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The concept of cloud manufacturing is emerging as a new promising manufacturing paradigm, as well as a business model, which is reshaping the service-oriented, highly collaborative, knowledge-intensive and eco-efficient manufacturing industry. However, the basic concepts about cloud manufacturing are still in discussion. Both academia and industry will need to have a commonly accepted definition of cloud manufacturing, as well as further guidance and recommendations on how to develop and implement cloud manufacturing. In this paper, we review some of the research work and clarify some fundamental terminologies in this field. Further, we developed a cloud manufacturing systems which may serve as an application example. From a systematic and practical perspective, the key requirements of cloud manufacturing platforms are investigated, and then we propose a cloud manufacturing platform prototype, MfgCloud. Finally, a public cloud manufacturing system for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME) is presented. This paper presents a new perspective for cloud manufacturing, as well as a cloud-to-ground solution. The integrated solution proposed in this paper, including the terminology, MfgCloud, and applications, can push forward this new paradigm from concept to practice.  相似文献   

刘开 《价值工程》2014,(27):51-53
基于云理念,文章提出了大型船企内部资源整合思路。文章首先分析了大型船企内部资源的典型特征,继而提出船企内部制造云与内部需求云的概念。通过构建云企业,促使最佳的服务资源与最契合的服务需求相结合,从而达到从整体上提升企业竞争力的目的。  相似文献   

基于平衡计分卡的基本思想,在云制造环境下对平衡计分卡的四个视角进行改进,分别从参与者视角,内部流程视角,顾客视角和财务视角四个方面提出云制造服务价值网络的价值主张,构建云制造服务价值网络的战略地图。鉴于四个视角之间的因果关系,运用风险管理方法分析财务视角下的两个战略目标,即网络收益最大化和优化参与者收益可能存在的风险,其中重点分析网络参与者整合不足存在的风险和制造商潜在的风险,提出应对措施。  相似文献   

刘春英 《价值工程》2013,(20):212-215
随着我国信息化进程的推进和云计算技术的广泛应用,建设农产品产销信息服务平台可以整合农业信息资源,推动农产品交易。本文主要介绍了农产品产销信息服务平台设计的基本架构、所采用的关键技术以及主要功能模块,并对平台的运行服务模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

刘庆麟 《价值工程》2013,(28):245-247
本文对云计算的含义及特征进行了梳理,在此基础上,对云计算环境下属地高校数字图书馆智库服务的特点进行了分析,并尝试构建了一个基于云计算环境下的区域高校数字图书馆智库服务平台及体系。  相似文献   

把云服务理念引入物流行业,给出了一种面向物流的服务云构建策略。提出了云端层、物流服务企业层及用户层三层架构的物流云服务模式。给出了云服务的三层架构框图;对云端层的物流云服务业务结构、软硬件设计思想及个性化服务定制策略进行了阐述;对物流企业及用户的云服务应用模式进行了描述。最后,通过构建一个小型的云服务实例,对物流云服务模式进行应用验证。  相似文献   

郭芬  李静锴  张安定 《价值工程》2015,(19):247-249
本科实验教学课程是本科教学的重要组成部分,传统实验教学中心的模式已不能适应计算机软件专业的发展和需求。本文针对传统实验教学平台存在的问题,充分利用桌面云技术的优势,构建基于桌面云的实验教学平台。该平台面向实验教学过程的各个环节,涉及到实验室的管理、学生上机实验的考勤和管理、实验教学镜像的制作、服务器集群的监控等过程。学生可通过本文构建的桌面云实验教学平台按需自助的通过云终端获取实验资源,从而最大化满足学生对学习资源的需求。同时该平台有利于教师教学资源及教学成果的共享,从而提高实验教学的质量,促进学院学科建设的发展。  相似文献   

结合云计算技术的优势,提出了一种基于云计算模式的物流公共信息平台设计思路,从物流公共信息平台的基本需求分析人手,提出了平台设计的基本定位,并结合云计算模式,对物流公共信息平台各项系统功能和子系统模块进行了分析和设计,为系统开发与应用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

In order to address the resource service optimal-selection (RSOS) and composition problem in manufacturing grid (MGrid) system and provide high-quality service to users, an MGrid RSOS and composition framework (MGrid-RSOSCF) is investigated in this study. The process of RSOS and composition is divided into the following five steps in MGrid-RSOSCF: (1) decomposing the submitted manufacturing task into several subtasks (i.e. single resource service requested task) if the submitted task is a multiple resource service requested task; (2) searching out the qualified resource service for each decomposed subtask and generating the corresponding candidate resource service set; (3) retrieving, evaluating and comparing the quality of service (QoS) for each candidate resource service, and provide data for service optimal-selection and composition –if the submitted task is a single resource service requested task; (4) evaluating synthetically the overall quality of each candidate resource service and ranking them, and selecting the optimal one for the task – if the submitted manufacturing task is an multiple resource service requested task; (5) selecting one candidate resource service from each candidate resource service set and constructing a new composite resource service according to the submitted task requirements, and collecting all the possible resource service composite execution paths (RSCEP) and selecting the optimal paths to execute the task. The proposed MGrid-RSOSCF consists of five layers and each layer provides the corresponding necessary services and algorithms to address one problem mentioned above. The five layers are: (1) T-layer, responsible for MGrid task decomposition; (2) S-layer, responsible for resource service match and search; (3) Q-layer, responsible for QoS processing; (4) O-layer, responsible for evaluating and ranking the candidate resource service and (5) C-layer is responsible for resource service composition and optimal-selection. The case study and comparison of performances of the algorithms demonstrate that the proposed methods are sound on success rate and executing efficiency.  相似文献   

