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饭店特许经营(Hotel Franchise)是近年来在世界上发展很快的一种饭店连锁经营形式。它实质上是特许经营公司与饭店经营者之间的一种租借关系。笔者认为对我国沿海发达地区和主要旅游城市来说,今后如要加入连锁经营,应根据自身情况,考虑是否可以采用特许经营的形式,而不必一窝蜂地聘请外国管理公司管理,以避免更多的旅游外汇的不必要的流失。因此,笔者特  相似文献   

特许经营与管理合同是现代酒店业在全球实现快速扩张的重要战略选择.文章通过对我国内地跨国酒店集团高级管理人员的调查,运用Probit建模方法,研究发现,国家政治风险和经济风险越大酒店经营规模越大,相对于特许经营而言,酒店国际化扩张中采用管理合同的几率越小;区域法律风险越大、教育水平越高、国际经营经验越丰富酒店企业的空间分布越分散,相对于特许经营而言,酒店国际化扩张中采用管理合同的几率越大.研究结论对我国旅游酒店集团的国际化扩张具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

一、我国饭店现有管理制度的基本状况 我国饭店现有管理制度基本上包括三个方面的内容:一是经营管理制度。它是指为完成饭店的经营目标,为有效地实现销售、质量、效益等方面管理而制定的一系列具体的规章制度。二是内部管理制度。它是指为保障业务经营活动,协调内部关系,控制工作进展,加强领导而制定的一系列规章制度。三是党工青妇工作制度。它是指党委、工会、青年团、妇联等组织在日常工作  相似文献   

森林公园旅游经营之转型:特许与政府规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为生态旅游的主要载体,我国森林公园旅游资源的建设与开发在进入快速发展期的同时,在经营模式上也面临由传统"国有国营"的单一模式向公私合营的多元模式转型。特许经营是实现这一转型的必然途径。文章在分析现行法律规范的基础上,认为森林公园特许经营面临制度层面的规范不足,并对特许经营制度的具体建构以及后特许时期的政府规制作了探讨。  相似文献   

一、实行星评制度的意义 1.有利于加强宏观调控,规范市场运行。我国旅游涉外饭店星级评定制度的建立,规范了行业标准,方便了宏观管理与监督。通过评定星级,行业主管部门能够准确掌握饭店的服务质量、管理水平、客源状况、经营情况、地区分布等有关信息,为行业主管部门宏观调控市场、实施计划和管理提供了第一手材料。同时,评定饭店的级别,对饭店业来说也是一种促销手段。饭店的星级等于是向市场发出的信  相似文献   

我国饭店业整体绩效水平较差,本文从产权结构和市场结构的双重视角对我国饭店业进行了深入分析,提出我国饭店业是国有饭店主导的竞争性行业,国有饭店主导和竞争性行业的不相容性必然造成我国饭店业整体绩效水平差,因此改善我国饭店业状况的首要问题是产权改革,实施国有化饭店退出,而不是规模化、集团化经营问题.  相似文献   

旅行社资质等级管理与饭店星级管理的差异分析□蔡家成制定和实行《旅行社资质等级划分与评定》标准(以下简称资质等级管理)对我国的旅行社企业经营和行业管理,都将起很大的促进作用。建立和实施这一制度,有许多需要研究和探讨的问题。笔者现就旅行社资质等级管理与饭...  相似文献   

近年来,我国旅游事业飞速发展,一些大型现代化饭店相继建立。宴会是饭店经营的重要项目,如何搞好它的管理,已成为饭店管理工作中越来越引起人们重视的问题。 一、宴会部的经营特点及其在饭店中的作用 随着旅游业的发展,宴会部在饭店经营管理中越来越占有重要的地位。国际上一些旅游业发达的国家和地区对大型饭店的宴会管理是相当重视的。他们在饭店设置宴会部,从餐饮部脱离出来,形成独立的部门。目前,国内的长城饭店等大型饭店也采用  相似文献   

