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The UK hospitality industry increasingly relies on part-time rather than full-time employees to provide more flexible and cost-effective operations with potential trade-offs for service quality. Part-time employees can be divided into two distinct groups – permanent and temporary – each with very different employment rationales. This study compares full-time and part-time employee perceptions of management practices across twelve Cardiff-based restaurants using a self-administered questionnaire. There were significant differences between full-time and part-time employees but no difference between temporary and permanent part-time employees who were equally dissatisfied with management practices, job attitudes and job behaviours. The qualitative data showed the two part-time employees' sub-groups had different needs. Despite this they were treated as a homogenous group by managers. Lack of management understanding of part-time staff impacts on how they are treated and ultimately on service quality and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

Exploiting a novel database recently built from national business registers by the OECD with the support of an international network of experts, this paper investigates the growth dynamics of micro-firms (employing less than ten workers) across 16 countries. Results show that only a small proportion of micro-firms manage to grow beyond ten employees, but those contribute disproportionately to overall job creation. Econometric analysis focusing in particular on the role of age confirms that young micro-firms—especially those below 3 years of age—are much more likely to grow above ten employees than older firms. These findings are remarkably stable over the three time periods considered (2001–2004, 2004–2007, and 2007–2010), i.e., also during the Great Recession.  相似文献   

This article examines trends in patterns of employment within contemporary retailing. It focuses upon five supermarkets in the Lancaster area. In each store the proportion of part-timers had increased during the 1980s and in four cases it stood at over 70 per cent in 1990. However, there were marked differences in the proportions of female full-time and part-time employees who were married. Management reported similar perceptions of the relative advantages and disadvantages of employing married women within their stores. These belief systems coexisted with radically divergent recruitment strategies by these managements. These variations were embedded within typical recruitment strategies in each of the firms examined.  相似文献   


The employment portfolio of Japanese retail businesses is composed of regular employees and part-time workers. Even though part-time workers are assigned to significant jobs, their wages tend to be lower than those of regular employees. However, the job satisfaction and motivation of part-time workers are not low. This article aims to consider why part-time workers have a positive attitude toward their jobs. Data were collected from part-time workers of retail businesses (n?=?1133). The specific focus is on two groups: part-time workers compared to regular employees and part-time workers compared to other part-time workers. Results showed that the group compared to part-time workers had more positive job attitude than others. From the point of view of social comparison, the job attitude of part-time workers may differ depending on the choice of who they compare themselves against. The implications of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

To date, entrepreneurship literature overlooks part-time entrepreneurs, i.e., those who devote time to entrepreneurial ventures and wage employment at the same time. In contrast, recent evidence from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, a large cross-national study on the level of entrepreneurial activity, establishes that 80% of nascent entrepreneurs also hold regular wage jobs. This paper offers a model of entrepreneurial entry under financial constraints where individuals choose between wage employment, part-time, and full-time entrepreneurship. Those who become nascent entrepreneurs must further decide how much capital to invest and what proportion of time to spend in business. I test this model using data from the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics, which covers start-ups and nascent entrepreneurs. My findings show that part-time entrepreneurs are not affected by financial constraints. The analysis suggests that industry barriers, risk aversion, and learning by doing might be other factors worth investigating.  相似文献   

The paper reports on the behaviour of young (less than three years old) micro-firms (less than ten employees) in Scotland, with an emphasis on life-cycle effects. Two main tests were carried out. The first took Gibrat's Law (that growth is independent of size) as the null hypothesis, and a life-cycle effects model as the alternative. The Gibrat's Law model was rejected in favour of the life-cycle model. Smaller micro-firms grow faster than larger micro-firms. Robust nonlinear variants of the life-cycle model were discussed and shown to display stable equilibrium characteristics which were consistent with the sample evidence. The second took a Classical simultaneous equations model as the null hypothesis, for which growth and profitability were mutually reinforcing. A Managerial model was set up as the alternative for which growth and profitability were in a trade-off relationship. The Classical model was rejected in favour of the Managerial. In the short-run, young micro-firms experience a trade-off between profitability and growth. The Managerial model was shown to imply a stable equilibrium, with characteristics consistent with sample evidence.Professor in Economics, and Director of the Centre for Research into Industry, Enterprise, Finance and the Firm (CRIEFF), University of St Andrews. An earlier version of this paper was read to the ESRC Urban and Regional Economics Study Group conference at Craigie College, University of Paisley, Ayr on 6 January 1994. Thanks are due to the participants for comments made, without in any way implicating them in errors of omission or commission that this article may yet contain.  相似文献   