包锋 《价值工程》2014,(13):204-205
软件工程专业是一个强调实训的专业,一定要把实训作为一个重点,所以搭建一个实训平台很重要。一个实训平台的搭建能够帮助学生从理论走向实践,系统可以自动地完成学生提交的任务,老师可以查看学生的任务,把很多的资源进行整合。本文主要从云计算的角度上分析实践平台的搭建,从而对系统进行构建和研究。  相似文献   

李姝宁 《价值工程》2012,31(35):207-208
为了进一步研究了物流公共信息平台在云计算之下工作的具体特征,本文以云计算技术架构的整体作为起点进行分析,从而构建了物流公共信息平台的云架构并详述了其工作原理,最后通过前文分析展望了物流公共信息平台未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

With the development of application services providers and cloud computing, more and more small- and medium-sized business enterprises use software services and even infrastructure services provided by professional information service companies to replace all or part of their information systems (ISs). These information service companies provide applications, such as data storage, computing processes, document sharing and even management information system services as public resources to support the business process management of their customers. However, no cloud computing service vendor can satisfy the full functional IS requirements of an enterprise. As a result, enterprises often have to simultaneously use systems distributed in different clouds and their intra enterprise ISs. Thus, this article presents a framework to integrate applications deployed in public clouds and intra ISs. A run-time platform is developed and a cross-computing environment process modelling technique is also developed to improve the feasibility of ISs under hybrid cloud computing environments.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍云计算技术在云基础设施、SaaS、云存储等方面提升了图书馆建设与服务能力,分析了云计算技术在图书馆资源建设与服务中的应用,并探讨了云计算环境下的全面的用户交互、准确的智能性资源检索、一体化的综合信息等图书馆服务模式的创新。  相似文献   

为提高物流园区的工作效率和服务水平,引入了以云计算为基础的云物流。文中介绍了云计算及云物流的概念,根据物流园区作业流程,构建了一种基于云服务的物流园区服务系统模型,并在此基础上给出了云物流服务平台的技术构架,最后以案例分析说明了云物流的构建和应用。  相似文献   

文中在明晰云计算概念的基础上,针对福建省交通物流云计算平台的建设展开研究,分析平台建设对于政企双方的优势,并对福建省物流云计算发展趋势展开描述,对于福建省发展云计算公共服务,促进信息社会化建设有积极作用。  相似文献   

The number of manufacturing services for cross-enterprise business collaborations is increasing rapidly because of the explosive growth of Web service technologies. This trend demands intelligent and robust models to address information overload in order to enable efficient discovery of manufacturing services. In this paper, we present a personalised manufacturing service recommendation approach, which combines a PageRank-based reputation model and a collaborative filtering technique in a unified framework for recommending the right manufacturing services to an active service user for supply chain deployment. The novel aspect of this research is adapting the PageRank algorithm to a network of service-oriented multi-echelon supply chain in order to determine both user reputation and service reputation. In addition, it explores the use of these methods in alleviating data sparsity and cold start problems that hinder traditional collaborative filtering techniques. A case study is conducted to validate the practicality and effectiveness of the proposed approach in recommending the right manufacturing services to active service users.  相似文献   

指出利用云计算与物联网技术建立一个反应迅速、智能灵活、安全可靠的体育物流运营平台对体育物流行业的快速发展具有非常重要的意义,并设计出一种基于云计算与物联网的可扩展性、易于维护的体育物流运营平台,论述了平台的特点、优势、设计原则以及平台架构、功能设计的相关内容.  相似文献   

李铁蕾 《价值工程》2012,31(33):217-218
随着电子政务的不断发展,电子政务信息化建设中遇到诸多问题:重复建设、信息孤岛、规范化的不足、运行维护费用过高等,以云模式进行电子政务信息化建设和改造可以摆脱这些发展中的制约,实现云计算模式的系统架构和平台建设,从系统建设的物理层面、数据层面和应用层面逐步实现数据共享、资源共享和电子政务的规范化。  相似文献   

近年来,"云计算"技术、系统和商业模式不断涌现,使"云计算"成为时下工业界和学术研究领域最热门的话题之一。"云计算"其实是一种服务或者业务模式,具有广阔的市场潜力和战略价值。文章介绍了"云计算"的概念、起源、发展、分类及市场状况。  相似文献   


In cloud manufacturing (CMfg), unexpected uncertainties can occur in real-world manufacturing processes that could make the predetermined schedule infeasible. A new multi-objective proactive method is proposed in this situation to evaluate the proactive schedule. A novel two-stage extended genetic algorithm (2S-EGA) is proposed to generate proactive schedules that consider service interruptions. The experimental results confirmed that the obtained proactive schedule produces great performance when applied to multi-task scheduling problems with service interruptions. Furthermore, the results also showed that the proactive schedule obtained by the proposed approach is more robust and stable than other baseline algorithms taken from the literature.  相似文献   

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