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财务杠杆作为一种影响企业价值的工具,既可以使企业盈利,也可以使企业亏损。所以,如何在使用财务杠杆盈利的同时,最大限度降低财务风险,就成为了财务杠杆运用的关键,尤其对于资本密集、财务杠杆依赖度高的房地产业更是如此。文章对房地产业上市公司财务杠杆产生的正负效应及债务结构进行实证研究,得出了财务杠杆对我国房地产业上市公司业绩具有负效应的结论,并提出了相关建议,为企业和政府决策提供理论帮助。  相似文献   

适度的负债,能给企业带来财务杠杆利益,但财务杠杆效应也会带来财务风险,需要趋利避害,合理负债经营  相似文献   

杨海蓉  王虎中 《发展》2001,(7):31-32
财务风险是指在企业资本结构 (全部资本中举债筹资比重 )变动所引起的普通股每股收益的变动幅度。通常,企业的负债率越高,其每股收益的波动幅度 (不确定程度 )越高,企业的财务风险越大。在同等息税前利润基数条件下,负债率较高从而利息支出较大的企业,息税前利润较小的变动幅度就会引起每股收益较大的变动幅度,企业的财务风险较大;反之,负债率较低从而利息支出较小的企业,息税前利润变动引起每股收益变动的幅度较小,企业的财务风险较小。息税前利润对每股收益的上述作用称为财务杠杆作用。由于利息支出的存在,使得息税前利润少量…  相似文献   

熊玮 《魅力中国》2013,(13):59-59
负债经营是一条企业生存发展的必由之路之一。然而负债经营必然涉及到财务杠杆的运用,而财务杠杆却类似于一把双刃剑,既能为企业带来正面的效益。提高企业的资金利润率,同时,又可能会为企业带来不可估量的财务风险,因此,如何地合理运用财务杠杆成为了众多企业必须要面对的问题。  相似文献   

财务杠杆是构成财务风险的重要因素.企业选择融资结构策略时必须权衡财务杠杆利益和财务风险,从而确定最佳负债比例,实现企业价值最大化,以便投资者以尽量低的风险取得尽可能大的利益.  相似文献   

财务杠杆是构成财务风险的重要因素.企业选择融资结构策略时必须权衡财务杠杆利益和财务风险,从而确定最佳负债比例,实现企业价值最大化,以便投资者以尽量低的风险取得尽可能大的利益.  相似文献   

在现代企业经营过程中,企业的借债资本已成为企业资本的重要构成部分.而财务杠杆正是在企业负债经营中发挥作用的.财务杠杆是一把双刃剑,本文以和记黄埔有限公司为例,运用详实的数据对财务杠杆在企业财务管理中的正效、负效进行深入地探讨,以期能为相关企业提升自身驾驭财务风险的能力提供参考意见.  相似文献   

一、财务杠杆利益(损失)(Benefit on Fi-nancial Leverage)通过前面的论述我们已经知道所谓财务杠杆利益(损失)是指负债筹资经营对所有者收益的影响。负债经营后,企业所能获得的利润就是:资本收益=企业投资收益率×总资本-负债利息率×债务资本=企业投资收益率×(权益资本 债务资本)-负债利息率×债务资本=企业投资收益率×权益资本-(企业投资收益率-负债利息率)×债务资本………"!此处的企业投资收益率=息税前利润÷资本总额,所以即息税前利润率。  相似文献   

钟琳 《改革与战略》2004,(10):97-98
社会经济活动中通常都注重宏观经济杠杆的调节作用,而忽视微观经济杠杆的调节和应用。长期以来,不管是教科书中还是企业提供的财务报表中都不把财务杠杆(DFL)列入报表分析指标的范围,因而,较具体地分析财务杠杆效应及其在报表分析中的作用有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

财务杠杆是一把双刃剑,一方面,正的财务杠杆效应会提高企业自有资金利润率,另一方面.过高的财务杠杆也会给企业带来较大的财务风险。文章从总体上考察了2001—2007年7年间沪市上市公司的财务杠杆的总体水平.财务杠杆作用程度以及各年上市公司财务杠杆的发挥效应问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of debt financing and ownership concentration on internationalization performance by using a sample of 217 Chinese multinational enterprises (CMNEs) from 2009 to 2016. Through fixed-effect regression and dynamic threshold analysis, this paper finds that increasing short-term debts is positively associated with the internationalization performance of non-state-owned CMNEs, while increasing short-term debts by state-owned CMNEs will harm their performance. Ownership concentration affects CMNEs’ risk preference and thus affecting their internationalization performance in different degrees. This paper finds that the threshold for the impact of CMNEs’ largest shareholder’s ownership concentration on its internationalization performance is 0.18, the thresholds for the impact of CMNEs’ top 10 shareholders’ ownership concentration on its internationalization performance are 0.346 and 0.433. When state-owned CMNEs’ top 10 shareholders’ ownership concentration exceeds 0.337 and 0.347, their internationalization performance will have significant positive changes. Overall, this study is expected to contribute to the literature of internationalization of emerging market companies.  相似文献   