While the majority of existing studies on the determinants of post-entry firm growth focus on the role of the founders or on the impact of firm-specific characteristics, possible effects of the characteristics of a start-up’s workforce have been widely neglected to date. In this paper we examine the role of initial worker and job characteristics (e.g., qualification, age, workload, marginal employment) of start-ups for their post‐entry employment growth. The analyses are based upon a capacious panel dataset comprising a representative 50 % sample of establishments in Germany. Our empirical results show that, inter alia, high-skilled and young workers are conducive to growth in terms of both the number of employees and full-time equivalents. With respect to flexible work forms, however, establishments using part-time employment show higher post‐entry growth only in terms of total hours worked, but a significantly lower growth with respect to the number of employees.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the current trend of hiring part-time employees for United States businesses. This common practice is one that does not consider the best interests of the employee. I argue that, at the present time, many people, especially those who are poor, have no other choice than to accept these part-time positions. As a result, the quality of life of these workers and their family members suffers. Companies typically employ part-time workers in an effort to increase profits. I argue that this practice will only increase short-term profits, and hiring a large staff of part-time workers will actually decrease long-term profitability. Consequently, this unethical practice is also an unprofitable one.Julia J. Bartkowiak is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Clarion University of Pennsylvania. Recently, she presented a paper on part-time employment at Humboldt University, participated in an NEH Seminar on Human Rights, and presented a paper in Zurich, Switzerland.  相似文献   

包含技术创新的江苏经济增长模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以研发经费、全社会固定资产投资额和从业人员分别为技术创新、资本和劳动力的衡量指标建立生产函数模型,实证研究发现:技术创新对江苏省经济增长的边际弹性是0.058643,贡献率均值为14.26%,均低于资本(或劳动力)对于江苏经济增长的边际弹性和贡献率值。江苏省需要加大技术创新力度,积极优化创业环境,加强对企业家的培养,逐步完善技术创新体制。  相似文献   

We estimate foreign wage premiums for every 3‐digit manufacturing industry in China and discover a wide range of premiums both for ‘foreign’ ownership and for overseas Chinese ownership. Foreign ownership generates larger and more prevalent wage premiums than overseas Chinese ownership, but both produce premiums that respond similarly in estimates of determinants. Using the number of computers per worker to measure firms' technology levels, we find evidence consistent with the hypothesis that foreign firms pay higher wages to reduce the risk of worker turnover and the accompanying technology leakage in 76 to 78 per cent of industries. However, this determinant explains only 5 to 6 per cent of the foreign wage premium. We find the most intensive support for the ‘fair wage’ hypothesis that foreign firms pay higher wages because they are more profitable than domestic firms and workers in more profitable firms expect to be paid more, otherwise they will shirk. This hypothesis explains an average of 8 to 9 per cent of the foreign wage premiums, with support found in 72 to 75 per cent of the industries. When we consider the best combination of explanatory variables to include in each industry's wage regression, we find evidence consistent with our combined hypotheses in most industries, but we still find large residual foreign wage premiums.  相似文献   

经济领域的全球体制趋同方兴未艾,英美模式金融系统占据主导地位,中国金融制度正面临着巨大的转型。本文通过一个简单的模型演绎了中国金融制度转型的逻辑,提出民营资本在市场自发形成的财团可能成为中国金融制度转型的最终创新主体,最后还通过简单的国际经验比较揭示了这一结论的合理性。  相似文献   