陈方英 《旅游学刊》2007,22(12):71-79
提高员工敬业度是企业实现高效人力资源管理的关键。本文基于委托—代理理论,提出建立有效的激励约束机制以提升员工敬业度;并针对饭店基层员工设计了薪酬、工作本身、职业发展3个激励因素和管理制度、人员督导、现代化设备使用3个约束因素进行实证研究。结果表明:(1)饭店目前的薪酬体系缺乏激励效应,管理者应构建富有激励导向的科学合理的薪酬管理体系来提高员工敬业度;(2)目前饭店管理制度没有很好发挥提高员工敬业度的作用,管理者在完善管理制度的同时,应该建立与管理环境相适宜的具有中国特色的企业文化来保证制度有效性的发挥,做到刚性管理与柔性管理的完美融合;(3)人员督导能有效提高员工的敬业度,受到代理人的欢迎,这与一般企业所说的代理人厌恶委托人的监督,导致敬业度降低不符合,体现了饭店委托—代理关系的特殊性。  相似文献   

自1978年大力发展旅游业以来,我国建造了几百家新饭店,但是真正达到饭店内部建筑结构与饭店的经营功能相一致的,也许并不很多。饭店做为一家有着自身特殊要求的企业,其建筑也就不同于一般的商业大厦或办公大楼。它要求从经营的角度去设计、规划饭店,把建筑规划的因素看做是饭店经营的一个重要方面,使饭店内部、外部的建筑结构与饭店经营运转的要求有机地结合在一起,从而达到降低成本,提高经营效率的目的。  相似文献   

The hotel industry in China faces global competition. Most of the state-owned hotels have struggled during the period of transition from a planned economy to a market economy. Furthermore, international franchising hotel chains have entered China with their different operation modes. Could the franchising hotels bring opportunities for state-owned hotels? In an attempt to answer this question, the researchers carried out a study of state-owned independent hotels and state-owned franchised hotels to analyze their external and internal business factors, their intentions to join international franchise operations and the international hotel franchisors in China. The research technique used was qualitative. Two rounds of in-depth interviews were conducted. Content analysis was used in the data analysis. Results indicate that the majority of state-owned independent hotels have intentions to join an international franchise operation in the next 5 years. It also identified major factors affecting the franchising of state-owned hotels in China. However, franchising may not be attractive to those hotels that want to keep their management culture and characteristics. Implications of the study were discussed. Recommendations were provided to the state-owned hotels. Future research studies have been suggested to examine the relationships between franchisors and franchisees.  相似文献   

This study employed a value engineering approach to identify and evaluate the factors integral to the efficiency of operation and management of the budget hotel sector in China. A combination of qualitative panel judgments and quantitative statistics was applied in the analysis of a Chinese budget brand which is publicly listed in the USA. Findings reveal that out of the six categories of costs identified, the two items of standard room cost and energy & maintenance achieved the ideal value, while lease rental and human resources are overvalued, with franchise fee and refurbishment cost being undervalued. The implication for hotel investors as well as operators is that for the budget sector to fully realize its potential, a delicate balance needs to be obtained so that resources can be more evenly distributed and customer experiences enriched.  相似文献   

The hospitality industry is naturally highly sensitive to subtle changes in the external environment, and its performance is affected by various external factors. Therefore, hoteliers should carefully monitor the various macroeconomic indicators affecting the market, when making important strategic management decisions. In particular, hotels’ pricing decisions are important because they play a crucial role in the determination of hotel revenue and in the process of profit maximization. In this paper we classify hotels by business model (i.e., chain management, franchise and independent) and analyze how these different types of hotels in Switzerland adapt their pricing strategies to macroeconomic factors (i.e., exchange rate, room supply and market demand). We find that hotels adopting different business models react differently to the same macro shock. Implications of our findings and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Franchising is a strategic partnership formed by the franchisor and the franchisee, and consequently partner selection between the franchisor and the franchisee is critical to the long-term success of a franchise. However, the literature has primarily taken the viewpoint of franchisors, but failed to explore the perspective of the potential franchisees. As China represents a significant growth opportunity for international hotel franchisors, this study examines the perspective of China's domestic hotel operators regarding franchising and analyzes a mix of factors that may affect such perspective. The study of 182 Chinese hotel general managers shows that China's hotel practitioners have considerable interest in franchising and are knowledgeable about the concept as it pertains to hotels. The findings indicate that the length of work experience and educational background of Chinese hotel operators may influence their franchising preferences. Hotel chains that have strong brand awareness, supportive centralized reservation systems, and offer relatively high returns on investment at relatively low franchise fees, are most attractive to potential Chinese franchisees.  相似文献   