The reasons for the 1929 Wall Street crash and why it occurred at the particular time that it did are still debated among economic historians. We contribute to this debate by building on a new model, which provides a measure of the financial system's potential for financial crises. The evidence suggests that a tightening of margin requirements in the first nine months of 1929 combined with price declines in September and early October caused enough investors to become constrained that the market was tipped into instability, triggering the sudden crash of October and November.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between leverage ratios and bank share performance for a sample of Japanese banks during the period of financial crisis in the late 1990s. We differentiate between two types of leverage ratios: book leverage and market leverage. We show that market leverage instead of book leverage observed before the crisis has statistically and economically significant predictive power for the cross-sectional variation in bank performance during the crisis, even after controlling for a variety of other indicators reflecting bank’s characteristics and financial conditions. We also find that banks with lower market leverage ratios were affected more adversely by the failure announcements of large financial institutions during the crisis. The results are robust across alternative model specifications, statistical methodologies, lengths of sample intervals, and measures of bank share performance during the crisis. Our results therefore have important implications for regulators in identifying distressed banks that are vulnerable to the deterioration in conditions of the financial system.  相似文献   

How to stimulate corporate performance is a crucial issue of general concern in all countries. This paper examines how China’s Income Tax Revenue Sharing Reform in 2002 affects corporate financial performance. Unlike general tax policies that directly adjust the nominal tax rate or depreciation allowance, this reform indirectly affects the effective Enterprise Income Tax (EIT) rate by switching tax administration, thereby affecting corporate financial performance. We use a firm-level data-set from Annual Survey of Industrial Firms (ASIF), and test the impact by using a quasi-natural experimental design through regression discontinuity design (RDD). We find that after the reform, the effective EIT rate (ETR) of enterprises collected EIT by State Administration of Taxation (SAT) was 10% lower than that of enterprises collected EIT by the Local Administration of Taxation (LAT). If the ETR reduces by 1%, corporate financial performance, more specific, Return on Asset (ROA), increases by 1.7%. There are two available channels: increasing fixed asset investment (FAI), and alleviating external financial constraints. Additionally, the impact can be weakened for locally SOEs, large firms, firms with low SA index and those in less competitive industries.  相似文献   

资产证券化如同许多金融创新一样 ,最早起源于美国 ,而美国也是目前资产证券化最为发达的国家。资产证券化 (Securitization)的内涵是 ,将在当前和未来可产生现金流而流动性较差的金融资产组合为特定的资产集 ,再配以相应的金融服务支持 ,将之转变为可在资本市场上销售和流通的资产支持证券 (Asset -Backedsecuritization)的过程。简言之 ,资产证券化是将特定资产的未来现金流转化为可交易证券的金融过程。与一般的金融过程或融资过程相比较 ,资产证券化具有独特的金融特性 ,本文拟对此进行分析。  相似文献   

现行财务报告体系存在着许多不足,文章提出应改进现有报表的部分项目,并增设全面收益表等相关的报表,完善现有财务报告体系。  相似文献   

本文通过分析中国金融监管协调方面存在的诸多问题,提出自己对于金融监管协调的改进建议。最后结合08年的全球性金融危机探讨了中国金融监管向混业监管发展的方向。  相似文献   

By specifying the setting of the footloose capital model with firm heterogeneity, this paper examines the effects of trade liberalization on unemployment through two different mechanisms: firstly, we embed search frictions into the labor market; and secondly, we consider fair wages as the source of unemployment. In the model with search frictions, we find that both the expected wage and employment rate could be higher for a small country with better search technology. In the fair wage setting, the results show that an increase in trade freeness increases the unemployment rate of the large (small) country when the trade freeness is sufficiently high (low). Finally, we try to compare the welfare levels under different scenarios and discover that unemployment may lead to a deterioration in the welfare gains from trade.  相似文献   

商品与网络的适应关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卢玲 《华东经济管理》2002,16(2):98-100
为保证中国金融市场健康、安全快速发展 ,对金融危机理论进行深入的探讨无疑有迫切的重要现实意义。本文针对金融危机形成机理 ;提出一系列建设性的治理对策。  相似文献   

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