Employment patterns in food superstores have received much research attention in recent years. Employment in non-food superstores has, however, been inadequately researched. Anecdotal and visual evidence suggests that non-food superstores employ fewer staff, more males than females, and more full-time than part-time workers, in comparison with food superstores,. This article quantifies employment in DIY superstores as a basis for future research.  相似文献   

Few firms grow rapidly, but their contribution to employment growth is often impressive. The main purpose of this paper is to analyse both the external and internal factors that can affect the probability of being a high-growth firm (HGF) in Italy. We found that HGFs are, on average, young firms and are present in different industries, but the role of demand is important to understanding their performance at the sectoral level. Moreover, our findings show that financial constraints and profitability are not associated with the probability of being a HGF. HGFs, on average, are characterised by high productivity, but only when growth is measured in terms of sales. The most original results of this study concern the endogenous determinants of rapid growth, which have yet to be adequately examined in the literature. First, we found that the concentration of ownership is important for HGFs that experienced rapid growth in their sales. Second, the quality of human capital is a strong point for firms experiencing rapid employment growth.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between the presence of venture capital (VC) and the employee growth of startups. Grounded in signaling theory, it investigates the impact, if any, of VC financing events upon the growth of these companies and whether the amount of funding affects the intensity of the signal. It further explores whether VC leads to growth or, alternatively, whether growth signals the need for VC. Finally, it documents the relationship between growth in startup financial valuation and changes in the number of employees over successive rounds of financing.  相似文献   

The article disputes that low interest rates, a characteristic of the German Economy since the Great Recession, indicate a low marginal productivity of capital. It advocates the use of WACC (weighted average cost of capital) as a proxy of the marginal productivity of capital. Using proprietary data from Bloomberg, the article demonstrates that WACC did not fall to zero in Germany during recent years. On average, the marginal productivity of capital was around ten per cent, and it never fell below six per cent.  相似文献   

