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本文讨论了当投保个体和保险公司为指数风险偏好时,在保费约束下投保个体的最优保险策略问题。本文采用求解对偶优化问题的方法求解这个问题,并给出当损失服从指数分布时最优保险策略解的解析式。本文最后讨论了投保个体和保险公司风险厌恶程度以及保费预算变化对个体最优保险策略的影响。  相似文献   

物流经营人的法律责任及风险防范   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
物流业作为一新兴产业正在突飞猛进的发展,因此探讨物流经营人的法律责任及风险防范就十分必要。物流经营人作为物流供应链的组织者,其与客户、分包方及与信息技术服务商之间的法律责任除依据法律规定外,合同是划分双方责任的重要依据。而如何防范物流经营人面临的巨大法律责任,笔者从企业管理、合同管理、分包方管理、保险等四个方面进行了探讨,希望能对大家有所启示。  相似文献   

在详细分析新《保险法》对保险需求者的合法权益保障条款,及其对保险人特别是分支机构、保险中介人的经营行为模式提出的新挑战基础上,提出了认真学习并遵从新法相关要求,改革投保单和投保询问流程、建立健全存量保单定期轮动审核机制、加强对代理人展业行为控制等对策建议,以加强操作风险管理,增强合规经营意识,降低各类风险的发生概率。  相似文献   

Today’s marketplace is characterized by intense competitive pressures as well as high levels of turbulence and uncertainty. Organizations require agility in their supply chains to provide superior value as well as to manage disruption risks and ensure uninterrupted service to customers. Thus the cultivation of agility is approached as a risk management initiative that enables a firm to respond rapidly to marketplace changes, as well as anticipated and actual disruptions in the supply chain. Agility is of value for both risk mitigation and response.  相似文献   

风险评价是风险管理的重要内容之一,也是完善管理体制和降低生产事故的有效手段。文章分别探讨了企业的风险分析、风险评价体系的建立以及实施的方法与其作用等问题,这对于风险管理的实施具有重要的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

Business service firms,service space and the management of change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth of business service firms represents the latest stage in a continuing twentieth century process of technological and organizational restructuring of production and labour skills. It is associated with the rising information intensiveness of production and the development of an economy of signs. Business service activities located in service spaces drive innóva.tions both in production technology and in management systems. The co-presence of business service firms with their clients as well as other business service firms shapes the possibilities of trust between them. A detailed case study of the way in which large client firms utilize the services of independent business service companies is provided. This is followed by an examination of the relationship between small firms and business service expertise. A dual information economy may be developing in which large firms are able to search for specialist business service expertise irrespective of its location, while SMEs are tied into local providers of more generalist expertise.  相似文献   

兰君 《企业技术开发》2011,(13):168-169
文章指出提高风险管理水平,重视项目决策的研究,对完善建筑市场、提高施工企业的综合实力有着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

工程项目招投标及风险管理探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍了工程项目招投标的概念、国际工程项目招投标的一般程序和国际工程项目承包方式、类型和内容,针对特殊工程项目面临的风险,主要从招投标方面探讨了风险识别、估计、规划、控制等问题。  相似文献   

企业清洁经营风险吸收与柔性能力关联性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林萍  李昆 《价值工程》2012,31(3):1-3
本文把清洁生产运用于企业管理中,研究清洁生产环节启动点选择、清洁生产深入度变量(相对应的风险)与企业柔性能力变量之间的作用结构关系,以达到企业动态竞争力最大,将原先以企业社会责任(CSR)出发的清洁生产转化为以动态竞争力为驱动的清洁生产,从而促使企业自发地采取企业清洁经营的管理模式。最后,本文介绍了陶氏公司清洁经营管理。  相似文献   

建设工程项目风险管理与保险   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王清波 《价值工程》2010,29(4):163-163
在我国的许多项目中,由于没有风险意识而造成的损失是巨大的,同样,风险和盈利是同时存在的,通常风险大的工程项目才有较高的盈利,降低风险的目的就是减少不必要的成本开支,以实现目标利润,创造良好的经济效益。这样,风险管理就成为项目管理的重点之一。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of output volatility shocks on the dynamics of consumption, trade flows and the real exchange rate, in a two-country, two-good world with consumption home bias, recursive preferences, and complete financial markets. When the risk aversion coefficient exceeds the inverse of the intertemporal substitution elasticity, then an exogenous rise in a country׳s output volatility triggers a wealth transfer to that country, to compensate for the greater riskiness of the country׳s output stream. This risk sharing transfer raises the country׳s consumption, lowers its trade balance and appreciates its real exchange rate. In the recursive preferences framework here, volatility shocks account for a non-negligible share of the fluctuations of net exports, net foreign assets and the real exchange rate. These shocks help to explain the high empirical volatility of the real exchange rate and the disconnect between relative consumption and the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

This article projects business risk through deferent industrial scenarios in concentrated solar investments in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Nationwide, the government seeks a sustainable solution through energy policy development and engagement of the stakeholders for clean energy generation at wider level in the long run. Support has been extended through various support schemes. In the current study, Monte Carlo simulations and net present value (NPV) risk are used to analyse the return on investment. A 5 MW concave solar panel project is evaluated. We have assessed the impact of local factors on profits through NPV. The study proposes that a higher NPV is expected if the concave solar panel project is financed 50% by Khalifa funding. The study also proposes a robust policy and highlights the opportunity of business profitability if the government subsidises land leasing with respect to each scenario. Additionally, the study also proposes a policy to maintain the interests of investors in the UAE.  相似文献   

项目的施工合同管理是一项复杂的系统工程,它的成败不仅在于项目的内部管理,而且很大程度上受制于外部条件的影响,文章主要针对外部条件对施工项目合同管理带来的一些困惑,做一些分析判断,并提出一些意见与对策。  相似文献   

苏瑞红 《企业技术开发》2009,28(7):107-108,113
随着市场经济的发展,企业在扩大销售的同时,形成了一定的应收帐款,进而增加了企业的经营风险。文章针对应收帐款风险产生的主要原因,进而提出了防范和控制应收帐款风险的几点策略。  相似文献   

彭励 《价值工程》2012,31(8):95-96
"道之以德,齐之以礼"是孔子管理思想的经典名言。孔子主张"德治",强调通过道德的教化来提高人们的道德自律性;同时,还主张必须要用"礼"的规范来约束人们的行为。文章对这一理论进行了剖析,并对其在当代企业管理中的运用进行了探讨,强调了企业"德"与"礼"建设的重要性。  相似文献   

基于企业筹资行为的税务筹划风险问题与应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
筹资行为是企业进行一系列经营活动的先决条件,也是财务管理活动的重要内容之一。财务管理的对象是现金(或资金)的循环和周转,而税收支出正是企业现金流出的构成部分。文中分析了企业筹资行为税务策划风险的重要性,分析了其面临的主要税务策划风险,提出了控制的措施。  相似文献   

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