This paper contends that when entry mode choices are aligned with the characteristics of the host country, investors are likely to respond more positively to the expansion announcement than when there is no or little alignment. Empirical results from the international hotel industry support this contention. The findings specifically reveal that the announcements of new management contracts in developing countries, and new franchise agreements in developed countries, cause superior abnormal returns. The study also further supports the notion that control and ownership need to be treated as separate dimensions in the entry mode literature.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationships between top management factors, franchisor market orientation, competitive strategy, and business performance within the context of Korean franchisor companies. 156 food-service franchise firms provide the basis for this empirical investigation. Findings show that top management factors such as management emphasis and risk aversion can lead to market orientation. Franchisor market orientation was found to lead differentiation and cost strategies, which, in turn, increase financial and non-financial business performance. Also, market orientation directly increases financial and non-financial business performance. The context of the franchise industry differs from other industries, and this paper discusses the implications of these findings for researchers and managers in the franchise industry.  相似文献   

The paper identifies and evaluates the antecedents, contextual factors and inter-organisational processes that influence knowledge transfer in international hotel master franchise agreements and how these evolve from the perspective of both franchisors and franchisees. A single, purposively selected in-depth qualitative case study reveals the specific factors relevant to knowledge transfer at different stages of the franchise agreement. Drawing on the alliance literature, the impact of four partner-specific variables on inter-organisational design processes used to transfer knowledge and on three antecedents to knowledge transfer; shared identity, absorptive capacity and casual ambiguity is identified. The study contributes to our understanding of the dynamics and evolution of knowledge transfer in master franchise agreements by highlighting the relative importance of partner-specific variables and relational management to knowledge transfer evolution and the relative importance of shared identity as an antecedent to knowledge transfer in these agreements  相似文献   

By analyzing longitudinal data of more than 51,000 hotels operating in the United States during the previous economic cycle, it is possible to draw conclusions regarding the performance of branded hotels compared to independent operations under various economic conditions. The results of the study indicate that while branded properties experience significantly higher occupancy rate during the different phases of the economic cycle, independent hotels experience significantly higher average daily rate (ADR) and rooms revenues per available room (RevPAR) during the same time period. While branded hotels are faced with various payments attributable to the brand, such as royalty payments and other franchise fees, those fees do not have a deleterious effect on net operating income (NOI) compared to NOI for independent hotels, suggesting that independent hotels are unable to bring their ADR and RevPAR premiums to the bottom line despite their savings in franchise expenses. Instead, the results indicate similar NOI for branded hotels and independent hotels during economic expansion, but significantly higher NOI for branded hotels during economic recession. The results of this study suggest that the intangible asset value of hotel brands may not be a static construct, but may vary by time. Sources of such intangible value of brands may include shared resources, guest loyalty programs, and yield management systems. These results contribute insight into the complex hotel owner decision of choosing between a brand affiliation and independent operation.  相似文献   

This exploratory study reviews the overall impacts of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on China’s hotel industry. A COVID-19 management framework is proposed to address the anti-pandemic phases, principles, and strategies. This study also suggests that COVID-19 will significantly and permanently affect four major aspects of China’s hotel industry—multi-business and multi-channels, product design and investment preference, digital and intelligent transformation, and market reshuffle.  相似文献   

In the current study, we contend that to enhance their competitiveness and performance, hotel properties need to develop and implement internal policies and procedures such as strategic management accounting that are consistent with their business strategies and account for changing competitive demands. We employ a sample composed of 80 hotel properties to investigate the key precursor of hotel property strategic management accounting use and its impact on hotel property customer and financial performance. The results highlight that market orientation business strategy is a key determinant of hotel property strategic management accounting use and illuminate the mediating influence of hotel property strategic management accounting use and hotel property customer performance on the relationship between hotel property market orientation business strategy use and hotel property financial performance. Recommendations are provided for both researchers and hotel managers concerning their future study of, or use of, strategic management accounting.  相似文献   

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