In recent years, the microfinance industry has received a substantial amount of cross-border funding from both public and private sources. This funding reflects the increasing interest in microfinance as part of a more general trend towards socially responsible investments. In order to be able to secure sustained interest from these investors, it is important that the microfinance industry can show evidence of its contribution to reducing poverty at the bottom of the pyramid. For this, it is crucial to understand under what conditions microfinance institutions (MFIs) are able to reduce poverty. This paper contributes to this discussion by investigating the relationship between the extent to which social capital formation is facilitated within different societies and the financial and social performance of MFIs. This focus on social capital formation is important, because in many cases MFIs use group loans with joint liability to incentivize asset-poor borrowers to substitute the lack of physical collateral by their social capital. Hence, the success of a large part of the loan relationship between MFIs and their borrowers depends on the social capital those borrowers can bring into the contract. We carry out a cross-country analysis on a dataset containing 100 countries and identify different social dimensions as proxies for how easy social capital can be developed in different countries. We hypothesize that microfinance is more successful, both in terms of their financial and social aims, in societies that are more conducive to the development of social capital. Our empirical results support our hypothesis.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurs in a number of retailing sectors have eschewed the creation of company-owned chains and have embraced franchising as a preferred method for growing their businesses. There have been two leading reasons proposed for this preference. First, that franchisees provide the financial capital necessary for expansion, and second that franchisees manage the outlets better than company employees would if the unit were company owned. Interestingly, although many entrepreneur/franchisors confirm the relevance of the capital acquisition argument in their decision-making, theoretical analysis has discounted its importance. Instead, researchers have focused on the incentives of employee store-managers to misrepresent their ability and their effort as the dominant impetus behind franchising. Misrepresentation by employees as to ability and effort imposes costs and inefficiencies on the entrepreneur's chain. Arguing that franchising solves these problems by having the stores managed by persons with claims to the profits, these researchers have, by and large, rejected the capital acquisition argument for franchising in favor of this incentive-based rationale.Within this view, multi-unit franchising presents a curious anomaly. Multi-unit franchising, either through the incremental expansion by the franchisee one unit at a time or through the rights to open multiple units contained in an area development agreement, creates a collection of mini-chains within the franchise system. These mini-chains are operated by employee store-managers. Of course, they are employees of the franchisee, but they are employees nonetheless, and as franchise researchers have traditionally argued regarding the entrepreneur's employees, they will have incentives to misrepresent their ability and effort. Moreover, multi-unit franchising is ubiquitous.If multi-unit franchising is at odds with the incentive rationale for franchising, and it has a positive association with the growth of franchise systems, it must be providing the entrepreneur with some other benefit. In this study, we argue that the benefit it provides is access to capital. Through a study of fast-food franchise systems, we demonstrate that the more a chain engages in multi-unit franchising (i.e., the greater the proportion of multi-unit franchisees it has), the faster it grows, even faster than franchise systems generally. Moreover, we show that the level of commitment franchisors feel toward continuing to franchise is negatively related to the average number of units per franchisee and negatively related to their ability to obtain financial capital elsewhere. In other words, although multi-unit franchising helps an entrepreneur grow his or her business by providing increased access to capital, store level incentive problems get increasingly troublesome as franchisees get more and more units. It would appear, therefore, that capital acquisition is a relevant reason for engaging in franchising after all.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of job‐related training and workplace voice. Using data from a unique 2016 cross‐national survey of Australian, British, Canadian and American employees, the paper contrasts two classic formulations in the literature; (1) the neoclassical/human capital approach which predicts that individual characteristics (such as age and education) which increase the efficiency of learning, will have the largest impact on the allocation of training (i.e. younger and more educated employees will be afforded training) and (2) the traditional institutional approach which favors the structural characteristics present at the industry and firm level, the nature of the job itself and the strategic choices of firms as the major predictors of job‐related training. We find that age – a key factor in the human capital model – plays a significant role in the allocation of training but that education (in keeping with recent evidence) does not. In sum the human capital model provides, at best, only a partial explanation for the differences in training observed across individuals. In contrast, variables invoked by the institutional literature (i.e. occupation level; industry; ownership type; and market structure) are highly significant and account for a much greater proportion of the variance in training observed across workers. Other institutional factors such as the presence of a union and a human resource department were strong positive predictors of job‐related training. But most important were product‐market strategy and employee voice. Respondents working in firms utilizing a ‘high road/high quality’ product/service strategy and with a workplace consultative committee were significantly more likely to receive training than similar workers employed in observably similar firms. This last finding supports the industrial relations view of voice as an important channel by which training is optimally delivered inside the firm.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to our understanding of the factors influencing South Asian entrepreneurial growth in Britain. It develops a multivariate model along the lines of small business economics but includes cultural and social variables. The theoretical model specified assumes that cultural factors have an augmenting effect on socio-economic factors. A distinction is also drawn between initial entrepreneurial characteristics and later expansion strategies used. The empirical model, based on the general-to-specific approach, can explain almost 60 per cent of entrepreneurial growth. The results suggest that moving away from a style of management based on immigrant culture has a positive impact on growth. This requires greater delegation of responsibilities to non-family employees. At the same time, strengthening links with the country of origin has a positive impact on growth. While the commitment to work hard at start-up is essential, human capital factors like the entrepreneur's educational attainment and employee training appear to be more crucial than financial resources in contributing to growth.  相似文献   

Short-term liquidity of very small private companies (VSPCs) is important to creditors as any cash shortages result in opportunity costs due to delayed payments. We use a publicly available liquidity indicator for 19,627 Slovenian VSPCs as a special, but generalizable case of “credit record” data and financial ratios to predict possible cash shortages. Indicator is predicted and used in lagged form(s) as a predictive variable with/without financial ratios, allowing comparisons. Models, including financial ratios, are less efficient than models based on lagged liquidity indicator alone. Surprisingly, combined models perform only marginally better. Despite high overall accuracy, misclassification of companies experiencing cash shortages is high.  相似文献   

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