技术领域的会议文献。在科研成果中,科技会议文献是对期刊文献的重要补充,它反映的是学科和前沿性、迅速发展学科的研究成果,一些新的创新思想和概念往往先于期刊而出现在会议文献中,从会议文献可以了解最新概念的出版和发展,并可掌握1学科最新的研究动态和趋势。2003年ISTP收录的世界科技论…  相似文献   

为了了解教育部一级学科“冶金工程”的现状,并挖掘学科的研究热点,基于SciVal科研分析平台,对该学科2016—2020年5年跨度时间内的学术产出量、核心贡献国家、机构及个人进行梳理,研究了国际合作和校企合作情况,分析了学科布局和热点研究方向,以及独特关键词的变迁和典型期刊的行为。研究发现:学术产出量除2020年受疫情影响外整体变化不大,中国学术产出量将近占全球的30%,15名核心作者中12名为中国学者,且其学术影响力指标(篇均被引和FWCI)在15人中均位居前列,可以说中国是该学科绝对的核心贡献国;合作和学科交叉表现不佳还需要加强,聚类出在产出量、热度值和学科归一化影响因子均优秀的6个热点学科。学科的建设需要政策的支持,科技发展迅速的今天科研人员应及时调整研究方向紧跟时代发展;对典型期刊的分析表明,对于成熟学科也可实现期刊影响力的不断提升。  相似文献   

收入变动情况及其增长前景由于石油输出国组织成员国采取协同一致的行动,并得到该组织以外的产油国的支持,外国石油公司不仅被迫在1970—1974年增加了产油国的直接提成,而且向它们移交了石油开采与出口的监督  相似文献   

2005年机械工业总产值将比2004年增长15%—20%汽车产量坐望世界第三本刊讯(记者李转少)记者自中国机械工业联合会(简称中机联)获悉,预计2005年机械工业总体上将呈现平稳增长的态势,全年工业总产值估计将比2004年增长15%—20%,实现利润将增长在10%左右。在2月2日中机联召开的新闻发布会上,中机联副会长蔡惟慈向媒体公布了以上信息。会上,中机联副会长、中国汽车工程学会理事长张小虞对2005年汽车行业的发展趋势做了预测。“保守点估计,今年汽车产业的发展至少能维持2004年的水平;乐观点估计,今年汽车产量将增长20%,突破600万辆。”张小虞对此…  相似文献   

一、2002年机床工具行业经济运行形势分析(一)行业经济运行基本表2产品金金额(亿美元)同比增长(%)情况2002年机床工具行业经济运行情况在2001年较好的基础上继续向好的方向发展,工业产品产销继续保持较快增长,企业改制转制加快,出口平稳增长,经济运行质量进一步提高。1.产、销持续较快增长。根据国家统计局资料,2002年1—9月份机床工具行业完成工业总产值545.18亿元,同比各种产品出口情况及同比增幅机床成形机床压铸机木工机床机床夹具机床附件数控装置刃具量仪量具1.910.350.061.090…  相似文献   

本刊讯(记者杨伟)日前,国家经贸委组织召开了全国经贸工作会议,国家经贸委主任李荣融在会议上作了题为《全面贯彻落实党的十六大精神,在建设新兴工业化道路上迈出坚实步伐》的工作报告。会议总结了2002年经贸工作的进展情况,认为2002年经贸工作取得了积极进展,主要经济指标好于预期。2002年1—11月,全国规模以上工业企业完成增加值2.83万亿元,同比增长12.4%,全年有望增长12%以上,是近几年增长速度最快的一年。对于十六大提出的“新型工业化路子”,会议认为,走新兴工业化道路,是由当代经济科技发展…  相似文献   

交通基础设施与经济增长:中国区域差距的视角   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文利用中国28个省市区1987—2007年的面板数据来验证交通基础设施对中国经济增长的影响,同时还检验交通基础设施在中国区域经济差距中所扮演的角色。基于一个巴罗类型的增长模型以及对该模型进行分解,本文的实证结果表明:交通基础设施对中国的经济增长有着显著的正向促进作用;不同的地理位置和交通基础设施条件在我国区域经济发展差距中扮演了重要的角色;1999年国家实施西部大开发战略有利于促进西部地区的经济增长与向中东部地区趋同,其中,西部地区交通基础设施的快速发展发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

