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In the 21st century, China has entered into an era in which city is the principal part of development. Cities, as the basic unit of a country's social and economic development, undertake multiple functions such as political, social,economic and environmental management.  相似文献   

In the 21st century, China has entered into an era in which city is the principal part of development. Cities, as the basic unit of a country's social and economic development, undertake multiple functions such as political, social,economic and environmental management.……  相似文献   

Resources and environment are the fundamentals for the survival and development of cities. As illustrated in "City Management Efficiency Indexes of China's 200 Cities and Provinces" (CMEICN 2007), the average index of environmental efficiency of 171 cities in Chinese mainland is 0.1672, calculated by the discharge amount of industrial liquid water and the discharge amount of industrial smoke,  相似文献   

China's development cannot bea chieved without cooperation with the rest of the world, and the prosperity of the world needs China as well. With accelerating economic globalization, China has forged increasingly closer ties with the outside world in the field of energy. China's development of energy has not only satisfied its own needs for economic and social progress,  相似文献   

The implementation of the Cultural Industry Promotion Plan will have a very significant impact not just on China's cultural development, but also the entire national economic and social development. The impact will be in four aspects: first, changing the way of economic development andadjusting the economic structure; second, expanding domestic demand, increasing employment, and actively responding to the current financial crisis; third, achieving prosperity of socialist culture and better meeting people's cultural need; last, promoting Chinese culture and enhancing our country's cultural soft dower.  相似文献   

No one has an answer as to whether China' s economy will keep chugging along and remain the engine of the world' s economy. I for one am very optimistic as to the country' s growth prospects
With economic data consisting of mixed signals, it' s really a challenge to definitively know how China' s economy is really performing, and where it s headed.  相似文献   

Energy saving,emission reduction and economic development are major issues China has to meet in building a harmonious society.On one hand,China should pursue a sustainable,fast and sound economic development,on the other hand,she should try to decrease the overuse of energy resources and the environmental problems caused by the rapid economic growth. In this regard,on June 24,the Standing Committee of National People's Congress deliberated the draft of Energy Saving Law,according to which China is to take“resources saving”as a basic national policy.This is a key issue to the long-term benefits of China.With relevant questions,China's Foreign Trade interviewed Dr, Yonglong L(?),Secretary-general,Chinese Committee for SCOPE(Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment/ICSU).and Research Professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Let's listen to Dr.L(?)'s comments with wisdom.[第一段]  相似文献   

Most of the foreign-funded enterprises in China are in fact funded by overseas Chinese. They have made indelible contributions to China's remarkable economic achievement. Their pioneering spirit has already been written into the glorious annals of China's economic development!  相似文献   

In the U-style trend of 2009, this year is predicted to face more difficulties and challenges in world and China's economic fields. China's Foreign Trade picks up several main industries, such as manufacture, energy, auto, high-tech industry and banking, to illustrate "the profile of industrial development in China far the new year.  相似文献   

On May 16, the International Forum of China's Eco Civilization and Green Competitiveness was held in the Great Hall of the People. The forum was co-hosted by CCPIT, CPPCC Economic Committee and State Forestry Administration. China's Foreign Trade Council, China's Promotion Committee of Ecological Moral Education jointly undertook the forum, co-organized with Veolia Environment Group and Pinggu Government, Beijing. This forum aims at further enhancing people's awareness of ecology and the construction of environmental-friendly society in local government, strive to balance economic development and environmental protection, promote green production and consumption as well as to strength green competitiveness of both local and foreign enterprises, so as to enable them to better perform their social obligations.  相似文献   

China's Petroleum industry has achieved great development during the past 50 years and has made great contributions to the national economy and the social development. However, due to the speedy and sustainable development of national economy since 1990's, the domestic demand for the petroleum has witnessed a rapid growth, hence, the sharp conflict between petroleum supply and demand has become more and more conspicuous,  相似文献   

China’s development cannot be achieved without cooperation with the rest of the world,and the prosperity of the world needs China as well.With accelerating economic globalization,China has forged increas- ingly closer ties with the outside world in the field of energy.China's development of energy has not only satisfied its own needs for economic and social progress, but also brought opportunities and tre- mendous space for development to the rest of the world.  相似文献   

Nanning, the capital city of Guangxi province, is not only the political, economic and cultural center of the province, but also plays an important role in the economic development of southwest China. Nanning's advantageous location makes the city a commercial and communication center, opening China to Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

2007 was a year of enormous change in China's economy,especially in foreign trade. Many changes were made regarding reform and opening-up, as well as the overall economic development strategy, and further adjustments were also made in the economic and foreign trade policies.  相似文献   

China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) was authorized by law to regulate and supervise all the banking institutions in China and their business activities. CBRC plays an active role in China's banking reform. According to a press release by the State Council on December 5, under the leadership of the central government and the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents, "the CBRC continues to practise the scientific concept of development, deepen the banking reform, further the opening up and enhance banking supervision, so as to ensure a safe and sound development of China's banking sector.  相似文献   

Guangzhou is the trading port and transportation hinge of South China as well as the southern gate of China. As the foreland of China's reforming and opening-up, Guangzhou upholds the general idea of enhancing new advantages and constructing modernized central city, and sticks to the economic and social development target of "three guarantees". A series of policies and measures have been carried out to promote economic and social development. A continuance, steady and rapid development has been maintained on macro economy.  相似文献   

Either in the developed countries or developing countries,the small and medium enterprises(SMEs)have been playing a significant role in promoting the technological progress,employment,export, etc.Especially in the modern society with efficient development of knowledge and information,which is making the production and business operation smaller and more dispersed,and with more family participation as well,SMEs are becoming a more and more important force of the social and economic development. Although the SMEs have made very important contributions to the national economic development and the increase of employment,they are thirsty of more government and social supports,especially for the overseas development.In order to meet the mission of promoting the SMEs development,the Ministry of Commerce has established Department for SMEs. In July,China's Foreign Trade inte viewed Zhu Shuhai,Director of Department for SMEs,Trade Development Bureau,Ministry,of Commerce.  相似文献   

2005 is the last year of China's No. 10 Five-vear Plan. With China's booming economic development, domestic enterprises are facing up with not only quite a lot of opportunities, but also some potential challenges, for instance, with the upgoing oil prices, the energy and the raw materials are no longer in efficient supply, this is a problem that domestic enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises have to face. How to deal with the situation, Zhang Bin, President of China National Foreign Trade Transportation (Group) Corporation (Sinotrans) gives his comments when interviewed by China's Foreign Trade.  相似文献   

In Europe debt crisis has not yet hit bottom; in the United States economic recovery remains weak. Domestically, there is insufficient internal impetus driving economic growth in Uhina; and export sees a risk of decreasing The country has pulled half-way through 2010, its most complicated year in economy. However, as global economic crisis becomes more severe than expected and worldwide recovery increasingly zigzags, there are still big uncertainties both home and abroad for China's economic development. As key economic data for the fist half of 2010 is coming out, reporters from Xinhua News Agency interviewed several famous economists who analyzed and made predictions about China's macroeconomic policies for the following six months.  相似文献   

"In the last Winter Davos, when it was the most pessimistic period for the economy in North America and West Europe, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao declared China's economic growth this year was targeted at 8 percent. That firm tone encouraged the whole world. And 8 months have been past, and we just see that China is exactly on the track to achieve this goal. We have confidence in China's economy. No doubtedly." Jeremy Jurgens, Senior Director at the World Economic Forum and Head of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions and Community of Global Growth Companies expressed so in a World Economic Forum press conference in Beijing, September 3.  相似文献   

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