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沈威风 《中国新时代》2007,(11):135-135
经历过五十年代困难时期的我的父母,对于膳食的营养,自有一套他们的道理,而且不容置疑。  相似文献   

《Economic Affairs》1983,3(4):226-227

S. K. Bar-Lev  D. Plachky 《Metrika》1989,36(1):331-336
Summary Completeness of a family of probability distributions implies its bounded completeness but not conversely. An example of a family which is boundedly complete but not complete was presented by Lehmann and Scheffe [5]. This appears to be the only such example quoted in the statistical literature. The purpose of this note is to provide further examples of this type. It is shown that any given family of power series distributions can be used to construct a class containing infinitely many boundedly complete, but not complete, families. Furthermore, it is shown that the family of continuous distributions , is boundedly complete, but not complete, whereU denotes the uniform distribution on [a, b] and {P ϑ,ϑ ∈ IR}, is a translation family generated by a distributionP 0 with mean value zero, which is continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure.  相似文献   

Why is rent-seeking so endemic in societies? Might it not be possible to design a Pareto-improving social decision rule that sidesteps the inefficient waste of resources resulting from conflict? We study this question for a multi-player contest. We assume that a benevolent planner knows the winning payoffs, the effectiveness of each rent-seeker, that the cost of expending resources is isoelastic, and that it is the same across all players. But she does not know the precise value of this elasticity. We show that this minimal lack of information leads to the impossibility of a Pareto-improving social decision rule, as long as there are at least four agents. Received: June 1999 / Accepted: January 24, 2000  相似文献   

北京地产小阳春被炒得沸沸扬扬的时候.一位朋友兴高采烈地搬进了新房。说起她买房的经历.在过去三年里已经和她的婚事一样,成为所有朋友心头的一件老大难问题。我们一度怀疑,如果北京的中介中有一份买主黑名单的话,她一定会排名前三甲,因为经常有相熟的中介在忍无可忍的情况下给我们打电话说.能不能叫你们这位朋友不要买房了?  相似文献   

对于各大企业而言,“以本国为中心”的发展方式已经不能适应整个潮流的要求,他们需要对外连横,建立“泛欧洲”的企业  相似文献   

王长胜  邓攀 《中国企业家》2011,(21):104-105,17
淘品牌曾是令人艳羡的名号,如今,淘品牌们却在纷纷寻找新出路。线下的试图走向线上,线上的努力走向线下,这是未来几年零售业必须完成的交互过程  相似文献   

改革开放以来,以三来一补为主的加工贸易曾在我国国民经济发展上起过重要的作用.近年来,由于原材料、工资和土地成本的增加,三来一补的优势逐渐削弱.与此同时,随着中国企业实力的增强,一种全新的贸易方式--带料加工正成为外贸出口的新增长点.  相似文献   

This paper shows that just because superlative index numbers approximate each other to the second order does not necessarily imply that they are numerically similar. In fact, the spread between the largest and smallest superlative indexes sometimes even exceeds that between Paasche and Laspeyres indexes. This result has significant implications for the index number literature. It shows that the economic approach does not by itself solve the index number problem, since it does not tell us which superlative index should be used. It may be necessary to combine the economic and axiomatic approaches to arrive at an answer.  相似文献   

Many companies are exploring flexible-benefits plans as a way to cut costs and still provide good benefits for their employees. Here are 10 steps for effectively communicating a flex plan.  相似文献   

在刚刚结束的2006第三届中国国际物流节期间,围绕物流政策、航空货运与快递业发展,以及供应链管理等方面举行了一系列论坛。其中,尤为值得关注的是,相关政府部门和企业一致呼吁,将航空发展真正融入物流业,这既有利于航空业的发展,同时也为物流业拓展新的空间。  相似文献   

有人请李书福推荐一款性价比较高的汽车,他毫不犹豫的推荐吉利的自由舰,“这是全世界性价比最高的轿车”,骄傲之情溢于言表  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to study borrowing and lending profit opportunities with the put-call parity of American options when dividends on the stock are not expected. Studying profit opportunities embedded in the put-call parity is intriguing because of their relative simplicity. The only assumptions necessary for the parity to hold are that option markets are frictionless and generate efficient prices of puts and calls around the underlying stock price. For this reason alone (parsimony of postulates) the put-call parity is a tempting vehicle for studying option market efficiency. In this work it is shown that both synthetic lending and borrowing parities (before and after transaction costs), on average and ex post, have negative expected profits (i.e. put-call parity implied rates are inferior to the observed riskless rate). When certain trading rules are established, however, empirical evidence of substantial profit opportunities with both lending and borrowing with the American parity (even after considering transaction costs) is observed. It is also shown that these opportunities are greater for some stocks than for others. The existence of these disparities might be an indication that the pricing mechanism of the respective options is not always in sync. The duration of disequilibrium between the options market and the stock market suggests that such occurrences are not just random bursts.  相似文献   

This paper considers a class of recently developed biased estimators of regression coefficients and studies its sampling properties when the disturbances are not normally distributed. It has been found that the conditions of dominance of these estimators over the least squares estimator, under non-normality, are quite different than their well-known dominance conditions under normality. Some implications of the results are also discussed.  相似文献   

北京申奥成功不仅令中国人欢欣鼓舞,而且让韩国企业界高兴.他们认为:中国申奥成功,将为近几年不景气的韩国经济打一针强心剂.  相似文献   

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