一、我国对马里摩托车出口情况 从上图表可知.我国对马里摩托车出口量增长速度飞快.2000年出口量仅为26辆。到2002年增长到3877辆.同比增长了3816%,到2003年增长到了33803辆.同比增长了771%.2005年出口量达到了80615量,比2000年增长了3100倍.这几年发展速度是惊人的。  相似文献   

资源型城市的产业转型及可持续发展问题对该地区经济增长、城市发展具有重要影响。本文基于CSSCI数据库,将1999—2022年的505篇关于资源型城市研究的文献作为样本,利用CiteSpace等工具对该领域进行知识图谱分析。通过发文量分析、共现分析、共被引分析、聚类分析等对资源型城市领域的研究热点和研究现状进行分析。结果表明,资源型城市领域研究人员合作不紧密,多机构合作网络尚未形成;从聚类图谱和关键词突现图谱来看,资源型城市的研究热点主要集中在东北地区和经济增长、产业转型、绿色创新、可持续发展等领域。通过关键词时区图发现,资源型城市的研究逐渐由转型研究转向经济增长、影响因素研究等。在未来一段时间,资源型城市转型的道路选择、资源型城市的经济增长与可持续发展问题或将成为研究重点和主要内容。  相似文献   

据预测,2005年客车市场需求会小幅增长,行业利润看平。具体从数据上讲,在2004年销量的基础上,预计2005年销量将增长5%—8%,大约在128万—132万辆之间,比2004年的销售增幅略高。  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence from empirical case-study research into the impact of compulsory competitive tendering on workplace union organization among the baggage-handling workforce at Manchester Airport. It documents the main processes of development within an historical context, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of workplace unionism during the 1980s, the recent challenge posed by managerial restructuring in the early 1990s, and the wider implications for debates about the 'state' of workplace unionism in Britain today.
Compared with the union resilience displayed by the baggage handlers during the 1980s, the nature of shop-stewards' organization appears to have changed drastically to managemenťs advantage during the last few years. However, continuing underlying tensions in worker-management relations suggest that this situation may not necessarily amount to a fundamental and irreversible transformation in the nature of workplace unionism in the manner in which those who use the vocabulary of the 'New Industrial Relations' would suggest.  相似文献   

Global procurement of services has been receiving an increasing amount of managerial attention in recent years. Service firms seem to have begun sourcing part of their service activities from abroad in much the same way as manufacturing firms have sourced components and finished goods in the past 30 years. However, little is known about the nature of service sourcing strategy. In this study, we employ a modified transaction–cost analysis to examine empirically the locational (domestic vs. global sourcing) and the ownership (internal vs. external sourcing) aspects of service sourcing strategy. In addition, performance implications on both the locational and ownership aspects of service sourcing are investigated. The results show that, similar to components and finished goods procurement, supplementary services are sourced globally, either internally or externally. Furthermore, the relationship between asset specificity and internal sourcing of supplementary services is moderated by the level of inseparability and transaction frequency. Finally, internal sourcing and foreign sourcing of supplementary services are negatively related to a service’s market performance. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Every student in the Swedish compulsory school system is entitled to information regarding their progress in all school subjects given. In 2008, a mandatory assessment tool, called the individual development plan (IDP) with written assessment, was introduced by the Government. The statutory purpose was to provide teachers with a formative assessment tool to be used mandatory in the follow-up of student’s progress all thru mandatory compulsory school (year 1–9). This study explores the use of the IDP documents in technology education. Authentic documents from different municipalities, different schools and different school years have been studied. In this article findings regarding formal assessment documents and teacher’s formal assessment practice in primary (year 1–6) technology education are presented.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的飞速发展,电子信息不断增多,形成了大量的电子文件,与纸质文件相比电子文件的技术鉴定与归档是一项更为艰苦细致且难度较大的工作。本文从电子文件的硬件鉴定和软件鉴定及归档方法等方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

This paper explores the issue of how students might learn about sustainability in technology––education classrooms and the relevance of problem-solving in that learning. One of the emerging issues in technology education research is the nature of problem-solving specified in curriculum documents and the kinds of learning activities undertaken by students in technology education classrooms. In parallel with our developing understanding of the characteristics of good technology education programs is the inclusion in recent curriculum documents of the concept of sustainability or sustainable development. However, as yet there is little information about how technology students think about sustainability and how they might best learn about it. This is of particular interest because in technology education, sustainability is often described in curriculum documents as an issue that is intended to be integrated within design projects and activities, rather than being the topic of a classroom lesson as might happen in a subject such as environmental studies. This paper explores current understanding of the issue generally and within technology education. It concludes that the design, problem-solving approach that is common to technology education classrooms provides many affordances to students engaging meaningfully with ideas of sustainability and of developing strong understandings of its scope and significance.  相似文献   

The issue of children’s conceptions of technology and technology education is seen as important by technology educators. While there is a solid body of literature that documents groups of children’s understandings of technology and technology education, this is primarily focused on snapshot studies of children aged 11 and above. There is little literature relating to individual children’s changing conceptions over time, or to children younger than 11. This paper documents and discusses the changing understanding of the meaning of the word ‘technology’ of seven children over their first 6 years of primary school (age 5–10). It seeks to explain the source of the children’s understandings of the word ‘technology’ and to suggest some teaching and planning implications for technology educators.  相似文献   

Asia is the world’s foremost capture fishery and aquaculture producer. It is also home to the majority of the world’s fishers and marine fleet (decked and undecked). Consequently, there is every reason to expect that this importance is reflected in national development discourses. This article identifies the socio-economic importance of fisheries in the region in terms of its contribution to primary exports, domestic protein consumption, employment and poverty alleviation. We then analyse national development and poverty reduction strategy documents using a content analysis methodology previously applied to measure the extent to which environmental or forestry issues had been mainstreamed into national policy documents. This enables us to identify those countries that have currently integrated fisheries into the national development discourse – and those that have not. We conclude by proposing two strategies to enable the more effective integration of fisheries into the development agenda.  相似文献   

农田地膜污染与防治对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
农田地膜覆盖已成为一项成熟的农业栽培技术,它能保水、保肥、保持湿度,有效延长作物生长期,提高农作物产量。农田地膜的应用在中国得到迅速推广,石家庄市近年来农田地膜用量处于持续上升趋势。由于传统农田地膜残膜回收率低,且不易降解,随着农田地膜覆盖使用年限的增加,土壤中残膜量逐步增加,造成地膜污染。通过分析农田地膜污染对农作物产生的危害,针对残膜存在的问题,提出防治地膜污染的对策与措施,使农业生产能够持续健康发展。  相似文献   

While a substantial literature has examined the causes of mortgage foreclosure, there has been relatively little work on the consequences of foreclosure for the borrowers themselves. Using a large sample of anonymous credit bureau records, observed quarterly from 1999 through 2010, we examine the credit experiences of 330,000 borrowers before and after a foreclosure start. Our analysis documents the substantial declines in credit scores that accompany a foreclosure start and examines the length of time it takes individuals to return their credit scores to predelinquency levels. The results suggest that, particularly for prime borrowers, credit score recovery comes slowly, if at all. The lack of recovery appears to be driven by persistently higher delinquency rates on consumer credit (such as auto and credit card loans) in the years that follow their foreclosure start. Our results also indicate that the experiences of individuals whose mortgages entered foreclosure from 2007 to 2009 have followed a similar path to borrowers foreclosed earlier in the decade, though their postforeclosure‐start delinquency rates have been higher and, consequently, credit score recovery appears to be taking longer.  相似文献   

石油企业近年来相继引入并实施了ISO9000、ISO14000、OHSAS18000、HSE管理体系,多个管理体系独立实施造成了大量文件和资源的重复使用,增加了管理人员、操作成本和体系维护费用,也给基层岗位员工增加了工作量。探索和实施一体化管理体系,开展多体系整合工作,逐步实现机构一体化、人员一体化、管理一体化的管理模式是现代企业管理的趋势。就石油企业如何推行一体化管理体系,从现状和问题、必要性和可行性分析、一体化管理体系要素融合原则、一体化管理体系文件层次结构等方面,对一体化管理体系的建立进行了探索。  相似文献   

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